CM 1978-06-01 Minutes of June l, 1978 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in special called session on June l, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell High School Library. The following members were present: John R. Burns, Mayor Andy Brown, Mayor Pro Tem Roy Brock, Councilman David Phillips, Councilman Glen White, Councilman Andy Grant, Councilman Also present were City Administrator James Elium, City Attorney Larry Jackson,.and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons. The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Council- man Phillips gave the invocation. The first item on the agenda was consideration of an agreement with the Municipal Utility District No. 1. CitY Administrator James Elium present- Ill ed a draft from the MUD Board consenting to the City of Coppell connecting to the District's trunk sewer main. He stated that the City Attorney as well as the Bond Attorney and the financial people for the City have a copj' of the proposed resolution and have reviewed it. There were several quest- ions from the Council concerning the proposed draft. Namely, Number two (Paragraph C), Number four, and Number five. The City Attorney questioned the date of September 1, 1978, as being the deadline for having a plan back to the MUD Board. Mr. Paul Phy, Attorney for the Municipal Utility District, informed the Council that that date is the date that has been set by Congress for the Bond Refunding Law to be abolished, and any action concerning the p~esent methods for refunding would have to be established before that date in order to be effective. Mr. Phy also stated that the plan which the City would present to the MUD Board did not have to be limited to the three choices stated in Number five of the proposed resolution. He stated that the City could add an Item D to the resolution saying something to the effect :'or continue to consider other plans to take over the District". Mr. Phy also stated that it was not the District's intention to determine what kind of plan the City proposed, but that they were willing to work with the City in any way pessibie. Concerning the questions on Item ~;umber four, Mr. Phy stated that he felt that saragraph had been poorly written, and that the last sentence could be cha~?d to real as follows, "Accordingly, the District has proceedeJ To adopt this resolution with th( Jrther requiremen[ that This resolution is applicable only to those resideqts to be served by the _ City's Sewer Grant EPA Proje:t No. £-431203-03-0 lines, and that the City assures the District that it will not permit new sub-divisions outside the District's natural drainage area to connect to the designated sewer collection lines." Item No. 2(c) concerned operating and maintenance costs. There were some questions in the Council's mind as to what involved operating and maintenance cost. Mr. Phy assured the Council that there would be no gen- eral administrative expenses included in the operating and maintenance cost. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Grant moved that a resolution consenting to the City of Coppell connecting certain new sewer collection lines to the District's trunk sewer main subject to certain conditions and the approval of an agreement thereon with the City of Coppell be adopted. Following comments from the City Attorney and Mr. Phy, Councilman Grant withdrew his motion. Following a period of more discussion, the City At- torney suggested that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Coppell Municipal Utility District No. 1 have tendered to the City of Coppell an offer con- cerning the City of Coppell's right to connect ~ts proposed new sewer lines to the District's trunk sewer main line, the material terms of which are set forth in a resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the Coppell Municipal Utility District No. 1 dated June l, 1978, a copy of which is attached hereto. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Coppell accepts the offer, the provisions of which will be included in an agreement which will be reduced to writing. The final agreement shall include those changes and additional explanations considered by the Council and approved by counsel representing the Coppell Municipal Utility District as being changes that shall not materially affect the terms of the offer. Councilman Grant then moved that the resolution be adopted; Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The next item to be considered by the Council was awarding of the contract for construction of improvements to the sanitary sewer system. Councilman White moved that the contract be awarded to Lightning Construction Company, subject to the Texas Department of Water Resources and the EPA Approval; Councilman Grant seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Following this item on the agenda, there were several questions from the audience concerning the new water and sewer rates which have gone into ef- fect June l, 1978. Those citizens were advised tQ contact City Hall to have their questions answered. The meeting was then adjourned. John P,~ Burns~ ,,ayor ATTEST: Dorothy Ti,T~ns, C%~' Secretary