RE 10-11-94.1 RESOLUTION NO. 101194.1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACT AS THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE IN ALL MATTERS RELATED TO A SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TREE PLANTING GRANT THROUGH THE TEXAS FOREST SERVICE, AND COMMITTING RESOURCES, AND AUTHORIZING TREE PLANTING ON THE SITE. Preamble WHEREAS, the City Council desires to participate in a program to plant trees on city property utilizing small businesses as much as possible; and WHEREAS, the City Council agrees to comply with all program rules as set out in the grant program guidelines; and NOW THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COPPELL, TEXAS THAT: 1. The city Council of the City of Coppell is committing the resources needed for the local matching requirement, which totals $16,282.00 in cash and in- kind services. 2. The City Council authorizes tree planting in the City's Andrew Brown Jr. Community Park West located at 363 N. Denton Tap Road, coppell, Texas. 3. The City Manager is authorized to execute all documents with the Texas Forest Service relating to this Small Business Administration Tree Planting Grant, a copy of the approved application being attached hereto as Exhibit /%. PASSED AND APPROVED this // ~ day of ~~__, 1994. ~ Mayor Tom Morton G au, Interim City Secretary 1994 Small B incas Administration ...... National Tree Planting Program Grant Appliention have m to th- S~A Natieml Tree Plan~ C~ Gneg ~idek ooata~t the Texas Fo~st Setviok Coilq, Slatio~ Texa~ 'r7843-2136 o~ call 409/~5-2641 for ~ copy. · ~;~?' · .... ~.~..,, ..,. ...._. ~, .. . ... ,.. · ..~ · Teo~ F~est Setdm ' · * Part L - l~ojeet Information and Authoriz~tion Or~nizeioa ~i~ nf ~ Perks and Recreation Oeum'tment Mailing address , .P.O. Bog 4?8 City Cooaell (Pop: 23,000 ~. TX ZiP ?S019 Contact person R.D. Stn_vton Telephone No. (214) 46~-8495 Trees to be planted on land owned or controlled by City of Coooell SBA funds requested $~ Percent or' total Local match provided $...t~a.,~,.~ Percent or' total 45 As a duly authorized representative of this organization m~ing this grant application, I hereby certify that all the information provided herein is l:ue and represents the desires of this organization. '* i"~ ~ ... '.. Rick Wi~lnnd- Pnde~ nnd Recreation Mmel' ' " ' :,,,,.x, ,~..:.,....:.~ ..'lOt,/la,~/ .0. LA/~,' o1"'1"]+ ........ i!~'i~.~;~: ~ ': ~',? --~-- --- - glenature of authodzed reptesentabve ' . * "Date .... ,'~V~,~..:? ~.,~111~ . U. 8. Small Business Admintstratton ,... .... "g',~,~s ,~' Texas Urban Forestry Councd, Inc. - rruusu~q~e~....~/.eep,ct T~I Hqdpm~t ~ VOO.OQ ' C~: 20tO00.O0 (~ P~ ~ ~.) ""= '~/" P~ ~'~ ~ ~ of ~i~ nm~ of ~1 bmh~ m ~ h~ for PI~8 I , ~ p~ · ~t .1 , ~ ] , ~ ~ . ~n~l~l~~~of N~ of ~ ~ m ~ p~ for ~is pmj~t N~ of ~ ~ would ~ pin~ if ~ SBA ~d~g ~ ~eiv~ 0 Part m. _ Technical Propoanl Each grant application must include a technical proposal of no more than txvo (2) typed pages. This narrative should address all thc points listed below: 1) Objectives: clearly state thc objectives of the project. 2) Site Description: describe the location where the project will take place, 3) Project Execution: describe work to be done; include number of ~'ees, sizes, species, etc. 4) Maintenance Plan: describe care and maintenance of trees to be provided. $) Co~t Elf~liVen~es: state how funds will be spent and in-kind donations 6) Smail~ .B~,~qlrtielpmtion: state number of sniali busmesses to be contracted. ]Part Iv'. = Fo..re~e. r Ce~..~..n..(Optional) '. .~,.. · '..: .' ... - ~. I certify that this project ns described and shown to me meets all TFS technical guidelines, or lhnt an appropriate Vlu, iance'ffom the'guidelines has been granted ' '- '~.,':'i.; · , ", "~ :~'.; -.-. - -~ ..... '.' ' ...,i:.:// . .. _ ...... 'D~tc / * " c.- - ~ Signature of TFS Forester