CM 1990-05-22 Minutes May 22, 1990 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular called session on Tuesday, May 22, 1990 at 6:30 p.m. for Executive Session and 7:00 p.m. for open session in the Council Chambers of Town Center 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were present: Mark Wolfe, Mayor Bill Smothermon, Mayor Pro Tem Peyton Weaver, Councilman David Thomas, Councilman Tom Morton, Councilman Jim Cowman, Councilman Ron Robertson, Councilman John A. Nelson, Councilman Also present were City Manager Alan D. Ratliff, City Secretary Dorothy Timmons and City Attorney Lawrence W. Jackson. Mayor Wolfe called the meeting to order at 6:29 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) ES-1 A. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) and Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83, discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communications between attorney and client. i Coppell/Grapevine boundary dispute 2 Johnny Thompson annexation question 3 Kaye Street Drainage 4 Mr. Bar-B-Q 5 Lomas & Nettleton Agreement 6 Huel Weaver Lawsuit B. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f), discussion with respect to the purchase, exchange, lease of real property and City liability 1. Status report on Library Site Acquisition C. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g), discussion concerning personnel 1. City Manager 2. Mayoral appointments to City Council standing and liaison committees and responsibilities 3. Board and Commission Appointments a. Planning and Zoning b. Building and Standards Commission c. Code Advisory Appeals Board 4. Woman of the Year The Council convened in Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, 1990 under the above stated article. Mayor Wolfe adjourned the Executive Session at 7:01 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, 1990 and opened the public session. ~ (Open to the Public) Item 3 Consideration of approval of Minutes: May 8, 1990 Following discussion concerning clarification on Item 12 (replat for Meadows Addition), Councilman Robertson moved that the minutes be approved as submitted with the clarification on Item 12 that only Lots 18R and 19R were required to be one-story dwellings. Councilman Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Bill Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Page 1 of 8 000095 Item 4 Citizens Appearances Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon spoke as a citizen representing Lee Ann McLaughlin, the City's Red Cross Representative. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon had recently attended a meeting on behalf of the City and received various recognition awards. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon presented the City Manager with a divining rod for his use in determining exactly what the Council desired and a crystal ball to Mayor Wolfe so that he would be able to predict the future. Item 5 Appointment and designation of Coppell's 1990 Woman of the Year. Prior to consideration of this item, Mayor Wolfe stated that numerous applications had been received both on this item and on the following three Boards or Commission appointments. All applicants were well qualified, however, only a limited number could be appointed. Applicants for Boards and Commissions, who were not selected, were encouraged to reapply at future dates. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Robertson moved that Linda Carter be selected as the city of Coppell's Woman of the Year. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Bill Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 6 Appointment and swearing in of a Civil Engineer to the Building and Standards Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of board member Jimmy Hensel. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved that Jim Kurtz be appointed as the Civil Engineer to fill the vacancy on the Building and Standards Commission. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Bill Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 7 Appointment and swearing in of a civil Engineer to the Code Advisory and Appeals Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of board member Jimmy Hensel. Following discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved that Jim Kurtz be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Code Advisory and Appeals Board. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 7- 0 with Mayor Pro Tem Bill Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Mayor Wolfe then asked Mr. Kurtz to come forward and Mr. Kurtz was sworn in on the two separate boards. Item 8 Recommendation and appointment of two new members to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill vacancies created by one resignation and one Council election. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Thomas moved that Charles Cotten be appointed to fill the vacancy that will expire in October, 1990 and Lanny Mayo be appointed to fill the vacancy that will expire in October, 1991. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Bill Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. These two applicants will be sworn in at a later date. Item 9 Presentation and explanation of the 1990 Coppell Noise Monitoring Study and status report regarding D/FW Airport expansion plans, by Jeffrey P. Fegan, Director of Planning and Programming, D/FW Airport. Mayor Wolfe announced that this item had been withdrawn and would be considered at the June 12, 1990 City Counci~ meeting. Page 2 of 8 Item 10 Approval of a Park Board recommendation accepting the donation from the Coppell Rotary Club of a picnic pavilion to be located at Andrew Brown Park in the amount of $13,300.00. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved that the City accept $13,300.00 donation for the construction of a picnic pavilion at Andrew Brown Park. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Bill Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 11 Presentation and consideration of a request from Mr. Bart Stafford, representing the Lakes of Coppell Homeowner's Association, concerning the following two items: A. The availability of cable television in the Lakes of Coppell area B. A compromise with the City on maintenance of the medians on MacArthur north of Sandy Lake Road Mayor Wolfe recognized Mr. Bart Stafford of 752 Ashford Drive and Ms. Barbara George of 593 Lake Forest Drive. Ms. George and Mr. Stafford presented a request to the Council concerning the availability of cable television in their area, a compromise of maintenance of medians, electricity to both sides of the bridge located in the Lakes of Coppell area and assistance for payment of water bills for the Association. Mayor Wolfe provided information to the Homeowners Association in the form of a letter from Paragon Cable Television that service would be available to this area during the first or second week of July. Following discussion on this item, Mayor Wolfe informed Mr. Stafford and Ms. George, as well as other residents present, that Council would take a close look at these requests during next years' budget presentation. City Attorney Larry Jackson cautioned the Council as to possible legal problems in providing some of the requested services. No action was required on this item at this time. Item 12 Consideration and denial of an Ordinance approving increased rate schedules to be charged by Texas Utilities Electric Company. This item was withdrawn from the agenda as it was considered the previous evening at a special called City Council meeting. Item 13 Consideration of approval of a variance from Section 10- 5-3 B 1 of the City's Sign Ordinance which concerns the maximum size for attached signs. The request is made by Mr. Peter Balis for the Custom Cleaners, Inc., located at 820 S. MacArthur #104 Chief Building Official Dale Jackson and applicant Peter Balis were present to discuss this item with the Council. Mr. Jackson informed the Council that the requested sign variance exceeds the requirements by 27 square feet. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Nelson moved that the variance be denied. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Bill Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 14 Consideration of a request from Don Beverlin, President of Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church, located at 140 Heartz Road, to waive the landscape escrow requirement as required by Section 33.3 1 of the City's Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Beverlin is requesting the City waive the escrow requirement for a period of 60 days. Chief Building Official Dale Jackson was present to present this item to the Council. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved that the escrow fee be waived for a period of 60 days. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Page 3 of 8 0,}097 Mayor Pro Tem Bill Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 15 Consideration of approval of a resolution for annexation of property into the City of Coppell Utility District (M.U.D.) requested by Centex Realty Corp. on property located on the southeast corner of Thweatt Road and State Road. Deputy City Manager/Finance Director Frank Trando and Mr. Steve Stolte representing Centex Realty Corporation were present to discuss this item with the Council. Prior to a vote on this item, Councilman Cowman had to leave the meeting. Following discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved that Resolution 052290.1 be approved with the condition being included that annexation into the MUD is contingent upon no rebate fees being approved. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 5-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion and Councilman Weaver voting against the motion. Item 16 Consideration of approval of a request from Norman Wilkins, Mr. BBQ Express, to direct that charges pending against him in Dallas County Court of Appeal #1 be dropped. This item was withdrawn at the request of the applicant. Item 17 Consideration and approval of staff request for authorization to utilize City equipment in Fourth of July Parade and sponsor decorations. Following discussion, Councilman Morton moved that City staff be authorized to utilize City equipment for the Fourth of July Parade and funds be approved in the amount of $87.50 from Account #01- 10-00-0424 to provide materials for the float. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Bill Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 18 Consideration of "Animal Control Mutual Aid" with other cities adjacent to Coppell to enhance service in emergency situations. Environmental Health Officer Linda Varonich was present to discuss this item with the Council. Ms. Varonich stated that with only one full-time animal control officer, meeting the City's expectations of service is difficult to deliver, especially after hours and on weekends. By endorsing a mutual aid agreement specific to animal control improvements, this level of service can be realized. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved that the mutual aid agreement between the Cities of Coppell, Flower Mound and Highland Village be approved and the City Manager authorized to execute. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Bill Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 19 Consider approval of an ordinance designating a Records Manager for the City of Coppell, defining City Records, declaring City records as public property, designating duties and responsibilities of the Records Manager and Department Directors for the purpose of developing a Records Management Program and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved that Ordinance 90475 designating City Secretary Dorothy Timmons as Records Manager be approved. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Page 4 of 8 000098 Item 20 Presentation by Ginn, Inc., Consulting Engineer, regarding the status of the Village Parkway Storage Tank and Pumping Facility requested by Councilman Nelson. Consulting Engineer Wayne Ginn was present to discuss this item with the Council. Mr. Ginn stated that the flushing of the lines to the storage tank and pumping facility will begin within the next few days with total completion of the project anticipated within the next four weeks. No action was required on this item. Item 21 Consideration of approval of an Ordinance changing the speed limit on Denton Tap Road, from Beltline Road to Denton Creek, to 40 miles per hour and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consulting Engineer Wayne Ginn made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Ginn informed the Council that the study performed by Barton Aschman, Associates, Incorporated, recommended that the speed limit not be lowered. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved that this ordinance be denied. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Bill Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting to deny the motion. Item 22 Presentation by Mayor Wolfe of draft by Regional Transportation Council for transportation needs by 2010. Mayor Wolfe has been appointed to the Regional Transportation Committee. This Committee is made up of all the cities in the Metroplex. The goal of this Committee is to prepare a twenty-year Mobility Study. This study involves many roads across the Metroplex. The funding for this project will be approximately $19.7 billion. The public hearing for this study will be held on Thursday, June 14, 1990 at 9:30 a.m. at the Council of Governments office in Arlington. No action was required. Item 23 Mayor's Report The following items were reported on during the Mayor's report: Mayor Wolfe provided Council with the following information: A. Maria Wagner, a reporter with the Metrocrest News, will be leaving this new media. Tonight will be her last night to cover Coppell City Council meetings. B. The roast for former Mayor Pro Tem Dean Wilkerson will be held on June 28, 1990 at St. Ann's Catholic Church at 7:00 p.m. A steering committee has been formed to pull this roast together. C. The annual Mayor and Council seminar sponsored by the Texas Municipal League will be held in Lubbock from June 29 to July 1. New council members as well as ones who may have not attended previously were encouraged to look at attending this meeting. D. June 5 has previously been scheduled as a special meeting for Council to continue prioritizing bond items. However, not all members will be able to be present at this meeting. Council members were requested to check their schedules for June with a date for a June meeting being determined at the joint City Council/School Board meeting to be held on May 24, 1990. E. A total of nine citizens have contacted the Mayor requesting to be placed on the task force for the recycling program which will be discussed at the joint City Council/School Board meeting. Page 5 of 8 000099 F. A letter from Lanny Mayo, Chairman of the Board of Adjustments, has been forwarded to the Council through the Mayor requesting the Council's intent on the zoning ordinance concerning side yard minimum distances required when a garage is parallel to an alley. City Attorney Larry Jackson, then informed Council that the proper authority for interpreting the ordinance was the Board of Adjustments rather than the Council. G. The Historic District Committee has been made aware of the possibility of purchasing a caboose which could possibly be "% donated to the City. Councilman Nelson and Thomas will attend a meeting of the Historic Committee next week and will bring information back to the Council on the pros and cons of accepting such a donation. Councilman Morton reported on the following items: H. He forwarded information on OSHA standards to the City Manager. These standards and training would be required for people within the city working in hazardous or toxic situations. I. He informed the Council that the office on Aging serviced seventeen individuals during the month of April. J. The Metrocrest Youth and Family Service has begun a First Offender program in Coppell. Approximately four youths are participating in the program at this time. K. The Resource Conservation Council (RCC) of the North Central Texas Council of Governments has provided information concerning recycling, and computerized mapping that is available for City use. L. Councilman Thomas stated that he would like to express appreciation to the Rotary Club for the donation of funds for the construction of the pavilion in Brown Park. Item 24 City Council Liaison Reports A. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE - There was no report at this time. B. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - There was no report at this time. C. COPPELL HISTORIC DISTRICT - There was no report at this time. D. DALLAS CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT - Councilman Nelson informed the Council preliminary appraisal figures had been sent to all County/Cities with the 1990 figures for most cities being slightly under those of 1989; however, Coppell's figures should be a break even amount. E. FINAMCE COMMITTEE - There was no report at this time. F. LIBRARY BOARD - There was no report at this time. G. MUD ABSORPTION COMMITTEE - There was no report at this time. H. NCTCOG - There was no report at this time. I. PARK BOARD - There was no report at this time. J. SCHOOL BOARD - Councilman Robertson informed the Council that a pre-agenda meeting had been held with the school and City Council liaisons along with the city Manager and superintendent to discuss the joint City Council/School Board meeting to be held on Thursday, May 24, 1990. Page 6 of 8 (,00100 K. TRANSPORTATION STUDY COMMITTEE - There was no report at this time. L. METROCREST RED RIBBON COMMITTEE - There was no report at this time. Item 25 Discussion and consideration of Mayoral appointments to City Council standing committees and liaison responsibilities. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved that the City Council Standing Committee and liaison members be appointed as submitted by the Mayor Wolfe. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Bill Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 26 Consideration and appointment of a council member designated to serve as liaison between the Office on Aging and the City of Coppell. Mayor Wolfe informed the Council that he would like to recommend Councilman Morton to be appointed as the City's liaison between the Office on Aging and the City of Coppell. Councilman Robertson then moved that Councilman Tom Morton be appointed as the liaison as recommended by the Mayor. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 27 A. Rejection of bid for building materials for concession stand/washroom facility at Andrew Brown Park. B. To consider an ordinance for Case #S-1045 to change the zoning designation from (C) Commercial, to (C.S.U.P.) Commercial Special Use Permit, on a parcel of land located at 110 W. Sandy Lake Road, Suite 106, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. C. To consider an ordinance for Case #S-1047, to change the zoning designation from (LI) Light Industrial, to (L.I.S.U.P.) Light Industrial Special Use Permit, on a parcel of land located at 820 S. MacArthur, Suite 112, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. D. To consider an ordinance for Case #ZC-526, to change the zoning designation from (A) Agricultural, to (C,HC,LI & MF-2) Commercial, Highway Commercial, Light Industrial and Multi-Family-2 on a parcel of land located at the northeast and southeast corner of Denton Tap Road and Spur 533, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. E. To consider an ordinance for Case #PD-109, to change the zoning designation from (LI) Light Industrial, to (PD-SF-9) Planned Development Single-Family-9, on a parcel of land located at the southeast corner of Thweatt Road and State Road, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. F. To consider an ordinance for Case #S-1013A, to change the zoning designation from (C) Commercial, to (C.S.U.P.) Commercial Special Use Permit, on a parcel of land located at the northwest corner of Sandy Lake Road and Denton Tap Road, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. G. Consider approval of an ordinance formally adopting the Mid-Year Budget and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Page 7 of 8 000101 H. Consider adoption of a resolution in support of federal legislation to allow local regulation of cable television. I. Consider adoption of a resolution in support of federal legislation to allow local regulation of cable television. Director of Planning & Community Services, Gary Sieb, requested that Item 27E be withdrawn. Councilman Morton then moved that the Consent Agenda with the exception of Item E be approved with Item B, C, D, & F carrying Ordinance numbers 297-A-73, 297-A-74, 297- A-75 & 297-A-76 respectively , with Item G carrying Ordinance #90476, with Item H carrying Ordinance #90477 and Item I carrying Resolution #052290.2. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) ES-1 A. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) and Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83, discussion with city Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communications between attorney and client. 1. Coppell/Grapevine boundary dispute 2. Johnny Thompson annexation question 3. Kaye Street Drainage 4. Mr. Bar-B-Q 5. Lomas & Nettleton Agreement 6. Huel Weaver Lawsuit B. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f), discussion with respect to the purchase, exchange, lease of real property and City liability 1. Status report on Library Site Acquisition C. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g), discussion concerning personnel 1. City Manager 2. Mayoral appointments to city Council standing and liaison committees and responsibilities 3. Board and Commission Appointments a. Planning and Zoning b. Building and Standards Commission c. Code Advisory Appeals Board 4. Woman of the Year Council convened back into Executive Session at 8:52 p.m., Tuesday, May 22, 1990 as allowed under the above stated article. Mayor Wolfe adjourned the Executive Session and opened the public session at 9:25 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, 1990. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned. Mark Wolfe, MaWr ATTEST: D~etary Page 8 of 8