RE 2002-10-22.1 RESOLUTION NO.~.~0~~/'6~,o / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS FOR CULTURAL RESOURCES INVESTIGATION FOR SANDY LAKE ROAD PROJECT 91-830, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County, Texas for cultural resources investigation for Sandy Lake Road Project 91- 830, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". SECTION 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately from and after its passage, as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED and approved by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on this the ZZ ~'~ day of ff~z~d_-,-.t_)~ , 2002. APPROVED: CAND~/-~HEEI-~, MXYb~. ATTEST: LIBBY I~J[LL, CITY SECRETARY v?m: ROBERT '~" h~REG2H/cR,d~ ' ~/~16/0A2~TORNEY 51405 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN DALLAS COUNTY AND CITY OF COPPELL "fOR CVLrU. RAL RESOWCES gESrlGAr!° SANDY LAKE ROAD PROJECT 91-830 WHERE AS, the City of Coppell, Texas, hereinafter called "City", and the County of Dallas, Texas, hereinafter called "County", desire to enter into an interlocal agreement for the purpose of determining if a previously designated prehistoric archaeological site, 41DL12, extends into the area of the proposed construction project on Sandy Lake Road, as further described by Exhibit "A"; and, WHEREAS, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, provides authorization for local governments to enter into interlocal contracts; NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT is hereby made and entered into by City and County for the mutual consideration stated herein: WITNESSETH City has requested and County agrees to participate financially in a Cultural Resources Investigation for the Sandy Lake Road Project 91'-830 fi:om Kimbel Kourt to the east City Limits adjacent to the Elm Fork of the Trinity River, hereinafter called the "Investigation", as further described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. The investigation has been determined to be a vital part of project development and delivery and is normally funded by the agency managing the design. II, City agrees to provide for Cultural Resources Investigation SerVices (the Investigation") needed for the Sandy Lake Road Project 91-830. All services will be acquired in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, including, but not limited to the Professional Services Act III. County agrees to participate in the Investigation in an amount not to exceed Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00), hereinafter called the "Not to Exceed Amount" as fair compensation for County's participation in said Investigation. County agrees to pay to City up to the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) as County's total cost of the Investigation within thirty days of receipt of invoice and documentation Showing the award SANDY.LAKE ROAD ~ROJECT 91-830 IL1 1 to the successful vendor by the City Council and such other documentation as may be required by the County Auditor. All County and City funds will be paid from currently available revenues. City agrees to pay all cost of the Cultural Resource Investigation in excess of County contribution. City further agrees, at its cost, to do all work necessary to comply with all state · and federal requirements necessary to utilize .the Investigation and COmpliance or remedial actions as may be necessary to Use such fight of way for ro~idway purposesl ' '." -' .: Ve City agrees, at no additional cost, to provide County with a duplicate copy of all deliverables from said Investigation. VI* The term °fthis agreement shall be 15om the date of the last signature approving the agreement until the completion of the Investigation, receipt of all deliverables and final payment as provided herein. VII. This Agreement shall be expressly subject to the sovereign immunity of County and the governmental immunity of City, Title 5 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, as amended, and all applicable federal and state law. This Agreement shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws and case decisions of the State of Texas. Exclusive venue for any legal action regarding this Agreement filed by either City or County shall be in Dallas County, Texas. VIII. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, including all Exhibits, and Addendum, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes any other agreement concerning the subject matter of this transaction, whether oral or written. No modification, amendment, novation, renewal or other alteration of this agreement shall be effective unless mutually agreed upon in writing and executed by the parties hereto. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement and the respective rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto as well as the parties themselves; provided, however, that County, its successors and assigns shall be obligated to perform County's covenants under this Agreement only during, and in respect of their successive periods as County during the, term of this Agreement. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid, void or enforceable, the remaining provisions hereof shall not be affected or impaired, and such remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. SANDY LAKE ROAD ~ROJECT 91-830 ILA 2 BINDING AGREEMENT / PARTIES BOUND. City and County certifies that the person executing this Agreement has full authority and is authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of City of Coppell and County ofD. ailas. S!~eh authority is evidenced · by a resolution nUmber~"' ,dated the~4tay of ~2002 has'been duly passed by the City of Copell and Court Order No -2tXI.2~.122_ of the 19th day of November ,2002, which constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns. HEADINGS. Headings here in are for convenience of reference only and shall not be considered in any interpretation of this agreement. NUMBER AND GENDER. Words of any gender used in this Agreement shall be held and construed to include any other gender and words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, unless the context clearly requires otherwise. XIVe COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. XVe CHANGES IN LAW Any alteration, additions or deletions to the terms of this Contract which are required by changes in federal or state law are automatically incorporated into this Contract without written amendment to this Contract and shall be effective on the date designated by said .federal or state law. XVle NO THIRD-PARTY BENEFICIARY ENFORCEMENT. It is expressly understood and agreed that enforcement of the terms and conditions of this agreement and all right of action relating to such enfomement shall be strictly reserved to City and County and nothing contained in this agreement shall give or allow any claim or fight of action whatsoever by any other person on this agreement. It is the express intention of City and the County any other entity other than City or the County receiving services or benefits under this agreement shall be deeded an incidental beneficiary only. SANDY LAKE ROAD PROJECT 91-830 ILA 3 XVII. NO JOINT ENTERPRISE. It is expressly understood and agreed that the contribution of funds, a shown herein, is the total participation by County in the Investigation and such participation does not constitute a joint enterprise between the parties. The CityofCoppel!, state of Texas, has executed the Agreement Pursuant to duly authorized City Couneil'ReS°lution~O°~.~-/0m./, Minutes ' Dated the ~-.'~ day of The County of Dallas, State of Texas, has executed this agreement pursuant to Commissioners Court Order Number 2002-2127 and passed on the 19th day of November , 200_Z CITY OF COPPELL// BY: TITI~,E / ~ / ATTE~~~~~.~ BY: CITY SECRE~RY~TTORNEY COUNTY OF DALLAS APPROVED AS~O FORM: Dallas County District Attorney SANDY LAKE ROAD PROJECT 91-830 ILA CITY IF C~PPELL EN6R. ~EPT. e D2i46556445 "'~R C PROPOSAL fOR ' ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF SANDY LAKE ROAD COPPELL, TEXAS Subrait~! ~: ClIY OF COPPELL P.O. Box 478 Coppell. Texas 75019 AR CONSULTANTS, INC. -~~ Alan Skinner, l~hD. HISTORIC BUILDING5 ARCHAEOLOGY NATI,.'IL-~L $CiE..~C-'E5 CITY CF' CCPPELL EHGR, DEPT. ~ ~214653E:,445 A~ CHAEO L O~IC,4L INYF-~TI OA TION AI. ONG ! CITY OF COPPELL -. SAr ¥ L rtOAZ) Wnh N O.. '..: ':. (Kimbel Kourt to East' City Limit~) - CULT L RESOURCES ]INVESTIGATION SCOPE OF SERVICES .Introductlou The City of Cop~ll is planning end permitting of the widening of Sandy Lake Road between KJmbc[ Kourr and thc East City Limits adjacct~t to the Elm Fork of the Trinity River ~igure I). Much ~f this area h~s been disturbed by previous road con.s~'uct{on as well as gravel mining, dralnagc channelizafion, and recent housing developments. Thc area is cntirely within the ELm Fork floodplain. A p~chistoric archaeological site, 41DLI2, ~vas recorded ~outh of the road in 1940 and more recently C. Reid Fcrring (1986:89-92, 144-246) evaluated a deeply buried deposit that he correlated with this s~rne site. The primary pUrPoic of resting is to dCtcnt~c if site 41DLI2 extends north to the area of proposed wldc~ng of Sandy Lake P, oacI just wca of thc £tm Fork. AR ConsuI~,tts, Inc. (aP.C) is pleased to submit this Scope of Se~iccs in order to allow thc C[t~ of Coppeli to satisfy federal and state ~cqulrements with regard to the discovery and cvalualion of cultural resources that may be present within the project area. The purpose of the study will bc to determine if cultural resources are present ~thin thc proposed projcc! corgdor, to assc~ th~ significance of any historic or prehistoric resources present, an~! to make recommendations about how to mitigate thc Loss of any cult~al resources deemed significant. ARC propos~ to conduct the following tasks (Tasks l-b) to complete dgs project. Thc proposed cost is also incl~tded- AR CONSU[,TANT~. iNC. 0~,x05,-~.~32 15:,~0 CITY OI= CCPPELL EHGR. DEPT. ~ 321465~6.~45 r,C. 7 ~.] 06/05/~2 C[T~ CF CCPPELL Er~GR. DEPT. ~ 92146526445 A.RCI'L4EOLOGICAL INFF..f'ITOA IlION ALONG ,.V. AND¥ ~ .ROAD Task Descriptions ~ Obtain TAC Penni~ Prior to initiation of fieldwork, Dr. S_~;,-er will secure an Antiquities Pennlt fi'om, the Tcxa~ Histori~l .COmmission (THC). The.permit will be between .ARC and .'I~_~C, but will requizc thc signature of a Ci~ of Coppell official or their' rcpresentagve. We will request a one-year permit. Task 2: ,,~*chivlfl Evaluation ct ~he Study Area ARC has conducted ~rchival research on pa.st land use or,he road mute and ~ presented h'ds information to the THC. The r~view includes various maps, photographs, backs, and l'~ords available in Dallas County. Wa have also con~acted avocational archaeologists aboul unrecorded prehistoric archaeological sims la rids pan cftc Elm Fork. Task Cultural l~sou~es Survey The study area will be walked irt its cntircty in order to locate exposed surf'ace artifacts and ~o record the presence of mussel shells, burned animal bone, and o~er evidence et prehis~.oric occupation which may be buried under thc surface and have been exposed by pa~ land disturbances. Shovcl-tcsrlng ma)' bc done/n r. heae areas, but b~ckhoe ~'enchln$ will I~ usx to ~.xplom for buried deposits to determine if recorded prehistoric site 41DLI2 extends into ae road corridor. At prce~! wc anliclpe~e that be site does not extend io~° this area. It is expected thai wc will excavate a minimum of four back.hoe trenches as part of this investigation. The backhoe and operazor will be provided by thc CiTy of Coppell. Each trench will Ix: profiled and inspected for evidence cf bm-lcd cul~al ma~riaIs and ancient soil horizons. The Quaternary deposits of the Elm Fork floodplain are poorly recorded (Farting 1990) and it is our opinion that thc potent, iai oF discovering in-place ~rchaeolol~ical del~sks like Ihe Aubrc¥ Clovis site is low bu~ shell- iccis and midden deposks ar~ possible. ~ Lsboratory Analysis Laboratory analysis ~I! progress along with t, he ~asks outlined abovc. Intcrlm analyses will bc conducted doting thc tasks and results that are critical to the scheduling of the project will intmcdiatcly be ~ransmiucd to ~he Ci~ of Coppell. LaboraIory analysis will include thc preparation of artifacts end records for permanent creation es well as ~e description of the artifacts and other cultural evidence discovered during survey ~d cestin$. Thls also includes the preparation of maps, pho~ographs, and r~corcls gencraled durlag Task 2. .~.R C Ot[SU£ T4h"r& 1,V~ ~iltCI~EOLOGICAL I~il/~..S'TIC, ATION ALON6 SA~I~ ¥ IAIZ J~OAO . 4 ~ Comprehensive R~lmrt 'l'hi~ ~.sk ,,,~tI involve the prep~tration of a complete draft report that v,~ll be subn~tl~d to thc review a~¢ncies ~er rev~c~v by the City of Coppell. The draft report (2 copies) will be submitted to the City 'of Coppell, ~he Corps of Iinginee~s, and Wex~ HisUn'icai Corrtmtssion'for review. Attcr review and setisfactory responses to the review agc'ncice, 20 c~Pie$ of t~e final report will be submitted.to the Tcxe.s Historical 'Commission as per the terms of their permit Five copies Wilt abo be ~btrtlttccl to ~he City of Copl.'~ll for' distribution ~s they see fit. 'I',,sk 6:. Artifact/R, ecord Curation Thc p,,,rmeaent curation of the artifacts and records generated by this inve~gation will be arranged with the Dcpar~men~ or' AnthropoloEt at 8outhcm Methodist Univers'~ty. This repository is epproved by the Texes Historical Commission for permanent cttratlon. The cost of this curation is included. Schedule ARC is prcl~rCd to begin work on this investigation immediately upon receiving a Notlc¢-To-Proceed. During thc first week, ARC expects to secure the Antiquities Permit (Task 1). Task 2 has been essentially completed. The cultural resources survey (Task 3) should begin no later then week 3 and $1~ould take no more than one week to complete, a~uming gOod w. eathcr. Beckhoe l~enchfrtg will then be carried out during the same or. 'the foltawing week. Tas!~ 4 and 5 wilt begin just as soon as Tasks 3' is completed and the results of Task 4 into thc report ~lt be incorporated jus~ as soon as they are availe.ble. 'It is anticipated that the draft final report can be submitted for review no l~ter than 3 weeks after the fieldwork is complctcd. The Cornmir~ion generally requires a month for draft rcpo~ review. The revised final report should be completed no longer then two weeks after the reviewed draiB are rcttuned. Deliverablas The draft and final repons a~e the major deliverable product o}' this inve~igation. Wc will also prepare field and laboratory records so that they are available for review, if needed, and they will be presented to the curnt|on facility at the end of the investigation. Staffin~ We propose thc followini~ staffing for thls project: S. Alan Skinner, Ph.D. will serve a.s Principal Inve.~-tlgator and as Principal lnvestiltat°r ind Project Archaeologist. He will be assisted by Lance K. Trask, Floyd D. Kent, and Jesse Tndd. Resumes are available. Ttds invcstigetion vdll b~ carried ou~ by ARC for the lun~p sum of $ 6,000.00. Half will b~ billed when thc field, york is completer, the remainder when the dr~ ~cpart bee been ai~ov~ by ~e Tc~as Histor1~lCommiserl~n.. -' '.. ~ . ci~ ~enager Ci~,~' Coppell, TX S ~Alm Sktnner, PhD Der~ President · ~ Consul~n~s, Inc. dR CONSUI, TANT~ INC. Relevant References F~mi~fl, C. Reld lilt L,~I~ Q~a'.¢m~y G~o .19~y M~d En virom~enl~ of d~ UPF~' TriniTY ]~i~t~- l~ "In A*u~'umem' q/'d~ App~e4S~nc~;. ~' '-'~.'. '.- ' .' ': · '-:.'.'. · · '-'. - ~1, D~kl J. l~O Low~ ~ Fork Prt~tto~. a R~d~finit~on of Cul~al C~ Skier. fi. 1999 Cut~,al g~o~ l~t;g~ton m ~n~ ~n C~;~ P~ Cop~. r~. AR 1999 Ckl~rai R~ou~ lnctdtnt at Culmnl ~es~r~s Rcpo~ 99-2 l- Sk~ee, S, Alan, ~e~ T~k. Lance ~., B~nde 1996 ~colog~al p4t: l~tt~/l.~eCo plxll I· ,,IR COH~IILT,~I~. DALLAS COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS December 12, 2002 Mr. Ken M. Griffin, P.E. City Engineer City of Coppell P. O. Box 9478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re' Sandy Lake Road Project 91-830 (Kimbel Court to the east City Limits adjacent to the Elm Fork of the Trinity River) Transmittal of lnterlocal Agreement for Cultural Resources Investigation Dear Mr. Griffin: Transmitted herewith is one (1) fully executed original of the subject Interlocal Agreement for Cultural Resources Investigation for your records and use, as well as a copy of Court Order 2002- 2127, dated November 19, 2002 authorizing same. If you have any questions or comn~nts, please feel free to contact this office at 214-653-7151. Sincerely, s, P.E. Senior Project Manager JL1VI:dl¢ Enclosure 411 Elm Street, 4th Floor Dallas, Texas 75202 (214) 653-7151 ORDER NO. 2002 21.Z7 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS COURT ORDER BE IT REMEMBERED, at a regular meeting of the Commissioners Court of Dallas County, Texas, held on the 19thlay of November ,2002, on motion made byMik~ Cmnl-r~ll;Cnrnm.nf m.~t:#2 ,and seconded by Jim Jackson, Conan.of Dist.O'i , the £ollowing order was adopted: WHEREAS, the matter set forth below was presented to Commissioners Court in briefing on November 5, 2002; and WHEREAS, the 1991 Thoroughfare Bond Program included funding for design and construction on Sandy Lake Road from MacArthur Boulevard to Coppell City Limits, Project 91-830, in the City of Coppell in District No. 1 in the amount of $3.6 Million; and WHEREAS, the City of Coppell and Public Works staff desire to determine if a previously designated prehistoric archaeological site, (41DLI 2), extends into the area ofl~e proposed construction project by performing a Cultural Resources Investigation; and -"qEREAS, in the attached Inteflocal Agreement the City has agreed to perform the requested Cultural Resources Investigation at a cost not to exceed to the County of $6,000.00; and the Director of Public has reviewed the attached Interlocal Agreement and recommends its execution. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Dallas County Commlqloners Court that the County Judge is hereby authorized and directed to execute the anached Intedocal Agreement with the City of Coppell, in the amount of $6,000.00 for the Sandy I.ake Road Project 91-830 to be paid from Bond Fund 00424, Project 50079, Code 08010. DONE IN OPEN COURT, this thc 19th day of November -lVia/tid'e'/Keiiher I/ J'un] n Co6n't udge Joh ~ For Approval: Donald 1L Holzwarth, P.E. Director of Public Works Mike Cantrell District 2 Kenneth A. Mayfield District 4 r RESOLtmON NO. f-OOZ"/O Z./ A RESOLUTION OF ~ CITY COUNCIL OF Ti:IF~ CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING TiqlZ~ MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL. AGREEMENT WITH DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS FOR CULTURAL RESOURCES INVESTIGATION' FOR SANDY LAKE ROAD PROJECT 91-830~ WI:HCH IS ATTACI:rED FIF~RETO AND INCORPORATED FIF~REIN AS EXFIIRIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TI:IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County, Texas for cultural resources investigation for Sandy Lake Road Project 91- 830, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". SECTION 2. This R~olution shall become effective immediately fi.om and after its passage, as the law and charter in such cases provide. '. DULY PASSED and approved by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on this · of . 2002. CANDY SI-I~E~MAYOR ATTEST: APPRO~ TO FORM: RO~"'~R-T E." HAdE~fr~ ATTORNEY (REI-~db ~0/~6/02) 51405