RE 02-23-88.2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 022388.2 WHEREAS, Texas has long been dedicated to the ideal of a strong system of education. Special emphasis on our education system has been marked annually for more than thirty years by Texas Public Schools Week. WHEREAS, during this special week, parents and taxpayers are encouraged to visit the public schools and recognize the tremendous importance our education system has on our community. The better the system, the better the quality of life for our citizens. We urge citizens to take an active interest in the school system and to cooperate with the school board, superintendent, principals and teachers. We urge citizens and businesses to form partnerships with the local schools. WHEREAS, never before in our history has there been a greater need for an educated citizenry. Business and a high quality of life demands an educated workforce, and today's schools train that workforce. NOW, THEREFORE, we the City of Coppell resolve to form a partnership with our schools - a powerful partnership that will enhance the quality of life for our community and do hereby declare: MARCH 7-11, 1988 as "Texas Public Schools Week". PASSED AND APPROVED this the~--~day of~%~, 1988.  APPROVED~ Lou Duggan, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Ti~to~, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: LaWrence W. Jac /6fi~ City Attorney