CM 2003-03-25MINUTES OF MARCH 25~ 2003 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were present: Candy Sheehan, Mayor Doug Stover, Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau, Councilmember Jayne Peters, Councilmember Diana Raines, Councilmember Marsha Tunnell, Councilmember Dave Herring, Councilmember Bill York, Councilmember Also present were City Manager Jim Witt, Deputy City Secretary Kathy Wilkerson and City Attorney Robert Hager. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 1. Call to order. Mayor Sheehan called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was present and convened into Executive Session. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) Convene Executive Session A. Section 551.072, Texas Government Code - Deliberation regarding Real Property. 1. Discussion regarding Land Acquisition west of Coppell Road and south of Bethel Road. B. Section 551.076, Texas Government Code - Deliberation regarding Security Devices. 1. Security for Community Infrastructure. Mayor Sheehan convened into Executive Session at 5:40 p.m. as allowed under the above stated articles. Mayor Sheehan recessed the Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. and opened the Work Session. CM032503 Page 1 of 9 WORK SESSION (Open to the Public) 3. Convene Work Session A. Discussion regarding appointment of member Coppell Economic Development Committee. Presentation regarding extension of the Ordinance. Discussion of Agenda Items. to the Curfew ao Councilmember Peters announced that Jason Crawford is interested in filling the unexpired term of Jay Thompson on the Coppell Economic Development Committee. Bo Roy Osborne, Police Chief, discussed the reasons the City should renew the Curfew Ordinance. REGULAR SESSION {Open to the Public} 4. Invocation. Reverend C. A. McBride led those present in the Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Sheehan led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Consider approval of a Proclamation naming April 5, 2003 as Clean Coppell-Earthfest 2003, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Presentation: Mayor Sheehan read the proclamation for the record and presented the same to Lisa Cunov, Judi Smith and John Valentine. Action: Councilmember Tunnell moved to approve naming April 5, 2003 as Clean Coppell Earthfest 2003. Councilmember Raines seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers CM032503 Page 2 of 9 Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. Consider approval of a proclamation naminti May 3, 2003 as Project Graduation Awareness Day, and authorizint[ the Mayor to sitin. Presentation: Mayor Sheehan read the proclamation for the record and presented the same to Richard Taylor, Patrick Conner, Brad Temple and Jennifer Middleton, Coppell High School Seniors. Action: Councilmember Peters moved to name May 3, 2003 as Project Graduation Awareness Day. Mayor Pro Tem Stover seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. Presentation of certificates of appreciation for Boy Scout Eatile Projects and Community Projects with the city of Coppell Parks and Recreation Department. Presentation: Guy McClain, Park Operations Manager, recognized volunteers for different parks projects. 1) 3) Adam Decker, Eagle Scout, cleaning 1,500 feet of the trail system along Denton Creek starting by the sand volleyball courts heading east; Scott Brassfield, Eagle Scout, cleaning an additional 1,500 feet along the same trail system that Adam Decker worked on; and Margareta Farrell, parent, organized upkeep at Kid Country Playground. CM032503 Page 3 of 9 9. Report by Telecommunications Board. Presentation: Kerrin Garrick-Folyton, Chair, made a presentation to Council regarding recent and proposed activities of the Board. 10. Citizen's Appearances. There was no one signed up to speak under this item. 11. Recognition of former Fire Chiefs, Volunteers and Firefighters. Presentation: Mayor Sheehan recognized all former and current Fire Chiefs, Volunteers, Firefighters, and their families that were present, as well as the Coppell Historical Society members in attendance. CONSENT AGENDA 12. Consider approval of the following consent agenda items: A. Consider approval of minutes: March 11, 2003. Consider an Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the city of Coppell as amended by repealing Article 9- 22 of the Code of Ordinances and reserving the same for future use and by repealing Ordinance No. 2001-967 providing for Article 9-22, Retail Electrical Providers; providing a repealing clause; providing a severability clause; and providing for an effective date, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consider approval of modifications to the Bylaws of the Parks and Recreation Board regarding the times and location of the scheduled meetings. CM032503 Page 4 of 9 De Consider approval of modifications to the Bylaws of the Coppell Recreation Development Corporation rel/iardinl/[ the dates and times of the scheduled meetinl/is. Ee Consider approval of an ordinance of the City of Coppe11, Texas, readoptinl/[, ratifyinl/[, republishinl/[ and extendinl/[ Ordinance No. 2000-906, providintl for curfew hours for minors in the City of Coppell, Texas, for a period of three (3) years; providinl/[ a repealinl/[ clause; providinl/[ a severability clause; and providinl/[ an effective date; and authorizintl the Mayor to sitln. Resolutions Fe Consider approval of a Resolution amendinl/[ Resolution #010996.3, as heretofore amended, with rel/iard to recreational fees, special event fees, and l/[arbal/ie collection fees, and authorizintl the Mayor to sitln. BudEet Items Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppe11, Texas, approvinl/[ an amendment to Ordinance No. 2002- 1007, the budtlet for Fiscal Year October 1, 2002 throutlh September 30, 2003, and authorizintl the Mayor to sitln. Items C, D and F were pulled for separate consideration. Action: Councilmember Peters moved to approve Consent Agenda items A, B carrying Ordinance No. 2003-1029, E carrying Ordinance No. 2003- 1030, and G carrying Ordinance No. 2003-1031. Councilmember Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. Items C and D: Action: Councilmember Peters moved to remove the meeting times from the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws and the Coppell Recreation CM032503 Page 5 of 9 Development Corporation Bylaws. Councilmember Raines seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Stover and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. Item F: Action: Councilmember Peters moved to remove the recreation fees and discuss them at a future date and approve the remaining fees with Resolution No. 2003-0325.1. Councilmember Herring seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. 13. Presentation by Coppell Historical Society regarding Fire Truck Preservation, city water bill donations and current projects and programs. Presentation: Barbara Lee made a presentation to Council asking that the water bill donations for a period of time, be given to Save Old Red. Jean Murph made a presentation to Council regarding the current and future projects of the Coppell Historical Society. At this time Mayor Sheehan announced that she has closed her campaign account and she donated her remaining campaign funds to the Coppell Historical Society. Councilmember Brancheau requested that water bill donations for the months of May and June be donated to the Save Old Red campaign. 14. Consider approval of an Ordinance amendintl Section 9-11-3(P) of the Code of Ordinances, to provide for appropriate times for the closintl of specified city parks for public use; providintl a repealinl/[ clause; providinl/[ a severability clause; and providinl/[ for an effective date; and authorizinl/[ the Mayor to sil/in. CM032503 Page 6 of 9 Presentation: Jim Witt, City Manager, made a presentation to Council. Brad Reid, Director of Parks and Recreation, answered questions from Council. Action: Councilmember York moved to approve Ordinance No. 2003-1032 amending Section 9-11-3(P) of the Code of Ordinances, to provide for appropriate times for the closing of specified city parks for public use; providing a repealing clause; providing a severability clause; and providing for an effective date; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilmember Raines seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-1 with Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tem Stover voting against the motion. 15. Consider appointment of a representative to the Transportation Technical Committee (STTC} of the Transportation Council. Surface Rel/iional Action: Councilmember Peters moved to appoint Ken Griffin, Director of Engineering and Public Works, to serve as the City of Coppell's representative to the Surface Transportation Technical Committee (STTC). Councilmember Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. 16. Necessary action resultinl/[ from Work Session. A. Appointment of member to the Coppell Development Committee. Economic Action: Councilmember Peters moved to appoint Jason Crawford to fill the unexpired term of Jay Thompson on the Coppell Economic Development Committee, term to expire October 2003. Mayor Pro Tem Stover seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Stover CM032503 Page 7 of 9 and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. Item 19 was discussed at this time. See Item 19 for minutes. EXECUTIVE SESSION {Continued) (Closed to the Public) Convene Executive Session B. Section 551.072, Texas Government Code - Deliberation regarding Real Property. 1. Discussion retiardinti Land Acquisition west of Coppell Road and south of Bethel Road. Mayor Sheehan reconvened into Executive Session at 8:01 p.m. as allowed under the above-stated article. Mayor Sheehan adjourned the Executive Session at 8:25 p.m. and reopened the Regular Session. 17. Necessary Action Resulting from Executive Session. No action was necessary under this item. 18. Consider approval of a Resolution expressing official intent to receive reimbursement for costs incurred in connection with the acquisition of approximately 24.9 acres for municipal uses prior to the issuance of the bonds, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. No action was taken on this item at this time due to continuing negotiations. 19. Mayor and Council Reports. A. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding Regional Transportation Task Force. B. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding Container Store groundbreaking. ao Mayor Sheehan reported on the March 17, 2003 meeting of the Regional Transportation Task Force. CM032503 Page 8 of 9 B. Mayor Sheehan announced how exciting the Container Store groundbreaking was. ka~son, Deputy City Secretary There being no further business to come before the City Council~ was adjourned. ~' S~hee nan, Mayor the meting CM032503 Page 9 of 9