RE 09-09-80 RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT ROLLS AS EQUALIZED BY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION RESOLUTION NO. 090980 biiEREAS, the assessment rolls for the year 1980, assessing all taxable property located in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, have been prepared in d~e course; and h'ilkRLAS, the Board of Equalization of the City of Coppell has carefully examined and given hearings to the o~ners of Froperty desiring to be heard on protest of valuations and has reviewed and fully and finally revised said assessment rolls; and, I~ItEREAS~ said assessment rolls for the year 1980 are in proi~er form anu are proper an0 correct as finally revised and equalized by the sai0 Board of Equalization; now, TI/ERliFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY'~IIE CITY gOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY~ TEXAS: Section 1; That the assessment rolls covering taxable property in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, assessed for City purposes for the year 1980, be and the same are hereby in all things at;proved, confirmed and adopted as the official assessment rolls) assessed for the benefit of the City of Col>pell) Dallas County, Texas for the year 1980. Section 2: That this resolution shall take effect from and after its passage, as Frovided. tota Assessed Valuation: q6(, 7Jq Al.prof' v~ T,~Asse~so'r ' ~~ ' Councilman S~orn to ant~ subscribed before me this q~ day of ki~i~c,,' ' '~ ~ , 1980. Notary PUt, li~, Dales Count),