CM 1978-09-26 Minutes of sePtember 26, 1978 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on Sept- ember 26, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell High School Cafeteria. The following members were present: 'John R. Burns, Mayor Andy Brown, Mayor Pro Tem (Late Arrival) Roy Brock, Councilman David Phillips, Councilman Glen White, Councilman (Late Arrival) Andy Grant, Councilman Also present were City Administrator James Elium, City Attorney Larry Jackson, and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons. The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Council- man Phillips gave the invocation. Councilman Brock then moved that the reading of the minutes be waived; Councilman Grant seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Brock moved that the minutes be approved as submitted; Councilman Grant seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor LJ_I showing his approval. The first item to be considered by the Council was a citizen's appearance by Mrs. Vivian Checkley to discuss the leash law and the need for cross- ings and lights at the proposed school site at Sandy Lake and DeForest Road. Mrs. Checkley presented a petition signed by the property owners on Howell and Bullock Street which requested that the City take a stronger stand on capturing and disposing of stray cats and dogs. A copy of this petition is attached as a permanent part of these minutes. Mrs. Checkley also re- quested that the City construct a crossing and/or lights at the proposed school site at DeForest and Sandy Lake Road for the protection of children crossing the streets in that area. It was the consensus of the Council that the City Administrator would check into acquiring a trap for the pur- pose of catching stray cats and dogs. No action was taken on the crossing for the school site. The next item to be considered by the Council was the advisability of form- ing a Citizen's Advisory Board to evaluate development and submit conclusions to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Following a lengthy discussion on this item, Councilman Grant moved that the Citizen's Advisory Board be reconstituted and reactivated; Councilman Phillips seconded the motion; Mayor Pro Tem Brown stated that he would like. to see that a contract or list of objectives be drawn up for the Citizen's Advisory Board before they are actually put into service and that the Citizen's Advisory Board will follow the directions of a majority of the Cobncil. F611owing more discussion on this item, Councilman Grant withdrew his'~rlgtnal motion. After a period of more discussion, Councilman Grant reinstated his motion that the Citizen's Advisory Board be reconstituted and reactivated; Council- man Phillips seconded the motion which carried 5-0 with the mayor abstain- lng from showing either approval or disapproval. The next item to come before the Council was a citizen's appearance of Mr. J. C. Thweatt to discuss sewer rate chaPges for his mobile home park. Mr. Thweatt presently has five mobile homes i~ his park. He is requesting that the minimum rate of four dollars be charged for sewer on four of these mobile homes. Following discussion by the Council, it was the consensus of the Council that this item would be placed on the next agenda in order for more study to be made. Next, the'Council considered hiring a CPA firm to performthe annual audit for the year ending September 30, 1978. Mr. John R. Mayberry has performed the services for the past few years and has indicated the cost would be around $2,000. Councilman Brock moved that John Mayberry be hired; Council- man White seconded and motion carried 5-0. The Mayor was not in the Council at the time the vote was taken. The next Jtem to be considered by the Council was approval of opening a road between Coppell Road and Esters Road south of the railroad and accept- ing the right-of-way for this road and considering the naming of the road. City Administrator James Elium presented a letter from County Commissioner 50 Jim Jackson stating that this proposed road would be eligible for County participation. A copy of this letter is attached as a permanent part of these minutes. Councilman Brock moved that this road be constructed and given the name Southwestern Drive; Councilman White seconded the motion which carried 4-0-1 with Councilman Grant abstaining and the mayor abstain- ing from showing ei.ther approval or disapproval. Change Order No. 3 on Line "M" for Lightning Construction Company was the next item to be considered by the Council. This line would serve that property south of t~ke railroad and would provide additional service to approximately fifty acres in that area. Mr. C. E. Hitchcock and Mr. Ashby asked to be recognized from the audience to direct complaints towards Lightning Construction Company on the clean-up work done on their drive- ways on Beltline Road. Mr. Larry Cates of Kyle and Associates was present and stated that he would be in the area Friday to see what could be done. Councilman White moved that Change Order No. 3 be accepted; Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 3-0-2 with Mayor Pro Tem Brown and Council- man Grant abstaining and the mayor showing his approval. Renewal of a contract with the Baptist Foundation on the lease for the three acre park site was the next item to be considered. This renewal lease would be for a period of five years beginning with October l, 1978, and ending on September 30, 1983. Councilman Grant moved that the City lease this park for the stated period; Councilman Phillips seconded and motion carried 4-0-1 with Councilman White abstaining and the mayor show- ing his approval. Consideration of clarifying the pro-ra~a charges for the existing residences on the EPA Project and determining acquisition of easements was the next item to be considered by the Council. City Administrator James Elium stated that approximately 33 residents have deposited $25 with the City to apply towards their pro-rata charge for connection to the sewer line when it is available. The letter sent to these citizens states that the of $1.95 would be charged. Present rates at this time pro-rata charges are $4.00 per foot. Following discussion on this item, Councilman White moved that those people who have paid the $25 deposit be charged $1.95 per foot pro-rata charges; Mayor Pro Tem Brown seconded and motion carried 4-0-1 with Councilman Brock abstaining and the mayor showing his approval. The acquisition of easements under this item is to be discussed in the executive session. The City Administrator's Report was the next item on the agenda. City Administrator James Elium stated that the Texas Municipal League convention will be held in Fort Worth on October 28-31. An AIP meeting for Planning and Zoning will be held in Fort Worth also the latter part of October. A barbeque given by Swor Sand & Gravel will be held on October 4 at 12 noon. All City employees and elected officials are invited. The IPA Grant has been accepted in the amount of $1,200. This is a matching grant for a personnel study. The next item to be considered by the Council was approval of bills. Councilman Brock moved that the bills be approved for pay~nent; Councilman Grant seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The meeting was then closed for an Executive Session allowed under Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g), discussion concerning personnel. Following the Executive Session, the meeting was declared open to the public. Councilman Grant moved that the City Attorney be authorized to institute condemnation proceedings on the property owned by Mr. Jerry Edwards, Mrs. Elsie Edwards, Mr. Cicero Long, and Mr. Robert Fleming and Mr. Chapman Dunham. Councilman Grant further moved that the City Administrator be instructed to contact Mr. E. F. Httchcock and that he be given an opportunity to sign an easement or that this line will be deleted. Councilman White seconded the motion which carried 4-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Brown against and the mayor showing his approval. The meeting was then adjourned. AT~mT~~X~o~.~ John R. Burns, Mayor D~~n~,~-f~t'~ Secretar~ P&3~ 1 [~ .0~.~6 p./~ , Septenber 26, 1998 To the ;[ayor amd CounciLmen of the City of Coppell: '.Te, t, he undersigned are concerned about the problem of str~ dogs and cats in this city. These boneless ¢%mals pose a serious health ~'~ ~n~ea, %o all citizens th~ rabies and parasitic diseases. En addition, these h~gry animals tear open garbage sacks and d~mp garbage cans in search of food, m. aking for sightly and d~n~erous litter on our streets. '.re therefore petition the City Council of Coppe!l to enact st~'onSer la:.~s re~ardin~ str~- and ov~erless anna!s, to the effect that these aninals be captured and disposed of in a h~m~e haL_mcr, and that further the CoppellUPo!ice be empowered to arz'est any pek'son observed "dm~ping" ~ unwanted pet in the city. Stiff fines of as much as UZO0 or othe~ suitable p~ish- ment should be applied for those found guilty of such as offense. I ~ rv, JIM JACKSON County Commissioner P~ecincl No. 1 Dallas County August 24, 1978 Mr. James R. Eliu~m, III City ~a~nager P.O.Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Dear Jim: Our public works department c~nfirms Coppell Road west of Belt Line is eligible for county participation under our road policy. Our estimates for construction of 1800 ft. from the curve in Coppell Road to Esters Road is $47,000. This includes $27,000 for materials. Dallas County Road and Bridge District I can build a rural section road within the next twelve months under the following conditions: 1. City will furnish: Right-of-way, utility adjustment, any drainage structures, and materials. 2. County will furnish: Labor and equipment for road construction. The twelve month period for completion to begin when right-of-way and utility adjustments are furnished or completed. Let me know if the city wants to accept this proposal. Sincerely, JJ:mm R E S 0 L' U T I 0 N WHEREAS, The Chamber of Commeace serving Addison, Carrollton, Coppell and Farmers B~anch, by official action of it's Board of Directors, strongly supports the development of State Highway ~90 to serve the East-West corridor from Carrollton to Garland; and WHEREAS, we request to Dallas City Council to den~ development in that portion of the corridor in the northern part of Dallas until such time as questions regarding the route alignment are met and resolved, and WHEREAS, The Chamber of Commerce urges the Dallas City Council to adopt a workable and viable route to help alievate traffic congestion in these respective cities for residents today and in the future, £he~e~ore~ BE IT RESOLVED, that The Chamber of Commerce expresses the need for this artery in part of Dallas Count~ not only for our four communities, but all of Northwest Dallas County, so BE IT FURTHER ~ESOLVED, that The Chamber hopes that a final determination be made at the earliest date in the interest of th~ City of Dallas, it's resident~ and property owners and all others concerned wi£h this much needed artery. Passed and appro~e~ this .19£h day of September, ~978 b~ the Board of Directors of The Chamber of Commerce serving Addison, Carrollton, Coppell and Farmers Branch ATTEST: // --~'~' ~5 . ~ ~ '- ~ "' -- ' FRED FE~GUSON ;"~ President LEE C.TENCH Executive Vice-Presiden£ 3208 BELT LINE ROAD FARMERS BRANCH, TEXAS 75234 (2'14} 241-5171 ¥~ E~C H/~M ~R-O~O .~ ~,",~C-~ ~¢~_G'AR R O~T~O~L L ~ F A ~ ~','; E R S-~ R A ~'~-h R E S 0 L UT I '0 N WHEREAS, The Chamber of Commerce serving Addison, Carrollton, Coppell and Farmers Branch, Streets ~ Roads Committee strongly urges the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation to open that section of 1-635 to Valley View, and WHEREAS, the opening of that section of Highway would alleviate the much congested traffic problems on both Royal Lane and Highway #114 to the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, and WHEREAS, after its completion date (December 1978) The Chamber of Commerce strongly joins with the cities of Farmers Branch, Carrollton and Coppell in their request to the State Department of Highways and Public Trans- portation to open 1-635 to Valley View £ane, therefore BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of The Chamber of Commerce serving Addison, Carroll£on, Coppell and Farmers Branch, hereby requests that the Highway Department allow the opening of said road to help relieve the already overcrowded traffic flow on Royal Lane and Highway #I~4. The Chamber's Board strongly feels that this two-mile artery should be open to the public since they helped fund a portion of the project through taxes. Passed and approved this 19th ~ay of September 1978 by the Board of Directors of The Chamber of Commerce serving Addison, Carroll£on, Coppell and Farmers Branch~ ATTEST - --'- -"? .. .. . . FRED FERGESON ~ ~ ' Preside LEE C. T~NCH Executive Vice-President 3208 BELT LiNE ROAD FARMERS BRANCH, TEXAS 75234 (2'i4) 24%5171 ~ BEN F.McDONALD, JR.,EXECUTIVE DIREC-[OR Septe~er 19, 1978 ; I C~t¥ e~ Cc,~aell P. ~ O. ~o~ 478 Cop?l], Texas 75019 ~ ~s letter ~s to con~ the ~eed to u~te your app]ScatSon for f'~d~g. Your applScat~on nee~ %o be revised to Tef]ect the f~d~g ]eYe] Q~ of $],200 w~th at ]east a $],200 mat~ing amo~t. OaT revSew co~ztee ~ yeco~,eDded that a perso~e] po]~cSes ~nd re~]ai~ons ~&nua] be developed at zh~s t~me for your staff of 27. Should your %ec, rk force ~crease %o your ~ prcject~on5 of 50 e~]oyees, you x,:ou]d be eligible ~o apply lo deve]op a more , ~ co~3rehens~we perso~el m~a~ement system. ,-- Please fmmisb the fo]]owing revfisSons %o ~ by September 29, 2978: ]. nuvlsea Dodger for ~ ,~O0 z~mazng ]erel. 2. Revised ~etab]e starling November 1, 1978. ]f ~,'e can be of assist~ce or furnish additional ~fo~;a~on, cai] us Respect~]ly, ~ar]es L. Graham. Director Pers~pmel ~nagement & ~ ~ D~vision