RE 2003-01-28.3A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2003-0128.3 A RESOLUTION URGING THE TEXAS CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION TO SUPPORT PROVIDING FUNDING FOR PRESIDENT BUSH'S $3.5 BILLION FIRST RESPONDER INITIATIVE DURING THE 108xu SESSION OF CONGRESS. WHEREAS, the 107th Congress passed legislation creating the Department of Homeland Security; and WHEREAS, the legislation creating the new department did not provide funding for President Bush's $3.5 Billion First Responder Initiative; and WHEREAS, the First Responder Initiative was intended to provide funding to help cities provide planning, training, equipment and other resources to meet the challenges of preparing for and responding to terrorist attacks; and WHEREAS, Texas cities have been required to spend millions in additional monies to implement heightened security measures since September 11, 2001; and WHEREAS, Texas cities are experiencing severe budget shortfalls because their new homeland security functions and the downturn in the economy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF COPPELL THAT: The City of Coppell strongly encourages members of the Texas Congressional delegation to actively support passage of an appropriations bill that includes the $3.5 billion First Responder Initiative to provide money for all Texas cities to help cities pay for some of the resources needed to meet the cities' new responsibilities for homeland security. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, this the ~'~ ~"~dday of January 2003. CANDY SHEEHA~'(MAYOR ATTEST: LIBBY BAL ,~ITY SECRETARY R~PBi~TTORNEY