RE 07-24-90.2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 072490.2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, ENCOURAGING THE TEXAS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION TO CONSIDER ALL THE FACTS SURROUNDING THE PREVIOUS APPLICATION OF RIVERCHASE GOLF CLUB 19th HOLE FOR A PERMIT TO SERVE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PURSUANT TO THE CITY OF COPPELL'S ZONING ORDINANCE GOVERNING RESTAURANTS WITH A PRIVATE CLUB AND APPLICABLE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. WHEREAS, Riverchase Golf Club is a public golf course operating solely in the City of Coppell and is a valued asset to the City of Coppell and the 263 acre R~verchase planned development community which is solely located in the City of Coppell; and, WHEREAS, Riverchase Golf Club offers recreational facilities not elsewhere available in the City of Coppell nor in the immediate vicinity and as such is an asset to the City of Coppell by providing residents of Coppell and surrounding areas outdoor recreational pursuits; and, WHEREAS, Riverchase Golf Club 19th Hole operates only at Riverchase Golf Club and the owners and management of Riverchase Golf Club are professional corporations specializing in operating 130 golf courses with affiliated clubhouses in 16 states and have demonstrated professional management for these facilities where serving of alcoholic beverages is permitted; and, WHEREAS, the Coppell City Zoning Ordinance Section 29.15 titled "RESTAURANT WITH A PRIVATE CLUB" adopted by the City Council of Coppell in 1986 includes specific provisions intended to allow the serving of alcoholic beverages by the operators of Riverchase Golf Club; and, WHEREAS, The City Council of Coppell granted a Specific Use Permit in 1989 in accordance with aforementioned City Zoning Ordinance to Riverchase Golf Club 19th Hole for the operation of a private club serving alcoholic beverages; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of Coppell now realizes after Riverchase Golf Club 19th Hole previously applied to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) for a private club permit to serve alcoholic beverages there was a small, politically aligned segment of the community which did thereby file letters protesting issuance of such permit with TABC and, further, that said political pressure did cause the applicant to withdraw their application with TABC in deference to the protest. The City Council of Coppell unanimously recognizes and acknowledges the opinions expressed in protest to the application do not represent the opinion of the community as a whole and that the City Council in fact, condemns the protest action as being surreptitious and not in the best interest of the community; and, WHEREAS, Management of Riverchase Golf Club 19th Hole has indicated interest in reapplying to TABC for m private club permit for serving alcoholic beverages and the City Council of Coppell hereby unanimously recommends approval by TABC of such a permit and requests it he granted in a timely manner to alleviate the hardship caused to the applicant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the duly elected City Council of Coppell unanimously acknowledges the letters of protest, however, recognizes the opinions therein as being not representative of the majority of the citizens of the City of Coppell. SECTION 2. That the duly elected City Council of Coppell unanimously supports the granting of a private club permit by TABC to Riverchase Golf Club 19th Hole for serving alcoholic beverages. SECTION 3. That the City Council of Coppell believes the denial of a private club permit by TABC to Riverchase Golf Club 19th Hole for serving alcoholic beverages may cause ruinous financial damage to Riverchase Golf Club due to loss of revenue by diversion of customers to other golf courses where alcoholic beverages may be served. That the City Council further believes said revenue is a crucial element of the business plan of Riverchase Golf Club and is critical to their financial viability. SECTION 4. That the City Council of Coppell believes the granting of a private club permit by TABC to Rlverchase Golf Club 19th Hole for serving alcoholic beverages will cause no substantive financial, ethical or moral detriment to the City of Coppell nor the citizens thereof nor the passers there through. SECTION 5. That the City Council of Coppell uniformly recognizes and respects the responsibilities and authority of TABC in this matter and urges the TABC to consider the facts in this resolution upon reapplicatfon of Riverchase Golf Club 19th Hole for a private club permit to serve alcoholic b~verages. SECTION 6. That the City Council of Coppell is sensitive to concerns expressed by the protestants and, upon TABC issuance of a private club permit, will strive to relieve those concerns through diligent monitoring of the activities at Riverchase Golf Club 19th Hole to ensure requirements of all state and local regulations are met. SECTION 7. That the City Secretary shall cause copies of this resolution to be sent to the following persons: Mr. Emmitt McCracken, Administrator Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission 8700 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 127 Dallas, Texas 75247 Ken Marchant State Representative, 99th District 1120 Metrocrest, Suite 100 Carrollton, Texas 75006 W. S. McBeath, Administrator Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission 1600 W 38th Street Austin, Texas 78711 Larry H. Sullivan, Chief of Enforcement Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission 1600 W 38th Street Austin, Texas 78711 Louis M. Pearce, Chairman Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission 1600 W 38th Street Austin, Texas 78711 DULY PASSED on this the 24th day of July, 1990, at a regular scheduled meeting of the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas. Mark Wolfe, Ma Bill Smothermon, Mayo~l~o Tem Place 4 y In W~ r, Councilman Place,~l ~Jim Cowman, Councilman Place 5 David Thomas,~t~~ ~ ~ .,12o ncilman Place 2 Ron Robertson, Eounc'llman Place 6 Tom Mot lman Place 3 Johq~ A. Nelson, Councilman Place 7 ATTEST: Dorothy Ti~ns,~C%ty Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: L~Ja~nce Jackso~y Attorney RESOLUTION MW0689