CM 1990-05-24 Minutes May 24, 1990
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in special called session
on Thursday, May 24, 1990 at 7:00 pm at the Coppell Intermediate
School, 400 Mockingbird Lane, City of Coppell, Texas. The meeting was
a joint meeting with the Coppell School Board. The following members
were present:
Mark Wolfe, Mayor
Bill Smothermon, Mayor Pro Tem
Peyton Weaver, Councilman
David Thomas, Councilman
Tom Morton, Councilman
Jim Cowman, Councilman
Ron Robertson, Councilman
John A. Nelson, Councilman
Also present were City Manager Alan D. Ratliff, City Secretary Dorothy
Timmons, various department directors and staff representatives, School
Board members, and various School staff representatives.
Item 1 Recycling Program
Mayor Wolfe provided Council and Board members with information
concerning recycling programs. Several citizens, who are interested
in serving on a recycling task force, have been in contact with the
Mayor to express their desire to see a recycling program established
in Coppell. Mayor Wolfe requested that any School Board members that
may be aware of citizens interested in serving in this capacity to let
him know. He then introduced representatives from Texas Waste
Management, Inc. who presented a video and information concerning a
recycling program for the City. No action was taken on this item.
Item 2 Austin Elementary School - Petition on Traffic
Mayor Wolfe informed the School Board that the City Council had
received a petition from the Austin Elementary and the Coppell
Intermediate PTO'S concerning traffic conditions at the Austin
Elementary School on Moore Road. Also discussed at this time was
traffic control at the intersection of Moore and Bethel School Road
which is south of the school zone area. The possibility of using a
crossing guard at this intersection was discussed. It was stated that
the fence at the northwest corner of this intersection has not yet been
moved to improve site visibility. Staff was requested to check into
the cost of the City moving this fence. Mr. Buddy Echols, Coppell ISD
Superintendent, provided a report to the Council and School Board. He
stated that the school is looking into alternatives to improve traffic
congestion at the Austin Elementary site beginning next fall. The
school will utilize a bus loop as a parent drop site and monitor its'
use to see if it improves the traffic situation.
Item 3 Consolidated Voter Location
School Board President Judi Baggett informed the Council that the
School Board decided not to move the voter location for the recently
held May election on advice of their legal counsel due to the short
time frame for obtaining Justice Department pre-clearance. However, the
Board is under the distinct impression that the voter location will be
moved for the upcoming year. A request was made of the School Board
for the City to conduct absentee voting for any regular or special
elections. City Secretary Dorothy Timmons stated that the relocation
of the voting site for school district elections was encouraged by the
City and that conducting absentee voting only for both the general and
any special elections could be provided by City Secretary Staff as long
as the same reimbursement arrangements for clerical support were
carried forward in the future. School Board indicated that they would
be agreeable to the same reimbursement arrangements as in previous
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Item 4 Summer Youth Program
Councilman Ron Robertson presented this item to the Council. It is
anticipated this program will begin the first of July at the
Intermediate School on Mockingbird Lane. Three coaches and three
people from the school system are anticipated to be employed to assist
in this program which will eventually be a full-time summer recreation
program. The City has allocated $12,000 at Mid-Year Budget for
expenditures of this program. Board member Mike Clements stated that
he felt that the partial summer program was a good start to a summer
recreational program and felt that the newly budgeted Parks Director
would help in developing this program. Formal approval for the use of
school facilities will be considered at a later School Board meeting.
Item 5 Tax Abatement
Judi Baggett informed the Council of the school liaison members for
tax abatement and City Council. Ms. Deena Reeve is the school
appointment for the Tax Abatement Study Committee with Mike Clements
and Paula Levelle being School Board liaisons to the city Council.
Item 6 Policy of Charging Non Resident Tuition Fees
Mayor Wolfe informed the School Board of a request received by the City
concerning expressions of concern from the G.T.E. Relocation Center and
others who are moving to Coppell and who are being charged a monthly
fee for their children to enter and participate in the Coppell school
program. The City has received requests to assist and approach the
School district about the possibility of these people moving into
Coppell being allowed to attend the schools without paying the fee.
School Superintendent Buddy Echols provided Council with information
concerning the School's policy on fees charged for non-resident
students. Mr. Echols stated that the determining factor has been a
State law that students actually reside in the school district in which
they attend. A policy has now been developed that states that if proof
of residence can be shown, such as a contract on a home or a lease for
rental property, the school would allow the students to attend Coppell
schools with the payment of a tuition fee based upon a cost per pupil
amount that has been calculated to a daily basis. This fee is due and
payable at the beginning of each month and is prorated for any refund
due at such time as a family actually moves into the City. The reason
for such tuition is that, if fees were not collected, City residents
would be supporting non-residential students through their tax dollars.
Item 7 Baseball Fields
Councilman Ron Robertson and Sports Council President Dennis Kellum
made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Kellum stated that the
Sports Council is requesting assistance from the City and the School
in the funding and maintenance of the facilities. Participation in the
Children's Sports Associations have increased at such a rapid pace that
availability of playing fields, lighting, maintenance, and restroom
facilities are needed in greater quantities than what is available.
Item 8 School Zone Policy/Crossing Guard
Police officer Jerry Kelly made the presentation to the Council and
the School Board. Mr. Kelly stated that the policy distributed is a
school zone policy which is designed to provide uniform conformance for
traffic control devices for use in school zone areas. This proposed
policy is in the draft stage and will be completed at a later date.
Mayor Wolfe requested that, at such time as this policy is adopeted,
the school liaisons or the School Board consider a recommendation for
a school crossing guard at the Moore and Beltline Road intersections
as was discussed under Item 2.
Item 9 DARE/Red Ribbon Committee
Police Chief Neil McKinney and Police Officer Jerry Kelly made the
presentation to the City Council and the School Board. Chief McKinney
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stated that the Coppell ISD and the Coppell Police Department have
pledged a mutual commitment for the Drug Abuse Resistance Program
(DARE) to be implemented this fall school year. The DARE program will
be followed by the Metrocrest Red Ribbon campaign which will ~e held
in October. Councilman Cowman, Chief McKinney and Officer Kelly are
coordinators of this program. Following both of these programs will
be the MADD Red Ribbon campaign which will begin at Thanksgiving and
continue through the holidays.
Item 10 Wrangler Drive - Deteriorating Road Condition
Mayor Wolfe informed the School Board that funds were appropriated at
the recent Mid-Year Budget meetings for repair of Wrangler Drive.
Public Works Director Steve Goram indicated that a contract with Dallas
County for this repair would be forthcoming to the Council in June.
Item 11 General Discussion - future agenda items and meeting
Items submitted for possible future agenda consideration was a joint
school/city park to be built on adjoining properties, the possibility
of holding additional meetings throughout the year, a presentation by
the School Board President, Judi Baggett, on a series of studies on
apartments and their relationship to school children. School Board
Superintendent Buddy Echols also presented information to both the
Board and the Council on the impact of recent legislation involving
school funding.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting
was adjourned.
Mar~ Wolfe, M~
Dorothy T~mo~s, City Secretary
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