CM 1990-05-08 Minutes May 8, 1990 NOTE TO THE ~INUTES: The minutes are recorded in numerical sequence as listed on the official agenda for this date; however, as a result of the rearrangelent of Council items, the minutes will reflect the two different Councils voting on items throughout the numerical sequencing of the minutes. The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular called session on Tuesday, May 8, 1990 at 6:30 p.m. for Executive Session and 7:30 p.m. for Open Session in the Council Chambers of Town Center 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were present: Mark Wolfe, Mayor Dean Wilkerson, Mayor Pro Tem (late arrival) David Thomas, Councilman Tom Morton, Councilman Bill Smothermon, Councilman Jim Cowman, Councilman Ron Robertson, Councilman John Nelson, Councilman Also present were city Manager Alan D. Ratliff, City Secretary Dorothy Timmons, City Attorney Lawrence W. Jackson and Council-elect Peyton Weaver. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to %h~ ES-1 A. Article 6252-17, Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83, discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communications between attorney and client. 1. Coppell/Grapevine Boundary dispute 2. Johnny Thompson annexation question 3. Kaye Street Drainage B. Article 6252-17, Section 2(f), discussion with respect to the purchase, exchange, lease of real property and City liability 1. Status report on Library Site Acquisition C. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g), discussion concerning personnel- City Manager Mayor Wolfe called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The City Council convened into Executive Session at 6:31 p.m. on Tuesday May 8, 1990, as allowed and recited under the above stated articles. Mayor Wolfe adjourned the Executive Session at 7:01 p.m. on Tuesday, May 8, 1990 and opened the public session. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public~ Mayor Wolfe asked all persons present to stand while Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson gave the invocation. Following the invocation, Mayor Wolfe led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Item 3. Consider of Approval of Minutes: April 23, 1990 April 24, 1990 Councilman Smothermon moved that the minutes be approved as submitted. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 4. Mayor's Report A. Mayor Wolfe informed Council and citizens present that the order of the agenda as listed would be somewhat rearranged due to the fact that several of the items need to be addressed while Mayor Pro Tem Dean Wilkerson is still sitting on the Council as these items are only partially completed at this point. Page 1 of 12 600079 B. Council was reminded that the mid-year budget meeting will be held the following Tuesday, May 15, 1990 at 4:00 p.m. C. Due to the election of Peyton Weaver to the city Council, a second opening now exists on the Planning and Zoning Commission. It was the recommendation of Mayor Wolfe that these two positions be advertised for one week in the City newspapers with applications to be taken until Friday, May 18, 1990. Council will then fill these two positions at their next regularly scheduled meeting of May 22, 1990. It was the consensus of the Council to follow this procedure. D. Mayor Wolfe advised Council that the Liaison appointments will be reviewed and reconfirmed on the May 22, 1990 City Council meeting. E. Mayor Wolfe also informed the Council that on the May 22, 1990 City Council meeting, Mr. Jeff Fagen from DFW Airport will be present to discuss with the Council the noise monitoring results for the City of Coppell. F. Council and citizens were advised that Beltline east/west is still closed due to the recent heavy rains and will remain closed a little longer than anticipated due to excessive washouts in the road. G. Texas Utilities has proposed to close Beltline east/west between Moore Road and Denton Tap for construction purposes. Mayor Wolfe requested that Staff look into this closing and request that the closing be delayed due to traffic problems already being experienced from roads being closed due to the recent rains. H. Paragon Cable Television has recently instituted a rate increase and included in citizens bill a memo concerning a 5% franchise tax. The notification sent to citizens implies that the franchise tax is a new charge, however, it is not. Mayor Wolfe has been advised by Paragon Cable that an explanation will be included in the June billing to inform citizens and explain the detailed analysis of the bill. Staff was also requested to check with Irving of the Tier System that is being used for cable charges in that community. I. The next Mayor's Forum will be held on Monday, May 14, 1990 at city Hall. J. Mayor Wolfe called to Council's attention a report concerning the Oak Trail drainage problems that was at each Council station. K. Councilman Cowman advised Council that some entities are taxing intrastate long distance calls and requested that Staff look into these charges and how it applies to the franchise collected by cities. L. Councilman Cowman also requested that the item concerning "no parking" along MacArthur Boulevard be delayed until the June meeting as he will not be in attendance at the May 22, 1990 City Council meeting. M. Councilman Nelson requested that an item be placed on the May 22, 1990 city Council meeting concerning the new pump station. N. Councilman Morton informed Council that the railroad crossing at the Minyards facility on Freeport Parkway is in need of repair and requested that Staff check into this. O. Councilman Morton requested Staff check into the need for clean- up construction materials left at the southwest corner of Freeport Parkway and Bethel Road. Page 2 of 12 P. Councilman Morton requested that Staff check the abandoned building at 300 Brooks Lane for compliance with City regulations. Q. Councilman Morton requested that Staff provide a status report on the "old haunted house" on Thweat Road for compliance with City regulations. R. Councilman Morton requested that Staff check on the home located at 510 Cooper. This home has been foreclosed upon and is getting in a disrepair state. Item 5. Citizens Appearances There were no citizens who wished to s~eak at this time. Item 6. City Council Liaison Reports A. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE - There was no report at this time. B. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - There was no report at this time. C. COPPELL HISTORIC DISTRICT - Councilman Thomas informed the Council that the Historic District Committee had met the previous week and was going through some transition at this time. However, they are working on establishing some tax exempt status and will be getting involved in the July 4th parade. D. DALLAS CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT - There was no report at this time. E. FINANCE COMMITTEE - Councilman Smothermon informed Council that the Finance Committee had met the previous evening to review the mid-year budget and will talk about the possibility that the City will have a higher fund balance than originally anticipated. Several items will be addressed as supplements for the mid-year budget. F. LIBRARY BOARD - There was no report at this time. G. MUD ABSORPTION CO~MITTEE - Councilman Nelson informed the Council that the MUD Board meeting was held earlier in the day. Mr. James Zukauckas who is at attendance at the Council meeting tonight and Mr. Ed Thomas were elected in the previous Saturdays election to the MUD Board. H. NCTCOG - There was no report at this time. I. PARK BOARD - Councilman Thomas informed the Council that several members of the Park Board were involved in the recent five mile and one mile fun run and that the Rotary Club came forward to the last Park Board meeting to discuss the pavilion and funds to be donated from the Rotary Club towards the construction of this project. The Rotary Club will be coming forward to the Council on the May 22, 1990 meeting. J. SCHOOL BOARD - There was no report at this time. K. TRANSPORTATION STUDY COMMITTEE - There was no report at this time. L. METROCREST RED RIBBON COMMITTEE - Councilman Cowman informed the Council that he would be attending the meeting the next day at 4:00 p.m. and will be bringing additional information forward to the Council on this item. Item 7. Canvass of returns of May 5, 1990 City Officers election, approval of an order declaring the results of the election,authorizing the Mayor to sign and directing the Page 3 of 12 000081 City Secretary to post and publish the necessary notices for a run-off election on May 26, 1990 should a run-off election be necessary. City Attorney Larry Jackson read the results of the election into the record. All candidates have filed the Statement of Officers prior to tonights meeting. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved that Resolution 050890.6 be approved. Councilman Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Mayor Wolfe then expressed Council's appreciation to outgoing Mayor Pro Tem Dean Wilkerson for his service to the Council and the community. Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson thanked the Council and stated that he felt a qualified candidate would be replacing him and that he would continue to be involved in the community. Item 8. Swearing in Ceremony of Officials elected at the May 5, 1990 city Election. Mayor Wolfe requested Council-elect Peyton Weaver, Tom Morton, Jim Cowman and John Nelson come to the front of the podium and proceeded to swear them in. Elected Councilmembers were issued certificates of election and a copy of their Oath of Office. Item 9. Consider appointment of a Mayor Pro Tem Mayor Wolfe stated that he would like to nominate Councilman Smothermon to serve as Mayor Pro Tem for the coming year. Councilman Nelson then moved that Bill Smothermon be appointed as Mayor Pro Tem. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. The Council at this point consisted of: Mark Wolfe, Mayor Bill Smothermon, Mayor Pro Tem Peyton Weaver, Councilman David Thomas, Councilman Tom Morton, Councilman Jim Cowman, Councilman Ron Robertson, Councilman John Nelson, Councilman Item 10. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider land use assumptions to be used in developing a capital Improvements Plan, under which impact fees may be implemented. Director of Planning and Community Services Gary Sieb made the presentation to the Council and reviewed the process for the land use assumptions to be used in developing the Capital Improvements Plan. Mr. $ieb also introduced Mr. Bob Benedict who is president of the Homebuilders Association. Mr. Benedict reviewed the criteria to be used in the Capital Improvements Plan and stated that four criteria are to be used to come into compliance with Senate Bill 336. These criteria are as follows: 1) a map of the city - the map that is presently used by the City is adequate, but information that is contained in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan should be incorporated into the overall Land Use Assumption Plan, 2) an inventory of what is on the ground at the present time, 3) a projection of what will be on the ground in ten years and 4) a projection of what the total build- out for Coppell will be. Additionally, the population projections and job statistics that are used in developing the Capital Improvements Plan should be conservative in nature to take into account the swings of the economy. Mayor Wolfe then declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed Land Use Assumptions which are to be used in developing a Capital Improvements Plan; there were none. He then asked for those persons who wished to speak in favor of the Land Use Assumptions; again, there were none. The public hearing was declared closed. Following further Page 4 of 12 0OO082 discussion by the Council, Councilman Morton moved that the Land Use Assumptions be approved with modifications to include the projection for total build-out, the projection for what is on the ground at the present to take into consideration nonresidential use and to review the population and informant figures as recommended. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 11. Discussion and consideration of a resolution approving land use assumptions to be used in the determination and adoption of impact fees. Following discussion on this item, Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved that Resolution 050890.1 be approved. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 12. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of a replat for Meadows Addition, Section 2, Block J, Lots 1 and 2, and Block B, Lot 18, located at the northwest and southwest corner of Meadow Run and Woodmoor Drive, at the request of Meadowglen Properties. Director of Planning and Community Services Gary Sieb made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Sieb stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended approval of this replat with the condition that the City add the restrictions of the original platting requirements to include typical lot sizes of 8,415 square feet, that a minimum dwelling unit size of 1,750 square feet, that lots 18R and 19R be limited to one story and that a 6 foot high alley fence or a one and a half story and an 8 foot high alley fence if foundation on lots 18R and 19R are no more than two feet above the curb lines be allowed. Mayor Wolfe declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who wish to speak in favor of the proposed replat; there were none. He then asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed replat; again, there were none. The public hearing was declared closed. Following a lengthy discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved that the replat be denied. Councilmen Thomas seconded the motion; motion for denial carried 5-2 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Cowman and Nelson voting in favor of the motion and Councilmen Weaver and Robertson voting against the motion. Later in the agenda, this item was returned for Council consideration. Councilman Morton moved that the Council's motion on Item 12 be reconsidered. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilman Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Following further discussion, Councilman Morton moved that the Council approve the replat of Meadows Addition, Section 2, Block J, Lots 1 and 2, and Block B, Lot 18, located at the northwest and southwest corner of Meadow Run and Woodmoor Drive but only Lots 18R and 19R are limited to a one-story dwelling ~}y. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried 5-2 with Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilman Cowman voting against the motion. Item 13. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of a replat for Meadows Addition, Section 3, Block J, Lots 3-7, located at the intersection of Meadow Run Drive and Lockhaven Lane, at the request of Meadowglen Properties. Director of Planning & Community Services, Gary Sieb, made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Sieb stated that this replat is a development of five lots on 1.115 acres of land which were previously provided in PD-105. Staff has no objection to the replat. Mayor Wolf declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who wished Page 5 of 12 0O0083 to speak against the proposed replat. Those persons speaking were Mr. James Zukauckas, 724 Parkway Blvd. Mr. Zukauckas indicated he had a question rather than opposition concerning the all brick masonry requirements on the houses. Mr. Sieb stated that this item had been previously discussed and had been resolved. Mayor Wolfe then asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed replat; there were none. The public hearing was declared closed. Following discussion by the Council, Councilman Robertson moved that the replat be approved as submitted. Councilman Thomas seconded; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 14. Consider approval of a preliminary plat for Villages of Coppell, Phase III, located south of DeForest Road and east of Allen Road, at the request of Don Tipton Engineering. Director of Planning & Community Services Gary Sieb made the presentation to the Council. The Planning & Zoning Commission has recommended unanimous approval of this plat with the condition that the developer provide appropriate screening and barrier between the alley easement and Deforest Road on the north side of the property. As determined appropriate by the city staff, showing alleys as depicted on the plat and minimum streets center line radius shown on the plat. The plat does contain two conditions which are 1) allow alleys to be placed as indicated on the plat 2) permit minimum street center line radius to be less than 425 feet to allow for the placement of Brentwood Drive. 3) appropriate screening and barrier between the alley easement and DeForest Road on the north side of the property, and 4) provision of an access easement on Lot 1 at the southeast intersection of Brentwood Drive and Allen Road. Mr. H. H. McGinnis who has property adjoining this development on the north side of Deforest Road was present to discuss drainage problems in his area with the Council. Mr. McGinnis stated that he felt this development would cause additional drainage problems on his property. Mr. Sieb indicated to the Council that all drainage items would be addressed prior to the final plat being brought forward to Council. Mr. Pat Atkins with Don Tipton Engineering, representing the applicant, was present and stated to the Council that it was the intent of the developer and the design of the plat to drain all areas in this development to the east. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved that the preliminary plat be approved subject to all drainage problems being remedied and that Mr. H. H. McGinnis be consulted and informed of any drainage issues. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 15. Consider approval of a preliminary plat for Villages of Coppell, phase IV, located at the southwest corner of DeForest Road and Allen Road, at the request of Don Tipton Engineers. Director of Planning & Community Services Gary Sieb made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Sieb stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary plat with approval of a minimum street center line radius less than 425 feet and, with the condition that the alley be added on Block A, between lots 3 & 14. Additional conditions being requested are 1) that the alley be required only where indicated on the plat; 2) minimum street radius to be less that 425 feet where as these Coppell subdivisions require a minimum distance of 425 feet, and; 3) appropriate screening and barrier be placed between the alley and DeForest Road. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Robertson moved that the preliminary plat be approved with the three conditions as indicated subject to all drainage being worked out prior to the final plat being presented back before Council. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Page 6 of 12 OO0084 Item 16. Consider approval of a final plat for Pecan Hollow Addition, located approximately 550' south of the southwest corner of Parkway Boulevard and Lodge Road, at the request of Gateway U.S.A. Director of Planning & Community Services, Gary Sieb, made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Sieb stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission has recommended approval of this final plat with seven conditions. Those conditions are as follows: 1. A homeowners association be required to maintain the common areas and the drainage area; 2. That a letter of permission and working out of the common drainage problems be obtained from ABQ Development Company, with the approval of the City's Engineering staff; if the letter cannot be procured, that drainage problems be resolved with approval of the City's Engineering staff; 3. That a note be placed on the plat that front entry houses will be built on property where no alleys are provided; 4. Less than four foot encasement sanitary sewers be allowed on Lots B - 1, 2 and 3; 5. That Beechwood Lane be curved to fit with the development of ABQ Development's property; 6. That Pecan Hollow Addition be able to modify Lots C - 1, and B - 1 through 5, between now and the time it is brought before the City Council to fit in with that configuration; 7. That the minimum curve radius of 425 feet be waived, and the computed centerline curve radius shall be allowed. Also present to discuss this item with the Council was Mr. Jerry Parche representing ABQ Development, and Mr. Cameron representing Gateway USA. Discussion was also held concerning a drainage easement that is needed to adequately drain this property. It would be required on Lots C - 1 through C-lO. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton ~_~ moved that the final plat be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. A homeowners association be required to maintain the common areas and the drainage area; 2. That a letter of permission and working out of the common drainage problems be obtained from ABQ Development Company, with the approval of the City's Engineering staff; if the letter cannot be procured, that drainage problems be resolved with approval of the City's Engineering staff; 3. That a note be placed on the plat that front entry houses will be built on property where no alleys are provided; 4. Less than four foot encasement sanitary sewers be allowed on Lots B - 1, 2 and 3; 5. That Beechwood Lane be curved to fit with the development of ABQ Development's property; 6. That Pecan Hollow Addition be able to modify Lots C - 1, and B - 1 through five, between now and the time it is brought before the City Council to fit in that configuration; 7. That the minimum curve radius of 425 feet be waived, and the computed centerline curve radius shall be allowed. 8. To dedicate a 15 ft. easement on Lots C - 1 through 10 to be shown on the final plat. Councilman Robertson seconded motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 17. Consider approval of a final plat for Northlake Woodlands East #12 Addition, located at the northwest corner of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad and Mockingbird Lane, at the request of Don Tipton Engineering. Director of Planning & Community Services, Gary Sieb, made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Sieb stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval by a unanimous vote. The Page 7 of 12 :600085 applicant is requesting the following conditions: 1) deletion of alleys on Lots 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9; 2) allow lot one frontage on Mockingbird Lane; 3) waiver of center line radius on Crestview Court to 75 feet. The comprehensive subdivision ordinance requires a minimum distance of 425 feet. Mr. Sieb indicated to the Council that this plat had been previously approved by the Council; however, applicant did not get it filed within the time frame as required. Therefore, it is required to be brought back before Council for approval. Following discussion on this item, Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved that the final plat be approved as presented with the following conditions: 1. Deletion of alleys on Lots 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9; 2. Allow Lot 1 frontage on Mockingbird Lane; 3. Waiver of centerline radius on Crestview Court to 75 feet (Comprehensive Subdivision Ordinance requires a minimum distance of 425 feet). Councilman Morton seconded; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 18. Consider approval of a final plat for Lake Park Addition, located along the west side of MacArthur Boulevard, north of Deforest Road, and south of Denton Creek, at the request of Dan Dowdey and Associates. Director of Planning & Community Services, Gary $ieb, made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Sieb indicated that the Planning & Zoning Commission has recommended unanimous approval of this final plat with the following six conditions: 1. That a left turn lane be provided on Lake Park Drive at the intersection of MacArthur; and 2. That a combination masonry and wrought iron screening wall adjacent to this property on MacArthur be provided by the developer; 3. Minimum street centerline radius to be less than 425 feet; 4. Allow Circle Cove Drive intersection with MacArthur Boulevard alignment; 5. Exemption to the current Floodplain Management Ordinance; a~ 6. Allow curved sanitary sewers. Mr. Glen Hinckley, applicant, was also present to discuss this item with the Council. Mr. Hinckley stated that he would agree to one- story homes on this development on Lots 1 through 11. Discussion was held concerning the possibility of flooding on the mud lift station, and was informed by the applicant that the developer is incorporating a storm drainage system on MacArthur to take care of drainage for this mud lift station. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Robertson moved that the final plat be approved with the following seven conditions: 1. That a left turn lane be provided on Lake Park Drive at the intersection of MacArthur; and 2. That a combination masonry and wrought iron screening wall adjacent to this property on MacArthur be provided by the developer; 3. Minimum street centerline radius to be less than 425 feet; 4. Allow Circle Cove Drive intersection with MacArthur Boulevard alignment; 5. Exemption to the current Floodplain Management Ordinance; 6. Allow curved sanitary sewers; and 7. Lots 1-11 will be single story homes. Mayor Pro Tem $mothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Page 8 of 12 Item 19. A. Remove from the table the consideration of Drainage Improvement Options proposed by the Connell Development Co., along the west side of Connell Skaggs Addition (Woodside Village) from Sandy Lake Road to the southeast corner of Coppell High School where existing culvert ends. Councilman Morton moved that this item be removed from the table for Council consideration. Councilman Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilman Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. B. Consideration of Drainage Improvement Options proposed by the Connell Development Co., along the west side of Connell Skaggs Addition (Woodside Village) from Sandy Lake Road to the southeast corner of Coppell High School where existing culvert ends. Street Superintendent, Per Birdsall, was present to discuss this item with the Council. In addition, Councilman Ron Robertson had provided information for Council consideration and Mr. Jim Coch, of Connell Development, was present to speak with the Council. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Robertson moved that the drainage improvements along the west side of Connell Skaggs addition from Sandy Lake Road to the southeast corner of Coppell High School be approved and a bid awarded to Dallas Concrete in the amount of $332,000 plus engineering inspections and testing, and that staff pursue obtaining easements from the adjoining property owners of Hinckley and Booreham to decrease the overall bid total. The construction will employ the air form box. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 20. Presentation of a Policy for Special Consideration Claims and Right-of-Way Acquisitions. Deputy City Manager/Finance Director Frank Trando made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Trando informed the Council this procedure or policy is the one that was requested by Council to govern special considerations that may come up during right-of-way acquisitions. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Nelson moved that the policy for special claims and right-of-way acquisitions be approved as recommended by the Deputy City Manager. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 21. Discussion concerning banners for the Fourth of July Parade. Park Superintendent Richard Diano made the presentation to the Council. The approximate cost for the purchase of these banners is $1,560.00. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Nelson moved that the city purchase twelve banners to be installed on light polls, subject to T.U. approval, on Denton Tap Road from Parkway Boulevard to Beltline east/west to be used during the 4th of July celebration. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 22. Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Coppell, Texas, endorsing and supporting the nomination of Councilman Tom Morton as Director on the Executive Board of Governments. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Thomas moved to approve Resolution 050890.2 that Councilman Tom Morton be endorsed and nominated as a director on the Executive Board for the North Central Texas Council of Governments. Councilman Nelson seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Page 9 of 12 00002? Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Councilman Morton abstained from voting, however, as per section 3.11 B of the City of Coppell Home Rule Charter. Councilman Morton's abstention is reflected as an affirmative vote. Item 23. Review and discussion of signs at Woodside Village. Mayor Wolfe provided Council and citizens with a background on this item. Fire Chief Wes Kilcrease was present to discuss this item with the Council and informed the Council that when Staff measured the signs, some signs were over the width and were larger than what the permit indicated. Letters were sent to the sign companies providing them with the process to follow to come into compliance or to request a waiver from City Council. Mayor Wolfe indicated that in his opinion Council intended for this information purposes, however Staff is required to follow the letter of the law. Council has the option of deciding whether to grant the variances, waive the fees or require variances to be approved. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Robertson moved that variances be granted to the six firms of Family Medicine, Chiropractor, Mother May I, Comet Cleaners, All State and Veterinarian Hospital that the fees on all of these variances be waived and that the Subway shop which was previously granted a variance be required to reapply for the excess size on its sign Councilman Nelson seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 24. Discussion regarding the City building currently used by the Senior Citizen's group. Councilman Morton was not present during discussion or vote on this item. Chief Building Official Dale Jackson made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Jackson indicated to the Council that two conditions have been brought to the City's attention. One concerns the lack of available parking at the Senior Citizen's Center and the second concern was the condition of the building. A crack exists between where two buildings were put together and rain water is coming in under the building during heavy rains. The repairs are not structural in nature but aesthetic. An approximate cost of $20,000 to $25,000 would be required to perform all repairs anticipated. Mrs. Martha Jo Cosby, President of the Senior citizen's Association, was also present to discuss this item with the Council. Mrs. Cosby said that she felt that the senior citizens could help with some of the expense, but felt that parking was the major concern, on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month and presents the biggest problem. Following discussion by the Council, Councilman Nelson moved that the City authorize up to $4,000 for drainage improvements for vapor barrier and regrading around the Senior Citizens Center and Fire Station if needed, and that a temporary sign be placed at the Senior citizens building to indicate "no parking" other than senior citizens when this building is in use on the second and fourth Wednesday mornings. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 25. Scheduling and calling a joint meeting of the School Board and the City Council. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Robertson moved that the joint City Council/School Board meeting be held on Thursday, May 24, 1990. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 26. Authorization of expenditure for survey required for Kaye Street Drainage Study the estimated cost of which is $2,000. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morto~ move~at the City approve an expenditure of up to $2,000 for a dr~inage~y to Pa~ 10 of 12 correct drainage problems on Kaye Street. Councilman Nelson seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Consent Aqe~da Item 27. A. Consider approval of an ordinance establishing action to be taken in regard to conflicts of interest arising out of Section 11.06 of the Home Rule Charter and authorizing the Mayor to sign. B. Discussion, consideration and approval of a request from John Koonce to allow the address of his home to be changed from 666 Hood Drive to 668 Hood Drive. C. Consideration of a resolution approving the terms and conditions of an interlocal agreement between the City of Coppell and the City of Plano to purchase ladder testing services and authorizing the Mayor to sign. D. Consider a motion directing the City Secretary to file a "Notice of Street Assessment" with the County Clerk of Dallas County, Texas, in connection with the two street assessment projects on Denton Tap from Beltline Road to Sandy Lake Road and Denton Tap Road from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek. E. Consideration of approval of a resolution granting the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District to enter into negotiations for the purpose of purchasing and/or leasing office facilities for use of district offices. F. Consider approval of a resolution suspending the operation of proposed rate schedules filed by Texas- New Mexico Power Company for a period of ninety (90) days and authorizing the Mayor to sign. G. Consideration of ratifying the action taken by the City Council on April 24, 1990 as a consensus to donate $100 to the Historical Committee to be used for Founders Day Celebration. H. Consideration to direct staff and First Southwest Company to investigate items concerning Riverchase. Item 27A and 27H were withdrawn for individual consideration by the Council. Following discussion on Item 27A, Councilman Morton moved that Ordinance 90474 be approved with wording being added that all contractors or employers be required to sign a statement up front that to the best of their knowledge they do not have a conflict of interest in working for the City and that they fully understand the conflict of interest requirements of the City of Coppell's ordinance. Councilman Nelson seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Then Councilman Morton moved that Items 27B, C, D, E, F and G be approved with Item 27C carrying Resolution 050890.3, Item 27E carrying Resolution 050890.4 and Item 27F carrying Resolution 050890.5. Councilman Nelson seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. EXECUTIVE SESSION ~Closed to the ES-1 A. Article 6252-17, Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83, discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communications between attorney and client. 1. Coppell/Grapevine Boundary dispute Page 11 of 12 000089 2. Johnny Thompson annexation question 3. Kaye Street Drainage B. Article 6252-17, Section 2(f), discussion with respect to the purchase, exchange, lease of real property and City liability 1. Status report on Library site Acquisition C. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g), discussion concerning personnel- City Manager Council convened into Executive Session at 10:16 p.m. on Tuesday, May 8, 1990 as allowed under the above stated articles. Mayor Wolfe adjourned the Executive Session at 11:55 p.m. on Tuesday, May 8, 1990 and opened the public session. REGULAR SESSION ~ODen to the Public] Following discussion on Item 27H, Councilman Nelson moved that the MUD Absorption Committee review the Riverchase proposal. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion; motion failed 3-4 with Councilmen Weaver, Thomas and Nelson voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Morton, Cowman and Robertson voting against the motion. Following further discussion by the Council, Councilman Morton moved that the City authorize an outside study with no City funds being expended a~ a minimum of City Staff time being expended to consider the absorption of certain overlapping taxing jurisdictions. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion; motion carried 4-3 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon, Councilmen Morton, Cowman and Robertson voting in favor of the motion and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas and Nelson voting against the motion. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned. Mark Wolfe, ~yor ATTEST: Dorothy TigonS, City Secretary Page 12 of 12