RE 03-12-85
City of Coppell, Texas
WHEREAS, there exists a high need to complete MacArthur
Boulevard as a north-south major highway route across the St.
Louis and Southwestern Railroad tracks in the City of Coppell;
WHEREAS, the Coppell area has experienced rapid and con-
tinuous population growth which will continue for the foresee-
able future; and
WHEREAS, numerous employees, workers, and delivery suDDort
vehicles must contend with inordinate drive-time situations; and
WHEREAS, continued appropriate business development and
relocations will help provide jobs and increase the tax base for
the benefit of our citizens and will occur only if present and
projected transportation systems are adequate to quickly and
efficiently handle vehicular traffic; and
WHEREAS, the City of Coppell suffers needlessly from through-
traffic congestion because of inadequate alternatives for north-
south traffic; and
WHEREAS, the northern extension of MacArthur Boulevard
from Interstate Highway 635 to Sandy Lake Road has been recog-
nized as needed for a number of years; and
WHEREAS, the early completion of MacArthur Boulevard will
greatly relieve the vehicular congestion in and around the City
of Coppell, help promote jobs and increase tax values to the
benefit of all citizens, and help attract appropriate businesses
to the area; and
WHEREAS, MacArthur Boulevard cannot be extended north of
Belt Line Road without approval and completion of the crossing
at the St. Louis and Southwestern (Southern Pacific) Railroad
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Coppell City
Council, do hereby endorse and support the approval and comple-
tion of the MacArthur Boulevard crossing at the St. Louis and
Southwestern (Southern Pacific) Railroad tracks at the earliest
possible time.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand and
caused the seal of the City of Coppell, Texas, to be affixed
this 12th day of March , 1985.
Andrew Brown, Jr.
Bunny Thompson Dale Ware
Mayor Pro Tempore Councilman
Lou Duggan Walter Petti John
Councilman Councilman
John Bailey