CM 1978-06-27 Minutes of June 27, 1978
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on June 27,
1978, at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell High School Library.
The following members were present:
John R. Burns, Mayor
Andy Brown, Mayor Pro Tem
Roy Brock, Councilman
David Phillips, Councilman
Glen White, Councilman
Andy Grant, Councilman
Also present were City Administrator James Elium, City Attorney Larry Jack-
son, and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons.
The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Council-
man Phillips gave the invocation.
Mayor Burns then made a statement concerning the procedures to be followed
in Council meetings. He stated that the Robert's Rule of Order will be
followed from this point forward. Citizens that wish to be on the agenda
will need to contact the City Secretary. Those persons who are not on the
agenda who wish to speak at the meetings would have to receive a favorable
vote from the Council before they would be allowed to speak.
The next item to be considered by the Council was approval of the minutes.
Councilman Brock moved that the reading of the minutes be waived; Council-
man Grant seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his ap-
proval. Councilman Grant then moved that the minutes be approved as sub-
mitted; Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor.
showing his approval.
Next for consideration of the Council, was an ordinance authorizing the
issuance of S225,000 worth of City of Coppell, Texas Combination Tax and
Junior Lien Water and Sewer Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 1978.
Iqr. Boyd London was present from First Southwest and Mr. Ben Brooks from
Hutchison, Price, Boyle & Brooks to discuss this item. Mr. London stated
that he had been in New York the previous week to discuss a possible bond
rating for the City of Coppeil. Ne had just received word earlier in the day
that the City did not receive the BAA rating. As a result of this, the
£ity would have to pay a penalty interest on the bonds that are sold. He
was present at the meeting representing First Southwest to submit a bid
for the market certificates for S225,000, Series 1978 Certificates of Ob-
ligation with an interest rate of 6.27197. If this bid is accepted, the
City would be required to indicate their acceptance with a good faith check
for two per cent of the total amount which is $4,500. This amount would
be dra~n on a cashier's check'to be held by the City until the sale of the
S~nds. The bonds would run from 6/15/80 to 6/15/97 and would be optionally
callable in l~. !.~r. ~en Brooks of H~tchison, Price, Boyle & Brooks then
re'.iev, ed the proposed ordinance with the Council. Included in this ordinance
is t~e accepzan:e of the bid submitted by First Southwest. Following dis-
cussion on this i:em, Councilman Grant moved that this ordinance numbered
l~S be adopted; Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the
hayer shewing his approval. A copy of this ordinance is attached as a per-
r~r~ent part o¢ these minutes.
The next ire? to be considered by the Council was approval of the final plat
for ~Jillo~.~ood Addition, Fox and Jacobs, Inc. !~ayor Burns stated that the
Fianning and Zoning Commission has reco[~enoed that this plat be approved
subject to no !ess than 40% of the homes built being the Flair homes and
that suitable landscaping be provide~ in the greenbelt and lake areas that
b'ill be acceptable to the city aoministraZion. Councilman Grant stated that
he vas still cor,:err~d ~.ith the flood control ir: ~he :~roocsed development
that would al%ct ~hcse areas d:;~..nszream. ~?. '<itchell replied that the ou~-
fio~ storm se~er [,i?es out of the %am would control the run-off water and
also that the p:-~ser, t sit~ of the pond is tc bs ~ug ~o a depth o~ si>: f~et
~..'h~ch would held cor, trol the ran-off. ~e s~a~e~ zh~t thes. e iF proveF,ents v. ill
hold eight inches of rain in a two hour period of time without the water
going over the spillway. Mr. Mitchell was also questioned concerning
whether or not heavy equipment and trucks would be going on Bethel Road
when construction is started. Mr. Mitchell answered that they could in-
struct their people to stay off of Bethel Road. Mr. Johnson indicated
that he wished to speak from the audience, h~ayor Pro Tem Brown moved
that ~r. Johnson be recognized; Councilman White seconded and motion car-
ried 5-0 with the mayor shewing his approval. Mr, Johnson stated that he
was a new citizen to the City of Coppell and that several other people he
knew were new to the City and ware very concerned as to the availability
of information in City Hall and if there would be any roads open in this
proposed subdivision onto Bethel Road. lqr. Johnson was informed by City
Administrator James Elium that all records in City Hall are open to the
public as required by law, and at this time there is no roads in the pro-
posed development that will enter Bethel Road, !qayor Pro Tem Brown then
moved that Steve Parsons be recognized from the audience; Councilman White
seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Mr.
Parsons stated that he w~ a representative of ~roth Enterprises and that
they owned the land directly South of the proposed Fox and Jacobs develop-
ment, and at this point it is their intention that no road will connect with
the existing Rolling Hills Road in the Northlake Woodlands subdivision.
It was his suggestion that the road in the proposed Fox and Jacobs develop-
ment be changed from Rolling H~lls Road to avoid any confusion in names.
Following discussion on this item, Councilman White moved that the final
plat of Willowood Addition, Fox and Jacobs, Inc. be approved; Councilman
Brock seconded the motion. Councilman Grant then stated that he wished to
make a statement concerning his vote and the reasons he was voting the way
he was. Number one - The lot size is too small, Number two - The flood
plain area he feels needs more study, Number three - Traffic congestion
would be too heavy. The vote on the motion was 3-1-1 with Councilman Grant
against and Councilman Phillips abstaining since he works for Fox and Jacobs
and the mayor showing his disapproval of the motion.
The next item for the Council's consideration was a County-City Construction
agreement on the recently approved bond program improvements. Councilman
Grant moved that the City agree to these improvements; Councilman White
seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor shewing his approval.
!;ext, the Council considered setting July ll, 1978 as the date for a public
hearing on the Proposed Use of Eevenue Sharing monies for Entitlement
Period 10. This public hearing would be the kind that citizens of the City
would let the Council know their suggestions for the proposed Revenue Sharing
monies. Councilman Grant moved that this date be set for the public hearing
with the stipulation that everything possible be done to notify the citizens
of the City; Councilman Brc~ck secor,ded the motion ~hich carried 5-0 with
the mayor showing his approval.
Consideration of designating the reservoir capacity charge in accordance with
Dallas Ordinance No. ~5790 :he next item to be considered by ~n~: Council.
This ordinance states that the cities have until July l, 1976 to designate
reservoir capacities as set forth in the schedule in the Dallas lCater Rate
Orolnan~e. c.3 million is the capacity that is set forth for the C~ty of
Coppell. City Administrator
~:,.~_s Eiium stated that he has been in Austin
on several occasions to attend =0~
m .... no_ concernin9 the ¥~ater Rate Ordinance
and '~-' ' ~ '~ '
~,=~ the atsornevs have advised ~h~ each city should go ahead ane ces-
~enate their capacities that are set forth in
· ~n, Dallas Ordinance at this
~m.. Councilman Grant moYed that the ~,ayor be authorized to execute this
instrument and that 8.2 IqGD be the C,~y of Cc.~cell's reservoir capacity;
F~ayor Pro ~e~ Brc,,.'n secon~ed'a;~d m~tlon carrie~ ~-0 with the mayor showin§
his -~r~' ~ ~ '
. ¢ ...... n~ azca_ .~ as a ~ermanent part of
these minutes.
Approval of a F, ermit from St. Lc~uis 5outhv,.este~-n Eailro~d Cor, pany for cross-
ing ?~e railroad tracks for the proposed se;.,'er line ~'as the next item to
~e considered by t?:e Coun:il. Councilman SraF, t N~',ed thaz the City approve
this parmit w'ith the charge of .~?~ for ins?action f~es; ~iayor Pro To-.
sec~naed and m:ticm carried .=-0 ~..i~h the r:~sor s5owin.O his apF, reval.
Consideration of entering into a contract between the City of Coppell and
Dallas County for fire-rescue (ambulance) protection and rural fire pro-
tection in accordance with Article 2351a, Revised Civil Statutes tb protect
rural areas of Dallas County with City-owned and -operated equipment was
the next item to be considered by the Council. This contract is one that
the City and the County have had for several years. The ambulance subsidy
amounts to $2500 and the fire protection subsidy amounts to $3,000 per year.
Councilman Grant moved that these contracts be executed; Councilman White
seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
I.~rs. June Chenault tY, en requested to be recognized from the audience.
Councilman Grant moved that Mrs. Chenault be recognized; Councilman Brock
seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Ms.
Chenault stated that she had presented a letter to the Council and that it
was completely ignored. She stated that she had been asked to put the re-
quest in writing in order for the Council to hear it, that there would be
no chance for her to present her arguments in person at the meeting. There
followed a period of discussion concerning the format of Council meetings
and citizen's opportunities to speak at those meetings. Nayor Pro Tem Brown
then moved that lqrs. ~atthews be recognized from the audience; Councilman
Brock seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
F~rs. h~atthews stated that she was very concerned about not being able to
reach City Hall or to find any information concerning Council meetings.
The next item on the agenda was the City Administrator's Report. City Ad-
ministrator James Elium stated that he would like to respond to Mrs. blat-
thews' statements concerning not being able to reach City Hall. City Hall
is open from 7:00 to 4:00. There is someone present at all times. Any
citizens who have a question or a problem concerning City operations should
contact City Hall and he would be glad to discuss the matter with them. ~Ir.
Elium then presented the Council and the City Attorney with copies of the
revised proposed subdivision ordinance and stated that it will be on the
agenda for July ll. The last item under the City Administrator's Report
was a statement by Mr. Elium that Council members will be getting their first
copy of the proposed budget for 1978 - 79 by the end of this week.
The next item to come before the Council was approval of the bills. Council-
man ?ant m~ved that bills be approved for payment; Councilman White seconded
a~d motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
TY, e meeting was then closed to the public for an Executive Session allowed
u[,der Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f), discussion concerning land ac-
Following the £xecu~ive Session, the meeting was adjourned.
John R. Burns, ~;ayor