RE 2006-0627.1 RESOLUTION NO. 2006-0627.1 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY OF COPPELL SUPPORTING THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS' REGIONAL POLICY POSITION REGARDING THE PROPOSED TRANS-TEXAS CORRIDOR. WHEREAS, the public policy initiatives currently included in the Dallas NAFT A Trade Corridor project are an inland/agile port system, a linear/foreign trade zone, an inland port of pre-clearance, and a cargo airport, and these initiatives will expand as the project further develops; and WHEREAS, the Dallas NAFT A Trade Corridor project relies on the current and future movement of international trade and commerce along existing infrastructure, including highway and rail, through southern Dallas County; and WHEREAS, Union Pacific Railroad invested $100 million in the southern sector of Dallas County for the Dallas Intermodal Terminal in 2005, a state-of-the-art intermodal facility that can accommodate 365,000 lifts per year; and WHEREAS, the NAFTA highway from Laredo, Texas to Detroit, Michigan and the freight movement corridor, including rail and highway, from the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in the west coast of the U.S. are significant contributors to economic development in Dallas County; and WHEREAS, the alignment of the Trans-Texas Corridor 35 (TTC-35) proposed by the Texas Department of Transportation and the Texas Transportation Commission in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement unveiled in April 2006 would reroute the movement of commerce and the related jobs associated therewith away from the southern sector of Dallas County; and WHEREAS, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) and the North Central Texas Council of Governments have passed a resolution establishing a regional policy position regarding the alignment ofTTC-35; and WHEREAS, the city of Coppell agrees with the policy position established by the RTC regarding TTC-35 (see attached map). NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, THAT: The city of Coppell fully supports the Regional Transportation Council's Regional Policy Position regarding TTC-35 and strongly encourages all other cities and counties in North Texas to do likewise. The city of Coppell supports the vision of the proposed Trans-Texas Corridor; however, opposes the proposed alignment ofTTC-35 in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement unveiled by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in April 2006, including the proposed alignments by TxDOT and Cintra/Zachary of an auto/truck corridor to the east of Dallas County and a rail corridor to the west of Tarrant County. The city of Coppell recognizes the benefits of trade and commerce, and also recognizes the need to balance the benefits of trade and commerce with the congestion and air quality issues that are also affiliated with trade and commerce. The city of Coppell, Texas circulate this Resolution widely to interested parties including the Governor of Texas, the Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of the House, the Senate Transportation and Homeland Security Committee, the House Transportation Committee, members of the Texas Legislature, the Texas Transportation Commission, the Executive Director ofthe Texas Department of Transportation, the media and others, and is so accordingly ordered. DULY PASSED and approved by the City Council of the city of Coppell, Texas, on this the 21'-1b..- day of June 2006. ATTEST: in M ... o "C ";: .... o o en co >< t! I fn s:: co .... I- ~ '" ...J "'C 0) "'C c Q) E E o u 0) 0:::_ c Ctl 0) 5 E "C "0, S, s:: 0) == (1) 0::: <( jl f~\ "'C 0) "'C C Q)"'C E ~ E~ 8 ~ (/) ~a.~ Ll)Q)~ ('I)..cc I Ctl I- uc2 1-0- 1-(/)<( Ctl I- 1-0)0 00::::2 I- O"'CI- >< c: 0 I-CtlU I (/) c :;:! g- I (/) c "(ij 0:: E ::J I Ctl - c: Q) - o (/) a. 0) Ll) c ('I) 0 IN U c I- 0 I-:j:j I- U o~ o c: >< 0 I-U "0 ~ "'C 0) "'C C .;:: Q) ~ E o E ~ 0 .c. u C/)~ 0Ll) -('I) (/) I 0) U (/) ~I-- c: I- c: :J I- 0) "EOE 0.0 5, a. >< "- 01-<( (/) 0) - c: (/) :J >- 0 Ctl U ~ (/) .c. Ctl 0') >< I ~ ~ Ctl "'C C :J o CO 0: ~ D <ll "'" o Cii .r:: c..> e tu > '" z z< " " . -0>< Q) 0 -oSo.C C Q. 0 Q) Q..- E:= EQ).Q 0>0) OCO~ Q)(/)~ So...... I CUC(/) CQ)Q) oE= .0, g, E Q) .- 0 D::CUeg ai ~J !!~ i ~= i IJ .. c "c c '" l.L =:; ~-v~~ "E 0 (/) Cii .r:: c..> :0 c '" N c '" > c o ~ <ll "0 C <ll I c o (/) Q; "0 C <l: c o (jj ::J o I Cii "'" ro :s: I I \ c ~ '6 '" ~ (/) <ll "~ (5 <ll C o (jj '" ~ LL c. o <ll ...J (/) o N ~ CO <ll C o (jj <ll E ::; c o (/) 1:: <ll .0 o 0:: E .!!! ~ C <ll 0 :J (/) Cl > E S Q; Q; a; ~ c '""8 ~ 0 i!: E 0 :!: ~ '" 0 0 c..> c.. I (/) c g Q) "'" "E (/) E 0 .r:: '" >- () 1ii <ll '" (/) :J '" '" C .r:: I '" CO t3 ...., a: U:i () a. c 0 '" E ro E ~ '" 0 ...J c..