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BM 2006-11-16 KCB
Keep Coppell Beautiful
Minutes of Meeting
November 16, 2006
The Keep Coppell Beautiful Board met on November 16, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at
the Coppell Service Center, 816 South Coppell Rd., Coppell, Texas. The following members were
present: Chris Reed, Co-Chairman; John Dobson, Cheryl Colmery; Tom Hudon, Cindy Geppert and Joyce
Whitbread. Student Advisors present: Zach Flores, James Halpin and Janice Kim. City Liaison present:
Amanda Vanhoozier, Community Programs Supervisor.
Item 1:Call Meeting to Order
Chris Reed, Co-Chairman, called meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Item 2:Consider Approval of October 19, 2006, Minutes
Cheryl Colmery made a motion to approve the minutes.
John Dobson seconded the motion.
Vote: 6-0, approved.
Item 3:Citizen’s Forum
No citizens present.
Item 4:Consider Approval of Holiday Parade Application
Discussed recycling as the main theme.
Amanda Vanhoozier reported that the new trailer with signage and new KCB truck will
be ready for use.
John Dobson made a motion to approve the application.
Joyce Whitbread seconded the motion.
Vote: 6-0, approved
Item 5:Discussion of Adopt A Location Program and Responsibilities
Pick ups are to be made four times a year by each AAL group.
Reports are to be made with the number of people, number of bags collected,
when and how long.
Letters will be sent out the end of December for re-applications.
The suggestion was made that the focus be placed on recruiting families,
church youth groups or school organizations rather than just businesses.
KCB pick up will be November 18 at 9 a.m.
Board members received assignments for Adopt A Location.
Item 6:Discussion of KCB Subcommittees—TXDOT Landscape and Clean Coppell
John Dobson and Cheryl Colmery volunteered to be on the Governors Award
Landscape subcommittee.
Cindy Geppert, Tom Hudon and Zach Flores volunteered to be on the Clean Coppell
Planning subcommittee.
Item 7:Orientation Part 2: Open Meeting Act Training
Committee viewed the State of Texas open meeting training video.
Item 8:Community Programs Report
KCB committees
NOW FORMING! Two - Clean Coppell Planning Committee and
Governors Award Landscape Committee. John Dobson will be on the Landscape
Coppell Community Garden
- The CCGC Board will be voting on the 2007 slate of
officers and director at the Dec. 13 meeting. The Share the Harvest program has
donated over 8500 pounds to date to Metrocrest Social Services and Coppell Senior
Coppell Farmers Market
- The last market will be held on November 18 starting at
8am until sell out. The CFM Committee cancelled the Holiday markets on Dec. 9 and
16 due to low vendor response. CFM will start their fifth year in the Spring 2007.
Master Composters of Coppell
- Master Composter Seminar on Oct. 26-28 was
attended by 11 participants.
Texas Recycles Day
- Nov. 11 - Mulch Day was successful with 129 cars coming
through to get mulch. The Computer Recycling Collection was also successful where
226 cars brought in a semi load of computers. ARC Intern. will produce a certificate
of destruction with the tonnage in a few weeks.
Coppell Recycles at the Ballfields
has ended for the fall season and will start up
again in the spring. An average of 6 full bags (40 gal) of recyclables was collected
each week for ten weeks for 60 bags diverted this fall.
Recycling Promotion in Motion
project has started with the purchase of the 5’x10’
enclosed trailer and graphic design for the wrap.
New Business to be placed on next meeting agenda:
No new business.
Cindy Geppert made motion to adjourn meeting.
John Dobson seconded the motion.
Vote: 6-0, approved
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. by Chris Reed, Co-Chairman.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Phyllis Shepherd.
Next meeting: January 18, 2007, 7 p.m., Conference Room, Coppell Road Service Center, 816 S.
Coppell Rd.