RE 01-09-96.1 RESOLUTION NO. 010996.1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, SUPPORTING THE VERTICAL EXPANSION OF THE DFW RECYCLING AND DISPOSAL FACILITY. WHEREAS, DFW Reycling and Disposal Facility, a Division of Waste Management of Texas, Inc. is developing the permit application for the vertical expansion of the existing landfill to handle the future needs for solid waste disposal; and, ~S, D~ R~yc~g ~d Dis~ Faci~ h~ b~n providing re~able ~d envffonmen~y ~e ~dfiH ~i~s for n~ly ~en~-five (25) y~s; ~d, ~AS, ~n~ appro~ma~ly ~n (10) y~s of l~df~ spa~ is rem~n~g at ~e fac~ty, ~e exp~on would give ~e residen~ ~d bus~esses of Cop~ a facility ~ dis~ of ~ ~d w~ for a~ro~ma~ly ~y (30) y~s; ~d, ~S, a ve~ ex. sion of DFW R~yc~g ~d Dis~ Facili~ w~ result in con~u~ low rates for Cop~ll residents ~d businesses by providing a 1~, ~no~, ~d en~onmen~y res~nsible m~s of solid w~ dis~ for ~e fore~ble lucre; ~d, ~S, ifexp~d~, D~ R~ycl~g ~d Dis~ Pa~i~ ~ ~nfinue Wprovide a ~sifive ~nomic imp~t for ~e City of Cop~ll. NOW, ~FO~, BE ~ ~OLV~ BY ~E CI~ CO~C~ OF ~E C~ OF COPPF]~L, ~XAS, ~AT: SEC~ON I: ~at ~e City Council of ~e City of Cop~ll, Text, hereby sup~ ~e development of ~e ~rmit appli~on for ~e vcrfic~ exp~sion of ~e existing l~dfill ~ provide · e fut~e n~s for solid w~te dis~. D~Y PASS~ ~ ~PROV~ BY ~E C~Y CO~C~ OF ~E CITY OF COPPELL, ~XAS ON ~ ~E 9~ DAY OF J~Y, 1~. APpenD:. ~om ~o~on, A~OV~D AS ~0