CM 1991-03-16 Minutes of March 16 · 1991
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in special called work
session on Saturday, March 16, 1991 aZ 8:00 a.m. at the Harvey House
DFW, 4545 West John Carpenter Freeway, Irving, Texas. The following
members were present:
Mark Wolfe, Hayor
Bill Smothermon, Mayor Pro Tem
Peyton Weaver, Councilman
David Thomas, Councilman
Tom Morton, Councilman
Jim Cowman, Councilman
Councilmen Roberteon and Nelson were absent from the meetin8. Also
present were Alan D. Ratliff, City Manager, Lawrence Jackson, City
Attorney, Sanford Case, Case & Ginn, Inc. and Linda Grau, Assistant City
Secretary, and the following Drectors:
Frank Trando, - Deputy City Manager/Finance Director
Vivyon Bowman o Assistant City Manager/Personnel Director
Dorothy Tt...ons - City Secretary
Steve Goram - Director of Public Works
Gary Sieb - Director of Planning & Co-,,. Service
Wes Kilcrease - Fire Chief
Neil McKinney - Chief of Police
Item 1: Call to Order
Mayor Wolfe called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.
Item 2: Work Session
A. Discussion of program of service, CIP and special
projects, goals, missions and other services.
Chris Hartung, Nartung Enterprises, made the presentation to the Council
as to objectives of the City at the present time, and future goals. He
reviewed the necessity of proper planning and reasons to plan with the
Council. Mr. Hartung stated that planning helps an organization focus
its limited resources on a broad range of important issues, saves time,
allows more people to be involved in decision making and stated that
people feel more secure with proper planning.
Mr. Hartung then reviewed for the Council the process to be used in
todays work session. The first item to be discussed was the City's
Mission Statement. Additional areas discussed were the Environmental
Scan, Assumptions, SWOT Analysis and Discussion of Priorities.
Mr. Hartung stated that the City's Mission Statement should be a short
concise statement of what the City wants to do and should state the
reason for existence, be focused on customer and citisen, be achievable,
motivational and specific. Following a lengthy discussion and input
from Council, the following is a draft of the City'.s Mission Statement:
Coppel! is a dynamic City which reflects the result of proBreseive,
responsive and visionary ideas blended with carefuZ planning. It*s
mission is to maintain this exemplary coadnity through continued
visionary leadership which creates a unique family environment
dedicated to the protection of citizens health, safety and welfare
through progressive, effective, efficient and responsive service.
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Hr. Rartung requested input from the Council as to an environmental scan
of the City from 1980 through 1990.~~ Of those ideas proposed were the
Home Rule Charter, explosive gro~h, change in make-up of citizens,
educational system, economic environment of Hetroplex, leadership in
City, needs and demands of citizens, changes in state law re: Records
Hanagement and Purchasing, becoming part of Hetroplex co~munity,
developer attitude, federal laws, events in Dallas, crime rate stable
with population, more involved and astute citizens, issue oriented
citizens, increase citizen expectations, technolosy, access to
connnunity, professional management, more harmonious con~unity, police
litigation, impact fees, infrastructure, more development requirements,
sustained growth and property values, improved utility services,
improved road system, continuation of HUD, increased delegation to
staff and leadership, and increased staff capability. Hr. Hartung also
reviewed with Council future changes in the City that would affect
business and have an organizational impact on the City. Those ideas
were increase in population, industrial infrastructure, aging community,
change in makeup of community, more rental property, low and/or moderate
income apartments, crime, more demand on tax dollar, changes in local
government consolidation, changes iu Council elections, shift of
priorities to renewal of facilities, leisure services, continued
expectation of citizens, change in City work force, changes in
technolosy, closer relationship of City/School, increase in employment
litigation, TORT litigation, medical insurance costs, environmental
issues, increasing urbanization, cultural and ethnic diversity, increase
in State involvement in local government, increasing Judicial
interference) increasing local goveFnment involvement at 8tare level,
scarcity of resources, aging population, higher expectation of City
staff, intergovernmental contracts, increasing county control and
government involvement, increasing role of NTCOG, local control vs
economics and county control, pressure for regional solutions, pro
activity, need for expanded staff capability, and the need to educate
Hr. Rartung then requested a community assessment from the Council as a
SWOT analysis. He requested Councilts input into the City's strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. ~trength, something done veil
~rlth a positive attitude; Heakness, areas needing improvement;
Opportunity, an issue to take a~vantase of; [hreat, an issue to avoid.
As Council provided their ideas, Hr. Hartung requested that they not
evaluate or solve problems, and not clarify the issue but try to get all
their ideas out for later discussion. With Strengths totalling 23,
Wealmeases totally 23, Opportunities totally 24, and Threats totally 28,
Hr. Hartung then asked Council and Staff to prioritize each issue listed
under Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats using a rating
system 1 through 6. 1 or 2 rating for "unimportant issues, but nice to
do", 3 or 4 ratin8 for "should do" issues, and 5 or 6 rating for "must
do, or vital" issues. Following the rating process, Hr. Hnrtung and
Frank Trando, Deputy City l~anaser/Finance Director tallied the ratings.
The maximum number that could conceivably be received for any one issue
would be a 36. The folloving is a list of issues receiving the five (5)
highest ratings:
Rated 34
Heakness - Lack of Engineer
Opportunity - Find Solution to Civil Service
Rated 3~
Weakness - Lack of vrittan policies
Threat - L088 of local control
Threat - Civil Se~ice
Rated 32
Opportunity - Industrial growth
Opportunity - ~ncreased staff
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Rated 31
Strength - City staff
Strength - Comprehensive Plan
Rated 30
Strength - Location
Strength - Professional management
Weakness - Limited resources
Opportunity - Planned development
Opportunity - Professional management
Threat - Competition for qualified staff
Mr. Hartung then reviewed and clarified priorities of the five (5) top
rated issues on a "how to" basis and reviewed them with Council. Issues
rated 29 and below are on file in the City Secretary Department.
Following further discussion on the City's proposed draft Ntssion
Statement, Hr, Hartung was thanked by Council for his presentation.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the public)
Item ES3: A. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning
1. Discussion of City's Compensation Plan
Discussion of City's use of Consultants
a. City Attorney
b, Consulting Engineer
Council convsnsd in Executive Session at 4:25 p.m. on Saturday, Hatch
16, 1991 as allowed under the above stated articles and adjourned into
open session at 4:59 p.m.
Thsre being no further business to come before Council, the mesting was
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