RE 08-27-96.5 RESOLUTION NO. 082796.5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, TO THE PROPOSED SENATE BILL REGARDING THE TEXAS LOTTERY. ~AS, the Tex~ ~e~ Commission has conduct~ the Texas ~tte~ since its implementation in 1992; ~d ~E~AS, Senator Tom Hayw~d has propos~ a Senate Bill to be present~ in ~e 1997 legislative session of ~e Texas Senate that would r~uire the Texas ~tte~ Commission to remm five ~nts of eve~ lotte~ s~es doll~ to the city where the ~es was ~ct~, or to the county where the ~es ~cfion location was in the uninco~omt~ ~m of the county; ~d ~E~AS, ~e state lotte~ ticket s~es in Denton County during ~e c~end~ y~ 1995 m~ $34,4~,0~, ~d ~is pro~s~ bill would have retum~ m the cities ~d county of Denton County a to~ of $1,720,~0. NOW~ ~~, BE ~ ~OLVED, ~at ~e CiW Council of Coppell, Texas adopt~ ~ offici~ Resolution approving the accepmce of ~e propos~ Senate Bill by Senator Tom Hayw~ returning five cents from eve~ doll~ of ~e Texas State ~tte~ ticket s~es to the cities ~d counties. D~Y PASS~ by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas this ~ 7 ~ay of August 1996. ~m Moron, Mayor Lin~t£Grau, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: L"~y Attorney