November 12, 2003
The Coppell Economic Development Committee met at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 12, 2003 at Coppell
Town Center, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas 75019. The following were
present: Chairman Bill Rohloff, Jeanette Cajide, James Cheng, Jason Crawford, John Durand, Marvin Franklin,
Kris Fichtner, Matt Hall, Ed Thomas, Ron Hansen, Cindy Warner, Mayor Pro Tem Jayne Peters, City Manager Jim
Witt, Deputy City Manager Clay Phillips, Chad Beach, and Andrea Roy.
Call to Order
Bill Rohloff called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes: October 1, 2003
It was moved by Kris Fichtner and seconded by Matt Hall that the minutes of the
October 1, 2003 meeting be approved. The motion passed unanimously.
Discussion regarding economic development processes and municipal finance operations.
Andrea Roy and Chad Beach presented a PowerPoint Presentation (attached) to the Committee, which
outlined the City's tax rate structure, the available economic development incentives and the process in
which companies must follow in order to obtain the incentives. Discussion followed among the
Committee, and Staff answered a variety of questions related to the City's long-term vision for growth, etc.
The Committee indicated that it would be of assistance if they were provided information on the current
and possible future market conditions and the City's outlook/expectations for future growth on the west
side. Staff will gather the related information and possibly have area brokers present their perspective of
the industrial/retail/residential markets to the Committee.
Discussion regarding Committee role and responsibilities/Committee Bylaws.
Items 4 & 5 were discussed concurrently. Staff presented updated Bylaws to the Committee, which
outlined the duties under the Committee's realm. Staff will make minor changes the Bylaws and place this
item on the next agenda for action. Bylaws will then be heard and voted upon by City Council.
Discussion regarding proposed incentive package for an existing expanding business.
Staff reviewed the City's response to a request for additional incentives from an existing expanding
business in Coppell. A final response from the company has not yet been received, but staff will inform the
Committee when a decision is reached.
Update on commercial and industrial development projects.
Staff summarized the events of the 2003 ICSC (Int'l. Council of Shopping Centers) Texas Idea Exchange
in San Antonio and handed out information from the conference for review. Staff also informed the
Committee that the facility previously occupied by MJDesigns will soon be 100% occupied, IDI has a
300,000 sq. ft. speculative facility in the DFW Trade Center under construction and may soon come before
the Committee for abatement assistance, and approximately 30 acres north of North Lake is under contract
for proposed industrial development.
With no further business to discuss, it was moved by Matt Hall and seconded Marvin Franklin by that the
meeting adjourn. By unanimous vote, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea L. Roy
Economic Development Coordinator