RE 06-24-86.1 RESOLUTION NO. 062486.1 A RESOLUTION GRANTING CONSENT FOR THE ANNEXATION OF LAND BY COPPELL MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 WHEREAS, Coppell Municipal Utility District No. 1 (the "District") has requested the consent of the City to annex a 129.43 acre tract of land, more or less, situated wholly within the corporate limits of the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has duly considered said request and has determined to conSent to such annexation subject to the terms hereinafter set forth; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: 1. The City of Coppell, Texas, hereby grants its consent for the District to annex the 129.43 acres of land described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. 2. Said consent is granted subject to and conditioned upon the District and the owner not entering into any agreement whereby the District shares in the costs of providing the facilities re- quired to provide water and sewer services to 'the subject land. 3. A certified copy or copies of this Resolution shall be furnished to the District. PASSED AND APPROVED on this ~ day of June, 1986. Attest: ~a~or, City'of Coppell, Texas i~y Secretary, City of Coppell, Texas (seal) EXHIBIT A O£iHG a tract of land situated fn the W.T. Hyder Survey, AbstraCt ~o. Oenton County and the Clarinda Squires Survey, Abstract ho. ~682o Denton County and Abstract Ho. 1327o Dallas County; and also being · part of that tract of land conveyed by Garhart O. Oollenger and Freda Hlnnie Oollenger to Jack Lively, as recorded in Volume 4608, Page 8 of the Deed Records of Oallas County, Texas. and also being a part of that tract of land conveyed to Thiede. as recorded in Volume 504. Page 680 of the Oeed Records of Oenton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: B£GIHNIHG at a point in the West right-of-way line of Denton Tap Road (40' from the ceoterline), said point being on the Horth bouHdary line of the City of Coppe11; TH£HC£ SOUTH, with said West right-of-way line a distance of 700.00 feet to a point for corner; THE~C£ WEST, a distance of 10.00 feet to a point for corner in satd right-of-way line (50' from centerline); THENCE SOUTH, continuing with sa~d West right-of-way l~neo a d~stance of 1901.00 feet to a point for corner; T~ENC£ S 0S°43'0g" W and with the said West right-of-way llne, a distance of 100.50 feet to a point for corner 160' froa the centerline); THENCE SOUTH and with said West right-of-way line of Denton Tap Road, distance of 3gO.QO feet to a point for corner in the centerline of Oenton Creek; THENCE in a Ilorthwesterly direction and ~th the centerltne of Denton Cree~ as follows: ii 86°39'00" W, a distance of 119.S0 feet; H 60"39'00" W, a distance of 291.60 feet; U 5~°4O'OQ' W, a distance of 193.50 feet; It 42°56'00" W, a distance of 35g.50 feet; H 37°06'00'' W, a distance of 298.6~ ~eet; H 62°25'45" W, a distance of 166,34 feet; l! 87°04'09" W. a distance of 102.11 feet; S 58"45'23" W. a distance of 35.31 feet; S 45°58'1g" W, a distance of 234.76 feet; S 81"48'42" W, a distance of 231.49 feet; It 83"33'23" W, a distance of 396.65 feet; H 62°46'45" W, a distance of 126.33 feet; THENCE H 00°00'36" W, a distance of 2383.07 feet to a point for corner on the IIorth boundary line of the City of Coppe11; TIIENC£ H 89~52'30" E, a distance of 2176.29 feet to the PO[HT OF BEGIHHIHG and containing 129.53 acres of land, more or less.