CM 1978-03-14 Minutes of Ma~c~ 1~, 1978 ~ The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on March 14, 1978, at 7:30 p.m.,~ in the Coppell High Schoo] Cafeteria. .. The following members were present: John Burns, Mayor Fred. Baker, Meyor Pro Tem Roy Brock, Councilman Don Carter, Councilman Andy. Grant, Councilman Councilman Stubby Steadm~n was not present. Al~oprese=t~were City Administrator James Elium, City Attorney Larry Jackson, and City Secretary Dorothy TimmOns. The meeting was called to order and everyone asked ~o stand while Councilman Brock gave the invocation.  Councilman the of the minutes be Pro Tem Brock moved that reading waived; Mayor Baker seconded and motion carried 3-0-1 with Councilman Carter abstaining and the LO mayor abstaining from showing approval or disapproval. Mayor Pro Tem Baker then Iml moved that the minutes beapproved as submitted; Councilman Brock seconded and ~ motioncarried 3-0-1 with Councilman Carter abstaining and the mayor abstaining ~:~ from showing approval or disapproval. The first 'item to be considered by the Council was the audit report for the 1976-77 fiscal year~ Councilman Grant suggested that any new Council member~ receive a copy of the~aud~it report each year. He then moved that the audit report be accepted; Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried 4-0 wi.t~the mayor showing his approval. A zoning change request of Mr. W. G. Thompson was the next item to be considered. Mr. Thompson is requesting a change of zoning from Retail and Multi-Family to SF-12 on approximately-~80.~)6~acres of land located at the northeast~corner of the intersection of Coppell Road and Sandy Lake Road. Mr. Larry MartSn~was at the meeting to present the application and to answer any questions that might come up. Following the presentation by Mr. Martin.~ Councilman Grant moved that the zoning change be approved; Mayor Pro Tom Baker seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Carter then moved that Ordinance # 129-A-8 be adopted approving the zoning change; Mayor Pro Tom Baker seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Next, a~letter of resignation from Mrs. Jeanne Penick was considered by the Council. Mrs. Penick is a member of the Library Board and feels that due to increased responsibilities in other areas,, it is impossible for her to continue as a Library Board member. Mayor Pro Tem Baker moved that the resignation be accepted; Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. ~ A report on the MU~' was next on the agenda. City Administrator James Elium stated that there was..no official report at this time; however, the property' owners in the district are holding a meeting in the next week to discuss what possible action they might wish to take regarding the district. No action was taken on this ite~. Next, City Attorney Larry Jackson exolained the orocedure for preparation of collection of delinquent taxe~and subsequent tax suits if necessary. Followin~ discussion o~'this item;Councilman Cartermowd~that the City proceed. ~ith the mailing of the first two letters which is required before a suit can be brought against the delinquent taxes and that the city attorney draft the first letter to be mailed by the City; Councilman Grant seconded the motion which carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. '~ proposal by Rady & Associates on, the water and sewer plan was th6 next item to ~e,-~r, onsidered. Mr. Derrell Johh~on was present to discuss this proposal with the Council, which included three alternative courses open for the Council's considera- tion. Alternate Scope #1 is in an amount not to exceed $12,800 and includes mapping of the existing system with a scale of 1": 200', updating of system studies and field locations and recording valves. Alternate Scope #2 includes mapping of existing system on a scale of 1" = 600', updating of system studies, and field locations and recording valves. Alternate Scope #2 is in an amount not to exceed $9,600. Alternate Scope #3 includes mapping of existing system: and updating of system studies in an amount not to exceed $7,500. Councilman Grant stated that he felt that no expense should be spared in this particular project since it is vitally needed. A period of discussion then followed as to which Scope would be in the best interest of the City. Following the discuss~n, Councilman Grant moved that Alternate Scope #1 in the amount of $12,800 be accepted; Councilman Carter seconded and motion 'carried 4-0 with the mayor shying his approval. The City Administrator's report was the next item on the agenda. Mr. Elium s~ted that he had received the proposed rate ordinance from the City of Dallas, and had been studying it i~ depth. He gave each Council member a summary of the ordinance which set out in layman's terms each individual section of the ordinance. Council- man Carter complimented the city administrator on the work he had done on the ordinance since it is so lengthy and technical. No action was taken at this time. The City Administrator also stated that he had enclosed a copy of a letter he had received in reply to a request for 701 funding. Next, Mr. Elium supplied each Council member with a tabulation of bids received on the EPA grant project and noted that the low bid is for pvc pipe and that ' all bids were will within the money. The next item the city administrator reported on was the bids on a tractor. Mr. -'~ Elium stated that the bids had been advertised and that he should be receiving some bids by the first of April. The monthly report for February was placed in each agenda folder and was brought to the Council's attention by Mr. Elium. The next item to be considered by the Council was the approval~ Councilman Grant moved that the bills be approved for payment; Mayor Pro Tem Baker seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The meeting was then adjourned. Jo/~R. Burns, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timm~ns, City Secretary