RE 12-08-98.8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 120898.8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, APPROVING AMENDMENT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF FISCAL YEAR 1998 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING REQUEST BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF COPPELL, AND DALLAS COUNTY TO SUPPORT PUBLIC SERVICE ACTIVITIES FOCUSED ON LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSEHOLDS; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ANY NECESSARY DOCUMENTS RELATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. W~S, ~e Ciw ~ ~ ~ pr~nt~ a r~lufion to ~end a ~ion of~e te~ ~d ~n~fio~ to the Co~u~W ~velopment Bilk ~t F~d~g R~ue~ by ~d ~n ~e CiW of CoppeH, Te~ ~d ~e Coun~ of D~, Te~ a ~py of w~ch is a~ch~ her~o ~d ~r~ h~ by ref~; ~d WHE~S, upon ~ renew ~d ~idemfion of ~e ~endmenL ~d ~ roarers relat~ ~ereto, the Ciw Counc~ is of ~e op~on ~d ~ds ~at the ~end~ te~s ~d ~nditio~ th~f should ~ approv~ ~d t~ the ~yor ~ould be ~tho~ to ex,ute the ~endment to ~e ~ment on beh~of~e CiW ofCoppe~ Te~; NOW, ~FO~ BE ff ~SOL~D BY ~ ~ CO~ OF ~ ~ OF COPPELI~ ~S, ~T: SEC~ON 1. That the ~en~t to ~e Co~W ~velopmem Block ~t Fun&g R~ue~ ~h~ her~o ~d ~mt~ here~ ~ E~bit "&" ha~g b~n re~ew~ by the CiW Counc~ of the Ciw of Coppe~ Te~, ~d found to ~ a~p~le ~d ~ the best ~terest of the CiW ~d its cit~, ~, ~d the ~e is h~y, ~ ~ ~gs approv~ ~d ~e ~yor is h~eby autho~ to ex~te ~y n~ d~ments rel~ thereto for ~d on ~ofthe CiW of CoppeH, Text. SEC~ON 2. T~s Resolution shall b~ome eff~tive i~ediately from ~d ~er its passage ~d it is ~cordingly so resolved. 21035 DULY RESOLVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on thisthe (~7/-k/ dayof' -L.~e ¢,~ ~.~]~¢e~', 199g. CITY OF COPPELL, TF4XAS A/I-IEST: KATHI,F. EN ROACH, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: PETER G. SMIT~ CITY ATTORNEY (l?GS/cdb 12/3/98) 2 21035