CM 1978-03-28 Minutes of March 28, 1978
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on March 28, 1978,
at 7:30 p.m., in the Coppell High School Cafeteria.
The following memberswere present:
John R. Burns, Mayor
Fred Baker, Mayor Pro Tom
Roy Brock, Councilman (Late Arrival)
Stubby Steadman, Councilman
Don Carter, Councilman
Andy Grant, Councilman
Also present were City Administrator James Elium, City Attorney Larry Jackson,
and City Secretary Dorothy Tineons.
The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Councilman
Steadman gave the invocation.
Mayor Pro Tem Baker moved that the reading of the minutes be waived; Councilman
Grant seconded and motion carried ~3-0-1 with Councilman Steadman abstaining and
the mayor showingapproval. Councilman Carter then moved that the minutes be
[.0 approved as submitted; Mayor Pro Tom seconded and motion carried 3-0-1 with
Iml Councilman Steadman abstaining and the mayor showing his approval. Councilman
Brock arrived at this time.
The first item to be considered was the hiring of Richard Cope of Texas Appraisal
as Taa Assessor for the City of Coppell. Because of a ~ecently passed Senate
bill, it has become necessary that the City have a Certified-Tax Assessor to con-
duct the appraising of all-property within the City. Councilman Carter moved
that Mr. Cope be hired subject to this matter being placed on the agenda at the
next meeting, and if tabeled, it will be considered to be approved. Councilman
Brock seconded the motion which carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Consideration of appropriation of funds for paving improvements with Dallas County
on Bethel Road from Moore Road to Heartz Road and on Moore Road from Beltline
Road to Sandy Lake Road was the next item to be considered. The funds for these
improvements would be appropriated from Revenue Sharing Funds with $8,000 being
allocated for Bethel Road and $7,000 going for improvements to Moore Road.
Councilman Grant indicated that he had received a letter from County 'Conmni'ssioner
Jim Jackson stating that funds were allocated to improve Denton Tap,.Beltline to
the county line, West Bethel Road, and Esters Road. City Administrator James
Elium noted that these improvements were part of the Bond Program which has re-
cently been approved and would not in any way affect the proposed improvements
to Bethel and Moore Roads. Councilman Grant indicated that in his opinion, im-
provements needed to be made on Sandy Lake Road before they were made on Bethel
and Moore Roads. Those citizens who requested to be heard from the audience in-'
cluded Mrs. June Chenault, Mr. Fred Harrington, and Mr. Fred McCurley. Following
discussion on this item, Councilman Grant moved that it be tabled until the
next Council meeting; Councilman Steadman seconded and motion carried 5-0 with
the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Carter requested that the minutes re-
flect.for future Council members'information that the Council should take ad-
vantage of any proposals by the County to make improvements within the City limits
of Coppell.
The next item to be considered by the Council was Consideration of acceptance of
. resolution and other matters f~om the Coppell Municipal Utility District #l
allowing the City of Coppell and~Cityof Coppell customers service On lines con-
structed by the District. The resolution was not ready at this time, however
Mr. Paul Phy, Attorney for the MUD, was present and presented the Council wtth~.a
letter stating that the District supports the City's efforts in regard to con-
st~uction of additional sewer collection lines in the City. However, the District
feels it must determine how the project is to be paid for and the terms and con-
ditions under which the City will permit the District to connect to the City's
new lines which will be situated in the District as well as how the City will
compensate the District for the capacity used of the District's trunk line. When
this information is furnished to the District, the District will agree to respond
within five working days with a specific answer to this request. A copy of this
letter is attached as a permanent part of these minutes. City Administrator James
Elium indicated he had talked with both consultants who are doing the rate study
for the City and that they will have 'the information requested by Mr. -
Monday or Tuesday oF the following week. No action was taken on this matter at
this time.
The next item to be considered by the Council was a resolution and other matters
permitting District customers service on lines constructed by the City of Coppell.
This item was deleted from the agenda.
Next, the Council considered waiving pro-rata sewer charges for property served
by sewer line "M" to those property owners participating in the construction
cost and dedicating sewer line easements. Mr. Elium noted that there are seven
property owners who would be affected by this line and that all seven have agreed
to participate in the cost of the construction of the line. The cost of the line
will be approximately twice what the cost of the pro-rata would be. Councilman
Carter moved that the pro-rata sewer charges be waived on this putting up the
total cost of construction and dedicating the sewer line easements. Councilman
Grant seconded the motion which carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The City Administrator's Report was the next item on the agenda. Mr. Elium noted
that a copy of the new City checks was in each Council folder. The checks now
have the City Logo which has been added at no extra cost. Next, under the City
Administrator's Report was discussion on the Dallas Water Rates. It was noted
that the Dallas City Council will consider the ordinance governing water rates
at their next Council meeting which will be the following day. Mayor Pro Tem
Baker made a report on the Committee for Fair Water Rates meeting which was held
earlier in the day. He stated that if the ordinance is passed by Dallas, it
would produce some rates that the City of Coppell would not b~ able to pay. If
the City decides to reserve a smaller amount of water, the rates would stay as
they are now, but the City would not be able to get water for future growth. If .
we reserve a larger amount, we would not be able to pay the rates that are pro-
posed. As an example, if a person has a $20 water bill now, under the proposed
rates, their water bill would become $240. Dallas has made a deadline of July 1
and required all 6ities' to-make a decision by that time; City Attorney Larry
Jackson indicated the City should make their decision and file it under protest.
The last item under the City Administrator's Report concerned payment of the claim
on the missing property by the Bonding Company. The City has received a check
from the Bonding Company and has turned over to the bank all the money that was
recovered from the robbery and a check from the City in the amount that was paid
by the Bonding Company. Councilman Grant indicated that in his opinion a report
needed to be made to the citizens of the City concerning the payment of this money..~
Nm action was taken on this item.
The next item to be considered by the Council was Approval of the bills. Council-
man Grant moved that the bills be approved for payment. Councilman Brock seconded
and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The meeting was then closed to the public for an Executive Session allowed under
Article 6252-17, Section 2(c), discussion with City Attorney and Article 6252-17,
Section 2(gl, discussion concerning personnel.
Following the Executive Session, the meeting was adjourned.
John. Burns, Mayor
Dorothy Timm~ns, Cit~y Secretary