RE 06-08-93.2 RESOLUTION NO. 060893.2
FEDERAL FISCAL YEARS - 1994, 1995 AND 1996
This agreement covers both the CDBG Entitlement program and where applicable (i.e., where
urban county receives funding under the HOME program as a participating jurisdiction or as a
member of a HOME consortium) the HOME Investment Partnership program.
The City of Coppell understands that it:
1. may not apply for grants under the Small Cities or State CDBG Programs from
appropriations for fiscal years during the period in which it is participating in the
urban county's CDBG program; and
2. may not participate in a HOME consortium except through the urban county,
regardless of whether the urban county receives a HOME formula allocation.
The City of Coppell understands that this agreement remains in effect until the CDBG (and
HOME, where applicable) funds and income received with respect to the three-year qualification
period (and any successive qualification periods under agreements that provide for automatic
renewals) are expended and the funded activities completed, and that the county and participating
unit of general local government may not terminate or withdraw from the agreement while the
agreement remains in effect.
The City of Coppell has adopted and is enforcing:
1. a policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within
its jurisdiction against any individuals engaging in non-violent civil rights
demonstrations; and
2. a policy of enforcing applicable State and local laws against physically barring
entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such non-
violent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdictions.
ACCEPTED and APPROVED, this the ~ day of ~...,~_ , 1993.
City~ Secretary, ~,5 s 7-. Mayor
City of Coppell, Texas City of Coppell, Texas
Dallas County, Texas Dallas County, Texas
Review ~d consideration of an ~en~ent to a resolution support~g the cont~ued
endors~ent of the efforts of 9allas County to qualify for the Urban g~nty
~nity Develo~ent Block Grant Progr~ for Federal Fiscal Years 1994, 1995, and
1996, and authorizing the ~yor to
SUBMI~ED BY: ~F ning ~irect~. ieb
h April 15 Council pa~sed a ~esolution suppo~t~g the C~nity Develo~eu~ Block
G~an~ Prog~. ~ ~y 2~th staff vas advised by the C~u~y that R.U.~. wau~ed the
Resolution modified to co~taiu lau~a8~ hdicatiug tha~ cities eudors~g the Reso-
1. the City itself could not apply fo~ the ~ Fund8 - - ~ha~ activlt~
delegated to the County
2. the s~e ~les applied to the H~ progr~
3. the City has accepted and is enforc~ a policy prohibitig excessive force
by 1~ euforc~ent agencies against ~dividuals e~aged in non-violent civil
rights dmonstrations
the City Rs a policy of enforc~ applicable State and local l~s aga~st
physically barr~ entr~ces/exits of facilities subject to such non-violent
civil rights d~oustrations
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