RE 11-13-90.2 A RESOLUTION OF CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 111390.2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, ACCEPTING THE TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY CONTRACT AN SERVICES TO CONDUCT PRETREATMENT SAMPLING AND MONITORING; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas recognizes the importance of clean water; and WHEREAS, the Trinity River Authority has the expertise to conduct analysis of water and wastewater; and WHEREAS, sampling services offered to cities provide the necessary service to meet State and Federal regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNC~. OF THE crrY OF COPPEI.I.. TEXAS; SEGTION 1. That the City Gouncil of the City of Goppell and approves the agreement authorizing services of the Trinity River Authorky. SEGTION 2. Ti'ds resolution becomes effective immediately upon its passage as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED on this the /~.~ day of 1990. APPROVED: Mayor A'i-r~ST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney / CONTRACT FOR SERVICES I. CONTRACTING PARTIES The Receiving Agency: City of Coppell, whose authorized address is 255 Parkway Boulevard, P.O. Box 478, Coppell, Texas 75019, Attention: Linda S. Varonich, R.S., Environmental Health Officer. The Performing Agency: Trinity River Authority of Texas, whose authorized address is 5300 South Gollins, P.O. Box 240, Arlington, Texas 76010, Attention: Danny F. Vance, General Manager (or his designated representative). II. STATEMENT OF SERVIGES TO BE PERFORMED In order to discharge the respons~ilities associated with the enforcement of Federal, State, and City regulations, the Receiving Agency requires services of a laboratory qualified to perform water and wastewater analysis, and of personnel to conduct industrial inspection and/or sampling services, such services detailed in Section A, Subsection(s) 1, 2, 3., below. A. PERFORMANGE OF SERVICES 1. Industrial Inspection Services In keeping with the foregoing, the Receiving Agency employs the Performing Agency and the Performing Agency agrees to perform industrial inspection services within the parameters listed on the attached schedule sheet. The Performing Agency (Trinity River Authority of Texas) shall perform all Indusrtial Pretreatment Inspections, review permit applications and prepare for submittal Permits to Discharge Industrial Wastes to the Sanitary Sewer in accordance with procedures established by the Trinity River Authority of Texas in accordance with 40 GFR Part 403.8. Industrial Pretzeatment Inspections, Application reviews and Permit preparations and submittals shall be in compliance with the Receiving Agency's IndustrialWaste Ordinances, Sewer Ordinances Numbers 151-A- 1, and EPA General Pret~eatment Regulations for Existing and New Sources. Records of Inspections, Applications and Permits shall be maintained as required by EPA General Pretzeaunent Regulations, 40 CFR Part 403.12. 2. Industrial Sampling Services In keeping with the foregoing, the Receiving Agency employs the Performing Agency and the Performing Agency agrees to perform industrial sampling services within the parameters listed on the attached schedule sheet and in accordance with the Receiving Agency's Industrial Conlxact for Services with Trln{~y River Authm4_ty - Page 1 Waste Ordinances and Sewer Ordinances Numbers 151-A-1. The Performing Agency (Trinity River Authority of Texas) shall perform all sample collections, sample preservation, and maintenance of chain-of- custody records in accordance with the approved procedures set forth in Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, EPA Manual SW-846, Methods for Ghemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA Manual EPA-600/4-79- 020, and the Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater, EPA Manual EPA-600/4-82-029. The samples shall be properly collected, preserved and delivered by the performing Agency to the Performing Agency's laboratory located at 6500 West Sing]eton Blvd., Grand Prairie, Texas. When feasible flow or time composited sampling will be conducted. When composited sampling is not feasible, grab sampling will be appropriate. 3. Analytical Services In keeping with the foregoing, the Receiving Agency employs the Performing Agency and the Performing Agency agrees to perform analytical services within the parameters listed on the attached schedule sheet. The Receiving Agency estimates an average of ttfirty (30) samples per year will be collected and delivered to the laboratory for analysis. Ir is understood that these samples will be properly collected and preserved in accordance with applicable section of A Practical Guide to Water Quality Studies of Streams, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration publication and Methods for Chemical Analysis for Water and Wastes, EPA manual, as well as the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. A chain-of- custody procedure shall be maintained in the field and the laboratory in accordance with procedures to be established by the Receiving Agency. The Receiving Agency will furnish chain-of-custody tags. The Performing Agency (Trinity River Authority of Texas) will perform all analyses according to the approved procedures set forth in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, current edition or the latest edition of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA manual. Samples will be analyzed by these methods on the production basis, to include appropriate analytical quality assurance procedures. Records will be kept for documentation of the Performing Agency's quality assurance program and copies will be available to the Receiving Agency upon request. Unusual interferences and problems will be reported to the Receiving Agency at its authorized address noted above. Research into specific techniques to overcome these difficulties will be undertaken when practical, and by mutual agreement. The sample information sheet submitted with each sample will designate the Conrnact for Services with Trini~j River Authoxily - Page 2 particular analysis or analyses to be made of each sample submitted. The laboratories will be operated in such a manner as to insure the legal suf'fieJency of the sample handling; analytical and reporting procedures; and to remedy effects in the procedures should such be discovered. The various laboratory personnel shall be directed upon receipt of written notice from the Receiving Agency 72 hours in advance, to appear and testify in enforcement actions. In such event, travel and per diem expenses for such employees shall be paid by the Receiving Agency. Travel and per diem for court appearances hereunder shall be based on current State laws. Receiving Agency may deliver to Performing Agency samples for analysis separate and apart from those samples collected by the Performing Agency. When the Receiving Agency delivers samples to the Performing Agency for analysis, the Receiving Agency shall indicate the nature and extem of the analyses it desires to be conducted. Performing Agency shall not be responsible for the manner of collection or chain-of-custody tags or sheets which are matters en~rely outside Performing Agencfs control. Performing Agency shall receive, log and perform such analyses of samples in accordance with that part of the chain-of-custody procedures idenfffied as Transfer of Custody and Shipment attached hereto. Samples analyzed to maintain the normal quality assurance program which the Performing Agency presently maintains in its laboratory will be charged to the Receiving Agency at the same rate as submitted samples. B. TERMINATION Either party to ~ Contract may terminate the Contract by giving the other party thirty (30) days notice in writing at their authorized address as noted previously. Upon delivery of such notice by either party to the other and before expiration of the thirty (30) day period, the Performing Agency will proceed promptly to cancel all existing orders, contracts, and obligations which are chargeable to this Contract. As soon as practicable after notice of termJnarion is given, the Performing Agency will submit a voucher for work performed under t_his Contract through its termination. The Receiving Agency will pay the Performing Agency for the work performed less all prior payments. Copies of all completed or partially completed reports, documents, and studies prepared under this Contract win be delivered by the Performing Agency to the Receiving Agency when and i/this Contract is terminated prior to the completion of the prescn"oed work. Contract for Services with Trln{ty River Authol-ky - Page 3 C. AMENDING THE CONTKACT The parties hereto without invalidating this Contract may alter or amend this Contract upon advance written agreement of both parties to exclude work being perfomed or to include additional work to be performed and to adjust the consideration to be paid hereunder by virtue of alterations or amendments. III. BASIS FOR CALCULATING REIMBURSABLE COSTS The financial basis for calculating reimbursable costs shall be as stated in Attachment A. The expenditures by the Trinity River Authority of Texas of funds paid to it under this Contract shall be subject to such State or Federal audit procedures as may be required by law and by accepted practices of the State or Federal auditor, or both, if requested. The Trinity River Authority of Texas shall be responsible for maintaining books of account that clearly, accurately and currently reflect financial transactions. The financial records must include all documents supporting entries on the account records which substantiate costs. The Trinity River Authority of Texas must keep the records readily available for examination for a period of three (3) years after the close of the last expenditure. Reimbursement for the inspection, sampling, and/or analytical costs, and cost for any travel and per diem expenses shall not exceed three thousand donars ($3,000.00) for the period of this Contract. IV. CONTRACT AMOUNT The total amount of this Contract shall not exceed tlxree thousand dollars ($3~000.00) nor be less than five hundred dollars ($500.00). V. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES The Performing Agency shsl] bill the Receiving Agency monthly for services performed. Charges £or these services shall be based on the attached cost schedules. The Receiving Agency shall pay the monthly b~llln.gs of the pefformiug Agency within thirty (30) days of their receipt. VI. TERM OF CONTRACT This Contract is to begin October 1, 1990 and shall terminate September 30, 1991. Contract for Services with Trinity River Authoxity ~ Page 4 Receiving Agency: Performing Agency: CITY.O-~F COPPELL__ /? TRINITY/~ R AUTHO~/.O.F TEXAS City Se t ) Approved As to Form: Larry Jackson, City At(omey Contract for Se~ces with Tr~nlnj River Authority - Page S CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY PROCEDURES Sample Collection 1. To the maximum extem achievable, as few people as poss~le should handle a sample. 2. Stream and effluent samples should be obtained using standard field sampling techniques and preservation procedures. 3. Ghain-of-Gustody tags or sheets should be attached to each sample at the time it is collected. The tag or sheet contains basically laboratory (requested parameters) information; however, certain identifying items including Gity, Gity Gode, Type Sample, Material Sampled, and Method of Preservation must be completed by the field persormel collecting the sample. In completing the Chain-of-Custody tag or sheet, care should be u~ili~ed to insure that all necessary information is correctly and legibly entered on the form. A black ballpoint with water proof ink should be used at all times. Transfer of Custody and Shipment 1. All samples should be handled by the minimum possible number of persons. 2. All incoming samples shall be received by the custodian, or his alternate, and logged into a record book (log book). Information to be entered into the Log Book shall include the sample number, date received, source, time(s) sampled, date(s) sampled, and analyses requested. 3. Promptly after logging, the custodian will distribute the sample to an analyst or place the sample in the sample room, which will be locked at all times except when samples are removed or replaced by analysts. 4. The custodian shall ensure that heat-sensitive samples, or other sample mterials having unusual physical characteristics, or requiring special handling, are properly stored and maintained. 5. Samples shall be kept in the sample storage security area at all times when not actually being used by analysts, such as during overnight absences. 6. The analysis sheet will be signed and dated by the person performing the tests and retained as a permanent record in the laboratory. 7. Test results shall be sent by the laboratory to the appropriate Receiving Agency control point. Corm'act for Services with Trlnlry River Authority - Page 6 Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regional Wsstewster System TE CHN ] CA L SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE FOR LABORATORY ANALYSES INDUSTRIAL INSPECTIONS AND INDUSTRIAL SAMPLING FISCAL YEAR 1990 December 1, 1989 through November 30, 1990 P.O. Box 531196 Grand Prairie. Texas 75053 (214) Metro 263-2251 Alkalinity, total $ $.00 Oil and grea~e $ 20.50 Al~l~ity, ~nolph~le~ ~ ~.00 pH $ 2.25 Bi~bo~e ~ 4.50 Phenol~ $ ~0.00 ~bo~te ~ &. 50 Pho~pho~: Bio~ical ~E~ De~d (BOPS) ~ 11.25 ~o ~ 5.50 Bioch~i~l Bioch~i~l ~gen D~d (C-BOD20) ~ 1~.25 Solids: Bioch~ical ~gen D~d (BOP20) $ 1B.25 To~I (TS) S 3.90 ~ical O~ D~d ~ 8.OO To~l Dis~ol~ed (~S) ~ 6.50 ~loride ~ 5.00 To~l Suspended (TSS) $ 6.00 ~omi~ Hex~alent ~ 8.25 ~olatile S~p~ded (VSS) ~ter TS$ ~ 3.~0 Conduc~ce, Specific ~ 2.90 Sulfate ~ 10.00 Conduc~ce ~ Diluted ~ 5.25 Sulfide ~ 4.75 Cy~ide ~ ~.O0 S~fact~ts - ~AS ~ %2.00 Cy~ide (~6able to ~lori~tion) ~ ~0.O0 To~l Pe~ole~ Bydroc~bon~ ~ 30.00 Fluoride~ Dis=olved ~ 8.10 Io~l Orphic ~bon g 11.75 Fluoride~ To~l ~ 7.50 TurbiQity $ 2.50 ~rdness ~ 5.50 [gni~bili~y S E ~ I M · N T (Pensky-~ens Closed Cup) $ 26.00 Nitrogen: ~emical Oxygen De~d % 20.00 ~onia ~ 6.00 Cy~ide $ 27.00 Kjeld~l~ ~o~1 $ 15.O0 Ni~ogen, Kjeld~l, To~l % 18.00 Nitrate $ 5.50 Oil ~d Gr~se ~ 20.00 Nitrite $ 5.50 Phosphor, To~l % 9.50 Org~ic ~ 32.00 Solids, To~al Volatile % 7.25 To~l Petrole~ Bydroc~bons ~ 30.00 r CP / A A ~ET AL ANALYSES ~ 7 % O ~ A C ~ PR.~ O R [ TY =OLLUT ~ NT ~ ~ 1 t . OD TO IAL ~t~ony iron ~lli~ ~i~ ~d I~ ~t~ony Mercu~ 6er311i~ M~g~ese Ur~i~ ~s~ic Nickel ~dmi~ Molybden~ V~di~ Be~lli~ Seleni~ ~omi~ Nickel Z~c ~i~ Silver Cobalt Silver ~omi~ ~alli~ Cop~er Tel liri~ Copper Zinc L~ c ~M ~LE P~PA~ATION ~1~ Po~s~i~ Boron Sili~ 5ed~ent ~d Oil~ $ 15.00 ~lci~ Sodi~ ~ Toxicity Leac~te ~ 55.00 ~gnesi~ ~C L~c~te ~ 26.00 ~senic Merc~ Seleni~ b~d - Low Copper - L~ -8- GAS OH~OM A TOGP~ PH Y ^ N ALY S E F ~RIO~ITY POLLUTANTS ~ GC / M $ ) PESTI C IDES / P C~ ' S Volatiles Quoted Upon ~lor~ted Mydroc~, $ 87.00 ~e ~eu~alm Request ~ophosp~te Pesticides, ~d Acid ~trac~bles ~o~y~lori~ted Biphenyls (S~le Pesticides/P~'s ~rep~ation, ~action, ~d c~- ~ per s~le) 0 ~ G A ~ % C D E T ~ ~ M ] N A T I 0 N ( C C ~ ' ~D for ~lor~ted Hydroc~bon $ A3.00 ~ v d v c c a r b c n ~ S o 1 v e n t .s (Co~i~tlon ~d q~ification per s~le) ~neral Hydroc~bon/Solven~ ~10~.O0 ~D {or Org~ospho~p~te pesticide $ ~5.00 Sc~ (VOA) (~e col~); (Co~i~=ion ~d q~tification mFive or less co~onen=s; per s~le) including q~=ification ~D for ~oly~lori~ted ~iphenyls (P~)- ~ 45.00 ~neral ~ydroc~bon~Solv~t ~160.00 Water (Co~i~tion ~d q~tifica:ion Sc~ (VOA) (~-o col~}; per s~le) ~Five or less co.orients; ~D for P~ - O~1 (Co~i~tion ~d $ 30.00 includ~g q~tification q~tification per s~le) Volatile Org~ic Constituents $ 50.00 (~A re.la,ed - me.od 601/602) T ~ ~ H A L 0 M E T M A N E S ~%Add fifteen dollars (~15) for each extra co~onent ~r~alome~es ~ 35.00 s~ed ~d q~tified ~lor~ted Phenoxy Acid ~115,00 ~D for Special Ir~ent/Per S~le ~ 15.50 Merbicides (CoOl.ed ~d (Sed~ent~ Oil) qu~tified) ~D (or Special Trident/Per S~le ~ 55.00 (~ Toxicity Lea~ge) SPECIAL A NALY SE~ L~te ~traction P~ocedure $ 55.00 Cy~ides $ 2g.00 Meals: ~senic. Bari~, ~dmi~ Me~l= $111.O0 ~i~, Lead, Merc~, Seleni~ Org~ics ~ote Silver ~ 75.50 Org~ics: ~drin; Li~d~ne; Me~oxy~lor; Toxapnene; 2f &, D; ~, ~, 5-TP Silvex ~245.00 M1 CROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSES ~lorophyll "a" $ 7.00 ~lorophyll "a" ~d Pheoph~in "a" $ 7.00 Colifo~, Fecal (~) $ 7.00 Col~o~, To~l (~) $ 5.50 Microscopic ~neral ~tion $ 8.50 Microtox, ~cterial Bioassay $ ~9.75 S~eptococcus, Fe~l (~) ~ 7.00 Retero~ophic Plate Co~t $ 6.75 ~ NDE STR I AL SAMPLING T~DUST~I ^L %~ $ FECTI ON Composi=e Sallie/24 Hours Inspection/On Site $ 65.00 Installation and Removal $ 50.00 Grab Sable Pick-up $ 30.00 - Permit Application Review - In~t~lation of Automatic Composite Sa~lers - Chemical Inventory Review - Grab Sa~pling' - Verification of Application Data - Deliver~ to ~ ~boratory - Consultation with Industries on Ind~trial - Field Testing Available ~retreatment - Proper Chain of Custody GENERAL SERVICE % NFORM AT I OF 1. F_f£ective I~te: December 1, 1989, all prices listed are per sa~rple ~md subject to review. All analyse~ are run in accordance with "Standard Methods for the Examination ~f Water and Wastewater," 16r_h Edition, 1985 and/or EPA "Man~l of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes," 1983. ~. will add a 10% charge, at the same rate as submitted sa~les~ on the monthly billing to ~intaln T,he no~l quality' assurance progr~u~. Sa~.. le preparations, if required, are charged additionally as listed. 5. Sa---ple containers, preservatives, and supplies will be provided upon request at a reasonable charge. 6. Sa---?les~:: should be delivered to the laboratory before &:30 p.m. on weekdays. Samples cannot be accepted on weekends or holidays unless special arrangements are made in advance. *~(Bacteriologi~al samples should be in cold stcrage vault with analyses request form.) 7. Average co~p_ letion time for standard tests is two weel~s with the ar~%lyses results nor~ally mailed within two da.rs of co~letion. Billing statements for completed monthly ~alyses are mailed by t.he 10r-h of the foltowin[ momth. 8. Lak~ratory hours are weekdays 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and weekends 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 9. Office hou~ are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For after-hour emergencies, leave message with F OR M O R E I N F O R M~ T-I 0 N , C O N T A C T : Pa~ricia Cleveland Bill Cyrus Stephen Bainter Ma.-~ger, lechnical Services Laboratory Division Chief ?retrea~ment Coordinator -10- MO<~ 5 ~_~0 i5:50 F?,:?~ TRINITY R!UER AUTH PF~GE.O~DS_ FOR LA~OEATORY ANALYSES INDUSTRIAL INSPECTIONS AND TNDUSTRIAL SAMYLING FISCAL YEAR I991 ~40t~ 5 '90 !5:50 F,~!,;;I'~ TRTf,i~T'¢' P~UEP AUTH F'RGE AI~li~ity, To~l $ ~.00 pH $ 2.75 Bie~bo~te $ ~.50 ~enols: ~r~nate $ a.50 Hi~ ~vel $ ~.OO Bio~emical Ox~en De~d (BODS) $ lZ.~0 Low ~vel 50.00 Biochemical Oxygen D~d (C-~ODS) $ ~.95 Bioch~cal O~gen Dem~d (C-BOD20 $ l~.~O Oreo $ 5.50 Biochemical Oxygen De~d (BOD~O) $ 1%75 To~i $ 8.25 Bio~emical ~e~ De~d (~D-7) $ 15.00 ~iaal Oxygen ~d $ 8,00 Iotal (TS) $ &,OO ~Iorld~ $ 5.00 To~I Di~soI~d (~S) $ 7,30 ~omi~ Hexaval~n~ $ 9.50 TO~I S~ended (T~S) $ 6.70 Conduc~ca~ Specific $ 3.00 Volatile S~nd~ (VSS) Conduc~ce~ Diluted $ 5.Z5 Sulfate $ 11.00 Cy~ide i 26.00 Sulfide $ 5.00 Cyaide (~endabl~ to Caiori~tion) i 30,00 S~ae~ta - Fluorlde~ Dissolved $ 8.80 Io~l Pe=~l~ ~dfo~lm $ ~0.00 Fluorida~ To~I $ 8.~0 Total ~c ~n $ 11.75 (Pen~ky-M~tens Clomed Cup) $ 28.00 ~nia $ ~.00 K~eld~l, Total $ 15.00 ~cal ~ Ni~ata ~ 5.50 cy~ide $ 28.50 ~itri~e $ 5.50 ~it~gen, gjeld~l, T~I $ 18.00 Oil ~d Grease $ 23.00 ~o~pho~, To~I $ 10,00 Solids~ To~l VolUte $ 7,75 To~l Pe~l~ Hydr~bo~ I ¢ P iA A ~ Z ~*_k A N A L Y S E S ~,~.I~ R I T Y P,o L L~ % ~ N% M E,I ~ $ $8 ~c~ony Iron ~ri~ Lead lin ~t~y Mercu~ ~omi~ Nickel Zinc ~i~ Silver Copper Te 11 ir i,~ Copp~ L~ ~MP~ ~ pR EP~R~T ~ ON B~ron ~ilica Sad~nt ~d Oils $ 15.00 ~si~ T~P Ioxicity -; ~C ~a~te $ 28.50 Mer¢~ teed - Low ~vel GAS ¢ ]{..R 0 M A T 0 G R A p H ¥ Volatiles ~4 L'~on ~lor~t~d ~y¢~bon~, $ ~7.00 Aci4 ~actables ~ol~htor~t~ Biphenyl~ (S~le Pestici4e$/PCB'm pre~a~i~n, extraction, ~d ~ ~_.~ o c a r b o.~ S o 1 v~n t ~ (~ion ~d per ~eneral ~y~a~n/$olvent $1OS.OO ~D ~or O~o~h~te P~tlcid~ $ ~5.00 Sc~ (VOA) (~e col~); {C~nfi~t~on ~d ~ive or l~ss co~onents~ per in~ludi~ q~tlfication ~D for Poly~lo~t,d B~ph~yts (P~)- $ &5.00 $c~ (VOA) (~o col~m); per s~le) ~Fi~ or le~ co~on~ats; ~D for ~ - Oil (~t~on ~d $ 30.00 Vola=ile O~c Constituents % 51,00 (~PA r~lated - me~o~ 601/602~ ~ A L 0 M ~,T H,A.N..E ~._ *Add fifte~ doll.s ($15) for ~ extra co. orient TrOllies ~ 38.00 ~c~d ~d q~%ifled H E R B_I C I D E S ~,.A,M,,~!B.~ R E P A,R.A,% ~erbicid~s (~nfi~d ~d (Sed~n[, Oil) (~ Toxicity ~D {or Special T~a~nt/Per S~le $ 55.00 SPECIAL. Leac~te ~tracti~n prcc~d,=~ $ 55.00 Cy~de~ $ Meals: ~enic, ~r~, ~dm~ Me~l~ ~117.80 ~omi~, ~d, Mercu~ Seleni~ O~g~uics Si%vet $ 77.80 O~ics ~ ~drin ~ M~o~ohlor; T~xaphene~ l~ a~ D; 2~ ~ 5-TP Silv~x M I CROB I O L OGi~ A~ ANALYSES ~lurop~ll "a" $ ~l~phyll "a" ~%d Phe~hytin "a" $ 7.7Q -- GOi~o~, F~al (~) $ 7.70 Colifo~ Total (~) $ 6.00 Microscopic C~eral gx~i~tio~ ~ 9.00 Micro~ox~ ~¢terial Bio~say $ a0.80 ~taro~h~c Plat~ Co~t $ 7.75 NO~ 5 '~C~ ~5:5~ FROM TP[MIT~' PI~ER AUTH I N D U S T R I A L P R E T_R ~.A T M.E N T S E R V I CE S I N D U $ ~ R ~ A L S A M P L I N ~ I__N_D U ~_~ R I A ~ Gra~ ~le ~iek-~ $ 30.00 - I~lla~ion of Auto--tic Co~osite S~le=m - ~i~al ~v~o~ Review - De%iv~ to ~ ~borato~ - Consul~tion wi~ ~d~te~ on Indus~ial - Fiel4 Te~ti~ Availabl~ - P~e~ ~ of C~tody ~,~ N E R A L S E.,~ V I C E Effective Dat~: D~ember 1, 1990~ ali prices listed are per ~a ~d Ail ~lyse~ ~-e ~ in acc~ce wi~ "S~d~d Me.ods for ~e F_~tion of Water ~d W~tewater/' 16~ Edition~ 19~ ~d/or EPA "~%~1 of Me~hods for ~i~l ~lysis of Water ~d W~tem," 1983. ~ will add a 10~ c~r~e~ at ~.e ~e rat~ am submitted ~es~ on ~e 5. S~te pre,rations, if required, ar~ cP~rged ad~itio~lty as listed. 6. S~le containers, prese~ra~ive~, ~d ~plies will ~ provided upon req,~t ~ cold storage vault wi~ ~]yses r~que~t FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Part,cia Cleveland Dill C.%~r~ St~;;hen Bain~er