RE 04-11-89.2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 041189.2 The City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, meeting in regular session on the llth day of April, 1989, among other proceedings considered the following resolution: WHEREAS, the unrestricted operation of certain sexually oriented business may be detrimental to the public safety and welfare to the residents of the City of Coppell by contributing to the decline of residential and bus~ness neighborhoods and the growth of criminal activity; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of local government to regulate sexually oriented businesses to promote the public health, safety, end welfare of City of Coppell citizens; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED TNAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS endorses HB-160 and encourages its passage of the ?lst Legislature. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas on the llth day of April, 1989. THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAs Lou Duggan, ATTEST: Dorothy Timm~s,~-CJty Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: '~a~ence W. Jack~ ~i[y Attorney RESOLUTION 1088M(4) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COEPELL, TEXAS NO. The City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, meeting in regular session on the llth day of April, 1989, among other proceedings considered the following resolution: WHEREAS, the unrestricted operation of certain sexually oriented business may be detrimental to the public safety and welfare to the residents of the City of Coppell by contributing to the decline of residential and busfness neighborhoods and the growth of criminal activity; and ~MEREAS, it is the intention of local government to regulate sexually oriented businesses to promote the public health, safety, and welfare of City of Coppell citizens; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS endorses HB-160 and encourages its passage of the 71st Legislature. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas on the llth day of April, 1989. THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~a~ence W. JacksOn, Ci[y Attorney RESOLUTION 1088M(4) SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 5:~' p.m. Monday - 8 Days Precedin~ qity Council Meeting REV.: Effective 1/20/88 AGENDA REQUEST FORM FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: APRIL 11, 1989 I. REF/FILE NUMBER : RESOLUTION ~[ II. ITEM CAPTION : Consider approval of a Resolution in SUDDOrt of HB-160 and encouraqe its passaqe Of the 71st Leqislature and authorize the Mayor to siqn - by Councilman Morton III. ACTION RECOMMENDED : Staff recon~mends approval IV. REP. IN ATTENDANCE A: STAFF - Alan D. Ratlifff City Manaqer B: OTHER - V. NOTIFICATION TO : METHOD OF CONTACT : DATE : VI. FINANCIAL REVIEW : 1. BUDGETED ITEM : N/A YES NO 2. BUDGET AMOUNT : 3. ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR THIS ITEM : 4. AMOUNT OVER OR UNDER BUDGET : 5. LOW BIDDER RECOMMENDED : YES NO SOURCE OF FUNDING CO'S OR BONDS FUNDS : (Series or year a~thorized) : OPERATING BUDGET (Account Number) : OTHER : DMEMOI SENT 8Y;HSE OF REPS-CAPITOL ; 3-17-89 ;11:19AM ; 512~§30§95- 912143937940;~ 3 RESOL~TIOR IN RI~ X PROCEEDINGS BEFORE HB-I~fl S~XUALLY )( ~ CQMMI~ION~RS COU~T ORI~TED BU~INESS~ )( DENTO~ COUNTY, TEXAS X FEBRUARY 22, 1989 The Commi~loners Coul't of Denton County, Texas, meeting in special session the 21st clay of February, 1989, among other proceedings eonstdered the following resoluttom WHERlZ. AS, the uneestrieted operation of certain sexually oriented busineSses may be detrimental to the public health safety and welfare of Denton County resRlents by contributing to the decline of residential and businesS fletghboehoocls and the growth of criminal activity: and WHERRAS, it is the intention DJ' IDeal government to regulate sexually orientec~ businesses to promote the public health, safety, and welfare of Denton County eitizenS; NOW, THRREI~oRI~, be it resolved that the Commissioners Court of Denton County, Texas endorses HB-160 and encourages its passage during the ?tst Legislature. DONE IN OPBN COURT, this 21st day of February, 1989. VIC 13t{RGEBS,~:OUNTY ,]'UDGE SENT BY:HSE OF REPS-CAPITOL ; 3-17-89 ;11:20AM ; 5124630§954 912143937940;# D~mton Fabr%t&ry 21, 1989 Honorable Ben cattpbell P.0. Box 2910 Alts~ln, Texas 78769 Dear Sir, I a~ writing to register my strong support of House Bill #160, "Regulation of Sexually Oriented Businesses". Since the City of Dallas has been so successful with their sexually Oriented Business Ordinance, these t~ea of businesses are aoving into unincorporated areas such as Denton Co~tnty. Denton County and the Sheriff's department have very lialted control of how these businesses operate and consequantly all ! urge you to do everything possible to a/low Denton County some type of regulation powers over sexually oriented soon as possible. ~81ncerel ~ ~R/drk SENT BY:HSE OF REPS-CAPITOL ; 3-17-89 ;11:26AM ; 5124§30§95- 912143937940;# THE STATE OF IEXA~ ~ COMMISSIONERS' COUNTY OF SAN PATRICIO ~ RESOLUTION 2-13-89-17 W'~S, Naval Station Ingleside is presently under construction and due to be completed in 1991; and WHEREAS, due to the Naval Station, approx~-~ely 11,000 people are expected ~o ~ove to the Aransas, Nuece~, and San Particle County area between ~88 an8 ~92; and ~S, history has proven that certain sexually oriented businesses have a record of follo~ng ~his t~e of military buildup; and ~S, :he quality of life preeen:ly enjoyed by the citizens of ~his area could be Jeopardized by the influx of sexually Oriented businesses; and ~S, counties in the State of Texas have limited authority in resisting these sexually oriented businesses; and ~S, ~he Honorable Ben Campbell, State Represe~tative, Dis:riot 61, has in~roduced lasislation which ~ effect will allow Texas court:les to better regulate se~ally oriented businesses thereby ~intaining the present quality of life currently enjoyed by the residents of our CountyI NOW, ~EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that San Patricio County. co~ends tbs Honorable Ben Campbell, S~ate Representative, District 61, for his efforts and wholehear:edly supports House Bill 160. PASS~ this 13th day of Pebruary. 1989. ,X~ , Ssioner ~reci~ct 1 Carl Duncan, Co~i~ion~ ~ecinc~ 2 Pedro G. Rod~i~ez, C~ssloner Precinc~ '3 SENT BY:HSE OF REPS-CAPITOL ; ~-17-89 ;11:22AM ; 5124§30595~ 91214393?940;# 5 THE STATE OF TEXAS ) LEGISLATIVE ) RES0~UTION ZN S~PPORT OP HB 160 COUNTY OP COLLIN ) COMMISSIONERS ' COURT On February 2?, 1989, the Commissioners' Court of Collin County, Texas, met in s~eol&l session with the following members present and pa=ticipating, to witt William 3. Roberts County Judge, presiding Howar~ Thornton C~-._~.__lssioner, Prairie= 1 Jerz7 Hoagland Co~lssioner, PTeC£nct 2 John Wltherspoon Commissioner, Precinct 3 Jack Hatchell Commissioner, Precinct 4 During such session the court considered adoption of the following resolution in support of HB 160, rela~ing to the authority of munlc~palities and counties to regulate sexually oriented business= WHEREAS, the com~issioners' court acknowledges that the unrestricted operation of certain sexually oriented bus£nesses may be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare by contributing to the decline of residenElal and business neighborhoods and the growth o~ criminal activi~y~ and WHEREAS, the members of this court recognize the ~eed for regulatory action to provide a means of remedying this problem~ NON~ TH~REPOR~, BE IT RESOLVED that the Comm~ssione~s' Court of Collin County, Texas, hereby endorses passage of HB 160, and respectfully urges the citizens of Coll~n County and the legislators o~ t~e State of Texas to support this bill. upon a motion, second and maJoritz~te of the Court, this resoiut~on was approved and adopted on the ~7 ~ day O~ February, 1989. ~NT ~Y:HSE OF REPS-CAPiTOL ; 3-1~-89 ; 9:23A~ ; 5124630695~ 91214993~940;~ 2 CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS BILL ANALYSIS House Bill 160 (as fried) By Campbell CITY PosrI~ON: SUPPORT This bill chauges the law dealing with the regalatinn of sexually oriented businesses by adding adult bookstores, adult movie theatres, and adult motels to the list of businesses which can be regulated as 'sexually oriented" and removing the existing exemption from regulation for adult bookstores and 'adult movie theatres. The existing state law only addresses matters of location. Significantly, this bill would also permit regulation as necessary to promote the public health, safety, and welfare on matters other than location. In addition, the bill would authorize a permit or license fee to be charged by the regulating city or county.to cover the costs of a background investigation of an applicant business, in addition to the ~xisting charge for the co~t of processing the application. This amendmeht to the sexually oriented busines~ statute would greatly enhance the. regulation, of sexuall~ oriented busineases by including as Class B misdemeanors (fine up to $.500 and)or confinement in the county Jail of up to six mon~ks) violations by these businesses of the regulations on matters other than location. Whereas, currently matters other than location may only b~e ?~d. dreased by Municipal Court fines. The City of Houston recommends that you support this bill. If you have any questions, please contact Paul Bibler of the Legal Department at 713/247-2069 or Bill Brown of the Police Department at 713/247-8457. · '"' DRAFT' ]:OR DIS ,L SSION PUR] OSES OHLY SENT DY:HSE 01; REPS-CAPITOL ; 3-1'/-§9 ;11 23AM ; 51246,305~;5~ 9121439~'/940;$~ bac bill t'0 re.late Group : oriented business ~PU8 C~RI$~ ~vc~ment~ ~hc ability ~o ~l~'cl~' fl~ a b~i~ that b~ka Ibc ~]es.~ . By Ml~ael E~II ~ 'l 0 ~g .' $t~F ~CE~ T~on ~id thc Hom~ St~n~ Coun- ROC~RT - The Home~fl $t~fing ali's endowment was ~u$ht a~er he ~ad :" Council endo~d a bill last n~l thlt ia in a'Fo~ Wo~h ne~r thai the council dcsi~ to give eounti~ the ~me regu)a- ~ u~'n~ C~stal ~d ~ties and Io~ ~we~ that cities have over ~xually to atfictl~ ~$u]ate ~x~alJy effected buGi- ofient~ business, n~s ~fom Naval S~lion Inalcsidc The bill al~ would e~ble eili~ and in l~l. ~unties to file injunctions to clo~ tho~e The ~uncil ur{~ ar~ citi~ and corn- ~ t~t ofbusiae~, whe~ they violale local ties in Novcm~r lo m~el their ~gula- regulations, tioa$ governing ~xu~l~ orienled 'It's a t~l thai can be u~d by Io~I business aRcr Ih~ Dallas o~inan~, con- : governments to enturc lhat those ty~s of aider~d the nation's stricter ~t of ~l~s busine~, do nol adve~ly affect the com- re$ulating tho~ lyes er b~sihc~s. ,% munltie$ they a~ in,' said Brad Amah, A ve~Jon of thc O~inan~ has been eoo~inatoc rot thc st~dn$ council, adopt~ by the ~ty of. ln&l~ide~: and other The pr0~l. H0u~ Bill I~, is in the venions a~ ~in8 conside~d by numerous Stale Affain Committee awaiting apparel elti~ and ~unlics in thc Coastal or denial, ~id Bill T~on. administrative ~in ~id. -. , ~ismnt to Rep. ~n Camp~ll. R-Hewer The U.S. Sup~me Court ngr~d Jn Moun~. author of the bill. If it cleero the ~a~ lO judge the validlly of the Dallas ~nel it would go to tho Hou~ fleet. The eminence and det~ine whether it vi~ next huMle would ~ the ~nate. lares f~sp~h fights. The ~ustic~s a~ The bill ~uld allow Counties Io t~uim ~ed to announce ~ele - ~ision Ilcen~s of ~xually oHent~ busines~ sometime n~t year.. '.'~ which include mal~e ~rto~ nude stu- ~e ~ustice$ will ~v{~w.a.feae?l ~ dies. m~elin$ studios, love ~rio~ adult ~uH ruling t~t the otdman~ '1s ~,~ ~ksto~s. adult'movie theate~ adult m~ mate attack on. ~time, ur~ blight[ eels and. other busings o~H{~8 n semi~ declining P~Y values. ~ or t~e ~lling or mntin~ oC items in~ended The ordinance contains many prov~ for ~xual ~timulation or gratification, but ~nemlly bars ~xually orienl~ Movie.~ntal busin~ which offer X. ne~s ~om ~thin I,~ ~t of h~ rated movies, b~t ~rimnrily rent other chu~he~, ~h~ls and other t~a o~ movl~ wOu~ not ~ affect~ by ed b~sinesse[ the ocdmance. T~0n ~id. ~im~ors. It al~ ~m anyone convicted of c~ thespian, psycholo~sts and b~et health erim~ f~m o~ting a ~xually o~ . ' profes~onal$ also would ~ exempt ~om busings or ohm;hang a license Io o~6~ the ~gu}ation~ he ~id. Licensing authority on ~xually The bill also wo~ld enabl~ citien and buslnc~cs ia considered to be a ~'~ Counties to seek injunctions in district clusive to ~itie~ T~on ~{d. But unde~ ~urts against buain~ Ihat violate I~a} 160, county gov~ments in Texas ~,~ : mlc~. . approve similar mle~ he ~ d. ' 'Ri~M now neither eltle~ no? countics Resdents in Camp~ll's district '~ can file for an in~unctlon," T~on ~id. uralng him to s~nsor iuch a ~The most that can ~ done is a ~n sexually oriented bus ncs~ once who vlolales an ordinance can ~ token up Dallas began to move into their.~$~ on criminal cha~es. This bill gives I~al T~on ~id. -Counties need mo~ regulatin$ ~ SENT BY:HSE OF REPS-CAPITOL ; 3-17-89 ; 9:25AM ; 5124630695~ 91214393?940;# 3 Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas Februar~ l, 3.989 Rep. Ben Campbell Texas House of Representatives Post office Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78769 RE: H.B. 160 Dear Representative Campbell: The Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas strongly supports the passage of H.B. 160 relating to the authority of municipalities and counties to regulate sexually oriented businesses. CT~AT represents over 8,000 peace officers and is the largest police association in the State of Texas. We are prepared to testify and provide supporting evidence for your bill when it is heard in committee. Feel free to contact us if we can assist you further as this legislation proceeds through the legislative process. pT~ASE NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 304 W. 13th Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 495-9111 SENT DY;HSE OF REPS-CAPITOL ; 3-17-89 ;11:18AM ; 5124630895~ 912143337940;# 2 HOUSTON'S Houston Police Officers Association Texr~' Oldes~ and L~rgest Police As. soc~aHon FIN£ST February 9, 1989 Rep. Ben Campbell Texas House of Representatives· Post Office BOX 2910 Austin, Texas 78769 I~E: H.B. 160 Dear Representative Campbell; The Houston Police Officers Association has reviewed H.B. 160 relating to the authority of municipalities and counties to regulate s~xuslly oriented businesses. We strongly support its passage. The HPOA represents approximately 3,000 Houston police officers. We are more t/~an willing to provide supporting testimony when this bill is heard in committee. Don't hesitate to call on us if we can assist you in speeding your legislation through the legislative process. we are looking forward to working with you on this and other legislation during session. President }~RC/cJ A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1 AN ACT 2 relating to the authority of municipalities and counties to 3 regulate sexually oriented businesses. 4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 5 SECTION 1. Chapter 243, Local Government Code, is amended to 6 read as follows: 7 CHAPTER 243. MUNICIPAL AND COUNTY AUTHORITY TO REGULATE 8 [~e~A~eN-eF] SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESS 9 Sec. 243.001. PURPOSE; EFFECT ON OTHER REGULATORY AUTHORITY. 10 (a) -The legislature finds that the unrestricted operation 11 [½esaU&emi of certain sexually oriented businesses may be 12 detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare by 13 contributing to the decline of residential and business 14 neighborhoods and the growth of criminal activity. The purpose of 15 this chapter is to provide local governments a means of remedying 16 this problem. 17 (b) This chapter does not [e~hs~ee--e~] diminish the 18 authority of a local government to regulate sexually oriented 19 businesses with regard to a~y matters 20 Sec. 243.002. DEFINITION. In this chaptgr, "sexually 21 oriented business" means a massage parlor, nude 'studio, modeling 22 studio, love parlor, adult bookstore, adult movie theater, adult 23 ~e~, or oth~r [a*m~a~] commercial en~erprise the major business 71R309 MRB-D 1 1 items [~he~--~s] intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual 2 gratification to the customer. 3 Sec. 243.003. AUTHORITY TO REGULATE LOCATION. (a) A 4 municipality by ordinance or a county by order of the commissioners 5 court may adopt regulations regarding 6 s] sexually oriented businesses as the municipality or county 7 considers necessary to promote the public health, safety, and 8 welfare [b~s~aess]. , 9 (b) [A~-es~ee~-e6-e-se~a~y-e~e~e~--B~s~mess--e~e~--~e~ 10 &~s-~eea~e~-mey-~e~-be-~ep~a~e~-~e~-~h~s-eha~e~ 11 [%e~] A regulation adopted by a municipality applies only 12 inside the municipality's corporate limits. 13 (c) [~] A regulation adopted by a county applies only to 14 the parts of the county outside the corporate limits of a 15 municipality.? 16 (d) ~e~] In adopting a regulation, a municipality that has 17 in effect a comprehensive zoning ordinance adopted under Chapter 18 211 must comply with all applicable procedural requirements of that 19 chapter if the regulation is within the scope of that chapter. 20 Sec. 243.004. EXEMPT BUSINESS. The following are exempt 21 from regulation under this chapter: 2Z (1) [a-beeke~e~e? 24 [~] a business operated by or employing a licensed 25 psychologist, licensed physical therapist, licensed athletic 26 trainer, licensed cosmetologist, or licensed barber engaged in 27 pmmfe=ming functions &u~hor~zed unde= ~he 71R309 MRB-D 2 1 (2) [~4~] a business operated by or employing a 2 licensed physician or licensed chiropractor engaged in practicing 3 the healing arts. 4 Sec. 243.005. BUSINESS LICENSED UNDER ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE 5 CODE. (a) A business is not exempt from regulation under this 6 chapter because it holds a license or permit under the Alcoholic 7 Beverage Code authorizing the sale or service of alcoholic 8 beverages. 9 (b) A regulation adopted under this chapter may not 10 discriminate against a business on the basis of whether the 11 business holds a license or permit ~nder the Alcoholic Beverage 12 Code. 13 (c) This chapter does not affect the existing preemption by 14 the state of the regulation of alcoholic beverages and the 15 alcoholic beverage industry as provided by Section 1.06, Alcoholic 16 Beverage Code. 17 Sec. 243.006. 18 se~ma½~-e~e~e~-D~s~esses-ma~-bee 20 [~--~eh~b~eed-w~h~-a-eeeea~m-~eeamee-e~-a-eehee~? 22 eehe~-spee~ed-~amd-~ee-ehe-~eve~m~n~-Med~-e~-ehe-m~n~e~a~e~--ee 23 25 26 ee,~a~¥-e~en~e~-b~e~aeseee. 27 [$ee~-~4a.~.] LICENSES OR PERMITS. (a) A municipality or 71R309 MRB-D 3 1 county may require that a license or other permit be obtained for 2 the operation of a sexually oriented business. A fee may be 3 charged for the license or permit but the fee may not exceed the 4 actual cost of processing the license or permit application. 5 (b) A municipality or county may impose a fee on a person 6 applying for or holding a license or other permit to recover the 7 cost of investigations the municipality or county undertakes as 8 part of the license or permit program. 9 Sec. 243.007 [~4~8]. ENFORCEMENT. (a) A municipality or 10 county may sue in the district court for an injunction to prohibit 11 the violation of a re.cn/lation adopted under this chapter. 12 (b) A person commits an offense if the person violates a 13 city or county regulation adopted under this chapter. An offense 14 under this subsection is a Class B misdemeanor. 15 Sec. 243.008 [~6~99]~ EFFECT ON OTHER LAWS. This chapter 16 does not legalize anything prohibited under the Penal Code or other 17 state law. 18 SECTION 2. The importance of this legislation and the 19 crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an 20 emergency and an imperative public necessity that the 21 constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several 22 days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended, 23 and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its 24 passage, and it is so enacted. 71R309 MRB'~D 4