RE 04-12-94.2 RESOLUTION NO. 041294.2 WHEREAS, THE CITY OF COPPELL (the "Participant") is a political subdivision of the State of Texas and is empowered to delegate to a public funds investment pool the authority to invest funds; to act as a custodian of investments purchased with local investmentfunds; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Participant and its inhabitants to invest local funds in investments that yield the highest possible rate of return, while providing necessary safekeeping and protection of the principal. ~&S, ~e ~ of ~ Sm~ of Text. ~g ~ ~d ~u~ ~e Tex~ ~ S~g ~t Cm~y (~e "~st C~p~y"), ~ ~ "Tempi", a ~b~c ~ ~v~t ~1, to ~ma2 ~e go~ off.ding ~v~ at ~e ~st ~ssible ~d ~d msln~i~t~g ~mple~ s~e~ of ~e ~ds of ~e P~ci~t, NOW ~~, ~ it ~lv~ ~ follows: A. ~at ~ ~ 0F ~.~- s~ ent~ ~to a P~cl~flon A~t to ~b~ ~ ~t ment P~L "Tempi", f~ ~e ~se of ~~g 1~ ~ for ~ves~ent by ~ T~t Comply ~ Te~l. B. ~t ~e foRo~g ~ffi~du~s, whose si~ a~ on page 2 of ~ Resolufl~, ~e office~, employees, or au~ ~enmfiv~ of ~e P~cip~t ~d ~e each hmby au~ to ~t ~ to ~e ~t Comply f~ ~ves~t ~ T~l ~d m e~h ~ au~ to ~aw ~ ~om ~e to ~ime, to ~sue le~ of ~cfi~, ~d to ~e ~ o~ acfio~ d~ed n~s~ ~ a~p~te for ~e ~ves~ent ofloc~ ~: Page2 1. Name JIl~ ~l~r Tide CITY $ignature~ C ~t this ~lu~ ~d i~ audition 8h~ con~ue fore ~d eff~t ~ ~e~ or ~vok~ ~ ~ P~cip~t, ~ffi ~ ~t Cmp~y ~Ceiv~ a co~ of ~y such ~en~t resolution is hereby introduced and adopted by the Participant at its resular/spectal meeting held on the /0~ -*~day of ~d~Z4 ~ NAme of Participant THE CXT[ OY Title ~ Nam~ CX/'Y SECRETAN~ Title O~-~tCIAL SEAL