CM 1990-11-27 Minutes of November 27, 1990
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular called
session on Tuesday, November 23, 1990 at 6:31 p.m. for Executive
Session and 7:06 p.m. for Open Session in the Council Chamber of
Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following
members were present:
Mark Wolfe, Mayor
Bill Smothermon, Mayor Pro Tem
Peyton Weaver, Councilman
David Thomas, Councilman (late arrival)
Tom Morton, Councilman
Jim Cowman, Councilman
Ron Robertson, Councilman
John A. Nelson, Councilman
Also present were city Manager Alan D. Ratliff, Assistant City
Secretary Linda Grau, Clerk/Typist Patsy Jones and City Attorney
Lawrence W. Jackson.
Item i Call to order.
Mayor Wolfe called the meeting to order.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public)
Item ES-2 A. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) and Senate
Concurrent Resolution Number 83, discussion
with City Attorney concerning matter involving
privileged communications between attorney and
1. Johnny Thompson annexation question
2. Minyard Agreement
3. Hattie Mae Leslie
B. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f), discussion
with respect to the purchase, exchange, lease
of real property and City liability
1. Status report on Library Site Acquisition
2. Connell Skaggs Drainage
3. Jones Property Drainage
C. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion
concerning personnel
1. Appointment to Economic and Development
2. Council appointments
Council convened in Executive Session at 6:31 p.m. on Tuesday,
November 27, 1990 as allowed under the above stated articles and
adjourned into Open Session at 7:06 p.m.
Councilman Thomas arrived during the Executive Session.
ON (Open to the Public)
Item 3 Invocation
Councilman David Thomas led the invocation.
Item 4 Pledge of Allegiance
Boy Scout Troop 842 led those present in the Pledge of Alleglance.
Item 5 Consider approval of minutes - November 13, 1990
Councilman Robertson moved to approve the minutes as submitted.
Councilman Weaver seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton,
Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Consent Aqenda Item ~9 A-G Th~e ~tem was ~ons~d~red ak this
time. ~Plesee. eee the reporb in ttes
proper order.
Item 6 citizens Appearances
There were no citizens who wished to speak at this time.
Item 7A Consideration of establishing a Recycling Delegation to
work with Texas Waste Management to provide
recommendations to City Council for a City-wide curbside
recycling program.
7B Designation of individuals to be appointed to the
Recycling Delegation.
Councilman Weaver requested that Council sanction a Recycling
Delegation, the committee to be composed of Staff, Council, and
other designated members. Council pointed out that there has been
some problem with trash, specifically glass, being dropped onto
streets during the re-cycling pickup. It was suggested that Texas
Waste Management be contacted to inform them of this and see what
can be done to prevent it. It is expected that the Recycling
Delegation will report back to Council the second meeting in
January. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved to establish a Recycling
Delegation to work with Texas Waste Management, their purpose being
to make recommendations to City Council for a City-wide curbside
recycling program, and that the individuals to serve on this
delegation are to include: Jim Garrison, Becky Furr, Director of
Public Works Steve Goram, Assistant Finance Director Alan Johnson,
Councilman Thomas and Councilman Weaver. Councilman Robertson
seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem
Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson
and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 8 Discussion and consideration of adopting an ordinance
granting the Texas Utilities Electric Company an electric
light, heat and power franchise and repealing all
previous ordinances of the City of Coppell, Texas
granting a franchise for such purpose.
city Manager Alan D. Ratliff made the presentation to Council. He
reported that after meetings with Texas Utilities Electric Company,
there could be no further negotiations, in large part due to State
Law which has removed the ability of local municipalities to
negotiate. It was pointed out that Texas Utilities Electric
Company has always been a "good neighbor" and it is anticipated
that this will continue. A representative from TU, Tom Parsons,
was also present to answer questions. Following discussion of this
item, Councilman Rohertson moved to approve Ordinance 90493
granting Texas Utilities Electric Company an electric light, heat
and power franchise for 20 years and repealing all previous
ordinances of the City of Coppe11. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon
seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem
Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Cowman, Robertson and
Nelson voting in favor of the motion and Councilman Morton voting
against the motion.
Item 9 Consider approval of an ordinance setting water and sewer
Deputy City Manager/Finance Director Frank Trando and Assistant
Finance Director Alan Johnson made the presentation. Sanford Case
of Ginn, Inc. was also present to answer questions. The
information provided to Council is based on the preliminary
findings of the Master Water Plan and Master Wastewater Plan
authorized by Council in August. The increases are based on
projected population growth and overall water demand projections.
Items which will be included in a five year capital improvement
plan include: Water system improvements of Wrangler Drive 12"
water line loop from the old high school to Freeport Parkway,
Gateway Boulevard 16" water line loop from the Postal Facility on
Royal Lane to the Santa Fe Development on Gateway, Freeport Parkway
16" water line from I.H. 635 to Southwestern Boulevard (Phase I),
Parkway Boulevard 16" water line from the new high school to the
Villages of Cottonwood Creek, Village Parkway Pump Station Rate of
Flow Controller, Elevated Tank Site Acquisition, Second Ground
Storage Tank at Village Parkway Pump Station, Sandy Lake Road 24"
water line from MacArthur Boulevard to Denton Tap Road, South Belt
Line Road 16" waterline from Southwestern to Lakeshore Drive and
Freeport Parkway 16" water line from Bethel Road to Highway 121
(Phase II). Projected wastewater improvements over the same time
span include= Grapevine Creek Trunk Main - Phase I and II,
Grapevine Creek Trunk Main Phase III and IV and Comprehensive
Inflow and Infiltration Analysis. In addition to providing funds
for these capital improvements, the increases will cover an
increase in the cost of water from Dallas and an increase in cost
of sewer from Trinity River Authority. There was some discussion
regarding loss of pressure in homes on the West side of the City,
and it was pointed out that this was largely due to the higher
elevation of these homes and also that pressure maintained at the
Pump Station is slightly above what is required by law. Following
discussion on this item, in addition to the impact these increases
will have on senior citizens who live on fixed incomes, it was
brought to the attention of Council that a 10% discount is offered
to Senior Citizens who come to City Hall and sign up for this
discount. It was requested that a notice be printed on Water
Statements notifying citizens of this fact. Councilman Nelson
moved to approve Ordinance 90494 setting water and sewer rates.
Councilman Robertson seconded the motion. Due to lengthy
discussion of this item and a need for further discussion prior to
voting, the vote was postponed to a time later in the evening.
Following Item 16 on the Agenda, Council returned to this item for
further discussion and vote. The original motion carried 7-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Co,man,
Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion and Councilman
Weaver abstaining from voting, which is considered a consent vote.
Following voting, Councilman Weaver requested that the following
comments be included in the minutes= the receipt of impact fees
from development is included in the financial model. He also
reiterated that people who live on a fixed income and senior
citizens receive only the "pass through" portion of the rate
increase and not the increase due to bonds.
Item 10 Consideration to contract services to provide planning
and landscape architectural services with Mesa Design
Group in the amount of $14,6000.00, which involves the
construction of two soccer fields and the construction
and installation of lighting for two multi-purpose
fields, located on the west aide of Denton Tap Road.
Parks and Recreation Manager Rick Weiland and Mike Cooper, Chairman
of the Park Board, made the presentation to Council. Funds
allocated in the amount of $170,000 from the 1990-91 Capital
Improvements Program are to be used for construction of two soccer
fields west of the current parking lot and lighting of the two
multi-purpose fields at Andrew Brown Park. The Park Board
estimates that if the planning phase can proceed, some work will
begin possibly within 90-120 days with actual completion occurring
60-90 days after commencement of work. Mayor Wolfe commended Parks
and Recreation Manager Rick Weiland and Mike Cooper, Chairman of
the Park Board, for the fine work they are doing. Councilman
Morton moved to approve a contract for services to provide planning
and landscape architectural services with Mesa Design Group in the
amount of $14,500, which involves the construction of two soccer
fields and the construction and installation of lighting for two
multi-purpose fields, located on the west side of Denton Tap Road.
Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton,
Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 11 Discussion and consideration of adopting a resolution
giving special recognition to the Steering Committee for
the Coppell YMCA and supporting their efforts in the
formation of the YMCA, and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Mike Clements, Chairman of the YMCA Steering Committee, made the
presentation. Mr. Clements stated the objectives of the Coppell
committee, which has been split into three groups comprised of the
Long Range Planning/Facility Committee, the Data Interpretation
Committee and the Program Committee. He further reported that a
survey of the Greater Lewisville Branch of the YMCA showed that a
total of 750 different Coppell citizens participated in the
different programs offered by the YMCA in the last year. He also
reported that over $15,000 is provided to children in the Coppell
area for scholarships and reduced fees in after school and day camp
programs through the YMCA in 1990. Council requested Staff to
check on whether or not grant funds from the State for Park
Programs would be jeopardized if land were leased to theYMCA, with
a response to this question prior to the next Council meeting.
Council voiced strong support for a Coppell chapter of the YMCA.
Councilman Robertson moved to approve Resolution 112790.1 giving
special recognition to the Steering Committee for the Coppell YMCA
and supporting their efforts in the formation of the YMCA and
authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilman Nelson seconded the
motion. The motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and
Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson
voting in favor of the motion.
Item 12 Status report on Library Building Program.
Planning and Community Services Director Gary Sieb 'made the
presentation to City Council. The five member Library Consultant
Appointment Committee will begin the process of choosing a
Consultant to assist in developing a building program for the new
Library structure in the near future. After the Consultant is
selected, the Committee will begin reviewing several architectural
firms, narrowing them down to four to six firms, conduct a second
interview with each firm and submit them to Council. The
Consultant would be involved in the building program of the new
library. Councilman Weaver reiter~ted the importance of having a
Consultant. No further action was required on this item.
Item 13 Consider accepting the resignation of Angelo Vaccaro from
the Economic & Business Development Board.
Council thanked Mr. Vaccaro for his dedication to the City and
voiced regret at his resignation. Mayor Pro Tom Smothermon moved
to approve the resignation of Angelo Vaccaro from the Economic &
Business Development Board. Councilman Morton secondedthe motion.
The motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro TemSmothermon and Councilmen
Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in
favor of the motion.
Item 14 Consider appointment of a member to the Economic and
Business Development Board.
This item was considered foXlowinq the Executive Session which
convened at 10:26 p.m.
Councilman Morton moved to approve Kim Brooks as a member to the
Economic and Business Development Board. Mayor Pro Tom Smothermon
seconded the motion. The mOtion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tom
Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson
and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 15 PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration and approval of a zoning
change request, Case #PD-114, from (R) Retail and (MF-1)
Multi-Family-i, to a (PD) Planned Development for single-
family detached structures, on 48.08 acres of land,
located south of Sandy Lake Road and west of the T.U.
electric easement.
Mayor Pro Smothermon withdrew from Council at this time because of
a conflict of interest. An affidavit is on file with the City
Planning and Community Services Director Gary Sieb made the
presentation to Council. He stated that the request for a zoning
change was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on
November 8, 1990, subject to the following 14 conditions:
139 single-family lots maximum
35* maximum height
35% maximum coverage
20* minimum rear yard
No lot smaller than 50 x 105
No lot size less than 5250 square feet
Minimum dwelling unit size of 1600 square feet air conditioned
5* minimum side yards, 15 * on corner lots
Landscaping of linear park (utility R.O.W.)
6* minimum masonry screening fence around lift station and
T.R.A. property
Minimum finished floor elevation on all structures
Escrowed funds to bUild street west to MacArthur Boulevard
No alleys on lots 17-46 (adjacent to T.U. electric easement)
20*-25* front yard setback
Following Mr. Sieb*s presentation, Nathan Maier, a Consulting
Engineer from Thompson Interests, came forward to make a
presentation to Council. Council was informed that coverage would
be 60%, as opposed to 35%. Much concern was voiced over the flood
potential of this particular property and the difference in
elevation of the apartment homes. It was pointed out that the only
access road, Sandy Lake Road, is often flooded during heavy rains.
Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing open. He asked if there
were any citizens wishing to speak against this issue. There were
none. He asked if there were any citizens who wished to speak for
the issue. Bill Thompson of Dallas addressed Council. Mayor Wolfe
then declared thePublic Hearing closed. Councilman Weaver moved to
deny without prejudice a zoning change request, Case #PD-114, from
(R) Retail and (MF-1) Multi-Family-i, to a (PD) Planned Development
for single-family detached structures, on 48.08 acres of lan~,
located south of Sandy Lake Road and west of the T.U. electric
easement until issues involving coverage, an access road during
flooding, a screening wall and the linear park issue could be
resolved with Staff. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. The
motion to deny failed 2-4 with Councilmen Weaver and Thomas voting
in favor of the motion and Councilmen Morton, Cowman, Robertson and
Nelson voting against the motion. Following further discussion,
Councilman Morton moved to approve the zoning change request, Case
#PD-114, from (R) Retail and (MF-1) Multi-Family-i, to a (PD)
Planned Development for single family detached structures, on 48.08
acres of land, located south of Sandy Lake Road and west of the
T.U. Electric Basement with the 14 conditions listed above, with
changes in the conditions as follows: 35% maximum coverage changed
to 60% maximum coverage and escrowed funds to build a street west
to MacArthur Boulevard with no building permits to be issued until
construction is underway on said street. Councilman Cowman
seconded the motion. Councilman Nelson requested that the motion
be amended to read 50% coverage, rather than 60% coverage.
Councilman Morton amended his motion to 50% coverage rather than
the 60% coverage. Councilman Cowman amended his second. Planning
and Community Services Director Gary Sieb suggested that two other
points be included= 25~ setback for a home having less than 1,800
square feet and a 20~ setback for a home having greater than 1,800
square feet. Mayor Wolfe pointed out that these had been part of
the Planning and Zoning motion which were not included on the
summary sheet. Councilman Morton amended his motion to include all
of the changes, the final motion being: Councilman Morton moved to
approve the zoning change request, Case #PD-114, from (R) Retail
and (MF-1) Multi-Family-i, to a (PD) Planned Development for single
family detached structures, on 48.08 acres of land, located south
of Sandy Lake Road and west of the T.U. Blectric Basement with the
14 conditions listed above, with changes in the conditions as
follows= 35% maximum coverage changed to 50% maximum coverage,
escrowed funds to build a street west to MacArthur Boulevard with
no building permits to be issued until construction is underway on
said street, and a 25~ setback for a home having less than 1,800
square feet and a 20~ setback for a home having greater than 1,800
square feet. Councilman Cowman seconded the amended motion. The
motion carried 4-2 with Councilmen Morton, Cowman, Robertson and
Nelson voting in favor of the motion and Councilmen Weaver and
Thomas voting against the motion.
Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon rejoined Council at this point.
Item 16 Discussion and consideration of designating a Council
member to serve on an evaluation panel for data
processing consultant volunteers.
Councilman Weaver stated his desire to work on this panel.
Councilman Morton moved to approve Councilman Weaver to serve on an
evaluation panel for data processing consultant volunteers.
Councilman Robertson seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0
with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas,.
Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 17 Mayor's Report
The ~ollowing items were reported under the Mayor's Report:
A) Mayor Wolfe suggested that, rather than have the Executive
Session prior to Council meetings, there be a work session.
This would help to alleviate some of the discussions during
Open Sessions and perhaps speed the process of the actual
meeting. It was suggested that a meeting be held at 6:00 p.m.
or 6:30 p.m. on the evening prior to Council meeting.
B) Mayor Wolfe commented on letters which he had sent to Planning
and Zoning Commission members, commending them on the Public ~'~
Hearing held November 8. He sent them copies of the letters ~
which had been received from citizens regarding the liquor
C) There will be a com=endation presented to the Police
Department at the next Council meeting. The consensus of the
Council was that $100 for plaques be spent.
D) Mayor Wolfe stated that a Santa Station is being put up in the
Skaggs parking lot and requested Council to waive fees for
this structure. Consensus of Council was to waive the fees.
E) Council was reminded that the auction for Shop Coppell First
will be held this Sunday at City Hall.
F) Volunteers are needed to decorate City Hall forthe Holidays.
Several Council members voiced an interest in helping with
this project. It was pointed out that this project needs to
be completed prior to this Sunday.
G) Mayor Wolfe reminded Council of a letter from Mr. Zapata of
D/FWAirport regarding a time to negotiate. Mayor Wolfe wrote
a letter to Mr. Yapata to tell him that the City is waiting
for a Consultant to finish his report, and at that time, the ~
City would be ready to negotiate. A letter was also received
from Vernell Sturns informing the City that effective every
Monday at 3:00 p.m., meetings will be available to affected
cities in regard to the negotiation process.
H) Mayor Wolfe commented on the number of newspapers delivered to
his home over the Thanksgiving Holiday and the n-mher of
flyers which were taped to the front door of his home. Mayor
Wolfe asked the City Attorney if restrictions could be put in
place to govern the placing of flyers. It was also stated
that there is no way to limit the number of newspapers which
are delivered to a given home.
I) Mayor Wolfe asked Staff to see if information regarding the
recycling efforts could be included in the Newcomers Packet.
J) Mayor Wolfe reminded Council that it was once again time to
take a look at amending the Home Rule Charter, which could be
voted on again in May. He stated that many questions had come
up two years ago regarding voting for Mayor. The consensus of
Council was that this had come up previously and had been
K) Mayor Wolfe reminded Council that a citizen had come forward ~
last year regarding commercial signage in residential areas at
Christmas time. Staff has asked for policy guidelines.
Following discussion of this item, it was felt that this was
not a zoning issue and if it is to be an issue, it should be
an issue for the Sign Committee. The consensus of Council was
not to regulate the signs in Christmas lighting in residential
areas at this time, that it is not par~icularly a problem now.
If this should become a problem inthe future, Sign Committee
will deal with it and bring it back to Council.
L) Councilman Morton reported that there are increased dirt
haulers on Denton Tap going down Sandy Lake Road. When they
go down the streets, it was observed that the trucks are
dropping large amounts of dirt. It was suggested that it
should be checked to see if there is a load limit on any of
these roads for possible violatione. He also reported that
the railroad crossing next to Minyards warehouse is in need of
repair and stated that the railroad needed to be contacted to
report this problem. He also asked that Public Works be
thanked for replacing the fire hydrant at the point of Brooks
Lane and Bethel School and asked that Staff check the ground
surrounding the plug which has eroded with all of the rain.
M) Councilman Robertson asked what has been done at the exit of
the Skaggs Parking lot next to Goodyear at Sandy Lake Road and
Denton Tap. City Manager Alan D. Ratliff reported that he has
spoken with Tom Parsons of TU Electric about moving the
telephone pole. They have stated that they will move the pole
without charge to the City, asking that Mr. Ratliff put the
request in writing, which he stated he will do this week.
Councilman Robertson also restated his concern about the
Denton Creek waterflow where the bridge is being constructed,
stating that it has dried up and is not moving at all.
N) Councilman Nelson pointed out that when the dirt haulers came
off of property, they were leaving a lot of dirt on the
streets, creating a potentially slick street in the event of
rain. It was suggested that it be checked to see if there
were an ordinance prohibiting this.
O) Councilman Weaver asked if a report had been received from
Albert Halff on drainage. Acting City Engineer Shohre
Daneshmand reported that a couple of meetings have been held
at the Staff level. It is expected that a second draft will
be ready by Friday which will be forwarded to City Manager
Alan D. Ratliff prior to going to the sub-committee.
Item 18 Liaison Reports
There was no report at this time.
There was no report at this time.
There was no report at this time.
There was no report at this time.
There was no report at this time.
There was no report at this time.
There was no report at this time.
There was no report at this time.
There was no report at this time.
There was no report at this time.
Councilman Thomas reported that the last meeting of the Park
Board had been a good meeting. There was a good turn out of
citizens and much interest shown in the proposals of the Park
Board. He encouraged Council to attend the next meeting of
the Park Board, December 3, 1990.
There was no report at this time.
City Manager Alan D. Ratliff reported that the School Board
was due another meeting in January.
Item 19 A Consideration for awarding of bid for printing of
utility bills to Lander Business Forms for a total
of $5,404.75.
B Consideration for awarding of bid for purchase of
water meters to various firms not to exceed
C. Consideration and approval of the annual
City/County agreement with Dallas County and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
D. Consideration and approval of an ordinance
authorizing and allowing under the Texas Municipal
Retirement System Act, "Updated Service Credit" for
service performed by qualifying members and
providing for increased prior and current service
annuities for retirees and beneficiaries of
deceased retirees of the city of Coppell and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
E. Consideration and approval of an ordinance ~_~
prohibiting the scavenging of trash and recyclables
set out for collection and disposal and authorizing
the Mayor to sign.
F. Consideration and approval of a City/County
Agreement with Dallas County R & R, District 1, for
the Dul~oee of asphalt overlays of Holly, Nash and
Bethel School and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
G. Discussion and consideration and approval of Change
Orders No. 10 and 11; approval of Field Changes No.
1, 2, 3, and 4 and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Thee ~el.wes =ons~dermd ~oll~wing ~ ~ on thm. Agend&. Mayor Pro
Tem Smo~hermon moved to app~ovu Items 19 A through 19 G, with Item
19 D carrying Ordinance 90491 and Item 19 E carrying Ordinance
90492. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. The motion carried
7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas,
Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public)
Item ES-2 A. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) and Senate
Concurrent Resolution Number 83, discussion
with city Attorney concerning matter involving
privileged communications between attorney and
1. Johnny Thompson annexation question
2. Minyard Agreement
3. Hattie Mae Leslie
B. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f), discussion
with respect to the purchase, exchange, lease
of real property and city liability
1. Status report on Library Site Acquisition
2. Connell Skaggs Drainage
3. Jones Property Drainage
C. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion
concerning personnel
1. Appointment to Economic and Development
2. Council appointments
Council convened in Executive Session at 10:33 p.m. on Tuesday,
November 27, 1990 as allowed under the above stated articles and
adjourned into Open Session at 11:20 p.m.
~ (Open to the Public)
Item 14 .'.T~is ~tem wee coneidered ~ th~s time. Please see the
~ePor~,of':l~ ~n'~,e proper order.
There being no further business to come before Council, the meeting
was adjourned.
Mark Wolfe, M~or
~in~ Grau-, As~ietant City Secretary