CM 1991-11-12 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 12, 1991 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular called session on Tuesday, November 12, 1991 at 5:00 p.m. for Work Session, 6:10 and 10:25 p.m. for Executive Session, 6:30 p.m. for Work Session with Students in Government, and 7:00 p.m. for Regular Session, in the City Council Chambers of the Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were present: Mark Wolfe, Mayor Bill Smothermon, Mayor Pro Tem Peyton Weaver, Councilman David Thomas, Councilman Tom Morton, Councilman Ron Robertson, Councilman John Nelson, Councilman Councilman Jim Cowman was absent from the meeting. Also present were City Manager Alan D. Ratliff, City Secretary Dorothy Timmons, and City Attorney Lawrence W. Jackson. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) Item 1 Call to order Mayor Pillifant (Wolfe) called the meeting to order. Item 2 Work Session: 1. Kaye Street Drainage 2. Engineering Contract 3. Impact Fees 4. General discussion of agenda items Item 3 Invocation Student Representative Shaine Brockett led those present in the Invocation. Item 4 Pledge of Allegiance Student Representative Shaine Brockett led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Mark Wolfe and Student Mayor Reid Pillifant then welcomed citizens, parents and teachers to the meeting. Participants in the Students In Government Program were from Coppell Intermediate School. Their teachers and administrators were: Principal, Sandra Stuckey, and Fifth Grade Teachers, Marcia Raines/Coordinator, Ann Beckman, Janis Branum, Barbara Brothers, Jana Hamilton, Marsha Hughs, Ron Legamaro, Carolyn Noles, Kelly Overton, Sue Southard, Jana Vandersliee, and Lisa Young. Student Mayor Pillifant explained the process by which the students were elected to serve for this Students In Government Program. Mayor Wolfe introduced the Student Council Members who were representing the Mayor, City Council, City Manager, City Secretary, and City Attorney; and Student Representative Shaine Brockett; and gave a brief statement on each student. Those students and their Council counterparts were as follows: Reid Pillifant, Mayor (Mark Wolfe) Rebecca Allen, Mayor Pro Tem (Bill Smothermon) Jason Oradat, Council Member (Peyton Weaver) Lee Ann Parsons, Council Member (David Thomas) Seth McGinnis, Council Member (Tom Morton) Chris Downing, Council Member (Jim Cowman) (Smothermon & Robertson) Adam Clements, Council Member (Ron Robertson) Erin Acker, Council Member (John Nelson) Shaine Brockett, Student Representative (Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance) Grant Summers, City Manager (Alan D. Ratliff) Taxa Sirko, City Secretary (Dorothy Timmons) Courtney O'Neil, City Attorney (Lawrence W. Jackson) EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) Item 5-ES A. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f), discussion concerning the negotiating position of the City with respect to agreements involving interests in land and the value of real property. 1. Kaye Street Drainage B. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e), Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83, discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communications between attorney and client. 1. D/FW Airport 2. Carrollton Landfill C. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel. 1. Personnel - City Engineer & Fire Chief 2. Board of Directors DCAD REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) Item 6 Approval of minutes: October 22, 1991 Council Member Acker (Nelson) moved to approve the minutes of October 22, 1991 as submitted. Mayor Pro Tern Allen (Smothermon) seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Allen (Smothermon) and Council Members Oradat (Weaver), Parsons (Thomas), McGinnis (Morton), Downing (Cowman absent/no vote), Clements (Robertson), and Acker (Nelson) voting in favor of the motion. Item 7 Citizen's Appearances Justin May of 400 Southwestern made a presentation representing the Fifth Grade Students with their ideas. The first idea was to open a recreation building at a local park and provide activities for young and old people. The second idea was to provide a public pool large enough to accommodate children and adults. Item 8 Special Mayor's Report (Students in Government) A. Mayor Pillifant (Wolfe) reminded all of the FOCL - Fill Our Community Library celebration this Saturday at Coppell High School from 5:00 to 8:00. It is called Books, Barbecue and Bluegrass and promises to be a lot of fun for the entire family. B. Mayor Pillifant (Wolfe) announced that there is going to be a going away party for Ginger Ware this Saturday at 7:00 p.m. at Gibbs Station restaurant. Mrs. Ware has taken the Postmaster position at Grand Prairie. Mrs. Ware has been Postmaster of Coppell for some 16 years. C. Mayor Pillifant (Wolfe) reminded the Adult Council that the City Council/Employee Thanksgiving Dinner will be held again this year at Fire Station ~r2 on Wednesday, November 27 at 11:30. D. City Manager Grant Summers (Ratliff) introduced Clay Phillips who had been named as the City's Fire Chief. Mr. Phillips plans to report for his new position on December 2. Mr. Phillip's comments included that he was pleased to be here and looks forward to serving the department and community. E. Council Member Clements (Robertson) reported that a group of citizens is forming to build a creative playground at the community park on Parkway Blvd. This will be funded by donations and ail the work will be done by volunteers. This has been done in the cities of Carrollton, Irving, Grand Prairie and Arlington. The project will take about one year to complete; about 5 days construction time and 360 days planning, fund raising, and material gathering. F. Council Member Acker (Nelson) announced that Councilman Robertson, Chief MeKinney, and Councilman Nelson met this week concerning the City Ordinance for Solicitor's Permits. The flnai proposal will be presented to the council after January 1. Item 9 Consider approval of a resolution declaring November 12, 1991 as "Students in Government Day" in the City of Coppell and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Mayor Pro Tern Allen (Smothermon) read the resolution. Mayor Pro Tem Allen (Smothermon) moved to approve Resolution 111291.1. declaring November 12, 1991 as "Students in Government Day" in the City of Coppell and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Council Member Parsons (Thomas) seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Allen (Smothermon) and Council Members Oradat (Weaver), Parsons (Thomas), MeGinnis (Morton), Downing (Cowman absent/no vote), Clements (Robertson), and Acker (Nelson) voting in favor of the motion. Student Mayor Pillifant (Wolfe) introduced the teachers and administrators. Mrs. Stuckey, Principal of Coppell Intermediate School, came forward and accepted the resolution. Item 10 Discussion and consideration of sponsoring "Texas Government Today" for high school social studies and government students in Coppell. Council Member Grant Summers (Rafliff) explained that this program would include eight monthly newsletters to high school government students, providing them insight into the operations of state and local governments. No funds were budgeted; therefore, they would have to be funded from budget balance, contingency funds, or request CISD to fund. Discussion followed. Student Mayor Pillifant (Wolfe) requested City Manager Alan Rafliff to talk to the School Superintendent Buddy Echols about funding the project, and report back to Council. Council Member Clements (Robertson) stated that the City Council School Liaisons would like to meet on this issue. Council Member Parsons (Thomas) moved to table the item. Council Member McGinnis (Morton) seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Allen (Smothermon) and Council Members Oradat (Weaver), Parsons (Thomas), McGinnis (Morton), Downing (Cowman absent/no vote), Clements (Robertson), and Acker (Nelson) voting in favor of the motion. Item 11 Status report and update of YMCA by Ron Robertson. Council Member Clements (Robertson) introduced Becky Garcia with the Lewisville YMCA who presented the update on the status of the YMCA of Coppell. The site has not been fmaiized, however the Baptist Church offBethel Road is a primary choice. If that site is chosen, it should be operational in 3-4 months. This would be an extension center of the Lewisville YMCA in Flower Mound. Council Member Acker (Nelson) announced that Councilman Ron Robertson was just selected Chairman of the Coppell YMCA Committee and offered his congratulations. Item 12 Canvass of returns of November 5, 1991 Home Rule Charter Amendments Election, approval of an order declaring the results of the election and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Mayor Pillifant (Wolfe) opened the official results of the election. The City Secretary aiso opened her envelope. City Attorney O'Neil (Larry Jackson) read the returns. Council Member Downing (Robertson) moved to approve Item 12 which is the Canvass of returns of November 5, 1991 Home Rule Charter Admendments Election, approval of an order declaring that ail amendments were approved by the voters and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Mayor Pro Tern Allen (Smothermon) seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Allen (Smothermon) and Council Members Oradat (Weaver), Parsons (Thomas), McGinnis (Morton), Downing (Cowman absent/no vote), Clements (Robertson), and Acker (Nelson) voting in favor of the motion. 0, ,, 206 Item 13 Discussion and presentation of "Shop Coppell First~ campaign and requests presented by the Shop Coppell First Committee. Student Mayor Pillifant (Wolfe) introduced Mrs. Regina Johnson who made a presentation. On Sunday, December 8, starting at 2:00 p.m. is the "Here Comes Santa Parade" from Samuel to Town Center. The Community Chorus will sing, followed by the lighting of the Christmas tree, then children can come up to the landing on the second floor and visit with Santa. At 3:00 p.m. the Silent Auction begins, and 4:00 p.m. the Live Auction begins. Concerns include transplanting the tree bought several years ago to another location on City property. At this time, the Chamber plans on a fresh cut tree for this year and replacing it with a larger permanent tree at a later date. Following discussion of who will be decorating City Hail this year and will the Council be making a donation to the Shop Coppell First Campaign, it was Council consensus that the existing tree could be moved to a location to be determined by staff. City staff will paint or stain a small fence to install around the tree. The Council and Mayor have agreed to contribute $50 each to a shopping spree for the auction, and Staff and Council will decorate City Hall. Item 14 Discussion, consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing the City's vote for the appointment of a member for the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Council Member Acker (Nelson) moved to approve Resolution 111291.2 authorizing the City's vote for L. B. "Bo" Craft for the appointment of a member for the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Council Member Clements (Robertson) seconded the motion. The motion carded 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Allen (Smothermon) and Council Members Oradat (Weaver), Parsons (Thomas), McGinnis (Morton), Downing (Cowman absent/no vote), Clements (Robertson), and Acker (Nelson) voting in favor of the motion. Item 15 Presentation of award to Finance Department from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for excellence in financial reporting achievement. Council Member Downing (Robertson) read the award which was presented to Deputy City Manager/Finance Director Frank Trando and Assistant Finance Director Alan Johnson on behalf of the City. The City of Coppell was one of 700 cities out of 80,000 in this country to receive this award. Item 16 Presentation of the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool's Safety Achievement Award to the City of Coppell. Council Member Parsons (Thomas) read the award which was presented to City Manager Alan D. Ratliff on behalf of the City. Item 17 Presentation of Rookie-of-the-Year Award from the National Association of Town Watch to the City of Coppell and Coppell Police Department for participation in the 1991 National Night Out campaign. Council Member Clements read a letter from the National Association of Town Watch. Officer Ellsworth and Chief McKinney were called to come forward to accept the award. Item 18 Consideration of approving an ordinance, amending section 8-3-1 of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances Prohibiting Parking on Moore Road, fronting Barbara S. Austin Elementary, and on Mockingbird Lane fronting Mockingbird Middle School within certain hours as described, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Shohre Daneschmand made a presentation to Council stating that the hours involved are 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 2:15 to 3:45 p.m. Discussion followed. Mayor Pro Tern Allen (Smothermon) moved to approve an Ordinance s~91-532 amending section 8-3-1 of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances Prohibiting Parking on Moore Road, fronting Barbara S. Austin Elementary, and on ,,207 Mockingbird Lane fronting Mockingbird Middle School within certain hours as described, and authorizing to Mayor to sign. Council Member Downing (Robertson) seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Allen (Smothermon) and Council Members Oradat (Weaver), Parsons (Thomas), McGinnis (Morton), Downing (Cowman absent/no vote), Clements (Robertson), and Acker (Nelson) voting in favor of the motion. Student Mayor Pillifant (Wolfe) concluded the Students in Government portion of the City Council meeting, and on behalf of the students and teachers expressed appreciation for the opportunity and the learning experience. Item 19 PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration and approval of a zoning change case #PD-116R (Chaucer Estates Addition) from (TC) Town Center to PD-SF-7, located at the northwest comer of Sandy Lake and Heartz Roads, at the request of Heath & Knight Properties. Planning and Community Services Director Gary Sieb made a presentation. He stated that Alpine Development requested to have the case continued or held under advisement until no later than December 10. Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing open and asked if there were any persons who wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to Chaucer Estates. Following discussion, Councilman Morton moved that the Public Hearing be left open until the November 26, 1991 Regular City Council Meeting. Councilman Nelson seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 20 Consideration and approval of a preliminary plat, for Chaucer Estates Addition, located at the northwest comer of Sandy Lake Road & Heartz Road, at the request of Heath & Knight Properties. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon moved to postpone Item 20 until the November 26, 1991 meeting. Councilman Nelson seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 21 Consideration of awarding Bid #Q-0991-04, for North Kaye Street drainage improvement as advertised. Mayor Wolfe stated that this item was discussed in Work Session. Councilman Weaver moved to approve Bid #Q-0991-04, in the amount of $190,858.76 from Rhode Construction Co., for North Kaye Street drainage improvement as advertised with the amendment that staffbe allowed to negotiate reductions such as the substitution of materials such as PVC in place of reinforced concrete pipe, and any opportunities to work with the contractor on alternate methods to reduce overall cost of the contract, but otherwise to proceed on schedule. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Concerns addressed included the long standing problem, increased cost due to delay, lack of citizen cooperation regarding easements, developer coordination and citizen cooperation that has been acquired, possible rebid due to materials changes (not required unless there is more than a 25% project cost variance), and source of funding. The motion was fled 3-3, with Councilmen Weaver, Morton, and Robertson voting in favor, and Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Thomas and Nelson voting against the motion. The motion carded 4-3, with Mayor Wolfe breaking the tie by voting in favor of the motion. Item 22 PUBLIC HEARING: To consider amendments to the Capital Improvements Plan and Fee Schedule to be used in the adoption of revised Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. City's consultant Sanford Case made presentation. Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing open and asked if there were any persons who wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to the plan and fees. There being no persons who wished to speak, Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing closed. No action was required on this item. Item 23 Consideration and approval of the 1991 Water and Wastewater Capital Improvement Plan and Impact Fee Study. Councilman Robertson moved to approve~the 1991~w~ter and Wastewater Capital Improvement Plan and Impact Fee Study. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 24 Consideration and approval of an Ordinance to replace Impact Fee Ordinance ~)0478 to adopt Impact Fees as set out in Schedules 1 & 2 as recommended by the 1991 Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study included as Exhibit "C" to the ordinance. Councilman Morton moved to approve Ordinance//91533.1 to replace Impact Fee Ordinance //90478 to adopt Impact Fees as set out in Schedules 1 & 2 as recommended by the 1991 Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study included as Exhibit ~C' to the ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 25 Consideration and approval of a final plat (secondary plat) for Sandy Lake Addition, Lot 1, Block B, located along the west side of Samuel Blvd., 335 feet north of Sandy Lake Road at the request of Dr. Stephen King. Planning and Community Services Director Gary Sieb made a presentation. Following discussion, Coune'flman Nelson moved to approve a final plat (secondary plat) for Sandy Lake Addition, Lot 1, Block B, located along the west side of Samuel Blvd., 335 feet north of Sandy Lake Road at the request of Dr. Stephen King. Mayor Pro Tem Smotherman seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 26 PUBLIC I-IEARING: Consideration and approval of a zoning change for Case gPD-121, (Gibbs Station Addition, Phase I), from MF-2 to PD-SF-7, located along the east side of MacArthur Blvd., and North of Parkway Blvd., at the request of Heath & Knight Properties. Planning and Community Services Director Gary Sieb made a presentation providing information about the development. Hammond Heath of Heath and Knight properties made a presentation further explaining the subdivision. Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing open and asked if there were any persons who wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to the plan and fees. Rick Earl of 607 Allen Road on behalf of the homeowners association spoke in favor of the proposal. There being no other persons who wished to speak, Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing closed. Discussion followed. Councilman Morion moved to approve zoning case change for Case #PD-121, (Gibbs Station Addition, Phase I), from MF-2 to PD-SF-7, located along the east side of MacArthur Blvd., and North of Parkway Blvd., at the request of Heath & Knight Properties with the following four conditions: 1) Front lots be allowed on Village Parkway which is a collector street, 2) Gibbs Crossing between blocks A and B south of Village Parkway be allowed to have a length of +/- 1600 feet, 3) lots 15-19, Block A are approved without alleys in the rear, lots 1-42 in Block E are approved without alleys in the rear, and 4) prospective buyers be provided a single page 8-1/2 x 11" sheet disclosing the existence of the Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Association indicating the tax rate at the time and this be provided to them at the time the earnest money contract on the home is executed. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 27 Consideration and approval of a preliminary plat for Gibbs Station, Phase I Addition, located along the east side of MacArthur Blvd. north of Parkway Blvd., at the request of Heath & Knight Properties. Planning and Community Services Director Gary Sieb made a presentation. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon moved to approve a preliminary plat for Gibbs Station, Phase I Addition, located along the east side of MacArthur Blvd. north of Parkway Blvd., at the request of Heath & Knight Properties, with the following four conditions as approved in item ff26: 1) Front lots be allowed on Village Parkway which is a collector street, 2) Gibbs Crossing between blocks A and B south of Village Parkway be allowed to have a length of +/- 1600 feet, 3) lots 15-19, Block A are approved without alleys in the rear, lots 1-42 in Block E are approved without alleys in the rear, and 4) prospective buyers be provided a single page 8-1/2 x 11~ sheet disclosing the existence of the Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Association indicating the tax rate at the time and this be provided to them at the time the earnest money contract on the home is executed. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Ray Warren of 2215 Lakeland in Carrollton, owner of the land made presentation regarding street names. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smotbermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 28 PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration and approval of a zoning change for Case #PD-122, (Gibbs Station Addition, Phase II) from MF-2 to PD-SF-7, located along the east side of MacArthur Blvd. and north of Village Parkway, at the request of Heath & Knight Properties. Planning and Community Services Director Gary Sieb made a presentation. Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing open and asked if there were any persons who wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to the plan and fees. There being no persons who wished to speak, Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing closed. Discussion followed. Councilman Morton moved to approve a zoning change for Case #PD-122, (Gibbs Station Addition, Phase II) from MF-2 to PD-SF-7, located along the east side of MacArthur Blvd. and north of Village Parkway, at the request of Heath & Knight Properties, with the following five conditions: 1) 20 foot front yard building line on lots 1-5, Block G, 2) 55% lot coverage, 3) 5 foot side yard side building line (interior lots), 4) 62' minimum lot width on Block G, Lots 1-15, 5) prospective buyers be provided a single page 8-1/2 x 11 ~ sheet disclosing the existence of the homeowners association indicating the tax rate at the time and this be provided to them at the time the earnest money contract on the home is executed. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 29 Consideration and approval of a preliminary plat for Gibbs Station Addition, Phase II, located along the east side of MacArthur Blvd. and north of Village Parkway, at the request of Heath & Knight Properties. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon moved to approve a preliminary plat for Gibbs Station Addition, Phase II, located along the east side of MacArthur Blvd. and north of Village Parkway, at the request of Heath & Knight Properties, with the following five conditions as approved in item #28: 1) 20 foot front yard building line on lots 1-5, Block G, 2) 55% lot coverage, 3) 5 foot side yard side building line (interior lots), 4) 62' minimum lot width on Block G, Lots 1-15, 5) prospective buyers be provided a single page 8-1/2 x 11 ~ sheet disclosing the existence of the homeowners association indicating the tax rate at the time and this be provided to them at the time the earnest money contract on the home is executed. Councilman Nelson seconded the motion. The motion carded 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 30 Consideration and approval of a final plat for the Big Cedar Addition, located along the west side of Bethel School Road (north/south) and north of Bethel Road at the request of Matthews Southwest. Planning and Community Services Director Gary Sieb made a presentation. Tim House representing Matthews Southwest made a presentation, requesting waiver of park fees in lieu of donation of park property, and stated that the developer does not feel changing the line from overhead to underground should be their responsibility because the road change will benefit others besides their development. Bob Macioch representing Paragon Cable, made a presentation stating their position, that if the City requests them to move the line they have to do it under franchise, but that the cost would be borne by the subscribers, while the direct .... ~.. :'::~.~' .~: '~ ~ benefit of the move is to the developer therefore the cable company should be reimbursed for the expense. Discussion followed including that when the other utilities on this road are relocated such as GTE and TU they do not Charge fo~ the moving of those lines, they justify it on the basis of the additional customers that will be coming on line. Consensus of Council was that the cable company should pay for moving the line. Consensus of Council was in opposition to the waiver of the park fees. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved to approve a final plat for the Big Cedar Addition, located along the west side of Bethel School Road (north/south) and north of Bethel Road at the request of Matthews Southwest, with two stipulations: 1) that the cost of moving the cable television transmission line to be underground be borne by Paragon Cable, and 2) that the request for waiver of park fees is denied. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 31 Discussion and consideration of re-scheduling and/or canceling the regular City Council Meeting of November 26, 1991. Councilman Morton moved to have the Council meeting as scheduled on November 26, 1991. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion. Staff had requested that the meeting be held as regularly scheduled. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon stated that he would not be able to attend. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 32 Mayor's Report A. Mayor Wolfe stated that a request has been received from Mayor Gravely in Carrollton requesting support of repealing the Wright Amendment. The Transportation Committee has voted to support Mayor Gravely and requested staff to bring forward a resolution similar to the one by Carrollton at the November 26 City Council meeting. B. Mayor Wolfe stated that the Coppell Football Association has requested use of the City Council Chambers. Current policy is to not allow outside organizations to use Council Chambers, however they are allowed to use other meeting rooms in the building. Nine Boards and Commissions use the chambers and are on call for frequent special called meetings. Discussion followed. Consensus was against changing the present policy. C. Mayor Wolfe presented the idea of forming a Personnel Policy Study Committee. Mayor Wolfe indicated that Councilmen Robertson and Morton would be two members of this committee and requested an item be brought forward at the next City Council meeting. D. Councilman Weaver requested clarification regarding the Christmas tree and decoration plans. E. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon requested that Staff provide the Tax Abatement Ordinance for Council consideration at the November 26 City Council meeting. F. Councilman Robertson complimented Rick Wieland on grant from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Item 33 Liaison Reports A)ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR TOWN CENTER There was no report at this time. B)CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMITTEE There was no report at this time. C) COPPELL HISTORIC DISTRICT Councilman Nelson reported that the Historical Committee met the previous night. Special variances are being requested for two buildings because of their age. The committee voted to investigate. Also a letter was produced by the committee indicating their status and objectives. D) DCAD There was no report at this time. E) ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BOARD There was no report at this time. F) FINANCE There was no report at this time. G) LIBRARY There was no report at this time. H) METROCREST RED RIBBON CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE (DRUG AWARENESS) There was no report at this time. I) MUD ABSOPRTION Councilman Morton reported that there had been a meeting that morning. J) NCTCOG There was no report at this time. K) PARK Councilman Robertson reported that several Public Hearings were scheduled. He also repormd that the Robert Leathers playground group has had a good turnout. Council requested a sign be put up indicating future site of playground being built by community. L) RECYCLING COMMITrEE There was no report at this time. M) SCHOOL There was no report at this time. N) CATV Councilman Smothermon reported that the Cable Vision Committee met that afternoon and will be meeting with Mr. Nesbitt of Paragon next Wednesday afternoon at 4:00. The committee plans to have a public hearing for the citizens to say what they want to see from their cable company, unless Council chooses to have the hearing instead. Consensus of Council was that the committee could have the heating. O) DATA PROCESSING Councilman Weaver reported that GTE met with the committee last week and will meet again Friday to continue discussion on network installation design work by GTE for the City. He also noted that Catellus has completed their drop structure on Grapevine Creek in record time. CONSENT AGENDA Item 34 A. Consideration for awarding of bids for the supply of office furniture to Miller Business Systems for $5,007.00, The Spencer Co. for $2,636.00 and Smith Business Interors for $1,302.55 B. Consideration and approval of awarding Bid No. Q 1091-03 for automobiles to Ted Arendale Ford Sales for $76,155.00. C. Consideration and approval to reject and/or accept bids for Fire Department self contained breathing apparatus. 1. Reject all bids rec(xved for Item #1 of Bid No. Q 0991-03. 2. Award Items g2, #3 and/PS of Bid No. Q 0991-03 in the amount of $13,357.04 to Vallen Safety Supply Co. 3. Award Item #4 of Bid No. Q 0991-03 in the amount of $4,287.50 to Casco Inds. 4. Award Item #6 of Bid Q 0991-03 in the amount of $138.00 to Halprin Supply Co. D. Consideration and approval of awarding Bid No. Q 1091-09 for 23 high pressure self contained breathing apparatus with voice amplification system to Halprin Supply Co. in the amount of $46,690.00. E. Consideration and approval of awarding of Bid No. Q 1091-01 for one Police Motorcycle to Harley Davidson of Dallas, Inc., in the amount of $7,014.00. F. Consideration and approval of awarding Bid No. Q 1091-07 for printing of utility bills to Lander Business Forms for a total of $6,292.00. G. Consideration for approval of an agreement with Dallas County to perform asphalt overlays to the following streets: Kaye Street, Mitchell, Carter Drive and Cottonwood Drive and authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement. H. Consideration for approval of an agreement with Dallas County to perform asphalt overlays to the following streets: W. Bethel, E. Belt Line and N. Denton Tap and authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement. I. Consideration of approving contracts with Albert H. Halff Associates, Inc. to provide professional engineering services including survey for design, design, easement, construction documents and specification preparation for Brooks Lane (Stage I), Sandy Knoll/Shadowcrest/Woodhurst, Meadows State I, Meadows Stage II, Grapevine Creek Erosion Control, for the total amount of $97,156.00 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. J. Consideration of approving an Escrow Agreement with Prentiss/Copley Investment Group for landscape improvements in the amount of $2,178.00 for Toyo Tires, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. It was requested that Item I be pulled from the Consent Agenda for further discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved to approve Items 34A, 34B, 34C, 34D, 34E, 34F, 34G, 34H, and 34J as published. Councilman Nelson seconded the motion. The motion can'ied 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 34-1 includes five separate drainage improvement project contracts which were considered individually. Item 34-I(A) Brooks Lane (Stage I) for the amount of $3,896.00. Mayor Pro Tern Smotbermon moved to approve inlets only of the drainage improvement project contract for Brooks Lane (Stage I) for the amount of $3,896.00. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 34-I(B) Sandy Knoll/ShadowcresffWoodhurst for the amount of $8,687.00. Councilman Nelson moved to approve the drainage improvement project contract for Sandy Knoll/Shadowcrest/Woodhurst for the amount of $8,687.00. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-1, with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Councilman Robertson voted against the motion. Item 34-I(C) Meadows Stage I for the amount of $7,200.00. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved to approve the drainage improvement project contract for Meadows Stage I for the amount of $7,200.00 Councilman Nelson seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 34-I(D) Meadows Stage II for the amount of $16,700.00. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon moved to approve the drainage improvement project contract for Meadows Stage II for the amount of $16,700.00. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 34-I(E) Grapevine Creek Erosion Control for the amount of $44,021.00. Councilman Robertson moved to deny the drainage improvement project contract for the Grapevine Creek Erosion Control project for the amount of $44,021.00. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) Item 5-ES A. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f), discussion concerning the negotiating position of the City with respect to agreements involving interests in land and the value of real property. 1. Kaye Street Drainage B. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e), Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83, discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communications between attorney and client. 1. D/FW Airport 2. Carrollton I.andfill C. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel. 1. Personnel - City Engineer & Fire Chief 2. Board of Directors DCAD REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) There being no further business to come before Council, the meeting was adjourned. Adjournment ATTEST: Dorothy Tim~Irt-n~-;~City Secretary