RE 08-31-89.1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS R E,.,~LUTION NO. 083189.1 THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A NEW TAX ABATEMENT POLICY AND GUIDELINES AN~ CRITERIA GOVERNING TAX OBJECTIVES BY THE CITY; STATING ~E GENERAL PURPOSE PROCEDURAL GUIDEL~ES~ APPLICATION FOR TAX ABATEMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 'enhancement of the ~1 eeo~my is in t~' ~st inteeest of the .1; and the esta~nsnme~ economic aevelo~;nt in'ives suen as tax , encourage ennan~'~g,~he local e~'0my; ~ the Goveen~g.~f the City of Co ~sires to elect to become participate in t~ Sment and to ~d adopt Guidelines and g tax reements; R~OLVED CODICIL OF TH~ CITY That the.~ of Coppel], Texas, ~e~eby~eleets to become elegible to participate tax abate~l 'as~author~zed by the P~rty Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act of the Stag-o[~ T~as. ~ t~' CITY OF COPP~, T~AS GUIDELINES AND CRITERIA FOR TAX ~TE~AGREEMENTS attae~ h~to as Exhibit "A", be, and the same is hereby ;hdop~established as the Guid~g~es and Criteria for T~ Abatement Agreements for~~ City of Coppell, Texas. Section 3. The pol ey here~8 ~ted,~all, at the discretion of the Cxty Council, be reviewed annually or from time ~ tim~' as needed. Said policy is intended as a guide for use in developing t~ ~eni programs and agreements under the provisions of the Property Redevelop~t _,~d Tax Abatement Act of the State of Texas, and notwithst~,the p~i~ herein established, the City Couneil of the City of Coppell retains ~e rig~ to aqt within the provisions of such act without the necessity of amendi~ the ~&e~p61iey herein adopted. ~ ~:~ Section 4. An application fee in the sum of $1,500.00 shall ~ paid by any applicant at the time of filing the "Application for T~ Abatement" provided for under the ~liey herein adopted. Section 5. Any resolution in conflict with this resolution is hereby repealed. City of Coppell Resolution No. 041189.3 is hereby specifically repealed. Seetion 6. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage as the law in such cases provides. DULY RF. SOI,¥ED AND ADOPTI{.D by vote of at least three-fourths of the members of the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on the 31st day of August, 1989, t~' members of the Governing Body voting in favor of the resolution, ~) members voting against the resolution, and _ ~ member._ absent and not voting. Mayor / v -- ATTEST: City Secret~ ~) ^Pp v .v ^s To Cit~ Att~r~ney ~-' CR89-0831 CITY OF COPPELLt TEXAS GUIDELINES AND CRITERIA FOR TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENTS Tax abatement will reduce needed tax revenue unless the tax incentives offered by the tax abatement agreement are strictly limited in application to a reinvestment zone that provides for new and existing industries to bring new tax basis property into the city of Coppell. The City must compete with other localities across the nation offering tax inducements in order to attract new investment capital, modernization and new employees and families to the community. New employees and families will benefit the City's economy and will provide additional opportunities and market growth for the generation of additional tax revenue to support local services. Texas Law provides that the City of Coppell, Texas can provide tax incentives through tax abatement agreements with owners of real property subject to taxation within the City's jurisdiction. The following Guidelines and Criteria are intended to comply with Texas law and to be binding upon the City of Coppell, Texas after they have been adopted and shall apply to all tax abatement agreements hereafter entered into by the City for a period of two years from the date adopted unless amended or modified by a vote of three-fourths of the members of the City Council of the City. The City shall not enter into any tax EXHIBIT A abatement agreement unless it finds that the Guidelines and Criteria set forth below are met by the agreement. The Guidelines and Criteria are as follows: 1. The city Council by ordinance may designate as a reinvestment zone any real property that will be reasonably likely as a result of the designation to contribute to the retention or expansion of primary employment or to attract major investment in the reinvestment zone that would be a benefit to the property and that would contribute to the economic development of the City of Coppell, Texas. 2. The City of Coppell, Texas is not under any obligation to provide any tax abatement or any other incentive to any applicant except as considered on a case-by-case basis of an application for a project which meets these Guidelines and Criteria. These Guidelines and Criteria shall be circulated to all taxing jurisdictions within the City of Coppell, Texas for consideration by them as a common policy for all reinvestment zones designated by the City of Coppell, Texas. 3. All requests by application for tax abatement under these Guidelines and Criteria shall be reviewed by the City Council whose determination and approval or disapproval shall be based upon all relevant information presented by the applicant as well as information derived from public hearings to be held in accordance with Texas law. 4. The City shall from time to time adopt application forms to be completed in conjunction with the approval process and all applications are not required to be identical in their content but shall fit the appropriate circumstances applicable to that particular reinvestment zone. As a condition to approval an applicant may be required to respond to all questions presented by the City relating to the application, the reinvestment zone and the abatement agreement to be entered into between the parties. 5. A reinvestment zone shall be eligible for tax abatement if the real property is to be used for manufacturing facilities, research facilities, educational purposes, distribution centers or regional service centers, regional entertainment facilities or other commercial purposes but not for residential purposes. 6. Abatement shall be extended only to the land and not to any improvements but nothing herein contained shall prevent or imply that the City of Coppell cannot enter into another tax abatement program relating to improvements and facilities. 7. Any abatement authorized hereunder shall be granted effective with the January 1 evaluation date immediately preceding or following the effective date of the abatement as determined by the terms of the agreement. 8. Abatement shall mean the full or partial exemption from ad valorem taxes of the real property in a reinvestment zone designated by the City. The abatement shall be limited to the taxation relating to all or a part of the increase in value of - 3 - the property over its value in the year in which the abatement becomes effective for any period not in excess of fifteen years, subject to the rights of holders of outstanding bonds of the City. The base year value for purposes of the abatement shall mean its currently assessed value and if the property is currently assessed at agricultural values, that shall be its base year value. The particular tax abatement agreement shall define the percentage of the value of the abatement and its term. 9. In order to enter into an abatement agreement, the City Council must find that the agreement may be expected to prevent the loss of employment within the City of Coppell, Texas, retain employment within the City or create employment. It shall not be acceptable that the abatement will simply have the effect of recirculating employees within the City but must be for the purpose of retaining, creating or preventing loss of employees within the City of Coppell, Texas. It shall not be the purpose of the tax abatement agreement to provide for unfair advantage to new business owners competing with existing business in the City of Coppell, Texas. 10. In addition to new jobs or retention of jobs in the City of Coppell, Texas, the Council shall consider the fiscal impact on the City from the addition of real and personal property which will be added to the tax rolls by development of the property in the reinvestment zone to which the tax abatement applies. In addition to this ad valorem tax increase, sales tax income will be considered and benefits provided in the way of education, - 4 - health and general welfare to the citizens of the city of Coppell, Texas will be considered. Also, the impact on local housing will be considered and the image of the City to outside industry and citizens of other cities and states. Some of the purposes of the tax abatement program can also be to improve the education, health and general welfare of the residents of the City. 11. Any person, partnership, organization, corporation or other entity desiring that the city of Coppell consider providing tax abatement shall be required to comply with the following procedural guidelines. Nothing within these guidelines shall imply or suggest that Coppell is under any obligation to provide tax abatement in any amount or value to any applicant. a. Applicant shall submit an "Application for Tax Abatement" in a form to be furnished by the City and pay a filing fee of $1,500.00 to cover publication, notice cost and staff time to review and process the application. b. Applicant shall prepare a survey map showing the precise location of the property, its legal description and all roadways within five hundred (500) feet of the site, all existing land uses and zoning within five hundred (500) feet of the site and the kind, number and location of all existing or proposed improvements. c. The applicant shall provide a list of the expected benefits to the City of the overall project to assist - 5 - in determining the long term benefit to the City and its residents. d. Ail information in the application package detailed above will be reviewed by the City Council and additional information may be requested from the owner and the owner or its representatives at the invitation of the Mayor will appear at such council meetings, committee meetings and public hearings as are held in conjunction with consideration of the application. e. The application will be distributed to the appropriate City departments for internal review and comments. The City shall give notice of the Agreement to the presiding officer of the governing body of each taxing unit in which the property to be subject to the Agreement is located or obtain a waiver of said notice. The ordinance designating the property as a reinvestment zone shall not be adopted until the City Council has held a public hearing on the designation after notice of such hearing is published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City no later than the seventh day before the public hearing and the notice shall also be given to the applicant on or before the date of publication. f. Prompt notice of approval or disapproval shall be given to the applicant and all affected jurisdictions. If an abatement application is disapproved, an applicant may - 6 - be granted a review or rehearing by the City Council in which event a new application and hearing may be required in the discretion of the Council. g. Copies of the complete application package and staff comments will be provided to the City Council. h. Upon approval of the Agreement (which shall be conditioned upon final adoption of an ordinance designating the reinvestment zone) by a majority of the Council members, the City Council will call the public hearing to consider adoption of the ordinance establishing the reinvestment zone. i. The City Council will conduct the public hearing and determine whether the project is feasible and practical and would be of benefit to the land to be included in the zone and to the municipality after the expiration of the tax abatement agreement. j. Upon a determination that the project is feasible and practical, the City Council will adopt an ordinance designating the area described in the legal description of the proposed project as a commercial/industrial tax abatement reinvestment zone. k. After the public hearing, the city Council will consider adoption of a resolution which ratifies the terms and conditions of an agreement between the City and the applicant, which shall govern the provisions of the tax abatement. - 7 - 1. The Coppell Independent School District and the County of Dallas and all other applicable taxing units, if any, may consider ratification of and participation in the tax abatement agreement between the City of Coppell and the applicant. 12. An Abatement Agreement will not be adopted by the City if it is determined that there would be a substantial adverse effect on the providing of government services or tax basis, or the applicant has insufficient financial capacity to carry out its responsibilities under the proposed Agreement, or the planned use of the property would constitute a hazard to public safety, health or morals, or if any state or city codes or laws would be violated. 13. After following and complying with all statutory requirements and after a determination is made by the city Council that a tax abatement agreement should be entered into with an applicant, the value and term of the abatement will be determined by the following: a. The minimum rate of tax abatement for any tax year shall not be less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the increase in value up to 100% thereof. b. In order to qualify for tax abatement, the owner of the subject property must meet eligibility requirements to be established in the agreement which may include, among other things, provisions for improvements of the property of the owner in the form of streets, utilities - 8 - and dedication of public areas for parks, recreation or educational facilities. c. After the tax abatement program is properly initiated and qualified and an agreement becomes effective, the abatement percentage will be in effect and will continue for the duration of the remaining term of the tax abatement period notwithstanding any later change in ownership of the property or any part thereof. d. The year in which the tax abatement commences may be made conditional as set forth in the agreement. e. The tax abatement period shall not exceed fifteen (15) years. 14. The tax abatement agreement between the City and the applicant shall stipulate that employees or designated representatives of the City and any other applicable taxing unit which ratifies or adopts the tax abatement agreement, will have access to the reinvestment zone during the terms of the abatement to inspect the property to determine if the terms and conditions of the agreement are being met. Such inspections will be made upon the giving of reasonable notice and will be conducted in such a manner that they will not unreasonably interfere with the ongoing businesses and operations on the property. Inspections will only be made in the presence of one or more representatives of the applicant and if it is determined that the applicant is in default according to the terms and conditions of its tax abatement agreement, the City shall notify the applicant in - 9 - writing, and if such default is not cured within sixty days from the receipt of such notice, then the tax abatement agreement may be terminated upon notice by the City. 15. If at any time during the term of the tax abatement agreement the applicant allows his ad valorem taxes owed to the City, or any affected applicable taxing unit who has ratified the tax abatement agreement, to become delinquent and fails to timely and properly follow legal procedures for the protest or contest of same or if the applicant violates any of the terms and conditions of the abatement agreement and fails to cure them during the sixty day period provided above, then all taxes previously abated by virtue of the agreement will be recaptured and will be due and payable upon demand within sixty days of the termination of the tax abatement agreement. These Guidelines and criteria for Tax Abatement Agreements were approved by resolution passed by the City Council of coppe11, Texas on the $1st day of ~ugust, 1989. 10 - SIGNED: City of Coppell, Texas Its: Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: La~r~n~e Ja-c~on/~neral ' Counse~/ - 11 -