RE 05-10-88.1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 051088.1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, APPROVING A POLICY FOR THE OPERATION OF THE LIBRARY MEETING ROOM AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Library Board has approved the attached policy concerning use of the Library Meeting Room; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Coppel] desires to approve such policy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: Section 1 That the Library Meeting Room Policy attached hereto as Exhibit "A" be and the same is hereby approved. Section 2 This resolution shall become effective upon its passage as the law in such eases provides. DULY P/~F~SED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on the day of '-~/JF'f~ , 1988. /d ATTEST: Ci.t~ Attorney - ' ~ -- ' CR88-0318 LIBRARY MEETING ROO~i POLICY The meeting room of the W. T. Cozby Public Library is used primarily for library programs and conferences related to its ca--,' ~,. ~l~o However, ~hen not being used by the library, i% may, upen proper application and approval, be made available to Coppell groups and organizations of a cultural, edueational, or political nature. Public use of the meeting room by s[loh groups and organization,s shall conform to the following policy; GENERAL: 1. The meeting room may be made available, free of charge, for pllblic gatherings and/er meetings of a civic, cultural, eduoational/inf3rmat, ional nature when not being required by the library service pregram. Any such t'equested use, however, must compatible with and not disruptive of library patron research, library reference use of other municipal activities. 2. No admission charges, collections, dues or sales shall be made in connection with or required for participation in any such meeting or function held in the library meeting reom. E>~ceptions to this ~ertaln programs sponsored provision may b~ made for by the library. The library shall not accept standing reservations for the library meeting room. 4. The library shall not handle any publicity, If a request is approved, a news release announcing the meeting with its topic and speaker should be sent the newspapers and a copy of i% furnished to the library so %hat it may be posted, 5. Religious programs and social functiens such as showers, parties, etc. shall not be permitted. Folitieal organizations with local resident sponscrship ~nd/or national organiza6ions with a Coppell chapter may make applieation for use cf the meeLing room in accordance wit, h exi~sting 7. Distribution of partisan campaign literature shall be limited to the meeting room in accordance with existing ~iiuies, 0~ga~at~3n._ or groups using the llDra~.~y s meeting room shall not %~ttach post~rs, newsprint, etc. to the wall:s of the building. Ail displays mt~st be removed at the ooncl,~sion of the meeti~g. Organizations or groups conducting or sponsoring meetings shall assume total responsi~ility for any and all damages to the room, and contents utilized during the course of the meeting/functior:. The person making the reservation shall attend the meeting or designate an alternate prior to use of the room. 10. No kitchen facilities are available and only non-- alcoholic light re~resk~er~ts may be served. 11. Any reservation is subject ~o cancellation if Cit}' Administration or library requires the use of the meeting room at the time it has been reserved. In such a case, the library will notify the applicant as early as possible. lt. Approval of requests will be made by the Library Director or the appropriate staff person acting for the Library Director. The Library Director may forward any request for reservation to the Library Beard of Trustees for a finding as to whether any proposed use of the meet. in~ room falls within or without the permitted guidelines established herein. Any applicant may appeal the decision of the Library Director to the Board of Trustees. Pursuant to the Coppell Home Rule Charter, Section 8:04B, any applicant may appeal the decision of the Library Board of Trustees to the City Council. tS. Permission to use the meeting room shall not, any way, co~tstitute an endorsement of any group, its policies, or activities by the library or the City. 14. The library system reserves the right to have a staff member present at any meeting held in the library facility. 15. Library personnel shall not be responsible, shall they be available for setting up or clearing the meeting room. 16. Furniture and equipment provided by the library is limit~d. A list of any additional non--library ~quipment required shall be submitted at the time the reservati,_~n request is made and considered for appro~-al ~ 17. Room arrangement prior to the meeting as well as clearing the room of any non library equipment, removin~ brash and personal belongings following use of the room shall be the sole responsibility ef the person and/or group requesting bhe meeting room. Smoking i~ the library and meeting room is prohibited. APPLICATION: 1. Application for reservabion of the meeting room shall be made no more than thirty (30) days in advance, nor less than three (3) working days (seve~ty two (72) working-day hours) prior tc prcposed use. In addition, the meeting room z-eser'~ation request with required information shall be completed and signed by a responsible adult at least two (2) working days prior to the r,~om use. Failure to complete this requirement shall render the reservation subject to being cancelled. 2. Reservation shall be accepted only from adults. A short, statement describh~g the program to be conducted in the meeting room must be submitted with the application. 4 A deposit, made by check, in the sum off Twenty-five Dollars ($25,00) will be required at the time application is made. Such deposit will be returned by mail if the key to the meeting room is returned by 12:00 noon on the first operational day following the meeting or as directed by stafi, and the m~seting room has been inspected and deemed to be in satisfactory condition by the Library Director. or the appointed representative. The applicant shall be responsible for return of the meeting room key, and any damage to the ronm or its contents and all or part of the deposit may be retained by the City to offset any such loss. 5 Failure to comply with the regulations listed in this policy may result in the loss of future use of the meeting room and any ether action deemed necessary by the City or the Library Board. William T. Cozby Public Library Meeting Room Reservation Date: Name or Organization: Name of Individual Ass~ning Responsibility: Program to be held: Add/ess: Telephone: Date Requested: Time: Deposit: Date Paid: Receipt # Date Refunded: If no refund given, write the reason why. *********************************************************************** Set up and arrangement, as well as clearing the room, is the responsibility of the person making the reservation. The room must be left exactly as you found it. Charges will be levied for any failure to follow the rules or for any d~mages based upon actual repair or replacement charges. I have read the above and the rules and regulations for the William T. Cozby Pulic Library Meeting Room and acknowledge that the statement listed are to my complete understanding. Date: Signature: Staff: