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BM 2002-06-20 KCB Keep Coppell Beautiful
Minutes of June 20, 2002
The Keep Coppell Beautiful Committee met on June 20, 2002 at 7pm in the Second Floor
Conference Room at Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following
members were present; Thomas Guidry, Jr, Chairperson, Julia Petty, Co-Chairperson, Judi Smith,
Becky Moore, and Pat Lambert and Hilda Salazar, City of Coppell, substitute liaison. Not
Present: Amanda Vanhoozier, City of Coppell, liasion
Item 1:
Item 2:
Item 3:
Item 4:
Item 5:
Item 6:
Item 7:
Item 8:
Item 9:
Item 10:
Item 11:
Call to Order - Thomas Guidry called the meeting to order at 7:04pm.
Approval of Minutes from April 18, 2002-Approved
Citizen's Forum - No citizens were present.
Discussion and approval of meeting cancellation on July 18, 2002.
Guidry moved to cancel July 18th meeting, Smith seconded, approved.
Discussion on increasing applicants for the KCB committee-The
committee discussed recommending to city council to increase the number
of members. The members will take applications to do personal
recruitment of applicants from friends and neighbors. Guidry was willing
to present information about the committee to increase interest.
Discussion of 'Did you Know' for City Desk- Judi discussed that the
July water bill insert was submitted to give the public information about
the Master Composters Compost Workshops every Saturday 9 to 10am at
the Helping Hands Garden.
Discussion and Action on Fourth of July Parade entry- Julia made a
motion not to participate in the parade and Becky seconded. The
committee approved not to participate in the parade.
Overview of John Klaiber's presentation on Yardtrimming Recycling
and PAYT Reduction - Thomas informed the committee about the
presentation made last month. He highlighted the city of Ft. Worth's three
volume PAYT options. There was also discussion about the city
commitments to hold residents to the container limit and not ask WM to
return for trash left at curbside. The committee discussed what would be
expected of the residents, the city, and WM for the yard trimmings
Report and evaluation of Clean Coppell - Earthfest Overall increase in
participation, donations, and amount of trash. Suggestions for next year:
shorten the time, invite EPA to participate, preregistration worked well, and
families could pick up litter prior to event and register bags.
Results of survey report and action on Beautification project, Liberty
Garden- Thomas reported that 108 for and 1 against in survey. Most
wanted a medium to large garden and not a trail. The committee discussed
the challenge to funding the garden and also an endowment fund for
maintenance. Julia made a motion to abandon the prospect of a Liberty
Garden, Pat seconded, (4-1) approved.
Discussion on KCB logo- Julia proposed to have a tree and river with
Keep Coppell Beautiful. The idea would be given to Gary Klingemann.
Item 12:
Business to be placed on next meeting's agenda- Texas Recycles Day,
New recruits for KCB, Logo Ideas, Committee organization.
Next meeting: August 15, 2002, 7pm, Second Floor Conf. Room, Town Center.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Amanda Vanhoozier, Keep Coppell Beautiful, Liaison