RE 02-23-82 RF~OLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RE.~LUTION NO. 022382 WHEREAS, it l~as been brought to the attention of the City Council that certain retail establishments within the City are offering for sale magazines which in the opinion of the Council are pornographic and obscene when judged in light of the standards of the community of the City of Coppell, Texas, and WHEREAS, the City Council is of the further opinion that the display of such material in establishments frequented by the citizens of the City of Coppe]l, including minor citizens of the City, constitutes a public nuisance which should be abated by the voluntary acts of the owners and management of those stores concerned. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That this resolution shall not be penal in nature and no fine shall be imposed for a violation of its terms. That this resolution shall be considered an appeal from the governing body of the City to the owners and management of the retail establishments within the City seeking their voluntary cooperation in regard to this very sensitive matter. SECTION 2. The City Council of the City of Coppe]l, Texas, wishes to go on record as requesting voluntary help from the retail establishments operating within the City in eliminating from their shelves material which is obscene and pornographic. Since the material referred by by the Council would be considered obscene by any standard and certainly within the standard of the Coppell community the Council is also of the opinion that for the purpose of this resolution, it is not necessary to define the terms "pornographic" and "obscene" as would be required by a law seeking to establish criminal penalties. The Coppell City Council understands clearly that this is a rather unprecedented approach to a problem which has been difficult to solve even through the courts of this land and is based solely upon the assumption that there still exists within this great nation, communities comprised of retail citizens, who are, for the betterment of the community, willing to forego the meager profits of such activities and say "no" to the national distributors of such material who try to force such material into the local community. To this end the City Council respectfully requests the support of the community at large and the voluntary help from the owners and managers of our retail community. DULY PA~SED with deepest resolve by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, this the 23rd day of February, 1982. ATTEST: CITY/SECRETARY ~/?