CM 1990-01-09 Minutes of January 9, 1990
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular called session at
6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 9, 1990 in Town Center, 255 Parkway
Boulevard, Coppell, Texas, The following members were present:
Mark Wolfe, Mayor
Dean Wilkerson, Mayor Pro Tem (late arrival)
David Thomas, Councilman
Tom Morton, Councilman
Bill Smothermon, Councilman
Jim Cowman, Councilman
Ron Robertson, Councilman
John A. Nelson, Councilman (late arrival)
Also present were City Manager Alan D. gatliff, City Secretary Dorothy
Timmons, and City Attorney representative Bruce Stockard.
Mayor Wolfe called the meeting to order.
EXECUTIVE .SESSION (Closed to the Public)
ES1 A: Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) - discussion concerning
1) - Evaluation of duties of Board of Adjustment
2) - Evaluation of duties of Planning and Zoning Commission
B: Article 6252-17, Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83 -
discussion with City Attorney concerning matters involving
privileged co~m~unication between Attorney and client
Discussion concerning Item ESI A was held until the end of the City
Council meeting. The City Council convened into Executive Session at
6:38 p.m. on Tuesday, January 9, 1990 as allowed under the above stated
article, ES1-B concerning Item No. 8. Mayor Wolfe adjourned the
Executive Session at 7:04 p.m. on Tuesday, January 9, 1990 and opened
the public session.
Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilman Nelson arrived during the
Executive Session.
Item 1: Invocation
Item 2: Pledge o[ Allegiance
Mayor Wolfe asked those present to stand while Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson
gave the invocation. Following the invocation, Mayor Wolfe led those
present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item 3: Consideration of Approval of minutes - December 12, 1989
Following discussion, Councilman Robert$on moved that the minutes be
? approved as submitted. Councilman Morton seconded the motion which
carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Thomas, Cownan,
Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Councilman
Smothermon was not present in the Council Chambers during the vote on
this item.
City Council Minutes
January 9, 1990
Item 4: Mayor's Report
Mayor Wolfe and Council members provided the following information:
A. Bruce Stockard from City Attorney Lawrence W. Jackson's office
was introduced to the Council and citizens present. Mr.
Stockard is standing in for Mr. Jackson who is ill.
B. Mayor Wolfe stated that the Bond Committee has been working
very diligently during the past few weeks. Meetings have also
been held on weekends in an attempt to meet the time frames as
requested. It is anticipated that a report and presentation
from this Committee will be forthcoming at the January 23,
1990 City Council meeting.
C. Mayor Wolfe and Councilman Morton will be in Washington, D.C.
on January 18 and 19 along with other area mayors and council
members to meet with the FAA concerning the overflights, noise
problems, and locations of proposed runways at D/FW Airport.
A report on this meeting will be presented to the Council at
the January 23, 1990 City Council meeting.
D. Councilman Cowman requested that staff check into a DART bus
that is parking at the intersection of MacArthur Boulevard and
Beltline East-West at approximately 7:30 a.m. Councilman
Cowman stated that the bus is parking in such a way that it
causes a possible traffic hazard.
Item 5: Citizen's Appearances
Mayor Wolfe than asked for those persons who wished to speak before the
Council. Those persons speaking was Mr. Gregory W. Rank, 1200 Ridgewood
Terrace, Arlington 76012, who presented the Council with information
concerning his personal business. Mr. Rank expressed displeasure with
the Coppell Police Department regarding their treatment of him during a
Item 6: City Council Liaison Reports
City Council Liaison Reports
D. DCAD - No report.
E. FINANCE COMMITTEE - Councilman Smothermon informed the Council
that this Committee will be meeting on January 15 and 16,'1990
to review applications for bond counsel for the upcoming bond
election. It is anticipated that a recon~endation will be
forthcoming at the January 23, 1990 City Council meeting.
F. LIBRARY BOARD - No report.
G. MUD ABSORPTION COMMITTEE - Councilman Nelson and Morton
reported that a MUD meeting was held earlier in the day and
that the items discussed were of a fairly routine nature.
City Council Minutes
January 9, 1990
B. NCTCOG - No report.
I. PARK BOARD - Councilman Thomas reported that the Park Board
met the previous week. A 10K run and/or a family run is being
planned in conjunction with this year's ¥ounder's Day.
Additionally, Councilman Thomas reported that the Rotary Club
had presented a check in the amount of $11,000.00 to the Park
J. SCHOOL BOARD - No report.
L. OFFICE ON AGING - Councilman Morton reported that 143 senior
households in Coppell are being served through the Office on
Aging. He also presented this agency's Quarterly Report to the
City Manager which will be filed as a permanent part of City
Item 7: A) Appointment of five (5) members and four (4) alternate
members to the Building and Standard Commission
B) Swearing in of five (5) members and four (4) alternate
members to the Building and Standards Commission
Following discussion, Councilman Morton moved that Bryce Penland and
Dean Hood be appointed to the Building and Standards Commission as
regular members, each for a one-year term to expire in October, 1990;
Jimmy Bensel, Dale Ware, and A1 Godwin as regular members, each for a
two-year term to expire in October, 199]; Greg Smith and Carl Thompson
as alternate members, each for a one-year term to expire in October,
1990; and Mike Doss and Lanny Mayo, each for a two-year term to expire
in October, 1991. Councilman Smothermon seconded the motion which
carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tam Wilkerson, Councilmen Thomas, Morton,
Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Mayor Wolfe then asked those appointees present to come forward to be
sworn in to their respective offices. Those appointees present were
Jimmy Hensel, Dale Ware, Bryce Penland, Mike Doss, and Greg Smith. The
remaining appointees will be sworn in by Mayor Wolfe prior to the
initial meeting of this board which is set for Wednesday, January 17,
At this point in the agenda, Item No. 21 was brought forward for
consideration by the Council. For clarification purposes, the
particulars of Item No. 21 are presented in numerical order in these
Item 8: Presentation, discussion, consideration of report addressing
the drainage problems along the backyard property lines
between Kaye Street and Spanish Moss
City Engineer Russell Doyle presented chis item to the Council and
introduced Mr. Ron Morrison of Kimley-Horn & Associates who presented
information to the Council concerning the above stated drainage problem.
Mr. Morrison stated that, in his opinion, the Shadowridge Estates
Subdivision, which is the subdivision to the north of Kaye Street, has
altered the drainage pattern that existed prior to the development of
that subdivision on those lots along the north side of Kaye Street.
Three possible solutions to the drainage problem were presented - a pipe
City Council Minutes
January 9, 1990
storm drain (approximately $112,000.00), a concrete lined swale or alley
(approximately $112,000.00), or a grass lined swale (approximately
$56,000.00). The pipe storm drain is the recommended solution although
a final design ~nd surveying would be needed prior to determining the
exact cost. A copy of the study as presented by Mr. Morriaon is filed
as a permanent part of City records.
Mayor Wolfe then recognized Mr. Gilbert L. Welch, representing his
mother, Mrs. Gilbert H. Welch of 412 Kaye Street. Mr. Welch presented a
video film to the Council showing recent problems experienced at his
mother's residence during recent rains.
Following discussion on this item, Councilman Robertson moved that the
City Manager and City Attorney meet with Mr. Welch, during the current
week if possible, to work towards a recommended solution to this
drainage problem. Councilman Morton seconded the motion which carried
6-0 with Mayor Pro Tam Wilkerson, Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Cowman,
Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Councilman
Smothermon was not present in Council Chambers during the vote on this
Item 9: Presentation, discussion, consideration of a traffic
engineering study conducted at Southern Belle and Plantation
and authorizing the installation of a "No Parking Zone" to
enhance the safe and efficient flow of traffic in and through
the intersection.
City Engineer Russell Doyle made the presentation to the City Council.
Mr. Doyle stated that current traffic studies do not warrant the
installation of a stop sign at this intersection; however, the
installation of "No Parking" signs for two spaces along either side of
the intersection would be a solution to any site problems. Mrs. Marsha
Howland of 213 Plantation was recognized by Mayor Wolfe and stated that
the did not feel that the "No Parking" signs would solve the problem and
again requested of the Council that stop signs be planed at this
intersection. Following discussion by the Council, Councilman Robertson
moved that an item be placed on the January 23, 1990 agenda for the
Council to reconsider the placement of stop signs at this intersection
as well as the possible installation of either speed signs or yield
signs. Councilman Morton seconded the motion which carried 6-1 with
Mayor Pro Tam Wilkerson, Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman
and Robertson voting in favor of the motion and Councilman Nelson voting
against the motion,
At this point in the agenda, Item No. 20 was brought forward for
consideration by the Council. Councilman Smothermon presented this item
and then left the meeting following the presentation due to illness.
For clarification purposes, the particulars of Item No. 20 are preaented
in numerical order in these minutes.
Item I0: Discussion, consideration of approval of allowing a trailer
home to be placed on lot 27, block 4 of Northlake Woodlands
East #10, as requested by Richard Troth of Troth Enterprisee.
Chief Building Official Dale Jackson and applicant Mr. Bill Troth made
the presentation to the Council. Mr. Troth stated that this request is
being made due to the vandalism and trash dumping that is occurring on
this particular lot which is listed in City records as Lot 27, Block 4
of North Lake Woodlands East, Phase 10. Although the initial request
was for a period of twalve (12) months, Mr. Troth stated that he would
City Council Minutes
January 9, 1990
like to amend his request to be for a period of five (5) months.
Following discussion by Council ss to the time frame for determining
legal residence, Councilman Robertson moved that this item be tabled to
the January 23, 1990 City Council meeting in order to get a legal
opinion on determination of legal residence in the Flood Control
D/strict. Councilman Morton seconded the motion which carried 4-2 with
Councilmen Morton, Cowman, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the
motion and Mayor Pro Tam ~tlkerson and Councilmen Thomas voting against
the motion.
Item 11: PUBLIC HEARING - To consider a zoning change request, Case
tPD-110, Pecan Hollow Addition, from (SF-12) Single Family-12,
to (PD-SF-9) Planned Development Single Family-9, located
approximately 550 feet south of the intersection of Lodge Road
and Parkway Boulevard, along the west side of Lodge Road, at
the request of Gateway U.S.A.
Director of Planning and Community Services Car~ Slab made the
presentation to the Council. Mr. Sieb stated that the applicant is
requesting a zoning change from SF-I2 to PDSF-9 on approximately 59.4
acres. The Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended approval on a
5-2 vote of this zoning change request with the following conditions:
1) Area A to be changed so that all the homes below Hackberry and Grace
Drive have two lots deleted on each side of Pecan Hollow to enlarge
those lots to 85 feet in width or larger; 2) that all trees possible be
saved, and all trees above 14 to 16 inches will be saved by whatever
means necessary and that the developer will provide tree locations on a
site plan or plat to demonstrate trees that will be saved; 3) that all
the houses in the new Area A be at least 2000 square feet, and all those
in Areas B and C be et least 1800 square feet, as volunteered by the
developer; 4) that the developers pay for improvements to Lodge Road,
doubling the size as is and giving the right-of-way, and paying for the
improvements also on the Eby tract; and 5) that the developer will
maintain the landscaping on the right-of-way by whatever means are
necessary. Mr. Larry Taylor, along with Mr. Alan Sheller, Mr. Bill
Anderson, Mr. Dan Dowdy, and Mr. Charlie Huktll, all representing the
applicant were present to discuss this item with the Council.
Following the presentation, Mayor Wolfe declared the public hearing open
and asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed
zoning change. There were none. Mayor Wolfe then asked for those
persons who wished to speak in favor of the proposed zoning change.
Those persons speaking were Mr. Jim Dippold of 249 Alex Drive who stated
that he had spoken in opposition of this development at the Planning and
Zoning hearing; however, he was satisfied with the changes made by the
developer and now wished to register his opinion in favor of the zoning
change. Mayor Wolfe then declared the public hearing closed. Following
discussion by Council, Councilm~n Robertson moved that the zoning change
be approved with all of the conditions as recommended above by the
Planning and Zoning Commission and the additional condition that the
applicant work with staff to replace various trees that may have to be
removed to construct a residential dwelling. Councilman Cowman seconded
the motion which carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tam Wilkerson, Councilmen
Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the
City Council Minutes
January 9, 1990
Item 12: Discussion, consideration of approval of a request from
Prentiss Properties, Limited, regarding Park West Commerce
Center, to amend the City of Coppell's Thoroughfare Plan for
the realignment of Gateway Boulevard from its current location
to a location more closely aligned with existing Southewestern
Director of Planning and Community Services Gary Sieb made the
presentation to the Council. He introduced Mr. Michael Tucker of
Prsntiss Properties who spoke to the Council on a requested change of
the City's Thoroughfare Plan in order to acconrmodate the development of
the property described in the caption as an industrial park. The
proposed realignment of Gateway Boulevard will connect with Beltline
South on the east of this development and with Freeport Parkway on the
West of this development in its currently approved location. Following
discussion by the Council, Councilmen Morton moved that the recommended
change to the Thoroughfare Plan be approved. Councilman Thomes seconded
the motion which carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wtlkerson, Councilmen
Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the
Item 13: Discussion, consideration of approval of a preliminary plat
for Park West Commerce Center, formerly known as Gateway Park
et Coppell, located at the southwest corner of Beltline Road
and Southwestern Bonlevard, at the request of Prenttss-Copley.
Director of Planning and Co~nunity Services Gary Sieb made the
presentation to the Council. This regueet is for approximately 350
acres and is recommended for unanimous approval by the Planning and
Zoning Commission. Following discussion by the Council, Councilmen
Robertson moved that the plat be approved as presented. Councilmen
Nelson seconded the motion which carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem
Wilkerson, Councilmen Thomes, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson
voting in favor of the motion.
Item 14: Discussion, consideration of approval of a variance from
section 10-5-3;B3 of the Sign Ordinance which concerns
attached signs. The variance is requested by Exxon Company
USA for the property located at 105 S. Denton Tap Road.
Chief Building 0fftcial Dale Jackson mede the presentation to the
Council. Also present to discuss this item was Mr. Perry L Jordon, III,
representing the applicant. Mr. Jordon stated that the request for the
signage is to maintain consistent advertising nationwi~. Following
discussion on this item, Councilman Robertaon moved that fhe request be
approved. Councilman Cowman second the motion which failed 2-4 with
Councilmen Cowman and Robertson voting iu favor of the motion and Mayor
Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Thomes, Morton, and Nelson voting
against the motion.
Item 15: Discussion, consideration of approval of a variance from
Section 10-5-2;B of the Sign Ordinance which regulates sign
setbacks. The variance is requested by POB Montgomery and
Company for the property located at 580 S. Denton Tap Road.
Chief Building Official Dale Jackson made the presentation to the
Council. Mr. Jackson stated that the applicant has requested to place a
monument sign in front of his company building to replace the existing
sign. The replacement sign will be too close to the right-of-way of
City Council Minutes
January 9, 1990
Denton Tap to meet the criteria of the City's sign ordinance; however,
the existing sign is now also nonconforming due to the widening of
Denton Tsp Road. This sign has been identified as not being a site
problem in its present location. Ms. Nancy McReynolds, representing the
applicant, was also present to speak with the Council. Prior to the
? vote on this item, Councilmen Robertson informed the Council that he
wished to withdraw from the vote o~ this item as his personal business
is located in this building. Following discussion by the Council,
Councilman Morton moved that the variance to the setback requirements
for the construction of the above stated sign be approved. Councilman
Nelson seconded the motion which carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tam
Wilkereon and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Cowman, and Nelson voting in
favor of the motion.
Item 16: Review, discussion of federal legislation restricting the
City's ability to collect penalties, interest, and ad valorem
taxes on certain properties which have been acquired through
hank and savings and loan failures.
Councilman Morton made this presentation to the Council and stated that
this new legislation can have an affect on the City's ability to collect
taxes. City Attorney representative Bruce Stockard also spoke to the
Council on this item and stated that. at this point, the City's claim
for taxes are being paid; however, it is uncertain how the new law will
affect federally owned property. It is anticipated that challenges to
the law will be forthcoming. Council will be kept posted to any changes
as they come in. No action was required on this item.
Item 17: Discussion, consideration of appointing City Council and
Planning & Zoning representatives to the Project Focus Group
for the west Thoroughfare Plan Study.
Following discussion, Councilman Morton moved that Councilman Ron
Robertson and Planning and Zoning Chairman Joe Munsch be appointed to
the Special Study Committee for the Project Focus Group. Councilman
Thomas seconded the motion which carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tam
Wilkerson and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson, and Nelson
voting in favor of the motion,
Item 18: Discussion, consideration of approval of implementing the
C.I.V.I.C. Volunteer Program and approval of appropriating
monies at a later date for insurance purposes.
Library Director Judi Biggerstaff made the presentation to the Council.
Ms. Biggerstaff stated that she, along with Assistant City
Manager/Personnel Director Vfvyon Bowman and Public Works Director Steve
Goram, formulated the proposed Volunteer Policy which is requested to be
Council members complimented Me. Biggerstaff amd her comm~tttee on the
work that had gone into drafting this policy. Following discussion,
Councilman Morton moved that the Volunteer Policy be adopted.
Councilman Robertson seconded the motion which carried 6-0 with Mayor
Pro Tam Wilkerson and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Roberteon, and
Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
City Council Minutes
January 9, 1990
Item 19: Discussion, consideration of calling and scheduling a work session with the Historical Commission.
Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved the a special
called work session with the Coppell Historic District Committee be ~.~
called for Tuesday, January 16, 1990 at 7:00 p.m.. Councilman Thomas
seconded the motion which carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and
Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor
of the motion. Councilman Nelson informed the Mayor that he would not
be able to atteud this meeting and Councilman Morton stated that he
would be late in arriving for the meeting.
Item 20: Presentation, discussion and consideration of authorization to
proceed with Capital Improvement financing proposal.
At indicated previously, this item was taken out of order and considered
by the Council following Item No. 9. The item was introduced by
Councilman Smothermon who serves as the Chairman of the City's Special
Study Finance Committee. Mrs. Lynn Brock, Chairman of the 1990 Bond
Committee, was also present to discuss this item with the Council. Mrs.
Brock stated that the Committee is looking for guidance from the Council
at this point as to the direction to take in determining the amount to
be included in the Bond Program. The first run total was approximately
eighty million and has been pared approximately twenty million. A work
session with the Council prior to the January 23, 1990 C~ty Council
meeting is being requested as well as setting the date for the election
for March 3, 1990.
Councilman Smothermon provided the Council with information on alternate
means of financing bonds in order for the Council to be able to provide ~
a larger participation of items in the bond program. This method of
financing, called Revenue Participation Bonds (RPB's), if different from I
standard bond financing in that the rate of financing would stay the
same throughout the life of the bonds rather then initially starting at
a higher rate and decreasing to a lower rate at the end of the bond
Following discussion on this item, it was the consensus of the Council
that a special work session with the Bond Committee would be held on
Monday, January 22, 1990 at 7:00 p.m. The date of the Bond Election
would be determined at a later date. No further action was required on
this item. As indicated previously, Councilman Smothermon left the
meeting following this presentation due to illness.
As previously indicated, the Consent Agenda was considered by the
Council following Item No. 7. Ail Council members were present for the
vote on this item.
Item 2lA: Discussion, consideration of increasing the speed limit on
MacArthur Boulevard from the southern City limit line to
DeForest Road from 30 MPH to 35 MPH as recommended by an
engineering study and authorizing the Mayor to sign the ~
authorizing ordinance
B: Presentation, discussion, consideration of a status report on
Parkway Boulevard paving project and authorizing staff to
advertise for bids to construct the improvement eaet of Denton
Tap Road
City Council Minutes
January 9, 1990
C: Discussion, consideration of abandonment of a portion of an
easement located at Lot 20, Block 4 of Parkview Addition and
authorizing the Mayor to sign
D: Consideration of approving the awarding of bid to Graff
Chevrolet for the purchase of one (i) gasoline-powered dump
truck for a total of $27,136.00
E: Discussion, consideration of approving the expenditure of
surplus funds from the Municipal Service Center Bonds for 1984
F: Consideration of rejecting bid for purchase of Trench Shoring
G: Consideration of approval of agreement with Houston-Galveston
Area Council for purchase of 1990 Chevrolet Caprice car and
and authorizing the Mayor to sign this agreement
Councilman Morton moved that the consent agenda be approved with Item
No. 20A carrying the designation of Ordinance No. 90662. Councilman
Smothermon seconded the motion which carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem
Wilkerson and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson,
and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
EXE.CUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the public)
ES-2 A: Article 6252-17, Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83 -
discussion with City Attorney concerning matters involving
privileged co~m~unication between Attorney and Client:
1) - Status report on MacArthur ROW acquisitions
2) - Status report on Library site acquisition
3) - Status report on SBS Concession Stand at Brown Park
B: Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) - discussion concerning
personnel issues
1) - Evaluation of duties of Board of Adjustment
2) - Evaluation of duties of Planning and Zoning Commission
The City Council convened into Executive Session at 10:23 p.m. on
Tuesday, January 9, 1990 as allowed under the above stated articles.
Mayor Wolfe adjourned the Executive Ssssion~ at 11:15 p.m. on Tuesday,
January 9, 1990 and open the public session.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting
was adjourned.
Mark Wolfe
Dorothy Timmons
City Secretary
MINUTES 010990