CM 2003-03-11MINUTES OF MARCH 11, 2003 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were present: Candy Sheehan, Mayor (late arrival) Doug Stover, Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau, Councilmember Jayne Peters, Councilmember Diana Raines, Councilmember Marsha Tunnell, Councilmember Dave Herring, Councilmember (late arrival) Bill York, Councilmember Also present were City Manager Jim Witt, City Secretary Libby Ball and City Attorney Robert Hager. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 1. Call to order. Mayor Pro Tem Stover called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was present and convened into Executive Session. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) Convene Executive Session A. Section 551.072, Texas Government Code - Deliberation rel/iardinl/[ Real Property. 1. Discussion regarding Land Acquisition west of Coppell Road and south of Bethel Road. 2. Discussion rel/iardinl/[ potential sale of land that is presently part of Andy Brown East. B. Section 551.076, Texas Government Code - Deliberation rel/iardinl/[ Security Devices. 1. Security for Community Infrastructure. Councilmember Herring arrived during Executive Session. CM031103 Page 1 of 14 Mayor Pro Tem Stover convened into Executive Session at 5:40 p.m. as allowed under the above-stated article. Mayor Sheehan adjourned the Executive Session at 6:25 p.m. and opened the Work Session. WORK SESSION (Open to the Public) Convene Work Session A. Street Construction Update. B. Senior Citizen Property Tax Bills in State Legislature. C. Discussion of Agenda Items. Councilmember Raines and Tunnell exited the meeting at the start of Work Session. ao Ken Griffin, Director of Engineering and Public Works, updated the Council on street construction projects in the city including Sandy Lake Road, MacArthur Boulevard, Bethel Road, Ruby Road, Royal Lane and Bethel School Road. Also discussed were water, sewer & drainage projects. Bo City Manager Jim Witt briefed Council on the item concerning freezing senior citizens' tax bills. Texas Municipal League is not in favor of this bill. If the bill is passed, the city would be impacted by an amount of $10,000 to $15,000 initially. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) Mayor Sheehan arrived and Councilmember Tunnell returned to the meeting. Invocation. Mayor Pro Tem Stover led those present in the Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Sheehan led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. CM031103 Page 2 of 14 Consider a proclamation naming March 20, 2003 as Absolutely Incredible Kid Day, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Presentation: Mayor Sheehan read the proclamation for the record and presented the same to Joshua Ashenhart, Aubrey Ashenhart, Cathy Howard, Sara Fowler, Julie Svoboda and Becky Walther. Action: Councilmember Herring moved to approve naming March 20, 2003 as Absolutely Incredible Kid Day, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilmember Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. Presentation by Waste Management Klaiber, addressing the rate changes residential solid waste services. representative, John for commercial and John Klaiber, representing Waste Management, addressed the Council and apologized for the poor service over the Christmas holiday and discussed the new rate changes. Citizen's Appearances. There was no one signed up to speak under this item. CONSENT AGENDA Consider approval of the following consent agenda items: A. B. Ce Consider approval of minutes: February 25, 2003. Consider acceptance of resignation of Jay M. Thompson from the Coppell Economic Development Committee. Consider approval of awarding Bid #(~ 0103-01 for the purchase of a backhoe for the Utility Operations Division CM031103 Page 3 of 14 to Future Equipment in the amount of $67,215.46 as budEeted. De Consider approval of awardinE Bid/Contract #(~1102-01 for the construction of the MacArthur / Samuel DrainaEe Project to Site Concrete, Inc., in the amount of $132,395, as provided for in IMF Funds; and authorizinE the City ManaEer to siEn. Land Use and Development Ee Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. PD- 186R5, Duke-Freeport, zoninE chanEe from PD-186R2 {Planned Development-186R2) to PD-186R5 {Planned Development-186R5) to attach a Detail Site Plan to Tract 1, to allow the construction of an approximate 1,101,500 square-foot buildinE on approximately 55.07 acres of property located at the southeast corner of Freeport Parkway and Ruby Road, and authorizinE the Mayor to siEn. Councilmember Raines returned to the meeting at the beginning of the Consent Agenda. Action: Councilmember Tunnell moved to approve Consent Agenda items A, B, C, D and E carrying Ordinance No. 91500-A-346. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. 10. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. S-1207, Potter Concrete, zoninE chanEe request from PD-186R5-LI {Planned Development District 186 R5-LiEht Industrial) to PD- 186 R5-LI-S- 1207 {{Planned Development District 186R5-LiEht Industrial, Special Use Permit-1207), to allow the operation of a temporary concrete batch plant, for a period not to exceed 180 days, on 0.92 of an acre of property located alonE Freeport Parkway, approximately 325 feet south of the intersection of Ruby Road. CM031103 Page 4 of 14 Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Economic Development, made a presentation to the Council. Public Hearinti: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had signed up to speak on this proposal. Action: Councilmember York moved to close the Public Hearing and approve Case No. S-1207, Potter Concrete, zoning change request from PD- 186R5-LI (Planned Development District 186R5-Light Industrial) to PD- 186R5-LI-S-1207 ((Planned Development District 186R5-Light Industrial, Special Use Permit-1207), to allow the operation of a temporary concrete batch plant, for a period not to exceed 180 days, on 0.92 of an acre of property located along Freeport Parkway, approximately 325 feet south of the intersection of Ruby Road; subject to the following conditions: 1) The applicant shall be permitted to remain operational on the subject site for a period not to exceed 180 days from date of ordinance adoption, while maintaining the required permits through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; 2) The applicant shall provide a copy of all TCEQ issued permits to the City; 3) The applicant shall be permitted to provide concrete service only to the site (Lot 3R, Block A of the Duke-Freeport Addition) on which it is located; and 4) The applicant shall adhere to all conditions stated within their letter dated February 7, 2003 addressed to City staff. Councilmember Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. 11. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. S-1206, Kolache Depot Bakery, zonint; chantie request from HC {Hitihway Commercial} to HC-S- 1206 {Hitihway Commercial, Special Use Permit-1206}, to allow CM031103 Page 5 of 14 the operation of a 1,200 square-foot bakery at 680 N. Denton Tap Road, located at the southeast corner of N. Denton Tap Road and S.H. 121. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Economic Development, made a presentation to the Council. Public Hearing: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had signed up to speak on this proposal. Action: Councilmember York moved to close the Public Hearing and approve Case No. S-1206, Kolache Depot Bakery, zoning change request from HC (Highway Commercial) to HC-S-1206 (Highway Commercial, Special Use Permit-1206), to allow the operation of a 1,200 square-foot bakery at 680 N. Denton Tap Road, located at the southeast corner of N. Denton Tap Road and S.H. 121; subject to the following conditions: The property shall be developed in accordance with the site plan, floor plan and revised sign plan; The hours of operation shall not exceed 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week; and Receipt of a letter from the owner of the retail center committing that the Logo Style font will be used for the monument sign and all attached signage. Councilmember Brancheau seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. 12. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. S-1006R2, Anna's Mexican Restaurant, zoning change request from C-S- 1006A {Commercial-Special Use Permit 1006A) to C-S-1006R2 {Commercial, Special Use Permit-1006-Revision-2), to allow the CM031103 Page 6 of 14 operation of a private club within an existintl 2,750 square-foot restaurant located at 150 S. Denton Tap Road, Suite 105. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Economic Development, made a presentation to the Council. Public Hearinti: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had signed up to speak on this proposal. Action: Councilmember York moved to close the Public Hearing and approve Case No. S-1006R2, Anna's Mexican Restaurant, zoning change request from C-S-1006A (Commercial-Special Use Permit 1006A) to C-S-1006R2 (Commercial, Special Use Permit-1006-Revision-2), to allow the operation of a private club within an existing 2,750 square-foot restaurant located at 150 S. Denton Tap Road, Suite 105; subject to the following conditions: The property shall remain in accordance with the existing site plan and floor plan; 2) There shall be no changes to the existing exterior signage; and The hours of operation shall not exceed 10:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday and 5 to 10 p.m. on Sunday. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. 13. Consider approval of the Gateway Business Park, Lot 1R, Block 2, Site Plan Amendment (Haverty's Furniture}, to allow a 245,277 square-foot addition to an existintl 213,675 square- foot warehouse and to increase the parkint[ on 31.402 acres of property located at 770 Gateway Blvd. CM031103 Page 7 of 14 Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Economic Development, made a presentation to the Council. Mark McGraw, representing the engineer on the case, indicated they agreed with all of the conditions. Action: Councilmember York moved to approve Gateway Business Park, Lot iR, Block 2, Site Plan Amendment (Haverty's Furniture), to allow a 245,277 square-foot addition to an existing 213,675 square-foot warehouse and to increase the parking on 31.402 acres of property located at 770 Gateway Blvd.; subject to the following conditions: 1) Identify and increase weight of east property line to match remainder of boundary lines; 2) Show six foot chain link fence on landscape plan; and 3) Comply with Section 12-34-9 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Councilmember Brancheau seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. 14. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Gateway Business Park, Lots 1R and 3A, Block 2, Replat (Haverty's Furniture), to allow a 245,277 square-foot addition to an existinl/[ 213,675 square-foot warehouse and to increase the parkinl/[ on 43.259 acres of property located at 770 Gateway Blvd. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Economic Development, made a presentation to the Council. Public Hearing: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had signed up to speak on this proposal. CM031103 Page 8 of 14 Action: Councilmember Peters moved to close the Public Hearing and approve Gateway Business Park, Lots 1R and 3A, Block 2, Replat (Haverty's Furniture), to allow a 245,277 square-foot addition to an existing 213,675 square-foot warehouse and to increase the parking on 43.259 acres of property located at 770 Gateway Blvd. Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. 15. Consider approval of the Champions School of Real Estate, Lot 1, Block 1, Site Plan, to allow the construction of a 6,293 square-foot office buildint[ on 1.3 acres of property located at the southeast corner of N. Denton Tap Road and Natches Trace Drive. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Economic Development, made a presentation to the Council. David Koslan, Architect, addressed questions of Council. Action: Councilmember York moved to approve: Item 15 Champions School of Real Estate, Lot 1, Block 1, Site Plan, to allow the construction of a 6,293 square-foot office building on 1.3 acres of property located at the southeast corner of N. Denton Tap Road and Natches Trace Drive; and Item 16 Champions School of Real Estate, Lot 1, Block 1, Minor Plat, to allow the construction of a 6,293 square-foot office building on 1.3 acres of property located at the southeast corner of N. Denton Tap Road and Natches Trace Drive; subject to the following condition: 1) If any portion of the public sidewalk is on private property, then an easement needs to be reflected on the plat. CM031103 Page 9 of 14 Councilmember Raines seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. 16. Consider approval of the Champions School of Real Estate, Lot 1, Block 1, Minor Plat, to allow the construction of a 6,293 square-foot office buildint[ on 1.3 acres of property located at the southeast corner of N. Denton Tap Road and Natches Trace Drive. This item was considered under Item 15. See Item 15 for minutes. 17. Consider approval of the First Baptist Church of Coppell, Lot 1, Block A, Site Plan Amendment, to allow a 30,863 square-foot expansion to the existint; 32,697 square-foot church facility and to increase the parkint; by 138 spaces on 5.161 acres of property located at 590 S. Denton Tap Road. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Economic Development, made a presentation to the Council. Craig Hoenes, spoke on behalf of Applicant, and asked Council to waive the condition. J. W. Bales, Chairman of the Building Task Force for the Applicant, addressed the Council regarding the landscaping issue. Action: Councilmember York moved to approve: Item 17 First Baptist Church of Coppell, Lot 1, Block A, Site Plan Amendment, to allow a 30,863 square-foot expansion to the existing 32,697 square-foot church facility and to increase the parking by 138 spaces on 5.161 acres of property located at 590 S. Denton Tap Road; subject to the following condition: 1) City Council giving consideration to providing densely planted evergreen within the proposed 10-foot landscaped area along the CM031103 Page 10 of 14 east, north and south property lines adjacent to the expanded parking lot in lieu of a solid masonry screening wall. This screening should be further augmented with a three-foot hedge row to effectively screen the car headlights from the residentially-zoned property. and Item 18 First Baptist Church of Coppell, Lot 1, Block A, Minor Plat, to allow a 30,863 square-foot expansion to the existing 32,697 square-foot church facility and to increase the parking by 138 spaces on 5.161 acres of property located at 590 S. Denton Tap Road. Councilmember Brancheau seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-3 with Councilmembers Brancheau, Raines, Tunnell, and York voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers Peters and Herring voting against the motion. 18. Consider approval of the First Baptist Church of Coppell, Lot 1, Block A, Minor Plat, to allow a 30,863 square-foot expansion to the existint; 32,697 square-foot church facility and to increase the parkint[ by 138 spaces on 5.161 acres of property located at 590 S. Denton Tap Road. This item was considered under Item 17. See Item 17 for minutes. 19. Necessary action resultint; from Work Session. There was no action necessary under this item. 20. City Manatier's Report. A. Preview of March Appearance. 25th Coppell Historical Society ao City Manager Jim Witt discussed the March 25th presentation to be made to Council by the Coppell Historical Society. CM031103 Page 11 of 14 21. Mayor and Council Reports. A. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding City Conservation and Recycling Efforts. Report by Mayor Sheehan announcing Town Hall Meeting for Congressman Pete Sessions. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding Product Support Services groundbreaking. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding DFW Real Estate Awards. Report by Mayor Pro Tern Stover regarding Coppell Youth Leadership Run/Walk for Cancer. Report by Mayor Pro Tern Stover regarding March 30th Allison Hendry Memorial 5K. Report by Mayor Pro Tern Stover regarding St. Joseph Village opening. Report by Councilmember Peters regarding Coppell High School Lariettes. Report by Councilmember Raines regarding Earthweek and Environmental Awareness. Report by Councilmember Tunnell regarding National League of Cities. ao Mayor Sheehan indicated how much she had enjoyed her Master Composter Class and complimented Garreth Campbell, Construction Inspector, on his saving the City over $20,000 on the contract for the Ruby Road construction because of his environmental awareness. Mayor Sheehan read a card she had received from Matthew Johnson, a second grader at Denton Creek Elementary School, regarding cleanup and recycling. Bo Mayor Sheehan announced a Town Hall meeting for Congressman Pete Sessions to be held April 24, 2003 in the Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Co Mayor Sheehan advised she and Andrea Roy, Economic Development Coordinator, had attended the groundbreaking for Product Support Services last week. This company repairs and refurbishes cellular phones. Do Mayor Sheehan announced that the City had received the Dallas/Fort Worth Real Estate award and gave kudos to the council and staff for their all their work. Coppell was awarded the Best Corporate Headquarters relocation for the Container Store, CM031103 Page 12 of 14 ao Fo Go Ho Jo runner-up for the Best Deal of the Year for the Container Store and runner-up for Best Industrial Park for Freeport Parkway. Mayor Pro Tem Stover reported that on March ist a 1-mile fun run and a 5-k run was held to benefit the American Cancer Society and expressed his appreciation to anyone who assisted in the runs. The Coppell Youth Leadership group raised a net profit of over $3,500 that will be donated to the American Cancer Society. Mayor Pro Tem Stover advised another 1-mile fun run and 5-k run is coming up on March 30, 2003 at 8:00 a.m. at Andrew Brown Park West as a memorial for Allison Hendry who passed away approximately a year ago during childbirth. The proceeds from these races will benefit the Children's Prayer Garden and Monsignor Broderick's Maternity Assistance program. Mayor Pro Tem Stover stated he had attended the opening and dedication of St. Joseph Village along with Councilmember Peters and City Manager Jim Witt. Councilmember Peters congratulated the Coppell High School Lariettes who were named National Champions in the large drill team division at the Concept of Champions in Orlando, Florida on March 2nd. They placed first in jazz, military and pom and second for their kick routine. She thanked Ken Griffin, Director of Engineering and Public Works, and his daughter for inviting the Lariettes to attend the Council Meeting on April 8th to be honored officially by Council. Councilmember Raines reported that Clean Coppell would be held April 5th in the front of Town Center from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and that Council would be serving lunch. Prizes will be awarded. Councilmember Herring challenged that any councilmember that collects more trash for two hours than him and Matthew Johnson, he will donate twenty dollars for every councilmember to the Earthfest group. Mayor Pro Tem Stover indicated he would not be able to attend. Councilmember Tunnell advised she had just returned from Washington, D. C. where she had attended National League of Cities. The big issues were Homeland Security funding and TEA-21. There was some conflicting information given out. The economy was a big issue. CM031103 Page 13 of 14 Councilmember Herring announced that he was withdrawing from Place 6 for the next term. He indicated he would serve out his current tenn. 22. Necessary Action Resulting from Executive Session. There was no action necessary under this item. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Ca~n~l~ SheVthan, Mayor Libby ~l~City Secretary CM031103 Page 14 of 14