CM 1990-04-10 Minutes of April 10, 1990
The City Council of the city of Coppell met in regular called
session at 6:30 D.m. for executive session and 7:00 p.m. for open
session on Tuesday, April 10, 1990 in the Council Chambers of Town
Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following
members were present:
Dean Wilkerson, Mayor Pro Tem
Tom Morton, Councilman
Bill Smothermon, Councilman
Jim Cowman, Councilman (Late Arrival)
Ron Robertson, Councilman
John Nelson, Councilman
Mayor Mark Wolfe and Councilman David Thomas were not present.
Also present were Deputy City Manager/Finance Director Frank
Trando, City Secretary Dorothy Timmons and City Attorney Larry
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public)
ES-1 A. Article 6252-17, Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83,
discussion with city Attorney concerning matter involving
privileged communications between attorney and client.
1. Coppell/Grapevine boundary dispute
2. Pending litigation
B. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f), discussion with respect
to the purchase, exchange, lease of real property and
City liability
1. Status report on Library Site Acquisition
2. Discussion of acquiring right-of-way on MacArthur
C. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g), discussion concerning
1. Discussion of City Manager performance evaluation
and compensation
The City Council convened into Executive Session at 6:40 p.m. on
Tuesday, April 10, 1990, as allowed and recited under the above
stated articles. Mayor Pro Tem/Presiding Mayor Dean Wilkerson
adjourned the Executive Session at 7:25 p.m. on Tuesday, April 10,
1990 and opened the public session
Councilman Cowman arrived during the Executive Session.
REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public)
Mayor Pro Tem Dean Wilkerson called the meeting to order and asked
everyone to stand while Councilman Nelson gave the invocation.
Following the invocation, Councilman Robertson led those present
in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item 3: Consideration of Approval of Minutes: March 27, 1990
Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved the
minutes be approved as submitted. Councilman Smothermon seconded
the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and
Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting
in favor of the motion.
Item 4: Mayor's Report
Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson reported on the following items:
A. On April 12, 1990 a meeting will be held in the D/FW
Administration building on the proposed runways. This meeting
is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. Councilman John Nelson
will represent the City at this meeting.
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B. The North Texas Commission luncheon is scheduled for April
16, 1990. Councilmembers need to make City Staff aware of
their attendance at this meeting.
C. The Texas A&M training program will not be coming to Coppell.
Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson read a letter from Mr. Jim Bradley of
the Texas Engineering Extension Service stating this fact and
thanking the City officials for their assistance.
D. Councilman Cowman requested that Staff check into the medians
on Beltline and Denton Tap Roads being mowed.
E. Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson requested that the petition from the
citizens on Loch Lane for street improvements be given
consideration by Council to be included in the midyear budget.
Item 5: Citizens Appearances
There were no citizens who wished to speak at this time.
Item 6: City Council Liaison Reports.
A. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE - There was no report at this
B. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Councilman Cowman indicated a report
should be forthcoming on the Coppell Chamber of Commerce in
the next 30 to 60 days.
C. COPPELL HISTORIC DISTRICT - There was no report at this time.
indicated that the appraisal district is getting closer to
completing appraisal values with the preliminary roll being
out in late May with the final roll coming out in July.
E. FINANCE COMMITTEE - Councilman Smothermon reminded the Council
of the midyear budget meeting on May 15, 1990.
F. LIBRARY BOARD - Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson called the Council's
attention to a memo from himself and the Library Board
concerning a consensus of the Council for a commitment of
$200,000 in order to file a preapplication for a matching
grant. This preapplication has to be filed by May 15, 1990.
The City will know if it meets criteria for the application
by June. Councilman Morton indicated consensus to file the
preliminary plat, but prior to any final application being
filed, this item be placed back on the Council agenda and
each concern addressed as he has indicated in his individual
packet. Councilman Morton provided a copy of these concerns
and questions to Deputy city Manger/Finance Director Frank
Trando for distribution to Councilmembers. Mayor Pro Tem
Wilkerson indicated that he would like for discussion on
concerns to come back in late May. It was the consensus of
the Council to file the preapplication in order to meet the
May 15, 1990 deadline and bring back the concerns for
discussion in late May.
G. MUD ABSORPTION COMMITTEE - Councilman Morton informed the
Council that a MUD Board meeting had been held earlier in the
day. Three new subdivisions were considered to be included
in the MUD district. The MUD Board also called the May 5,
1990 election and stated that the absentee voting would be
done at St. Ann's Catholic Church.
H. NCTCOG - There was no report at this time.
I. PARK BOARD - Since neither Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson or
Councilman Thomas were able to attend the Park meeting,
Councilman Robertson had attended and informed the Council as
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to a policy being developed to take over the upcoming
concession stand in Brown Park. This policy will be coming
forward in the near future.
J. SCHOOL BOARD - Councilman Robertson informed the Council that
the Liaisons and City Staff had recently met to look at the
land ground work for the summer program.
Councilman Morton also reported on the Metrocrest Youth and Family
Services and stated that the City has its first participant in the
"First Offender" program. He also indicated that the City now has
138 households being served by the office on Aging and provided the
Deputy City Manager with copies of the second quarter report from
the Office on Aging. Additionally, Councilman Morton reported that
the North Central Texas Council of Governments is looking at
implementing a recycling program in various cities. Councilman
Cowman indicated that he would like to see a new council liaison
item added for at least a monthly report concerning the drug
awareness program. Councilman Cowman and Robertson have been
appointed to this study committee with Officer Kelly being the
Staff Liaison. Councilman Nelson then requested that a
presentation be on the April 24, 1990 agenda concerning the status
of the drug awareness program.
Item 7: PUBLIC HEARING, To consider a zoning change request, Case
#ZC-524, from (R) Retail, to (SF-9) Single-Family-9,
located at 316 W. Bethel Road, at the request of Mrs.
Julianna Otts.
Director of Planning and Community Services Gary Sieb introduced
this item to the Council. Mr. Sieb stated that the Planning and
Zoning Commission has recommended approval of this zoning change.
The request is being made in order to allow the boarding of horses
on the property. The Historic Committee has met and this request
does fit in with their intentions for this area. Mayor Pro Tem
Wilkerson opened the public hearing and asked for those persons who
wish to speak for the proposed zoning change; there were none. He
then asked for those persons who wish to speak against the proposed
zoning change; again there were none. The public hearing was
declared closed. Following discussion by the Council, Councilman
Morton moved that the zoning change request be approved as
submitted. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion; motion
carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Morton,
Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the
Item 8: PUBLIC HEARING, Consideration of an amendment to the City
of Coppell Master Thoroughfare Plan to reduce right-of-
way for Southwestern Drive/Gateway (proposed name change)
Boulevard from six-lane divided (110 feet of right-of-
way), to four-lane undivided/divided (80-90 feet of
right-of-way); realignment of Cotton Road, and
elimination of the extension of Southwestern Drive, both
west of Freeport Parkway.
Director of Planning and community Services Gary sieb also made the
presentation of this item. For the records, although this item is
listed as a public hearing, it is not an official public hearing
as required for zoning changes. However, it is being conducted as
such in order to give interested parties an opportunity to speak.
Mr. Sieb informed the Council that three property owners in the
affected area had requested two amendments to the City's
thoroughfare plan. The first requested amendment was for the
realignment of Cotton Road and elimination of the Southwestern
Boulevard extension. The second amendment was to reduce the right-
of-way from 110 feet (six-lane divided highways) to 90 feet of
right-of-way (four-lane divided highway from Denton Tap/Beltline
to Freeport) and 70 foot right-of-way (four-lane undivided highway
from Freeport to Royal Lane). However, staff is recommending that
the Thoroughfare Plan be amended to include a four-lane divided
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highway from the Beltline/Denton Tap intersection to Royal Lane.
This is also the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning
Commission. Those property owners affected who were present to
discuss this item with the Council were Mr. Weldon Davis,
representing Santa Fe Realty and Mr. Peter Staks, representing
Thompson Realty. Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson opened the public hearing
and asked for those persons who wished to speak in favor of the
proposed amendments. Those persons speaking were Mr. David Hardin,
777 Freeport Parkway, who feels that the medians in industrial
sections do adversely affect traffic as far as tractor trailer
vehicles are concerned. Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson then asked for
those persons who wished to speak against the proposed amendments;
there were none. The public hearing portion of this item was
closed. Discussion was held by Council. Council adjourned into
Executive Session as allowed under Article 6252-17, Senate
Concurrent Resolution #83, discussion with City Attorney concerning
matter involving privileged communications between attorney and
client at 8:45 p.m. and adjourned back into open session at 8:47
p.m. Following further discussion on this item, Councilman
Smothermon moved that the Thoroughfare Plan be amended to include
the reduction of right-of-way from the Denton Tap/Beltline
intersection west to Freeport Parkway from the current 110 foot
right-of-way (six-lane divided thoroughfare) to a 90 foot right-
of-way (four-lane divided thoroughfare); to reduce the right-of-
way requirements from Freeport west to Royal Lane from 110 foot
right-of-way (six-lane divided thoroughfare) to 70 foot right-of-
way (four-lane undivided thoroughfare); that the entrances at
Gateway and Freeport as well as Gateway and Royal Lane include a
divided median for at least 125 feet with the median being heavily
landscaped. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion; motion carried
4-2 with Councilman Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting
in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilman
Morton voting against the motion.
Item 9: Consider a preliminary plat for the Mockingbird School
Site Addition, located at the northeast corner of
Mockingbird Lane and Falcon Lane, at the request of
Coppell Independent School District.
Director of Planning and Community Service Gary Sieb made the
presentation to the Council. Mr. Sieb stated that the applicant
is requesting two variances which are that the distance between the
existing exit and the new proposed entry to the elementary school
be approximately 60 feet rather than the approximate 90 feet
required by ordinance and that all fees other than inspections fees
be waived. Mr. Robert Howman, representing the school and Mr.
Buddy Echols, School Superintendent, were also present to discuss
this item with the Council. Mr. Echols stated that the school is
requesting that any fees be waived where the City would not be
incurring cost, such as in inspections. Discussion was held
concerning the possibility of cost being incurred through the water
and sewer availability fees. Following discussion on this item,
and the possibility of additional discussion concerning the traffic
problems at Austin Elementary, which are to be discussed at the
joint City Council/School Board meeting, scheduled during the month
of May, Councilman Robertson moved that the preliminary plat be
approved as submitted with the variance for the distance between
the existing exit and the new proposed entrance, as previously
stated, be approved and any fees other than inspection fees or any
direct cost to the City, such as cost of water meters, be waived.
Councilman Nelson seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Cowman,
Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 10: Consider a final Dlat for the Mockingbird School site
Addition, located at the northeast corner of Mockingbird
Lane and Falcon Lane, at the request of Coppell
Independent School District.
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Director of Planning and Community Services Gary Sieb made the
presentation to the Council. Conditions requested under this plan
are that the final construction plans and traffic study have not
yet been delivered. These two documents are to be delivered as
soon as possible. Following discussion by the Council, Councilman
Smothermon moved that the final plat be approved with the two
documents being transmitted as soon as possible. Councilman
Robertson seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro
Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson
and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 11: Consider a preliminary plat for Gateway Business Park
Addition, along with variances, located at the northwest
corner of Freeport Parkway and I.H. 635, at the request
of Santa Fe Realty.
Director of Planning and Community Services Gary Sieb made the
presentation to the Council. Mr. Sieb informed the Council that
this tract is a 104 acre development. The roadway through this
development is affected by the previous decision of the Council
under Item #8 and, therefore, would show a thoroughfare with a
four-lane undivided 70 foot right-of-way on the final plat rather
than the four-lane divided thoroughfare as shown on the preliminary
plat. In addition, four variances as follows have been requested;
1) the landscaping of parkways shall be completed as individual
lots are developed; 2) all applicable fees shall be paid by the
lot owners as the individual lots are developed; 3) although
Freeport Parkway is a secondary image zone, no trees will be
permitted along the west right-of-way because of the existing
overhead electrical transmission line; and 4) temporary drainage
to be carried by grass-lined channels without a concrete invert or
brick facing on headwalls. The channel is to be an enclosed pipe
system as individual lots are developed. Concern was expressed by
the Council on variance #4 regarding the drainage channel. Acting
city Engineer Shohre Daneshmand stated that Variance #4 will be
addressed prior to the final plat coming before the Council. If
it is determined that the velocity of the water is too high, some
means would be used to reduce this velocity. Following further
discussion on this item, Councilman Robertson moved that the final
plat be approved with the four variances as requested as well as
the thoroughfare being a four-lane undivided 70 foot right-of-way
with heavily landscaped medians at the entrance of Gateway and
Freeport Parkway. The median is to be at least 125 feet in length.
Councilman Cowman seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, cowman,
Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 12: Consider a final plat for the Meadows Addition, Section
6, Phase II, located at the southeast corner of Parkway
Boulevard and Samuel Boulevard, at the request of Meadow
Glen Properties.
Director of Planning and Community Services Gary Sieb made the
presentation to the Council. There are no variances requested on
this plat. Following discussion, Councilman Robertson moved that
the final plat be approved as submitted. Councilman Morton
seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem
Wilkerson and Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and
Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 13: Consider a final plat for Park West Commerce Center, and
a request to vacate the previously filed plat for Gateway
Park at Coppell, located at the southwest corner of
Beltline Road and Southwestern Boulevard, at the request
of Prentiss Properties.
Director of Planning and Community Services Gary Sieb made the
presentation to the Council. Eleven conditions are being requested
by the applicant. Mr. Sieb read those conditions which are filed
as a permanent part of the records of this plat file in the
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Planning Department. Discussion was held between Council and
applicant concerning the time frame for construction of
Southwestern Drive. Following discussion by the Council,
Councilman Morton moved that the final plat be approved as
submitted, including the eleven conditions as outlined and
contained in the document entitled Plat Conditions for Park Wes~
Commerce Center final Plat which is to be attached as a part of the
final plat, which is filed as a part of the permanent records in
the Planning Department for this development, and which are agreed
upon by the developer and City Staff; that the roadway be reduced
from a 110 foot right-of-way (six-lane divided thoroughfare), to
a four-lane divided thoroughfare (90 foot right-of-way).
Councilman Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 5-1 with
Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting
in favor of the motion, and Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson voting against
the motion. At the request of Council, the following statement is
included as a part of the record for this item. The Applicant,
represented by Michael R. Tucker, stated for the record that his
interpretation of the phrase ". as determined by the City
Engineer" contained in No. 7d of the aforementioned document is
"that if there is traffic, truck traffic being generated and the
road needs to be improved, that's fine with me. I am just trying
to build it when there is a need to have it built."
Item 14: Consideration of a request from Mr. Andy Johnson to waive
the fee required to request a building code variance
from the Code Advisory and Appeals Board.
Chief Building Official Dale Jackson made the presentation to the
Council. Mr. Jackson informed the Council that the Code Advisory
and Appeals Board does not have the authority to waive the fees.
However, they are the proper authority to hear and consider a
variance from the Building codes. Following discussion on this
item and review of plans as presented by the Inspection Department,
Councilman Smothermon moved that the $50 fee for appearance before
the Code Advisory and Appeals Board be waived and the applicant
appear before this Board for the termination of the variance.
Councilman Robertson seconded the motion; motion carried 5-1 with
Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Smothermon, Cowman,
Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion, and Councilman
Morton voting against the motion.
Item 15: Consideration of a request from Debbie Teer to allow work
to begin at the Valley Ranch Centre prior to the
completion of landscape work or escrowing of funds as
required by Section 33.3.1. of the City's Zoning
Ordinance. Ms. Teer is requesting the City waive the
escrow requirement for a period of 60 days.
Chief Building Official Dale Jackson made the presentation to the
Council. Mr. Jackson informed the Council that this development
is located at the intersection of Beltline Road and MacArthur. The
request from the applicant is for a building permit to complete
electrical and telephone work so that the computers can be
installed and is for this development only. It does not include
the Tom Thumb Store. City codes require that landscaping be
provided in escrow prior to the issuance of a certificate of
occupancy. Ms. Debbie Teer was also present to discuss this item
with the Council. Following discussion on the item, Councilman
Robertson moved that the request for a building permit to be issued
be approved, but that a certificate of occupancy not be issued
until the escrow funding is available. Councilman Cowman seconded
the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and
Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting
in favor of the motion.
Item 16: Request from Mr. Walter Pettijohn to appear before City
Council regarding Ordinance #90370 - Review of areas of
the City.
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Mr. Walter Pettijohn, Mr. Coe Halliburtion and Mr. Johnny Thompson
were present to discuss this item with the Council. Mr. Pettijohn
presented information that, in his opinion, would invalidate the
passage of Ordinance 90470. Additionally, on behalf of Mr. Johnny
Thompson, Mr. Pettijohn requested resolution of this item and
stated for the record that Mr. Thompson wants the resolution to be
a finding of the city that Mr. Thompson's property was not in the
city, and that he does want to be annexed into the city. Following
discussion on this item, Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson instructed the
city Attorney to work with Mr. Thompson's attorney to determine if
there are any grounds for which a resolution can be reached
concerning this matter and that an item be put on the agenda of
April 24, 1990 for Council to consider any proposed resolution of
this matter.
Item 17: Consider approval of a resolution authorizing submission
of an application to the Governor's Criminal Justice
Division for funding of a crime Prevention Unit;
authorizing the City Manager and Chief of Police to
execute such documents/agreement necessary and incidental
to the application; and providing for the local funds for
such program.
Police Chief Neil McKinney made the presentation to the Council.
Mr. McKinney indicated that this program will begin October 1, 1990
and is a total grant package for the first year of $60,705 with the
City's portion being $4,975 which is a 50 percent match for basic
equipment costs. This program will provide a full time person to
supervise and coordinate the crime prevention efforts for the city
of Coppell as well as supplies and start-up equipment. If
approved, first year funding is 100 percent with the exception of
the equipment, which is funded on a matching basis as previously
indicated. The grant would continue the second year for salaries,
benefits and supplies at an 80/20 split with the City's share being
the 20 percent. During the third year and additional years, the
City would assume an additional 20 percent each year in personnel
cost through the fifth year, at which time the grant would be
finalized. Following discussion by the Council, Councilman Morton
moved that Resolution 041090.1 be approved with the Mayor
authorized to sign the resolution and the City Manager and Chief
of Police authorized to execute such documents and agreements as
necessary. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion; motion
carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Morton,
Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the
Item 18: To consider an ordinance closing the public hearing on
the assessments, levying assessments for the payment of
a portion of the cost of the improvements to Denton Tap
Road from Beltline Road to Sandy Lake Road and fixing a
charge and lien against said properties, and the real and
true owners thereof.
Following discussion on this item, Councilman Robertson moved that
Ordinance 90472 be approved as submitted. Councilman Cowman
seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem
Wilkerson and Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and
Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 19: To consider an ordinance closing the public hearing on
the assessment~, levy!ng s~Ss~ ~s f~ the payment of
a portion of the cost of the l~p~9¥e~e~s to Denton Tap
Road from Sandy Lake Road to De~n Crgek and fixing a
charge and lien against said pro'De~ies'/~nd the real and
true owners thereof.
~ollowiDg discussion on this item, councilman Robertson moved that
~dinance 90473 be approved as submitted. Councilman Cow, an
seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor P~ Tem
Wilkerson and Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robert~on and
Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Page ~'~ 8
Consent Aaenda
Item 20. A. To consider a resolution of the City Council of the
City of Coppell, Texas determining the necessity of
acquiring a street right-of-way and temporary
construction easements for MacArthur Boulevard on,
above, and in land located within the City of
Coppell, Dallas County, Texas.
B. Discussion, consideration of abandonment of a
portion of an easement located at 257 Alex (lot 11
block 4) and 339 Alex (lot 16 block 4) and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
C. Consideration of approval of an informal resolution
approving a temporary special use permit for the
Coppell Founders Day event on April 27, and 28 1990.
Councilman Smothermon moved that the consent agenda be approved
with Item 20A carrying Resolution #041090.2. Councilman Morton
seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem
Wilkerson and Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and
Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 21. Presentation by Wayne Ginn, Inc. concerning the median
opening just to the north of Grapevine Creek bridge on
Denton Tap Road.
City Consulting Engineer Wayne Ginn made the presentation to the
Council. Mr. Ginn indicated that in his opinion the intersection
of Mockingbird and Denton Tap is considered a site distance
problem. However, there may be additional solutions other than
information that had been previously provided and it is, therefore,
his recommendation that the City table action on this item total
until the next Council meeting. Discussion was held by Council
concerning the request from Mr. Jay Turner to remove the barricades
beginning the next morning. It was the recommendation of the City
Attorney that the barricades not be removed until the proper
signage and any other safety features as required are provided.
During discussion on this item, Councilman Cowman also requested
that City Staff provide as an agenda item on the April 24, 1990 an
item to consider reducing speed on the Beltline north/south and
Denton Tap Roads from 45 to 40 miles per hour. Following further
discussion on this item, Councilman Smothermon moved that this item
be tabled to April 24, 1990. Councilman Cowman seconded the
motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and
Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting
in favor of the motion.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the
meeting was adjourned.
Mark Wolfe
Dorothy Timmons
City Secretary
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