CM 1978-08-08 Minutes of August 8, 1978
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on August 8,
1978, at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell High Schcol Library.
The following members were present:
John R. Burns, Mayor ~=~
~ndy Brown, I~ayor Pro Tem
Roy Brock, Councilman
David Phillips, Councilman
Glen White, Councilman
Andy Grant, Councilman
Also present were City Administrator James Elium, City Attorney Larry Jackson,
and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons.
The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Councilman
Phillips gave the invocation.
Councilman Brock then moved that the reading of the minutes be waived;
Councilman White seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his
approval. Councilman Brock next moved that the minutes be approved as
submitted; Mayor Pro Tem Brown seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the
mayor showing his approval.
The first item to be considered by the Council was an ordinance approving
supplemental death benefits for City of Coppell employees. These benefits
would provide an amount equal to the annual salary of the employee in the
event of his death. The cost to the City is .035% for t978 and .036% for
1979 of all employees annual salaries. Total cost for the 1978-79 budget
year would be approximately $800. Councilman Brock moved that this ordi-
nance, No. 186, be approved; Councilman White seconded and motion carried
5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Next, Councilman Grant gave a report on his recent trip to Davis, California.
This city is approximately 15-20 miles southwest of Sacramento, has about
35,000 population, and is approximately 7-10 square miles of area within the
City limits. Councilman Grant stated that their energy conservation program
as well as their master plan and zoning ordinance is very well prepared and
that some of their ideas and applications would be well suited for this
area. One of their main goals is to reduce ener~ consumption by fifty
percent and to have no further growth by 1990. Their master plan was adopted
in 1973 and has been updated every year.
Following Councilman Grant's presentation, the next item to be considered by
the Council was consideration of approval of both the preliminary and final
plat for Cottonwood Addition to the City of Coppell. !qr. Bill Thompson and
Dr. Mel Gross made the presentation and stated that the subdivision will
contain fourteen lots ranging in size from 4.79 acres to a little over six
acres. There is a minimum of 2,600 square feet on the size of the houses
and all fences that are constructed will be either of wood or stone. City
Administrator Elium stated that the paving of the proDosed road in the
subdivision would meet or exceed the requirement of the old subdivision
ordinance and that it would comply with the requirements of the new subdivision
ordinance. He also stated that a variance would need to be granted on the
length of the one road that is in the subdivision. Following discussion on
this item, Councilman Grant moved that the plat be approved with the variance
for the road; Mayor Pro Tem Brown seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the
mayor showing his approval.
Next, the Council considered advertising for bids for a general purpose
computer system. They would be opened on the approximate date of October 3.
Following discussion on this item, Councilman Grant moved that it be tabled;
Councilman White seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his
Consideration of changing the size of Line B-1 of the EPA Sewer Project from
a 6" line to a 10" line on Sandy Lake Road west of De Forest was the next item
to come before the Council. The e~t~f enlarging this line so that it
would serve the property presently owned by Joseph Driscoll would be paid by
the property owner. The total cost would amount to a little over $9,000.
Councilman Grant moved that the size of this line be increased with the stipu-
lation that the property owner pay the total extra cost of increasing the
line size; Councilman Brock seconded the motion which carried 4-g-1 with
~ayor ?ro Tem Brown abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
The City Administrator's report was the next item on the agenda. City
Administrator James Elium stated that he had received a bill from Lightning
Construction Company the previous afternoon in the amount of $91,!26.75 and
that the representatives present were concernined that they would be unable
to be paid until the next Council meeting since this item was not on the
agenda. Mr. Daniels from Lightning Construction Company stated that they had
not been aware of the deadline for submitting items for consideration by the
Council and that they would be in City Hall before the deadline from this
point forward. Following discussion on this item, Councilman White moved t~t
a special meeting be held at 3 p.m. on Thursday, August 10, 1978, for consider-
ation of approving payq~ent of this bill; Councilman Grant seconded th~ motion
0 which carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Approval of the bills was the next item on the agenda. Councilman Brock moved
that the bills be approved for ~ayment; Councilman White seconded and motion
carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The meeting was then closed to the public for an executive session allowed
under Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel and
Article 6252-17, Section 2 (c) discussion with City Attorney. Councilman
Grant left prior to the executive session.
Following the executive session, the meeting was declared open ~tO the public.
Councilman Brock moved that the firm of Henningson, Durham & Richardson, Inc.
be hired to evaluate the system of controls and operation of the City's
high service pumping and storage facilities, to recommend improvements and
methods of operating the high service pumping and storage facilities and to
prepare a letter report to contain the recommendations and estimated costs
for the proposed improvements. Councilman White seconded the motion which
carried 4-g with the mayor showing his approval.
The meetin~ was then adjourned.
Jo/~ R. Burns, Mayor
Dorothy Tigons, ~ity Secretary