RE 12-10-91.4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 121091.4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A RELEASE OF ASSESSMENT LIEN ON 15.537 ACRES OF LAND BEING SOLD BY THE BAPTIST FOUNDATION OF TEXAS TO DALLAS COUNTY; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Coppell levied an assessment (the "assessment") in the amount of $77,320.00 against a 115.132 acre tract of land (the "Property") owned by Baptist Foundation of Texas ( "Baptist Foundation ") to cover a portion of the costs to be incurred for paving and other construction of Denton Tap Road (N/S) adjacent to the "Property" described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, said assessment was levied by City of Coppell Ordinance No. 90-472; and WHEREAS, on or about April 10, 1990, a certified copy of the Assessment Ordinance was filed in the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, at Volume 90097, page 3209; and WHEREAS, the City of Coppell issued Certificate of Special Assessment Number 90-145 relating to the assessment; and WHEREAS, "Baptist Foundation" is in the process of donating 15.537 acres of "the Property" and wishes to pay the portion of said assessment due and related to said 15.537 acre tract, which is described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and obtain a release of the assessment lien as it relates only to said 15.537 acre tract; and WHEREAS, "Baptist Foundation" has heretofore paid the sum of $17,118.40 to the City of Coppell, said sum being that portion of the total assessment attributable to the 15.537 acre tract in return for a release of lien on the 15.537 acre tract only. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL,- TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute a release of assessment lien only on the 15.537 acre tract of land described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. SECTION 2. That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and passage. 92093 3360 DULY ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on the /~ day of December 1991. THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS By MAY~O~ ATTEST: ETARY APPROVED AS TO FOR~I: ~ / CIT¥~TOR-NEY 92093 336I 912~5 078~ PARTIAL RELEASE OF ASSESSMENT LIEN Date: July 30, 1990 Certificate Number: 90-145, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" Date: December 8, 1989 Holder of Certificate= City of Coppell, Texas P.O. Box 478 City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas Assessment Lien Described in the Following Recorded Documents: City of Coppell Assessment Ordinance No. 90-472, recorded in Volume 90097, page 3209, Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas. Property To Be Released from Lien: Being a 15.537 acre tract, more or less, out of the James A. Simmons Survey, Abstract No. 1296, described by meets and bounds in the Exhibit attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof for all purposes. Holder of the Certificate acknowledges its partial payment and releases from the lien only the property described above. Facts as to how the partial payment was determined and how the prepayment is to be applied are as follows: Coppell levied an assessment (the "assessment" in the amount of $77,320 against a 115.132 acre tract of land (the "Property") owned by (Baptist Foundation of Texas) to cover a portion of the costs to be incurred for paving and other construction of Denton Tap Road adjacent to "the Property"; and Said assessment was levied by City of Coppell Ordinance No. 90-472; and On or about April 10, 1990, a certified copy of the Assessment Ordinance was filed in the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas at Volume 90097, page 3209; and The City of Coppell issued Certificate of Special Assessment Number 90-145 relating to the assessment; and 92093 362 "Baptist Foundation" is in the process of donating 15.537 acres of "the Property" and wishes to pay th~ portion of said easement due and related to said 15.537 acre tractw which is described as Exhibit "B" attached h~reto and obtain a release t~act, and "Baptist Foundation" has heretofore paid the sum of $17,118.40 to the City of Coppell, said ~um b~lng that portion of total a~sessment attributable to the 15.539 acre tract in retu=n fo~ this release of lien on the 15.537 acre tract only and thl~ tn~tr~en~ does not release any par= of the "property" except tho 1~.537 acr~ ~ortion thereof described in Exhibit "B". EXECUTED this the 10th day of Docemberw 1991. City of Copp~ll, Texas M l'fe, Ma STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS This instrument wa~ acknowledged before me on the . /W d~y o~ the month o~ Decer~am, 1991~ by Mark Wolfe, Ma~Or of'tho City of Coppell, TexaS, a Municip&l Corporation of tho State of T~xas, on behalf of said Municipal Corporation. ~ NotaryUPubli~, State of Texas 92093 3363 91245 0786 9 0 - 14 5 (nTt O~' CO~'~UU, U, ~Ce~S __$ 7 7 . CI~RTIFICATE OI~ ,~PF. CIA[~ AS~P..SSMI~.I~T FO]t TIlE l~l'liOYgm~;~T 35.70 acres 9t245 0787 92O93 336k 92093 3365 91265 0788 EXHIBIT "B" TRACT 1 BEING a 6.296 acr~ tract of land out of th~ J. A, Simmon~ Survey, Abstract NO. 1296 in th~ City of Coppell in Dallas County, Texas and boin8 mor~ particularly doscrib~d as follows: COMHENCINO at a found 1/2 inch iron rod at th~ interaection of the south line of Bethel Road (50' R.O,W.) and tho east line Park Road (50' R.O,W.); THENCE South 02 degree~ 27 minutes 90 ~ocondo W~st alonE O~unty, Texas and be~n~ mo~e particularly doscribod au follows; 92093 3366 9 i 2[,,5 078.9 06LO '§h~16 ~9~ ~60~6