RE 10-29-64.1 102964.1 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF COPPELL,T E X AS WHEREAS, the Mayor of the To~n of Coppell, Texass has heretofore on the 1st day of October, 1964~ filed with the Town Secretary a proposed Geueral Budget for the Town of Coppell, Texas, covering the fiscal year of October 1, 1984 through September 30, 1965~ and WHEREAS# the governing body of the Town of Coppell, Texas, has this dat8 concluded the public hearing on such budget, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF COPPELL, TEXAS: Section 1: That said budget be amended as follows: Section 2: That said budget be attached to this Resolution as Exhibit 'A' and made a part hereof for all purposes o Section 3: Thati~su~ject to the above mentioned amendments to said budget, attached hereto as Exhibit the same be, and is hereby approved and adopted by the Town of Coppell, Texas, as the official budget for said To~n covering the fiscal year October 1~ 1964 through September 30~ 1965~ DULY PASSED at a ~ ~eet~ng of the Town Council of the Tow~ ~oppe11 on the ~ day ~f ~ .~ 1964, with " ~ ' and votin~ for such ~esolu~ion and . _ - a~b~.T-~~ .......... ATTESTED: THE TOWN OF COPPELL GENERAL BUDGET F I SCAL YEAR OCTOBER I, 1964 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1965 ESTIMATES OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS AND TAX RATES FOR ALL FUNDS As submitted to THE CITY COUNCIL by William Cozby Mayor TABLE OF. CONTENTS Budget Message Page I General Fund: Budget Summary And Estimated Cash Position Page 2 Budgeted Revenues Page 3 Budgeted Departmental Expenditures: Page 4 General Government Department Page 4a Tax Department Page 4b Police Department Page 4c Fire Department Page4d Public Works Department Page 4e Water And Sewer Fund: Budget Summary And Estimated Cash Position Page 5 Budgeted Revenues Page 6 Budgeted Expenditures Page 7 General Obligation Bond Service Fund Page 8 Revenue Bond Service Fund Page 9 Bond Fund Page 10 Members of the Town Council Town of Coppell Coppel I, Texas Gent l emen: In accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, the proposed budget of the Town of Coppel I, Texas is transmitted herewith. The budget for the fiscal year beginning October I, 1964, is as fol lows: General Fund $ 17,160.00 Wafer And Sewer Fund 16'750'00- Bond Fund 250~ O~ .00 Revenue Bond Service Fund 12,600.00 General Obligation Bond Service Fund $ 300,210~00 The advalorem tax .program wil I yield approximately as fol lows: Estimated Assessed Valuation $ 4,000,000.00 Rate Per $100 of Value $ Estimated Revenue To Be Available At 78% - Col lection Factor $ 7,800.00 t Ma Tax Rate $ .24 Es imated intenance Estimated Debt Service Tax Rate $ .01 This budget is a suggested program for municipal operations of the Town of Coppel I, Texas, for the fiscal year 1964-65 by your Mayor for your considera- tion. The City Counci I, Civic Groups, and Individual Citizens are invited to critical ly review these budget estimates and suggest changes and offer criticisms which appear to be needed or desirable. In addition the Mayor will be glad to furnish information or further explain the various items as submitted herewith. Respectfu I I y submitted W i II i am T. Cozby Mayor (I) GENERAL FUND BUDGET SUI, e4ARY AND ESTIMATED CASH POSITION Estimated Cash On Hand, 10-1-64 $ 1,400.00 Budgeted Revenue _. 15o760.00 Fund Resources $ t7,160.00' Budgeted Expenditures 17,160.00 Estimated Cash On Hand, 9-30-65 ' $ -0- (2) GENERAL FUND BUDGETED REVENUES ~e0e~Ved Budgeted 1963-64 1964-65 General Property Taxes Current Roll $ -0- $ 7,550.00 Prior Rolls -0- 350.00 Penalties & Interest -0- 35.00 $ -0- $ 7,935.00 Franchise T~axes Texas Power & Light Co. $ 937.95 $ 900.00 Lone Star Gas Con~pany 234.51 200.00 Keller Telephone Company 124.19 125.00 $ 1,296.65 $ 1,225.00 Licenses & Permits Buildings $ 985.00 $ 1,000.00 Electric -0- 75.00 Plumbing -0- 75.00 $ 985.00 $ 1,150.00 Fines & Forfeits Corporation Court Fines $ 1,479.00 $ 1,500.00 Miscellaneous Sales ~ Services Fire Service Contract $ -0- $ 2,800.00 Miscellaneous 60.63 1,150.00 $ 60.63 $ 3t9.50.00' Total General Fund Revenue $ 3~821~.28 $ 15t769.00 (3) GENERAL FUND BUDGETED DEPARTMENTAL EXPEND ITURES Expended Budgeted Oepart.men. t 1963-64 1964-65 General Government $ 425.98 $ 4,135.00 Tax Department 160.30 4,075. O0 Police 1,971.28 4,350.00 F i re 246.40 3,750.00 Pub I i c Works 74 I..48 850.00 Total Expenditures ..$. 3~545.44 $ 17~160.00 (4) GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT Expen ded Budgeted 1963-64 1964-65 S_upp I i es_ Off ice $ 62.03 $ 50.00 Other 32.21 35.00 $ 94.24 $ 85. O0 Contracturat Services Special Services Aud i t $ -0- $ 200. O0 Consu I tant Fees -0- 2,800.00 Mi scel l aneous 65.00 350.00 Travel Expense 8.82 75.00 Dues -0- .~..OO $ 73.82 $ 3,47~ .00 Sundry Charges Refunds $ 1.00 $ -O- Legal Expense -0- 500.00 El ection Expense 79.00 75.00 $ 80.00 $ 575.00 Capii:al Outlay Bui Idings $ 107.92 $ -O- Furn i ture 25.00 -O- Heating and Cool ing 45.00 -0- .~: 1.77..,92, $ -O- Total Expend~ures $ 42~5.98 $ 4, 1~5.00 (4a) GENERAL FUND TAX DEPARTNENT Expended Budgeted 1963-6~ 1964-65 ~a. laries and Wages Supervision $ -0- .$ It~O0.O0 Supplies Office $ 139.35 $ 250.00 Other -0- 50.00 ~ 139.35 ~. 300.OQ. contractural services Professional services $ -0- $ 2,200.00 Insurance and Bonds -0- I00.00 Advertising -0- .. . ~5.,00 $ -0- $_~2,325.~00 S_undry Charg:es Other $ 20.95 $ -O- Employee Insurance -0- 5~,,~00 ~ 20.95 ~ 50.00 CapitaToeO+lay ~ !60.~0 $ ~,875,0G Furniture and Fixtures $ -0- ~ 2~O.Oq. Total Expenditures ~ $ .4,.075,00. (4b) GENERAL FUND POL ICE DEPARTMENT Expended Budgeted 1963-64 1964-65 Salaries and Wages Labor Operation $ 722.48 $ 1,800.00 Extra Help -0- 500.00 $ 722.48 ~ 2~300.00 Supplies Office $ 29.60 $ I00.00 Wearing Apparel 29,12 50.00 Motor Vehicle 307.52 800.00 Instruments, Minor Apparatus, Tools and Utensils -0- I00.00 $ I,o o.oO. Naintenance Of Equip~en~ Instruments ~nd Apparatus $ 24.43 $ 50.00 Motor Vehicles 66.36 50.00' $ 90.79 ~ I00.00 Contractural Services Insurance and Bonds $ 143.16 $ 150.00 Travel Expense -0- . 50.00' $ 143.16 ~ 200.00 ~undry ~harges Debt Service - Principal $ 550.00 $ 550.00 Debt Service - Interest 52.50 50.00 Court Costs _ 7.00 -O- Employee Insurance -0- 50.00 Other 39.11 __. 50.OQ $ 648.61 $ 700?00 Total Expenditures $__1, .9 7.1.. .~2.8 ~ GENERAL FUND F IRE DEPARTMENT Expended Budgeted 1963-64 1964-65 Supplies Off ice $ -0- $ 50.00 Wear i ng AppareI -0- 50.00 Motor Vehi c I e -0- 150.00 Minor Apparatus, Instruments, Tool s and UtensiI s 23.90 -O- Mechan i ca I -0- 250.00 $ . 23,90 $ 500.00 ~Maintenance Of Equi pmen. t Instruments and Apparatus $ -0- $ I00.00 Motor Veh i c I es -0- 200 O0 $ -0_- ... $. 300 ;,O.0 Contractura:~!l~,~ii:~Serv ices Insurance and Bonds $ 97,50 .S. undry C.h.ar.qes Debt Service - Principal $ -0- $ 2,400,00 Debt Service - Interest -0- I00. ,00 $ -0- _$ 2,500.0Q Capital Outlay Other Equ i pment $ t~ .00 $ -0- Instruments and Apparatus ..... '0: ... 200,00 $. .125.~00 ~ 200,00 Total Expenditures $ ~4_6_..._40__ $ 3 750,00 (4d) GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Expended Budgeted 1963-64 1964-65 Salaries And Wages Labor Operation ~ -0- $ 200.00 Supplies Minor Apparatus, Instruments, Tools and Utensils $ -0- $. 50.00 Contractural Services Light and Power $ 565.39 $ 600~i00 Qapita! Outlay Traffic Signs $ 176.09 ~ -O- Total Expenditures ~ 741,46 $. 85~.00 (4e) WATER AND SEWER FUND BUDGET SU~,,t~,RY AND ESTIMATED CASH POSITION SEPTErvBER 30, 1965 Estimated Cash on Hand, 10-1-6~ $ 2,000.00 Budgeted Revenue .14t550.00 Fund Resources $ 16,550.00 Budgeted Expenditures 16,550.00 Estimated Cash on Hand, 9-30-65 ~ -0- (5) WATER AND SEWER FUND BUDGETED REVENUES Received Budgeted ! 963-64 196~,-65 Sale of Water $ 4,851.23 $ 8,000.00 Sale of Misc. Parts, etc. 170.00 600.00 Proceeds From Federal Agency -0- .~50.00 Total $ 5,021.23 ~ 14~550.00 (6) WATER AND SEWER FUND BUDGETED EXPEND ITURES Expended Budgeted 1963-64 1964~65 5al ar. ieS a.nd Wages Clerk Hire $ 854.62 $ 1,200.00 Labor Operat i on 470.00 600.00 Labor Ma i ntenance 30.00 600.00 $ I, .54..62 .$. 2,400..:00 SuPPl ie_s Office $ 175,55 $ 150.00 Mechan i ca I -0- 350,00 $ 173,55 .$ 500.00 M_a j ntenance of Equ i pment Nach i nery and Imp I ements $ -0- $ 300,00 Water Ma ins 560.58 500.00 Meters and Settings. 73.80 200.00 S erv ice Corm ect ion s -0- 200,00 $. 6~.3~8 $. I.,200.00 Contractural Services Insurance and Bonds $ -0- $ I00.00 Special Services: Aud i t 200.00 150.00 Mi scel laneous -0- 5,950.00 Light and Power 380.49 600 O0 $ 58.0..49 $ 6,8QO.0p Sundry ,Char,qes Debt Service $ ~72.0Q $ 5,600.00 Equ i pmen.,_ Furniture and Fixtures $ -0- $ 250.00 Water andi:.~ewage Ma ins 852.83 -0- $ 852.83 ,1 250.00 Total Expenditures .~. 3~867.87 $16.,750.00 iii i i I II (7) GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND SERVICE FUND BUDGETED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES AND ESTIMATED CASH POSITION FUnd Balance, 10-I-64 $ I00.00 Revenue From Current Tax Roll $ 250.00 Revenue From Prior Years Roll 350.00 Revenue From Short Term Investments - Bond Proceeds 3~000.00 3~600.00 Fund Resources $ 3,700.00 Budgeted Fund Requirements 3,700.00 Fund Balance, 9-30-65. $ .-0- (8) REVENUE BOND SERVICE FUND BUDGETED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES AND ESTIMATED CASH POSITION Fund Balance, 10-1-64 $ -0- Budgeted Revenue From Water And Sewer Fund $ 5,600.00 Budgeted Revenue From Short Term Investments- Bond Proceeds 7,0_0_0.00 12,600.00 Fund Resources $ 12, 600.00 Budgeted Expend i tures -O- Fund Reserve And Fund Balance, 9-30-65 $ 1.2,~.00 (9) BOND FUND BUOGETED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES AND ESTIMATED CASH POSITION Fund Balance, 10-1-6~ $ -O- Budgeted Fund Revenue From Sale of Proposed Bond Issue of $ 350,000.00 of Revenue Bonds and $ 150,000.00 of General Obligation Bonds 500 000.00 Fund Resources $ 500,000.00 Budgeted Expenditures For Capital Outlay For Water And Sewer Improvements ...250,000..00 Fund Balance, 9-30-65 ~ (10)