RE 09-26-89.2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 092689.2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, RECOMMENDING THAT THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE SUPPORT THE LEGISLATIVE CHANGES EMBODIED IN H.B. 2267 AN~ H.B. 2268 DURING THE 1991 REGULAR LEGISLATIVE SESSION RELATIVE TO A CITY'S AUTHORITY TO EXERCISE ITS ZONING POWER OVER PREMISES OR BUSINESSES REQUIRED TO HAVE A LICENSE OR PERMIT UNDER THE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CODE FOR THE ON-PREMISES CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Board of Directors of the Texas Municipal League is hereby urged to support the legislative changes embodied in the attached H.B. 2267 and H.B. 2268 during the 1991 Regular Legislative Session. SECTION 2. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. DULY P~SED by the Ci~ Cpunc}l of the City of Coppell, Texas, on THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ATTEST: C~Y S~CI~ETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1088M TEXAS LEGISLATIVE SERVICE HB 2267 3/9/89 FLed by IVl~chant and Sbe~ 10-13-20--5 --340 A Blt~ TO ~ 2 relating to the eu~hority of · municipality to adopt as zoning 3 regulations applicable to certain businesses, 4 BE IT EI4Ac~EDBY THE LEGISLATU~EOF~ltE STAT~ OF TZXAS: 5 SECTION 1. Subchapter A, Local Government Code, t· ~or~led 6 by adding Section 211.003S ~o road a· follows: 7 Sec. 211,0035, ZONING REGULATIONS: BUSINESS AT WHICH 8 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONSUMED The 9overning body of 9 municipality has exclusive ·uthorityt irrea]~ctiv· of any provision 10 of the Alcoholic Beverage Co,et to en·c~ 'zoning regulations 11 applicable to premises or businesses required to have · license or 12 permit under the Alcoholic ~evera~e Co~o for the on-pre,lees 13 consumption of alcoholic beverages. 14 {b) Tho Zoning regulations may include provisions that: 15 {1) define the principal uses of the ~remises or 16 businessj 17 (2) require that · specified ratio between the sale of 18 food and the sale of alcoholic beverages ho established and 1~ ma·nra)ned; or 21 reports substantiating compliance with the ·oninq regulations 22 applicable to the principal uses. 23 (c) The regulation of alcoholic beverages~ other than 24 matters regulated pursuant to the zoning authori~¥ of 1 municlpality~ Is exclusively governed by tho Alcoholic ~vera~o 2 Code. In the event of I conflict b~tweon · re~ulation or 3 re~uirement enacted~urnuant to & ~unicipal zoning ordinance znd · 4 re~ulation or re~uiroment under the Alcoholic Beverage Codl, 5 m~ost stringent apPlies. 6 SECTION 2, Thin Act takes effect September 10 1989, ? SECTION 3. The i~port·nce of this legislation end the 8 crowded condition of the calend·re in b~th house· create 9 emerqency ·nd ·n l~perative ,public necessity that the 10 constitution&l rule requiring bills to bo road on throe ·evmral 11 days in each house be ausp~nded, and this rule is hereby suspended. TEXAS LEGISLATIVE SERVICE 'He 2268 3~9~89 Filed by Marchant and Shes 10-5 -13-20--322 A BXL~ TO BE Eh'TITLED ! AHACT 2 rel&txng to r. he aur-hority of governmental antit~ee to ~:lopt seeing 3 or other regal&lions applicable to certain business 4 BE IT ENACTED BY ~ LEGISLATURE OFT HE STATE Or TEXAS= $ SECTION 1. Sections 109~57(c) and (d). Alcoholic Beverage 6 Code, ere amended to reed al followe: 7 (c) This section does not affect ~he validity or invalidity 8 of a regulation, charter, or ordinance ~hmt was £tnmlly enacted 9 before June 11, 1987, or any mmendmant to that re~ulationf chartarf 10 or ordinance that is enacted on or after Septembmr 1, 1989f 11 eJfeeliva--dale--ef--~ke--Am%-eddtel-tkie-eee~ee~l®-~k*e-eedeJ ~nd 12 that is othe~iea valid. 13 (d) This section dole not effect ~he au~hority of m 14 goverrtuental entity to regulate, in a manner as otherwise permitted 15 by law, the location of: 15 (1) · massage parlor, nude modeling studio, or other 17 sexually oriented business; or 18 (2) an eetablxeJvnen~ ~at d~ivee any ~wrt of xes !? pe~ee~-=eF--eere--eJ--tk~--eatebtiehmen*~l glOSS revenue from 20 on-premise male of alcoholic beverages. 21 SECTION 2. Thxe Act takes effect September 1, 1989. 22 $~CTION 3. The importonce of this legislation and the 23 crowded condition of t. ha calendars in both house create an 24 emergency and In imperative public necessity that the 1 constitutional rule requiring bills to be reed on three several 2 days in each house be suspended, end thio rule la hereby suspended. The City With A Beautiful Future 214-462-0022 October 10, 1989 Frank J. Sturzl, Executive Director Texas Municipal League Board of Directors 211 East Seventh, Suite 1020 Austin, Texas 78701 3282 Dear Mr. Sturzl: Enclosed please find a copy of Resolutiou 092689.2 passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Coppell on September 26, 1989, recommending that the Texas Municipal League support the legislative changes embodied in H.B. 2267 and H.B. 2268 during the 1991 ~egular Legislative Session. Should you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Dorothy T~nmons City Secretary TMn/~M 1088M