RE 08-28-90.2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 082890.2 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING DFW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT IN ITS REQUEST TO THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION TO AUTHORIZE THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION TO CONDUCT ALL NECESSARY FEASIBILITY STUDIES RELATING TO THE DFW EAST-WEST CONNECTOR EXPRESSWAY. WHEREAS, the DFW International Airport is the major traffic generator in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, the DFW International Airport is encompassed by the existing heavily congested traffic corridors of SH 114, SH 121, SH 183, SH 360, and with the extension of SH 360 along the western boundary of DFW International Airport, presently under construction, and the extension of SH 161 alon§ the eastern boundary of the Airport, scheduled for construction in late 1990; and WHEREAS, a major East-West thoroughfare connection through the Airport will not only relieve existing and projected traffic congestion, but also will increase regional mobility within the Mid Cities area to the benefit of not only the City of Coppell residents, but also the general public; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City of Coppell supports the DFW International Airport in its request to the Highway Commission to approve the inclusion of the DFW Connector Expressway in the feasibility study under the direction of the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation; and SECTION 2. That DFW International Airport agrees to pay for the additional cost associated with the addition of the East-West Connector Expressway feasibility study; and SECTION 3. That if the DFW East-West Connector Expressway proves feasible, then authorize DFW International Airport, under the direction of the Engineer-Director of the State Department of Highway and public Transportation, to perform all studies, conduct all public meetings, and develop controlled schematics necessary to complete the Level II-Advanced Plannin§-Segment of the State Department of Highways and Public Transportations 10 year Project Development Plan. Duly passed by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on this the 28th day of September , 1990. APPROVED: Mark Wolfe, MAY ATTEST: ~SECRETAR~Y APPROVED AS TO FORM: Lawrence W. Jack~on~, CITY ATTORNEY DFWRES .Z C a rrollton Coppell Grapevine Farmers Bra ROU~E d Euless fling,:on 3rand ?rairie