RE 01-09-96.3Master Fee A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 010996.3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR GENERAL AND SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES TO BE ASSESSED AND COLLECTED BY THE CITY AS AUTHORIZED BY THE CODE OF ORDINANCES AND OTHER APPLICABLE CODES, ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE CITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Chapter 18 and other sections of the Coppell City Code and other ordinances have been amended to provide that general and special fees and charges be established by appropriate resolution of the City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the following general and special fees and charges to be assessed and collected by the City of Coppell as authorized by various chapters of the Coppell City Code, other applicable codes, ordinances, resolutions and laws are hereby established, to-wit: CODE/ORDINANCE AMOUNT OF FEE A. Chapter 2, Coppell City Code Sec. 2-8-6, Fee for Appeal $50.00 B. Chapter 3, Coppell City Code Sec. 3-1-5, Water Rates (Monthly) Residential: First 1,000 gallons (minimum) $12.00 All over 1,000 gallons $ 2.60 pa' 1~0 gallons ACrGO75F1 Commemial: Based on Meter Base Rate Below plus $ 2.60per 1,000 gallons Meter Base Rate: Size Type Rate 5/8 inch meter A $ 12.00 1 inch meter B $ 16.20 1 ~ inch meter C $ 24.25 2 inch meter D $ 32.25 3 inch meter E $ 48.40 4 inch meter F $ 64.60 6 inch meter G $ 96.75 8 inch meter H $129.00 Sec. 3-1-11, Water Meter Deposit Builders and realtors $ 30.00 Home buyers $ 35.00 Renters $ 55.00 Sec. 3-1-15, Tapping City Water Mains A. The tapping fee for connection with the Waterworks System shall be: 3/4" $325.00 I" $200.00 plus cost of materials and labor 1½" $250.00 plus cost of materials and labor 2" and over Total cost of materials and labor EXCEPT in the case of apartment complexes, mobile home parks, office buildings, motels, townhouses, multi-family dwellings, etc., and all other facilities other than single family dwellings served by one master meter in which case the charges shall be: B. Water Tap Inspection Fee: $50.00 Reinspection Fee: $30.00 C. Mobile Home Parks: $50.00 per each mobile home space and total cost of materials and labor for the master meter. D. Apartment Complexes, Townhouses, Office Buildings, Multi-Family Dwellings, etc. Served by One Master Meter: 1. $50.00 per each unit of two bedrooms or more shown on the plans submitted for building permit, plus cost of materials and labor. 2. $45.00 per each one bedroom unit shown on the plans submittext per building permit, plus cost of materials and labor. 3. $45.00 per each separate place of business shown on the plans submitted for building permit, plus cost of materials and labor. E. Water Meter Fee: Cost of various sizes of water meters plus 5% administrative fee. Sec. 3-2-2, Sewer Rates (Monthly) Residential: First 1,000 gallons (minimum) $ 12.00 All over 1,000 gallons $ 1.80 l:ff 1,(11) (maximum 14,000 gallons) gallons Commercial, Industrial and non-single family dwellings: First 1,000 gallons (min'nnum) $12.00 All over 1,000 gallons $ 1.80 per lllO0 gallons Sewer Service Only (flat rate): Customers not connected to City's water system $ 17.94 Sec. 3-2-4, Tapping City Sewer Mains A. The tapping fee for connection with the sewer system shall be: 1. 4" Residential $400.00 4" Commercial $600.00 6" and larger $600.00 plus ~tal cost of materials and labor 2. Mobile home parks $100.00per each mobile home space and total cost of materials and labor 3. Apartment complexes, motels, townhomes, office buildings, multi-family dwellings, etc., served by one master meter, plus cost of materials and labor: a. 2 bedrooms or more (as shown on plans submitted for a building permit) $100.00 b. 1 bedroom (as shown on plans submitted for a building permit) $ 50.00 c. Each separate place of business (as shown on plans submitted for a building permit) $ 50.00 B. Sewer tap inspection fee: $ 50.00 1. Reinspection fee $ 30.00 Sec. 3-3-2, Restoration of Service C. Cost of disconnecting and reconnecting water or sewer services $ 20.00 D. Meter testing fees: 3/4" or 1" meter $ 15.00 1 ½" 60.00 2" 60.00 3" 80.00 4" 100.00 6" 150.00 8" 150.00 Sec. 3-4-4C, Permit Fees Excavation permit fee $ 100.00 C. Chapter 6, Coppell City Code Sec. 6-1-3, License Fee Massage establishment license fee $1,000.00 Sec. 6-2-3, Non-charitable solicitations: Application for Permit Master solicitor permit fee $ 200.00 annually, per company Additional individual solicitor permit fee $ 25.00 each with Master Permit Sec. 6-3-5 Amusement center license fee $ 10.00 for each coin operated amusement device Replacement license fee $ 2.00 Sec. 6-7-1 Christmas nee sales permit $ 50.00 Sec. 6-9-9 Wrecker permit fee $ 25.00 per vehicle annually Sec. 6-10-4 Apartment complex license fee $ 50.00 Duplicate - additional location $ 25.00 Replacement $ 2.00 Sec. 6-11-5 Sexually oriented business permit fee (original application) $1,000.00 Renewal application fee $ 500.00 Sec. 6-11-8 Sexually oriented business transfer fee $1,000.00 D. Chapter 9, Coppell City Code Art. %1 Animal Control License Fee 1. Dog/Cat over 4 months old (§ 9-1-5A) $ 5.00 2. Dog/Cat - Altered $ 5.00 3. Dog/Cat - Unaltered $ 10.00 4. Dangerous Dog (§ 9-1-18Clb) $ 50.00 5. Miniature Swine (§ 9-1-19) $ 5.00 6. Replacement of lost or stolen regislration $ 2.00 Impoundment (§ 9-1-10) 1. Impoundment charges where impotmdmem occurs during regular working hours shall be as follows: Impound Charges - Within a one year period Class A: Dogs and cats: 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH Altered $15.00 $30.00 $60.00 $120.00 Unaltered $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 $160.00 (If proof of surgical sterilization is provided within fifteen (15) days from the date an animal is registered, the difference in impoundment and other fees between sterilized and unsterilized animals will be refunded.) Dogs and cats under the age of six (6) months shall be charged the sterilization fee. Animals may be exempted from sterilization upon written recommendation from a licensed veterinarian that such alternatives would be harmful or dangerous to the animal. Owners of these animals am to be subject to the lower impoundment fee. Class B: Small livestock, such as: goats, sheep, lambs, calves, foals, and animals of the same approximate size and weight, each animal: 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 Class C: Large livestock, such as: cattle, horses, ponies, mules, and animals of the same approximate size and weight, each animal: 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH $50.00 $60.00 $70.00 $80.00 Class D: Wild Animals: For wild animals personally owned and requiring capture by division personnel: Same as Class C If wild animals personally owned and already contained: Same as Class A (Altered) All other wild animals: No charge 2. Impound Charges where impoundment occurs outside of regular working hours shall be the cost of impoundment plus 10%. 3. Daily Handling/Boarding Fees: Class A $ 10.00/day Class B $ 10.00/day Class C $ 15.00/day Class D $15.00/day Nursing litters will be charged at twice the Daily Boarding Fee Disposition of Animals (§ 9-1-12) Euthanasia and disposal: Cats $20.00 Dogs $25.00 Dogs (25 lbs. and over) $30.00 With financial hardship cases, these fees may be waived in whole or in part by the City Manager. Animal Ouarantine (§ 9-1-14) 1. Veterinarian Quarantine $15.00 per day for 10 days 2. Animal Shelter Quarantine The owner of any animal held in quarantine for observation purposes shall be charged five dollars ($5.00) for every day or fraction of a day an animal is at the animal shelter. This is in addition to any impoundment or daily handling fee. 3. Impounded animals cannot be released without proof of current rabies vaccination. A rabies vaccination can be administered at SLAH for cats and dogs over the age of 4 months. $16.00 4. Head Shipment (§§ 9-1-14F, 14K) $50.00 Miscellaneous Fees 1. Trap Loan: Small Animal Traps $ 25.00 Deposit Large Size Traps $ 75.00 Deposit 2. Any other costs incurred by the City and not included in the above may be charged to the owner or adopting party. Sec. 9-6-2 Moving License $ 241I} per arain Sec. 9-6-3 Structural moving pea'mit fee $ 25.00 plus IRS rate per mile Sec. 9-11-11 Arborist license fee $ 25.00 annually Sec. 9-12-3 Alarm permit fee $ 20.00 Renewal fee $ 10.00 Sec. 9-12-4 A. Burglar alarm service fee $ 50.00 B. Fire alarm service fee $100.00 C. Robbery alarm service fee $100.00 D. Medical assistance alarm service fee $ 50.00 E. Emergency assistance alarm service fee $ 50.00 Sec. 9-12-14 Financial institution alarm permit fee $100.00 Sec. 9-12-15 Alarm permit administrative fee $ 20.00 Sec. 9-15-13 Permit fee for private well $ 25.00 Construction permit fee for public well $ 50.00 E. Chapter 10, Coppell City Code Sec. 10-3-4 Sign permit fee $100.00 Sign alteration or repair permit fee $ 50.00 Sec. 10-5-4 Temporary banner sign permit fee $ 25.00 Sec. 10-7-4 Impoundment fee Sign less than 12 square feet $ 5.00 Impoundment fee Sign greater than 12 square feet $15.00 Sec. 10-8-2 Political sign permit fee $100.00 Sec. 10-9-1 Variance application fee $100.00 F. Chapter 11, Coppell City Code (Pretreatment Charges and Fees) Sec. 11-2-7 C 1 Sampling and testing of grease and oil traps Cost plus 10% Sec. 11-5-3 F Waste hauler permit fee $100.00 for first track and $10.00 for each additional truck of same entity Sec. 11-15-1 A 1 Monitoring, sampling, inspection, and surveillance activities Cost ~ pmvkhn' g Sec. 11-15-1 A 2 Reviewing accidental discharge procedures and consU'uction $100.00 Sec. 11-15-1 A 3 Permit application evaluation and permit issuance $200.00 Sec. 11-15-1 A 4 Mitigation and/or cleanup of excessive wastewater discharge Cost c~providm' g Sec. 11-15-1 i 5 Sm'charges for excessive or prohibited discharge Cost ~f suix:harge fee imposed on the City by plant plus 10% Sec. 11-15-1 B Industrial waste surcharge ($0.04152/1b. BOD > mgtl and > 250 mg/l) plus 10% G. Chapter 12, Coppell City Code (Zoning) 1. Standard Zoning Filing Fee $500.00 minimum, plus $10.00 per acre or portion thereof 2. Special Use Permit $400.00 minimum, plus $5.00 per acre of portion thereof 3. Conceptual Site Plan When submitted with zoning request No charge Submitted separately $100.00 4. Development Plan (Detail Site Plan) $400.00 5. Zoning Appeal $100.00 + $5.00 per property owner notified 6. Land Study $100.00 + $1.00 7. Preliminary Plat $100.00 + $4.00 per lot 8. Amending Plat $100.00 + $4.00 per lot 9. Secondary and Minor Plats $100.00 + $4.00 per lot 10. Final Plat: Non-Residential $100.00 + $351)0 per acre Residential $5(D.00 + $20B0 per lot Multi-Family $100.00 + $3.00 per unit Estate District $ 30.00 per acae 11. Replat $100.00 + $5.00 per lot 12. Zoning case withdrawal Before publication of a notice of public hearing 50% Refund After publication No Refund H.Chapter 13, Coppell City Code (Subdivision Regulations) The Developer shall pay 4% of the cost of the items to be permitted and inspected by the Engineering Department and dedicated to the City. The Developer shall pay 2% of the items to be inspected by the Engineering Department, but not dedicated to the City such as parking lots, private ufili0es, private drainage systems, and so forth. Sec. 13-1-1 G Variance application fee $50.00' I. Chapter 15, Coppell City Code (Buildings) 1. Building Inspection Fees (New Construction) Occupancy Classification "Single Family" (1991 Uniform Building Code) Occupancy Building Area Building Fee Classification Square Feet Single Family 1,500 or less $ 930.00 1,501 to 2,000 1,005.00 2,001 to 2,500 1,080.00 2,501 to 3,000 1,125.00 3,001 to 3,500 1,210.00",_ 3,501 to 4,000 1,275.00 4,000 to 4,500 1,340.00 4,501 or more 1,405.00 2. Building Inspection Fees Occupancy Building Area Building Fee Classification Square Feet Group A,B,E,H,I,MF,S 0 to 500 $ 100.{)13 and U 501 to 100,000 250.00 + .07 sq. ft. 100,001 to 500,000 1,250.00 + .06 sq. ft. 500,001 or more 6,500.00 + .05 sq. ft. Building Area Mechanical Square Feet Plbg. & Elect 0 to 500 $ 30.00 501 to 100,000 20.00 + .045 sq. ft. 100,001 or more 1,050.00 + .035 sq. ft. 3. Shell Buildings Occupancy Building Area Building Fee Classification Square Feet Group A,B,E,H,I,MF,S 0 to 500 $ 75.00 and U Shell Buildings 501 to 100,000 250.00 + .06 sq. ft. 100,001 or more 1,250.00 + .05 sq. ft. Finish out of shell space 0 to 500 $ 50.00 501 to 100,000 150.00 + .03 sq. ft. 100,001 or more 1,250.00 + .02 sq. ft. 4. Occupancy, Mechanical, Classification Building Area Occupancy Building Area Mechani~ Plbg. Classification Square Feet & Elec. Group A,B,E,H,I,MF,S 0 to 500 $ 50.00 and U 501 to 100,000 100.00 + .025 sq. ft. 100,001 or more 625.00 + .02 sq. ft. Finish Out Of Shell Space 0 to 500 $ 15.00 501 to 100,000 10.00 + .016 sq. ft. 100,001 or more 450.00 + .012 sq. ft. 5. New ConsU'uction Occupancy Building Area Mechanical Classification Square Feet Plbg. &Elec. Group R-1 0 to 20,000 $ 250.00 + .25 sq. ft. 20,001 to 50,000 750.00 + .23 sq. ft. 50,001 to 100,000 3,000.00 + .19 sq. ft. 100,001 to 200,000 5,000.00 + .17 sq. ft. 200,001 or more 9,000.00 + .15 sq. ft. 6. Additions, Alterations, Repairs and Demolition Occupancy Building Area Building Fees Classification Square Feet All Groups 0 to 500 $ 20.00 500 to 1,000 25.00 1,001 to 1,500 30.00 1,501 to 2,000 35.00 2,001 to 2,500 40.00 2,501 to 3,000 45.00 3,001 to 5,000 55.00 5,001 to 10,000 75.00 10,001 to 15,000 100.00 15,001 to 20,000 125.00 20,001 to 30,000 150.00 30,001 to 40,000 175.00 40,001 to 50,000 200.00 50,001 to 75,000 250.00 75,001 to 100,000 300.00 100,001 or more 300.00 for first 100,000 plus $1ffll]0 f~ each 7. Electrical License Fees (§ 15-2-1) Contractor (Ord. 92-573) $ 75.00 Master 10.00 Journeyman 5.00 8. Sprinkler License Fees (Ord. 92-573) Contxactor $ 75.00 9. Mechanical License Fees (§ 15-3-1) Contractor (Ord. 92-573) $ 75.00 10. Plumbing License Fees (§ 154-1) Contractor (Ord. 92-573) $ 75.00 11. Backflow Prevention Device Fees (§ 15-4-2) a. Registration Fee for tester (eenified) $ 75.00/yr. b. Registration Fee for device (non-certified) $ 15.00/yr. c. Customer service inspection: Residential, Multi-family $ 20.00/unit Non-residential $ 40.00 Reinspeetion $ 10.00 12. Certificate of Occupancy Fees All Groups Except R-3 (Ord. 92-573) $ 50.00 13. Other Inspections and Fees (Ord. 92-573) a. Inspections outside of $ 50.O0/hr. normal business hours (minimum charge two hours) b. Reinspecfion fees assessed $ 30.00 under provisions of Section 305(g) of the UBC c. Inspection for which no $ 30.00/hr. fee is specifically indicated (min. charge one-half hour) d. Additional plan review required $ 50.00/hr. by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans (minimum charge one-half hour) e. Contractor Registration Fee $250.00 18 f. Landscape,qrrigation Modification $100.00 14. Miscellaneous Fees (Ord. 92-573) Swimming pool (in-ground) $300.00 Spa, or above ground pool $110.00 Lawn sprinklers $ 60.00 Fence $ 50.00 Retaining Walls (every 100 fee0 $ 25.00 Sec. 15-5-1, Fire Prevention Fees Automatic Sprinkler System Contractor $ 75.00 License Fire Alarm System Contractor License $ 75.00 Annual Fire Alarm or Suppression System $ 30.00 Test Flammable or Combustible Liquid Storage $100.00 Explosive Materials Storage $250.00 Hazardous Materials Storage $150.00 Day Care License Inspection $ 30.00 Foster Home Inspection $ 30.00 Fire Sprinkler System Inspection Underground $ 15.00 Fire Sprinkler System Inspection Overhead $15.00 Fire Alarm System Inspection $ 15.00 Fire Pump Installation $ 30.00 Fire Prevention Re-Inspection Fee $ 30.00 Tent Permit $ 30.00 Open Burning $ 50.00 Sec. 15-5-5, Emergency Ambulance Service Ambulance Service for residents $150.00 Ambulance Service for non-residents $225.00 J. Chapter 17, Coppell City Code (Impact Fee) Sec. 17-2-03, Water Facility Fees See Schedules 1 and 2 attached See. 17-3-03, Sanitary Sewer Facilities Fees See Schedules 1 and 2 attached See. 17-4-03, Roadway Facilities Fees See Schedules 2 and 4 attached K. The following are general and special fees and charges established by other ordinances, codes, resolutions or by this resolution which are not specifically amendments to the Coppell City Code: Library Fees - permit for non-Dallas County $ 25.00 County Residents use of library Food Establishment Fees Permanent establishment $100.00 Temporary establishment 250.00 Temporary Permit 50.00 plus $5.00 for each concession with food and/or drink sales Plan review fee 50.00 Reinspecfion fee 50% of annual permit fee 20 AC, C~SV~ Street 'Pro Rata' Charges ESCROW for P6D & C4D STREETS EXCAVATION: (length)(width)(depth)(CY/27 ft ) (1.0 ft)(27.0 ft)(2.0 ft)(CY/27 ft) = 2.0 CY x $11.00/CY :$22.00 STAB SUBGRADE: (length)(width)(SY/9 ft ) (1.0 ft)(27.0 ft)(SY/9 ft) = 3.0 SY x $2.00/SY = $6.00 LIME: (lmgth)(width)(SY/9 ft )(30'/SY)(ton/2000~ (1.0 ft)(27 ft)(SY/9 ft )(30*/SY)(ton/2000~) = 0.045 ton x $85.00Pon $3.83 PAVING w/attached curb: (length)(width)(SY/9 ft ) (1.0 ft)(25.0 ft)(SY/9 ft) = 2.78 SY x $20.00/SY $65_56 SIDEWALK: (length)(width) (1.0 ft)(5.0 ft) = 5.0 ft x $2.50/sf = $1230 $99.89 DRAINAGE: typically about 35% of paving cost (0.35)($99.89) $34.96 INCIDENTALS: typically about 15% of paving cost (0.15)($99.89) $14.98 $149.83 ENGINEERING: assume average of 63% (0.065X$149.83) $9.74 $159_57 ESCROW $160.00/ft ESCROW for C5U & C4U STREETS EXCAVATION: (le~gth)(widlh)(deplhXCY/27 ft ) (1.0 ft)(21-5 ftX2.0 ft)(CY,r27 ft) = 1_59 CY x $11.00K2Y~I7_52 STAB SUBGRADE: (leng~h)(wid~h)(SYj9 ft ) (1.0 ft)(21.5 ftXSY/9 ft) = 2.39 SY x $2.00/SY = $4.78 LIME: (length)(width)(SYD ft)(30~/SY)(ton/2000~ (1.0 ft)(21_sft)(SY/9 ft X30~/SY)(ton/2000~ = 0.036 ton x $85.00/~on $3.05 PAVING w/attached curb: (length)(width)(SY/9 ft ) (1.0 ft)(20.5 ft)(SY/9 ft) = 2.28 SY x $20.00/SY $4536 SIDEWALK: (lmgth)(width) (l.0 ft)(4.0 ft) = 4.0 ftx $2.50/sf = $10.00 $80.91 DRAINAGE: typically about 35% of paving cost (0.35X$80.91) $28.32 INCIDENTALS: typically about 15% of paving cost (0.15X$80.91) $12.14 $121.37 ENGINEERING: assume average of 6_5% (0.065)($121.37) $7.89 $129.26 ESCROW $130.00/ft ESCROW for C2U EXCAVATION: (length)(width)(depth)(CY/27 ft ) (1.0 ft)(17.5 fit)(2.0 ft)(CY/27 fit ) = 1.30 CY x $11.00/cy$:14.26 STAB SI. YBGRADE: (leyagth)(width)(SY/9 ft ) (1.0 ft)(17.5 ftXSY/9 fit) = 1.94 SY x $2.00/SY = $3.89 LIME: (leagth)(width)(SY/9 ft )(30'/SY)(ton/2000~) (1.0 ft)(17.Sft)(SY/9 fit )(30~/SY)(ton/20o~) -- 0.029 ton x $85.0o/lon ~2A8 PAVING w/alta~hed curb: (lengthXwidth)(SY/9 ft ) (1.0 ft)(163 fit)(SY/9 ft) = 1.83 SY x $20.00/SY $36.67 SIDEWALK: (leagth)(width) (1.0 ft)(4.0 ft) = 4.0 ft x $2.50/sf = $10.00 $67.30 DRAINAGE: typically about 35% of paving cost (0.35)($67.70) $23.56 INCIDENTALS: typically about 15% of paving cost (0.15)($67.30) $10.10 $100.96 ENGINEERING: assume average of 6.5% (0.065)($100.96) $6.56 $107.52 ESCROW $110.00/ft Engineering Fees 1. Utility Final Inspection Fee $ 50.00 2. Utility Reinspection Fee $ 30.00 3. Street Cut Permit Fee $100.00 4. Street Bore Permit Fee $100.00 5. Su'eet Sign Fee Cost of Various Signs plus 5% Adminisu'ative Fee 6. Sa-eet Light Fee $ 292.60 7. Floodplain Development Review: A. Non-computer modeling study $ 500.00 B. Computer modeling study $1,000.00 8. Copy Fees: A. City limit map 1" = 600' black and white $ 15.00 B. City limit map 1" = 1,000' black and white $ 8.00 C. Any other map 1" = 1,000' black and white $ 8.00 D. City-Wide Storm Water Management Plan $40.00 E. Thoroughfare Plan/Roadway Functional Classification and Design Standards $20.00 F. Topo Maps (24" x 36") 32 sheets $50.00 G. Standard Constxuction Details 11" x 17" $15.00 Standard Construction Details 24" x 36" (33 sheets) $50.00 H. Subdivision Ordinance (including Stxeetscape Plan) $25.00 I. Floodplain Ordinance $10.00 J. Blueline Copy $ 5.00 K. Erosion Control Ordinance $ 2.65 L. Impact Fee Ordinance and Study $ 8.95 M. Wastewater System Masterplan Map $ 8.00 N. Water System Masterplan Map $ 8.00 O. Zoning Ordinance $15.00 P. Zoning Map (black and white) $ 8.00 Q. Comprehensive Plan $15.00 R. Any available map (color) Black and white cost + $20.00 S. Computer information on diskette $20.00 T. Special Request Maps Actual cost to create + costs depending on 23 ^c, co7s~ U. Other copies: First page $ .10 Additional pages $ .10 Public Information Fees The following is a summary of the charges for copies of public information that have been adopted by the City: Service Rendered Char~,e 1. Standard-size copy $ .10perpage 2. Nonstandard-size copy: A. Diskette $ 1.00 each B. Magnetic tape $10.00 each C. VHS video cassette $ 2.50 each D. Audio cassette $ 1.00 each E. Paper copy $ .50 each F. Other Actual cost 3. Personnel charge $15.00 per hour 4. Overhead charge 20% of 5. Microfiche or microfilm charge A. Paper copy $ .10pexpage B. Fiche or film copy Actual cost 6. Remote document retrieval charge Actual cost 7. Computer resource charge: A. Mainframe $1730 px mit~ 24 ^c~c~w~ B. Midsize $ 3~0p:rmi~e C. Client/Server $ 1/Bpermi~e D. PC or LAN $ ~) per mi~ 8. Programming time charge $26.00 per hour 9. Miscellaneous supplies Actual cost 10. Postage and shipping charge Actual cost 11. Fax charge: A. local $ .10perpage B. long distance, same area code $ .50pexpage C. long distance, different area code $ 1.00 pex page 12. Other costs Actual cost Police Fees 1. Incident Reports $ 3.00 pet page 2. Fingerprinting Fee $10.00 Other Fees 1. Insufficient Funds Fee $ 20.00 2. Annual Budget Document $ 40.00 3. Mailing labels $ 35.00 4. New customer listings: A. Monthly $ 5.00 B. Complete $ 20.00 5. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report $ 30.00 Recreational Fees 1. Sports Entry Fee - Resident $ 10.00/Player Sports Entry Fee - Non-Resident $ 25.00/Player (effective 4-1-96) 2. Field Rental - Unlit $ 5.00/Hour Field Rental - Lit $10.00/Hour 3. Pavilion Rental $ 25.00 Pavilion & Concession Rental $100.00 Clean Up Deposit $100.00 4. Clinics or Tournaments 20% of Gross Receipts Residential Garbage Collection Fee 1. Residential garbage customer $ 992 per nx~ Senior citizen residential garbage customer $ 893 t~x n-mb 2. Commercial Garbage Collection Fees: FREQUENCY 3 YD 4 YD 6 YD 8 YD (Per wk) 1 $ 64.80 $ 79.54 $ 96.71 $122.49 2 107.38 154.93 165.42 208.93 3 143.12 212.69 238.32 294.47 4 181.95 274.11 309.11 373.78 5 222.41 332.14 372.49 458.01 6 263.39 398.58 439.76 542.56 Extra Pickups 21.48 ea. 29.17 ea. 31.03 ea. 41.66 ea. Commercial Hand Pickups $ 18.20 per mo. Redelivery Fee for Nonpayment of Account $ 32.51 Com~antors - Closed Delivery Fee $ 61.28 Rental Per Month $295.00 Charge Per Pull 30 YD $252.00 42 YD $264.00 32 YD $293.00 SECTION 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law and charter in such cases provide, and it is accordingly so resolved. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, APPROVED: ~TOM MORTON, MAYOR ATTEST: LINI~A GRAU, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: PETER G. SMITHd/,~ITY ATTORNEY (RLD/ckh 9-27-95) '~ SCHEDULE 1 WATER FACILITY MAXIMUM FEE PER SERVICE UNIT Meter Size E.S.U.* Wastewater Impact Fee 5/8" X 3/4" 1.00 $ 566.96 1" 2.50 $ 1417.40 ! 1/2" 5.00 $ 2834.80 2" 8.00 $ 4535.68 3~ 16.00 $ 907136 4~ 25.00 $14,174.00 6" '62.50 $35,435.00 8" 80.0O $45,356.8O 10' 115.00 $65,200.40 From Texas Rural Water Association Recommended Meter Equivalents, based on AWWA Specifications and De-~i? Criteria SCHEDULE 1 - PAGE 1 SCHEDULE ! WASTE WATER FACILITY MAXIMUM FEE PER SERVICE UNIT Meter Size E.S.U.* Wnstewater Impact Fee 5/8" X 3/4" 1.00 $ 559.38 1" 2.50 $ 1398.45 1 1/2" 5.00 $ 2796.90 2" 8.00 $ 4475.04 3" 16.00 $ 8950.08 4" 25.00 $13,984~0 6" 6230 $54,961.25 8" 8O.0O $44,750.4O 10" 115.00 $64,~28.70 · From Texas Rural Water Association Recommended Meter Equivalell~, ba~d on AWWA Specifications and Design Criteria SCHEDULE 1 - PAGE SCHEDULE 1 ROADWAY FACILITY MAXIMUM FEE PER SERVICE UNIT Service Area Cost Per Service Unit 1 6O6 2 34O 3 392 4 1121 5 54O 6 447 7 337 8 73 9 1173 10 1258 Weighted Average 629 SCHEDULE 1 - PAGE 3 AC, Cs064~ SCHEDULE 2 WATER FACILITY AND PAYMENT AND COLLE~'HON FEE PER SERVICE UNIT Meter Size E.S.U.* Water Impact Fe~ 5/8" X 3/4" 1.00 $ 450 1' 2.50 $1,125 I 1/T 5.00 $2,250 2" 8.00 $3,600 3" 16.00 $7,200 4" 25.00 $11,250 6" 62.50 $28,125 8" 80.00 $36,000 10" 11~.00 $51,750 *From Texas Rural Water Associallon Recommended Meter Equivalent, based on AWM/A Specifications and De~i? Criteria SCHEDULE 2 - PAGE 1 SCHEDULE 2 WASTEWATER FACILITY AND PAYMENT AND COLLECTION FEE PER SERVICE UNIT Meter Size E.S.U.* Water Impact Fee 5/8" X 3/4" 1.00 $ 450 1" 2_50 $1,125 I 1/2" 5.00 $2,250 2" 8.00 $3,600 3" 16.00 $7~200 4" 25.00 $11,250 6" 62.50 $28,125 8" 80.00 $36,000 10~ 115,00 $51,750 *From To.~n~ Rural Water Association g~omm~ild~d Meter Equivalent, based on AWWA Specifications ~.a Design Criteria SCHEDULE 2 - PAGE 2 SCHEDULE 2 ROADWAY FACILITY PAYMENT AND COLLECI'ION FEE PER SERVICE UNIT Service Aren Payment and Collection Fee Per Vehicle Service Mile 1 3OO 2 3OO 3 3OO 4 3O0 5 3OO 6 3OO 7 3OO 8 73 9 3OO 10 3OO SCHEDULE 2 - PAGE 3 AC~300~ SCHEDULE 3 ~ATER AND SE~ER BENEFIT AREA MAP ] ----- SCHEDULE 4 ROADWAY BENEFIT AREA