RE 09-27-94.1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL RESOLUTION NO. 092794.1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING PERMIT FEES AND REIMBURSABLE COSTS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS AND PARADES; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WIIERI~, the Code of Ordimmces of the City of Coppeil provides for various fees for permits and reimbursable costs for special events and parades; and V~I~,~.A~, the Cod~ of Ordinange8 provide8 that the City Coullgil will ests~ii~h fees from time to ~me by resolution; and WHERF_AS, the City Council desires to establish permit fees and reimbursable costs for special events and parades; NOW, TI-~REFORE, BE IT RESOLED BY THE CITY C~)UNCIL OF OF COPI~LL, ~ SECTION 1. That attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes, are the permit fees and reimbursable costs for ~ events and p~'ades. $1~TION ~. That the permit fees and r~ costs established herein may be waived by the City Manager for local non-profit BECKON 3. This resolution shall become effective imm~liately from and after its passage, as the law and charter in such cases provide. 1 DULY PASSED and appr_~ed by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on APPROVED: A~: ~~AR¥ APPROVF_.D .~.~ TO I~'ORM: (POS/g ~-2o-~) PERMIT AND/OR DEPARTMENT ASSOCIATED COST DEDICATED CITY PERSONNEL TENT BUILDING ~20.00 INSPECTIONS TEMPORARY BANNER BUILDING $1~.00 INSPECTIONS TEMPORARY BUILDING BASED ON VALUE OF ELECTRICITY INSP~ONS JOB-MINIMUM ~20.00 TEMPORARY FOOD ENVIRONMENTAL ~0~0 DEDICATED FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE ~7~00 ASmUL~CE ST~TED STAFF~N~ WITH TWO PARAMEDICS DEDICATED POLICE POLICE DEPARTMENT ON-DUTY ~20.00/HIL OFFICEa EXIflBIT *A*