RE 07-26-94.1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 072694.1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, ENDORSING THE EFFORTS OF THE DENTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AND ITS COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIP WITH THE TEXAS TRANSPORTATION. COMMISSION TO REQUEST ADVANCE DISCRETIONARY CORSIDERATION OF THESE PROJECTS AS PART OF THE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PLAN CAREFULLY CRAFTED BY THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. WHEREAS, The Texas TransPOrtation Com~ is the three-member panel appointed by the governor which has the final say on more than $20 billion in transportation project allocations over the next 10 years; and WHEREAS, Denton Oounty has always been aggressive in meeting its transpormaon challenges through bond packages and partnering with the state on costs; and WHEREAS, State Highway 121, the proposed SH 121 Bypass and Ferm-to-Merkat Road 2488 will help Denton O0unty address transportation infn~b-~:ture needs as the fastest growing county; and WHEREAS, SH 121 and FM 24gg will generate economic development along the thorougl'feras for Denton Oounty while maximizing the state's ratum on its investment; WHEREAS, All three Commission members, Chairman David Bemasn, Commissioner Anne Wynne and Commissioner Ruben Oerdenas, have all visited Denton County to get a first-hand look at several transportation projects including SH 121 and FM 24gg. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Oity of Coppell, Texas Transportation Commission to seek mutually beneficial solutions to the area's immediate and critical necessity to accelerate project conalderalJon and funding for two of the vital arterial linkages in the Metroplex, FM 24gg and SH 121 Bypass (Freeway}. We therefore strongly urge and request advance dlscrationmy consideration of thase projects as part of the Transportation Improvement Program and Project Development Plan carefully crafted by the Texas Department of Transportation. PASSED AND APPFIOV~by/the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on this the ,~ day of ~, 1994. CITY OF COPPELL ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: