RE 09-13-94.1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL RESOLUTION NO. 091394.1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE "URBAN AND COMMUNITY FORESTRY PROGRAM" GRANT WITH THE TEXAS FOREST SERVICE; PROVIDING FOR THE COMMITMENT OF THE CITY'S SHARE OF THE PROJECT COSTS THROUGH "IN-KIND" SERVICES DESCRIBED IN THE GRANT APPLICATION ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; ENDORSING AND PERMITTlNG THE PLANTING OF TREES ON PUBLIC PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF COPPELL; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the 101st Congress of the United States, in developing the Forestry Title of the ~990 Farm Bill, found that the health of forests in urban areas and commlll~ti~8 ~s on the de~line; these forests, trees, and open spaces improve the quality of life for residents, enhance economic value of property, and are more effective than rural trees at reducing the buildup of carbon dioxide thereby prov/ding added energy savings for urban residents; ami WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States defined the purposes of ~i~ program to include improving the understanding of the benefits of prese~n_g ex~sting tree cover; encouraging property owners to m~intain trees and expand forest cover; providin~ educational and technical assistance to local or?ni~tiom in maintaining and expanding forest cover; provicli~g competitive matchin~ grants to local units of government and other approved organizations for urban forestry projects; impleme~tlnE a tree planting progr~m~ promoting the establ~hment of demonstration projects to illustrate the be]wftu of forest cover and enhancing tec~nlcal skills of in~viduals involved in estabi~shin~ or m~int~inln~ urban forests; and 1 succ~sfully submitted a grant application in the ~mount of ~00.00;, NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T ]~F~OLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELI~ TEXAS: SECTION 1. That th~ City Mtmager is hereby authorized to execute all agreements associatexl with the ~rban and Commnni~y Fol~st~y Pl'Ogyam# grallt with tho Tetras Forest SECTION 2. That the City Council commits to providing the City's shsr~ O~ t]~ project costs through 'in-ldnd~ services as descn'oed in the grant application, atiached heret~ as N_xhibit 'A' and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 3. That the City Council endorses and permits the pla~tlng of trees on public property in the City of Coppell, Texas. SECTION 4. This resolution shall become effective immediately from and afier i~s passage, as the law s~!_ charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSEl) 1994. APPROVF. D: A~: 2 ~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: (~'(~s/j(I 8.31-94) 1994 Grant Application Urban & Community Forestry Development Challenge Grant Program CITY OF COPPELL TREE INVENTORY & MANAGEMENT PLAN & CoopeEative Prog~nm Between the Texas Forest Service USDA Forest SerVice Texas Urban Forestry Council, Inc. P.O. Box 478 Cool)ell, Texas 75019 The City With A Beautiful Future 214-462--0022 TREE INVENTORY AND MANAGEMENT PROJECT The city of Coppell is committed to preserving, enhancing, and safekeeping the environment through the development, planting, and maintenance of our landscape. To this end, a Streetscape Plan contained in Ordinance No. 341 was written prescribing rules and regulations governing plats and subdivisions of land within the corporate limits of the city of Coppell. In honor of Arbor Day this year, and in conjunction with the Friends of the Parks, a total of 130 trees were planted in Coppell. But, in order to have a Comprehensive Community Forest, the City would like to undertake a project to identify, preserve and protect the existing trees through a complete TREE INVENTORY~%NDMANAGEMENT PROGRAM that would include an evaluation and proposal for future planting needs. Therefore, the City of Coppell respectfully requests funds totaling $8,000 to perform this project. PARTICIPANTS This Tree Inventory and Management Project will be coordinated through Dennis Slayton, with the Parks Division of the Public Works Department of the City of Coppell. Mr. Slayton has overseen numerous landscape and construction projects in the past. The goal is to identify and locate every tree within the City of Coppell. Volunteer organizations in Coppel! who would assist with this Inventory would include, but not be limited to: Friends of the Parks, Rotary Club, Historic Society, Senior Citizens, numerous Homeowners Associations, and Parent/Teacher Organizations. Inventory results will be passed out in the form of a brochure at a follow-up meeting that will also explain maintenance techniques. PROJECT EXECUTION The process would begin with a questionnaire survey distributed to each volunteer organization, along with bluelines of locations within the city of Coppell from the Engineering Department showing each subdivision. If landscape drawings are available, they will also be provided. The goal is to identify what trees remain from the initial drawings, and develop a maintenance, planting, and protection program in Coppell. Initial meetings will also help educate volunteers with regard to tree identification. The location of every tree will be placed on the Engineering Department's CAD System, and will become the centralized source for future forestry planning for subdivisions and for the 137 undeveloped acres of park land within the City of Coppell. Finally, a Consultant will evaluate the information obtained and advise the City of Coppell concerning a maintenance program, as well as suggestions for the types of trees needed to complete our Comprehensive Community Forest. USE OF FEDERAL FUNDS TREE INVENTORY AND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Urban Forestry Inventory Computer Program $ 500 (to be purchased and utilized for future planning) Consultant (includes bluelines, landscape plans) 7,000 Survey Forms, educational material and Brochures 1,000 ~8~500 IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS Project CoOrdinator 160 hrs. @ $12.50/hr. $ 2,000 (Assistant Parks Manager) Two Assistants 120 hrs. one @ $12/hr. 1,440 and one @ $9/hr. 1,080 Secretarial Support 800 hrs. @ $10.50/hr. 8,400 Subtotal $12,920 Fringe Benefits 2,000 Total Inkind Services $14.920 PROJECT.COMMUNICATION The City of Coppell has a strong support base for its Inventory and Management Project with the Friends of the Parks and many interested citizens. To ensure success of this community project, initial notice and publication of our goals will be placed in the local newspapers (Coppell Gazette and Citizen's Advocate), along with notification mailed to all Homeowners Associations and Friends of the Parks. An educational meeting will be held with all volunteers to assist them in identifying the trees, and share maintenance skills and the value of trees to our community. Some of the funds will be utilized for instruction material. A survey questionnaire will be distributed to assist volunteers with identification, along with any bluelines or landscape plans the 2 City may have on file. A final meeting will be held with all volunteers to pass along the results and to impart some maintenance skills. The Coppell Tree Inventory and Management Project is the type of initiative that will guarantee a stable urban forestry plan at the grass roots level. Presently there is no centralized location of information regarding the number, type or goals for an urban forest in Coppell. This project will be a first step towards the City of Coppell's goal to become a "Tree City USA." 3 ..-... *. ~.- -'. USD,~..l~.n Sm,~, ,-a ns*T*.ns U~ss F,s~..I, ~ 'r'-- :,:'** .... .. .. , - ,. . ~_ . .... ~'%. . . .... .. . -. , '" ...*. . - *.:* L. *.? ..... -.'' : ~ .. :I994 Grant' oma -- . · .. ._ ~ . State:. · ;.' '/5019 _ '." - '-.- ' "= "* "' ' ' ':':' ':'-"'-'~ 920.00 · ....... - SZ4 $ Expenses: .... Vehicle Cost: I 2,800.00 i 2,800.00 -. Travel:I ' . ,. Supplies: 000.00 -' 000.00 Equ{pment: I 500.00 I 500.00 Con maZ: I 7,000.00 1 ,000.00 I Totals: $ 8~500.00 . ! $ 17~720.00 [ $25:720.00 Cash Portion of Local Match: t " For m-kind c,,r.a':buttons listed under "Local," pie;lie descri'ee ,',he extent and donor of each in project naz'mtive. Each grant application must be accompanied by a project narrative of'no more than three (3) t.'.ped pages. 'l-his naa'alive should clearly state hew the project ~vill be accomplished by addressing :,% follov,'ing: I) Pueposc and objectives. 4'~ Description of how grant funds ~ ill t:c spent· 2) Sponsors and involvement or volunteers, 5) List of values and donors for all in,kind con~ibutions. 3) Activities planned and timetable for completion. 6) Communication and publiciP,,' for thc project.