CM 1990-07-24 Minutes July 24, 1990
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular called
session on Tuesday, July 24, 1990 at 6:30 p.m. for Executive
Session and 7:00 p.m. for Open Session in the Council Chambers of
Town Center 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following
members were present:
Mark Wolfe, Mayor
Bill Smothermon, Mayor Pro Tem
Peyton Weaver, Councilman
David Thomas, Councilman
Tom Morton, Councilman
Jim Cowman, Councilman (late arrival)
Ron Robertson, Councilman
John A. Nelson, Councilman
Also present were City Manager Alan D. Ratliff, city Secretary
Dorothy Timmons and City Attorney Lawrence W. Jackson.
Mayor Wolfe called the meeting to order.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public)
ES-1 A. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) and Senate Concurrent
Resolution Number 83, discussion with City Attorney
concerning matter involving privileged communications
between attorney and client.
1. Coppell/Grapevine boundary dispute
2. Johnny Thompson annexation question
3. Kaye Street Drainage
4. Mr. Bar-B-Q
5. Lomas & Nettleton Agreement
6. Muel Weaver Lawsuit
7. Riverchase
8. Parks of Coppell Joint Venture contract
9. Lesley suit
B. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f), discussion with respect
to the purchase, exchange, lease of real property and
City liability
1. Status report on Library Site Acquisition
The City Council convened in Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. on
Tuesday, July 24, 1990 as allowed under the above stated articles.
Mayor Wolfe adjourned into Open Session at 7:00 p.m.
Councilman Cowman arrived during the Executive Session.
]~ (Open to the Public)
Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon gave the Invocation and Mayor Wolfe led
the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item 3 Consideration of Approval of Minutes: July 9, 1990
July 10, 1990
Mayor Pro Tem smothermon moved to approve the minutes as submitted.
Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton,
Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 4 citizens Appearances
Mayor Wolfe recognized the following citizens:
Mrs. Vanessa Chiapetto, 550 Village Green Drive, stated she was
representing the Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Association and
requested information on how to participate in the upcoming City
budget hearings as well as information from the Council on cable
availability in their neighborhood.
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Item 5 Discussion, consideration and approval of resolutions
supporting the following business establishments:
A. Gaspar's
B. American Gol~'C~U~s~(Riverchase)
Mayor Wolfe made introductory statements on this item and indicated
to persons present that prior to consideration of the two
resolutions, citizens input would be allowed. Since the objection
to the continuation of the liquor permit to Gibb's Station had been
worked out, a resolution in support of this restaurant was not
listed on tonight's agenda. Those citizens who had signed the ~-~
speaker registration list and spoke are as follows:
Mr. David Sampsall of 315 Aspen Way Drive, Mrs. Flo McFadden Stahly
of 703 Meadowlark, Dr. Bill Stearman of 504 S. Denton Tap Road,
Mrs. Vicki Hart of 432 Parkview Place, Mrs. Karen Pearsall of 856
Bitternut, Mr. Tom Macejko of 555 Ranch Trail, Irving, Mrs. Valerie
Hewett of 116 Mason Court, Mr. Randy Lockard of 760 Blue Jay,
Father Rob Smith of Parkview Lane, Mrs. Janell Strauch of 555
Ranch Trail, Irving, Mrs. Mary Brunsdon of 228 Glenwood, Mr. Ed
Sircy of 359 Harwell and Mrs. Debra Stantic of 425 Parkview Place.
All citizens speaking expressed support of the two restaurants in
the City and their desire to see the current private club ordinance
changed so as to be more liberal.
Following citizen participation on this item, Councilman Morton
read a resolution in support of Gaspar's Restaurant into the
record. Following this reading, Councilman Robertson moved that
resolution, No. 072490.1, be approved. Councilman Nelson seconded
the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and
Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson
voting in favor of the motion.
Councilman Morton presented a copy of the resolution to Mrs.
Stantic on behalf of the Council.
Councilman Weaver then read a resolution in support of the American --~
Golf Course in Riverchase into the record. Following discussion
on this item, Councilman Nelson moved that this resolution, No.
072490.2, be approved. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion;
motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen
Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in
favor of the motion. Councilman Weaver presented a copy of the
resolution to Mr. Jeff Johnson, representing the American Golf
Item 6 Discussion and consideration of appointing a committee
to review the City's Private Club Ordinance.
Mayor Wolfe presented this item to the Council. He stated that
this agenda item was before the Council to appoint a committee to
review the Private Club Ordinance, the regulation that deals
specifically with the restaurant liquor issue in our community.
Although a compromise was established on this issue in 1986 many
have felt the compromise was only temporary, because in reality the
Private Club Ordinance that is still in place today, was and is one
of the strictest ordinances in the Metroplex, and although it was
accepted by various groups then, our community has made tremendous
changes since that time. More than one out of every two citizens
in Coppell today did not live here four years ago, and many of
these new Coppellians have brought different perspectives with ~
them. There has been a growing tide for change. This Council has
received nearly 30 letters in the last week from citizens
requesting change, city Hall has received dozens of telephone
calls requesting change. We have heard from citizens in the
community and the message seems to be the same - it is time for a
change. With this in mind, the Council, by acting on this motion,
will create a committee to review our restaurant liquor issue. The
committee will consist of eight citizens each appointed by one
Councilman, two Planning and Zoning Commission members, and three
Councilmen. This group will look at at least three options.
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1) Recommend no change to the existing Private Club Ordinance. It
is to be noted that because of the strictness of our existing
ordinance, both City Council .approvals that we have hpd, mainly
Gibb's Station and Rivercha~e~"h~d~'~O be done with variances. A
recommendation for "no change" would result in the City's ability
to continue with this option of granting variances with approvals,
2) Recommend changes to our Private Club ordinance with probable
non-bonding referendum to the community. With this, we would still
have an ordinance of some sort for our community and 3) Recommend
repeal of our Private Club Ordinance, thereby operating under state
guidelines for dry cities with probable non-bonding referendum to
the citizens. Several of our neighboring cities operate their
restaurants under this mechanism. This city would still be a dry
community, but there would be leniency for our restaurants. There
would still be private clubs with distances from church, school,
etc., with a special use permit required for restaurants, and with
restaurants located only in commercial, retail or industrial zoned
areas of our community. There is great confusion as to what this
community or City Council can or can not authorize on this issue.
As previously stated, the committee to review the City's Private
Club Ordinance will consist of three Council members, two Planning
and Zoning members and eight citizens. Mayor Wolfe presented a
proposed membership for the Committee as follows: Mayor Pro Tem
Smothermon acting as Chairman for the Committee with Councilmen
Weaver and Nelson serving as the remaining Council members;
Commissioner Joe Munsch, from the Planning and Zoning Commission
serving as Vice Chairman to the Committee with Bud Green being the
second member from the Planning and Zoning Commission; Mr. Randy
Brinson, Mr. Steve Cammack, Ms. Marca Hiller, Mr. Randy Lockard,
Mr. Mark Rensmeyer, Mr. Ed Sircy, Mrs. Flo McFadden stably and Mrs.
Diana Wilborn serving as the citizen representatives to this
Due to his absence at the previous meeting, Councilman Cowman
expressed his feelings on the recent actions concerning the Private
Club Ordinance and two restaurants within the city. Following
further discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved that the
proposed committee be approved as submitted to review the Private
Club Ordinance. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion; motion
carried 6-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Thomas,
Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion
and Councilman Weaver voting against the motion.
Item 7 Discussion and approval of Library Services Contract from
Dallas County and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Library Director Judi Biggerstaff made the presentation to the
Council and introduced Mrs. Traphene Hickman, Director of Libraries
for the county system. Mrs. Hickman informed the council that due
to the current population of the City of Coppell, this is the last
year that Coppell will be eligible to receive county funds and
participation in county services. Assistance to the City began in
1975 with 1,000 books being sent to Coppell at a cost of $5,000.
Throughout the next 14 years, a total of 6,682 books were provided
to the City at a total cost of over $70,000. Additionally, staff
time of the county library department has been utilized in
preparation of these books. This time would be picked up by the
city in upcoming budget years. Council expressed their thanks to
Mrs. Hickman and the county for their services rendered in the
past. Following further discussion, Councilman Nelson moved that
the contract with Dallas County Library Services be approved.
Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton,
cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 8 Discussion concerning Kaye Street Drainage Improvement.
Acting city Engineer Shohre Daneshmand made the presentation to the
Council. Ms. Daneshmand stated that this item is being brought
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forward to provide Council with a status report. Two proposed
alternatives are being presented for the north side of Kaye Street
with one proposal being submitted for the south side. On the north
side, the first alternative consists O~ installing pr? area drains
in the backyards of the lots and~f6~tfng four-inch diameter drain
line outfalling into the gutter of Plantation Drive. Estimated
cost of this alternative is $66,000. The second alternative
consists of installing pvc area drains in the backyards of the lots
and routing a fifteen-inch and an eighteen-inch diameter outfall
to the closest curb inlet located on Spanish Moss court. Estimated
cost of this alternative is $85,000. The proposed alternative for
the south side of Kaye Street is to install pvc area drains in the
backyards of the 10ts and routing a ten-inch and a fifteen-inch
diameter outfall pipe to the nearest curb inlet on Cooper Lane.
Estimated cost of this system is $92,000. Citizens in the audience
who wished to express opinions were Mr. Billy Glenn, 405 Kaye
Street, who presented pictures of drainage problems that he was
experiencing on Kaye Street. Mr. Glenn lives on the south side of
Kaye Street. Also speaking were Mr. David Smith, 420 South Coppell
Road, and Mrs. Anna O'Neill of 347 Spanish Moss. Mr. Smith
indicated his frustration with standing water in his yard while
Mrs. O'Neill stated she would like to see any drainage solutions
being constructed underground rather than above ground. Council
questioned if the proper drainage easements had been obtained on
Spanish Moss. Staff's indication was that those easements had not
as yet been obtained; however, it was anticipated that most
citizens would donate the easement. Council requested that an
agenda item be placed on the next city Council meeting for a
comprehensive plan on obtaining easements and action to be taken
in solving this problem. No further action was required of the
Council on this item.
Item 9 A. Consideration of a proposal from Ginn Inc. for
professional services for the purpose of developing
a water master plan for a cost not to exceed
Mr. Howard Pafford, Water Superintendent, made the presentation to
the Council. Also present was Mr. Sanford Case, representing Ginn,
Inc. Discussion was held by the Council concerning the wording in
the proposed contract which stated that "all meetings with City
Staff and/or Council are to be billed at the standard rate and not
included in the above budget". Clarification on this matter
indicated that this statement applied to any additional Council
meetings after the report is submitted to the city Council. The
estimated cost of any additional meetings is approximately $1,500
to $2,000. Following discussion on this item, Mayor Pro Tem
Smothermon moved to approve Ginn Inc. for professional services for
the purposes of developing a water system plan at a cost not to
exceed $15,000.00. The "not to exceed figure" is to apply to all
work up to, and including, the initial presentation of the plan to
the Council. Councilman Weaver seconded the motion; motion carried
4-3 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Cowman and
Nelson voting in favor of the motion and Councilmen Thomas, Morton
and Robertson voting against the motion.
B. Consideration of a proposal from Ginn Inc. for
professional services for the purpose of developing
a wastewater master plan for a cost not to exceed
Following discussion on this item, Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved
to approve Ginn Inc. for professional services for the purpose of
developing a wastewater master plan for an amount not to exceed
$40,000, said amount to include all expenditures up to, and
including, initial presentation of the plan to the Council.
Councilman Weaver seconded the motion; motion carried 4-3 with
Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Cowman and Nelson
voting in favor of the motion and Councilmen Thomas, Morton and
Robertson voting against the motion.
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Item 10 Presentation and recommendation of a plan for the storm
water management in the city of Coppell by Albert H.
Halff and Associates,. Inc.
Acting city Engineer Shohre Daneshmand made the presentation to the
Council. Mrs. Daneshmand indicated that City staff has not yet
completed review of this item. It is, therefore, staff's
recommendation that approval of this item be postponed to the last
meeting in October. Mr. Walter Skipwith, of Albert H. Halff,
Associates, Inc. was also present to discuss this item with the
Council. Following discussion on this item, Mayor Pro Tem
Smothermon moved that action on Item 10 be deferred until the first
meeting in October. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion; motion
carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver,
Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the
Item 11 Consideration of changing the regular City Council
meeting of Tuesday, September 25, 1990 to Tuesday,
September 18, 1990.
Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton moved that the
second regular City Council meeting in September be changed to
Tuesday, September 18, 1990. Councilman Robertson seconded the
motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and
Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson
voting in favor of the motion.
Item 12 PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of amendment to site plan
for Case #PD-109 and clarification of the ordinance which
would change the zoning designation from Light Industrial
to (PD-SF-9) Planned Development Single Family-9, on land
located near the southeast corner of Thweatt Road and
State Road.
Prior to consideration of this item, Council convened in Executive
Session at 9:24 p.m. on Tuesday, July 24, 1990 and adjourned at
10:06 p.m. as allowed under Article 6252-17 Section 2 (e) and
Senate Concurrent Resolution 83.
After opening the meeting to the public, Mayor Wolfe informed those
present that the public hearing on this item had been left open
from the June 26, 1990 City Council meeting and had been tabled to
tonight's date. Mayor Wolfe then asked for those persons who
wished to speak against the proposed amendment; there were none.
He then asked for those persons who wished to speak in favor of the
proposed amendment; again, there were none. The public hearing was
declared closed. Director of Planning and community Services Gary
Sieb made the presentation to the City Council. Councilman Weaver
requested that the city obtain results of aircraft noise tests that
Council requested be conducted on June 8, 1990. Council questioned
if any agreement had been obtained between the developer of the
proposed zoning request and the cistercians. Staff indicated that
no approval or agreement on the drainage had been worked out at
this time. Following discussion on this item, Mayor Pro Tem
Smothermon moved 1) that the amendment to site plan for Case PD-
109 be approved to PD-SF-9 with the stipulations that the cul-de-
sac on Post Oak Drive and Bealle Lane be moved to the west to
accommodate four more lots for a sub total of eight additional lots
and a total of 146 lots in the development, 2) that all of the
applicable items as stated in an attached list of 21 total items
approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission be included with the
exception of Item 2 and 21. A copy of these provisions is titled
City Council Aaenda Items 12 and 13 - July 24. 1990, and is stamped
as being forwarded to the Mayor and city Council on July 24, 1990.
This list of 21 items is included as a permanent part of the zoning
file in the Planning Department. The motion went on to state the
following additional stipulations. They are as follows: 3) that
the applicant will pave two lanes of State Road from the south
property line to Thweatt Road and 4) that the screening wall along
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State Road would be constructed and 5) that the potential
purchasers be notified of the proximity of the D/FW Airport to this
property. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. Following
further discussion, Councilman MayO~ pro Tem Smothermon amended the
motion on the fifth stipulation to read as follows; 5) that due to
the proximity of D/FW Airport to the Oakbend subdivision,
purchasers of homes shall be notified and required to sign an
affidavit similar to the MUD notification required by state law;
that this notification shall become a part of all executed earnest
money contracts; that the notification shall contain, but not be
limited to, that there may be occurrences of ambient aircraft noise
due to aircraft overflights, which is due to the possible extension
of D/FW Airport; and that an executed notification shall be
supplied to each homebuyer at the time a contract is executed.
Councilman Morton seconded the amendment; motion and amendment both
carried 4-3 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Morton,
Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion; and Councilmen
Weaver, Thomas and Cowman voting against the motion.
Item 13 Consider approval of a Final Plat and Concept Landscape
Plan for the Oakbend Addition, located near the southeast
corner of Thweatt Road and State Road, at the request of
Centex Corporation.
Following discussion on this item, Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved
that the final plat and concept landscape plan for the Oakbend
addition be approved subject to all zoning conditions reflected in
Item 12 of this same Council meeting. Councilman Morton seconded
the motion; motion carried 4-3 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and
Councilmen Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the
motion and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas and Cowman voting against the
Item 14 Mayor's Report
The following items were reported under the Mayor's Report:
A) Mayor Wolfe informed the Council that he, along with Mayor Pro
Tem Smothermon, City Manager Alan D. Ratliff, and Deputy City
Manager/Finance Director Frank Trando, would be traveling to
New York on a bond rating trip.
B) Mayor Wolfe also informed Councilthat the Metrocrest Chamber
is in need of a definite count for the Toronto economic trip
which is scheduled for September 22 through September 28.
Council members were asked to contact Executive Secretary
Sharon Taylor to confirm attendance at this meeting.
C) Mayor Wolfe stated that Council has once again been contacted
to consider decreasing the turnaround time for the platting
process. Discussion was held by Council concerning a study
committee already in place to address these concerns. Mayor
Wolfe requested that if this committee does not show
Councilman Weaver as Chairman of the committee that the change
be made.
D) Councilman Weaver informed the Council of the Recycling
Committee's status and stated they are at the point of
determining the type of surveys to determine the extent of the
recycling project in Coppell. Councilman Weaver questioned
what funds would be available and how to proceed in obtaining
these funds. The three types of survey being considered are
telephone, mall or professional. During discussion, it was
determined that Councilman Weaver would contact Texas Waste
Management to see if they would fund a mail survey to the
E) Councilman Morton informed Council that he had attended a TML
Legislative Policy Committee meeting on Community and Economic
Development. At this meeting, discussion was held concerning
the discontinuance of impact fees.
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Item 15 Liaison Reports
City Council Liaison Reports
A. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE - There was no report at this
B. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - There was no report at this time.
C. COPPELL HISTORIC DISTRICT - Councilman Nelson indicated that
the Historic District committee had held a meeting the
previous night and had an expert on historic districts present
to discuss Coppell's project with them. Planning Director
Gary Sieb was commended for his assistance in obtaining this
consultant. It was recommended that Grapevine Park should be
a separate item from the remaining historic district and that
the group focus their attention at the Coppell and Bethel Road
this time.
E. FINANCE COMMITTEE - Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon reminded Council
that they would receive their budgets for the upcoming fiscal
year around August 5.
F. LIBRARY BOARD - There was no report at this time.
G. MUD ABSORPTION COMMITTEE - There was no report at this time.
H. NCTCOG - There was no report at this time.
I. PARK BOARD - There was no report at this time.
J. SCHOOL BOARD Councilman Robertson indicated that the
representatives from the City and School Board would be
meeting with the YMCA the following day.
K. TRANSPORTATION STUDY COMMITTEE - Councilman cowman extended
his thanks to Police Chief Neil McKinney for attending the
Metrocrest Red Ribbon Committee meeting. Councilman Cowman
also indicated he had received additional information on this
Committee and would be forwarding it to the Police Chief.
L. METROCREST RED RIBBON COMMITTEE - There was no report at this
Items 16 and 20 were requested to be withdrawn from the Consent
Agenda and considered separately.
Item 16 A. Reconsideration of Resolution No. 052290.1 for
annexation of property into the city of Coppell
Utility District (M.U.D.) requested byCentex Realty
Corporation on property located at the southeast
corner of Thweatt Road and State Road as requested
by Councilman Nelson.
Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved that the City reconsider approval
of Resolution 052290.1. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the
motion; motion carried 5-2 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and
Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of
the motion and Councilmen Weaver and Cowman voting against the
B. Approval of a resolution for annexation of property
into the city of Coppell Utility District (M.U.D.)
requested by Centex Realty Corporation on property
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located at the southeast corner of Thweatt Road and
State Road as requested by Councilman Nelson.
Following discussion on this item; d0uncilman Nelson moved that
Resolution 072490.3 be approved. Councilman Morton seconded the
motion; motion carried 4-3 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and
Councilmen Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the
motion and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas and Cowman voting against the
Item 17 Consideration for awarding of bid for purchase of Monitor
Defibrillator to Physio-Control Corporation of Arlington,
Texas for a total of $9,056.31.
Item 18 Consideration for awarding of bid for purchase of parts
for Radio Combiner to Communication Systems SDecialists
for a total of $6,025.50.
Item 19 Consideration for awarding of bid for Group Health, Dental and Life/AD&D Insurance Coverage.
Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved that the remaining Consent Agenda,
Item Numbers 17, 18 and 19 be approved. Councilman Morton seconded
the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and
Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson
voting in favor of the motion.
Item 20 Consideration of authorizing the expenditure of $350.00 for repairs on the property located at 209 Pinyon.
Chief Building Official Dale Jackson made the presentation on Item
20 to the City Council. Mr. Jackson indicated that there was a
delay in the time from the request for inspection and the actual
inspection itself. The time frame for the delay was five (5) days
with the typical response on inspections being one-half day.
Following discussion on this item, Councilman Robertson moved that
an expenditure for $350 for repairs on the property located at 209
Pinyon Lane be approved with a "No Liability Disclaimer Statement"
to be drafted by the City Attorney and attached to the check.
Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton,
Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the
meeting was adjourned.
Mar~ Wolfe, ~6r
Dorothy T~6T~, City Secretary
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