RE 06-28-94.1 RESOLUTION 062894.1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING STAFF TO EXECUTE NECESSARY AGREEMENTS RELATED TO A GRANT REQUEST TO THE TEXAS FOREST SERVICE FOR A SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TREE PLANTING GRANT FOR A PROJECT TO BE UTILIZED AT TOWN CENTER TREESCAPE IN COPPELL, TEXAS; GIVING NECESSARY ASSURANCES REGARDING THE LOCAL COST SHARE OF SAID PROJECT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is the considered belief and opinion of the Coppell City Council that participation in the Small Business Administration Grant Program and the Texas Forest Service will best serve the needs of the community; and WHEREAS, the Coppell City Council is of the opinion that such participation in the Small Business Administration Grant Program may provide for the efficient use of city resources; and WHEREAS, the Coppell City Council is of the opinion that providing for trees at Town Center Facility through the Small Business Administration Grant Program will benefit the overall community; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: Section 1. That a grant for the City of Coppell has been awarded for participation in the Small Business Administration Grant Program. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with the Texas Forest Service for a Small Business Administration Tree Planting Grant, a copy of said application being attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes. Section 3. That the Small Business Administration is hereby assured that the local cost share, as more specifically set out in Exhibit "A" hereto, will be provided by the City of Coppell. Section 4. That the City of Coppell hereby authorized explicit permission to plant the trees on city property specifically set out in Exhibit "A" hereto. Section 5. That this resolution shall be effective from and after the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, on this the 28th day of June , 1994. Tom Morton Mayor ATTEST Linda Grau City Secretary, Acting APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter G. Smith, City Attprney EXHIBIT "A" TOWN CENTER TRE~CAPE TREESCAPE PROJECT TECHNICAL PROPOSAL OBJECTIVE The City of Coppell purchased the land for the Town Center Facility in 1985. The first phase for construction of this site began in 1985 and ended in 1986. Funds were efficiently used to completed this project; however, funds were not sufficient to complete the landscape portion of' Phase 1. The city had intended to complete the landscape portion of the plan to provide an aesthetically pleasing environment for the citizens to enjoy. The planting of the proposed 85 trees in this grant would complete the treescape concept of the Town Center Phase 1 Plan, and pos!tively enhance the natural surrounding of Town Center. SITE DESCRIPTION This project will be focused on Town Center, which is owned by the City of Coppell. The project will be highly visible and the center of activity for all city business. Surrounding Town Center is a school, library, and community park. The trees will be placed to delineate parking and enhance the overall natural beauty of this area. A total of 85 trees will be planted of the following species and sizes: Common Name Scientific Name Number of Trees Caliper/Size Live Oak Quercus Virginiana ,1.2 3%" - 4" Yaupon Holly Ilex Vomitoria 27 8' - 10' Height Shumard Red Oak Quercus Shumardi 16 3%" - 4" 85 PROJECT EXECUTION: l) The Small Business contractor will locate and stake all tree locations according to tile landscape plans for Town Center Phase 1. While waiting for city approval, the contractor shall contact all franchise utilities to request locates before excavation. After approval, the holes t'or tree planting shall be dug a minimum of 12" larger in diameter than the root ball. The tree shall be planted with the top of the root ball to surrounding grade level. 2) Planting - All trees shall be set in holes, centered, and planted to such a depth that tile finished grade around the tree after settlement will be the same as that at xvhich tile tree was grown. Each tree shall be faced to give the best appearance from the street. Rope, wire, and/or burlap from the top of the root ball shall be removed..Native soil will be used as backfill. The hole shall be filled to the finished grade and a water basin twice the diameter of the root ball shall be constructed around each tree. The contractor shall water the trees upon installation, but not thereafter. All excess soil and debris shall be removed from the site upon completion of the work. 3) This project will be administered by Rick Wieland, Manager of Parks and Recreation. He has administered four grants with Texas Parks & Wildlife Department and various construction and developmental projects for the city. R. D. Slayton will coordinate the project. Mr. Slayton has been with the city since 1989 and has overseen numerous landscape and construction projects. He previously was employed as a tree farm foreman with North Dallas Tree Farm and is a licensed irrigator. Other experienced landscapers will be on hand during the performance of this project. MAffCTENANCE PLAN: Ample soil moisture will be maintained throughout the first and second growing season through continuous monitoring by city staff. A contractor shall be hired to water the trees slowly and deeply once a week during the dormant season. The trees shall be watered twice a week during the growing season. Mulches of 3"- 4' depth will be applied to the tree well to help retain the moisture content in the soiI. Weed control shall be done twice annually, in April or May, and again in July or August. City staff shall use a contact glyophos aid such as Roundup for weed removal. The trees shall be fertilized three times a year. The first application shall be 2 ~ 4 weeks prior to bud break in the spring, with a stow release nitrogen treatment. Second and third applications shall be 6 - 8 weeks apart thereafter. City staff shall be responsible for overall care and maintenance and will conform to the standards set forth in the Maintenance Standards Section I[I of tile i994 Grant Application Guide. COST EFFECTIVENESS: The grant funds and local cash contribution will be spent to purct,,ase trees. !lire contractor/s to plant the trees, and hire contractor"s to maintain and water trees. Tile in-kind contributions are explained in detail ot~ tile grant application, under Part II Cost Proposal (see note). SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION: The city shall purchase the trees from one small business source. ,.\ separate small business source shall be contracted for tile planting and staking of tile trees. Another small business shall be selected for watering tile trees during tile initial three years. Please see attached for the City of Coppell's bid process that includes bid solicitation, bid axvarding, and bid rejection. . ~: , . .: '7 .~. .,~: .... =: ::.L.'....' · ~..f ":.-' 1994 Small BUs.ess Adm fion National Tree Plan g Program Grant 'Application General Information Please refer to thc guidelines accompanying this application for insWuctional information, ff you do not have access to the SBA National Tree Planting Challenge Grant guidelines, contact the Texas Forest Service, College Station, Texas 77843-2136 or call 409/g45-2641 for a copy. This application must be completed, along with a 2-page proje~ description and a site plan map. The entire application packet must be no more than four (4) pages and must be delivered to: · ::.' ..... SBA Program Administrator .... Texas Forest Service Forest Resource Development Department College Station, TX 77843-2136 Part I. - Project Information and Authorization Project title Town Contor Organization q3ity of Coppell Parks and Recreation Department Mailing address P.O. Box 478,,...' . -- City Cn~r~11 .(Pop; 23,000 ), TX ZIP 75019 Contact person R.D. Slayton Telephone No. (214) 462-8495 Trees to be planted on land owned or controlled by Citsr.of Co_.opell SBA funds requested $ 20~000.00 Percent of total 55 Local match provided S 16,282.00 Percent of total 45 As a duly authorized representative of this organization making this grant application, I hereby certify that all the information provided herein is true and represents the desires of this organization. Rick S. Wieland, Parks and Recreation Manager ' ' ~ ~ N~i'~anltitle°fauth°rizedrepresentative · " Signature of authorized representative Date _ _.'.'::; :.. ix · :..:,~,~. A cooperative program between the :': .;'. .... ',-". . Texas Forest Service . ,~.. U.S. Small Business Administration Texas Urban Forestry Council, Inc. Pnrt IX. Cost P~osal T~vel Equipment ~00.00 ~00.00 SuppH~ Con~l: ~0~000.00 ~0~000.00 To~ ~0,000.00 ~,0~5.00 ~S~O~.O0 C~h con~b~cd by applic~t: 7~257.00 Note: ~ I~ con~butiom ~clude in-k~d se~ices, ple~e desc~be e~nt of se~ice ~d by whom. Pe~ ~d f~e ~nefi~: M~ev of P~ & Recr~fion 10 ~ (~200.00)~ P~ ~~ 10 ~ ($120), P~ Ctewl~dev 40 ~ ($458). M~tenence Worker ~ticipated nmber of small bus~esses to be hired for pl~t~g 1 , ~ee p~ch~es if diffe~nt ] , o~er ~ , total 3 . (Do not include small bm~esses used for p~ch~e of ~cidenml supplies.) Nm~r of s~e~p~k ~ees to be plated for ~is project Number of =ecs ~at would be pl~ted if m SBA ~nding is received 0 Part 111. - Technical Proposal Each grant application must include a technical proposal of no more than t~vo (2) .typed pages. This narrative should address all the points listed below: I) Objectives: clearly state the objectives of the project. 2) Site Description: describe the location where the project will take place. 3) Project Execution: describe work to be done; include number of trees, sizes, species, etc. 4) Maintenance Plan: describe care and maintenance of trees to be provided. 5) Cost Effectiveness: state how funds will be spent and in-kind donations. 6) Small Business Participation: state number of small businesses'to be contracted. Part IV. - Forester Certification (Optional) I certify that this project as described and shown to me meets all TFS technical guidelines, or that an appropriate variance from the guidelines has been granted. Signature of TFS Forester Date f'ti ,i