CM 1978-10-24 Minutes of October 24, 1978
The Ctty Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on October
24, 1978, at 7:30 pLm. In the Coppell Hfgh School Cafeteria.
The following members were present:
John Burns, Mayor
Andy Brown, Mayor Pro Tem
Roy Brock, Councilman
David Phillips, Councflman
Glen Whlte, Councilman
Andy Grant, Councilman
Also present were City Administrator James Elium, City Attorney Larry
Jackson, and City Secretary Oorothy Ttmmons.
The meettng was called to order and everyone asked to stand whfle Council-
man Phtlltps gave the Invocation.
Following the invocation, Councilman Brock moved that the reading of the
minutes be walved; Councilman Grant seconded and motlon carried 5-0 with
the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Brock then moved that the
minutes be approved as submitted; Councilman White seconded and motion
carried 5-0 wlth the mayor showing hts approval.
The first item on the agenda was consideration and dfscussion of pro-rata
charges for existing residences fn connection with the EPA Project. This
item was tabled from the October 10, 1978 Council Meeting. Mayor Burns made
a short statement concerning 'the pro-rata charges and letters that had been
sent to res+dences concerning the amount to be charged. He then asked for
cone~nts from the audience. Those persons who wished to speak on the pro-
rata charges were Mr. Bobby Jefferson, Mr. Steve Parsons, Mr. Bill Johnson,
Mr. Johnny Dobecka, Mr. Clyde Ehlers, Mr. Ray OeBorde, Mr. Steve Robinson,
Mrs. Nancy Jefferson. The main concern of these people were that the pro-
rata charges would create a hardshtp on those owners who would be required
to pay, especially since some are on limited tncomes. The statement was
also made that when the ortginal water and sewer 1tries were put in the
southwestern portlon of the Ctty, that if the resldences In the other portions
of the Clty would help pay for these water and sewer lines, no pro-rata
charges would be made when water and sewer lines were installed in those
areas. Mayor Burns then declared the public portton of the hearing closed
and asked for comments from Counctl members. Councilman Grant stated that
he felt that the people were not askJng that the pro-rata charges be dis-
continued, nor were they Indicating that they dtd not want sewer. Mayor
Burns stated that he would ltke for the Counctl to consider hls original
proposal that everyone who owned property on January 1, 1978, not be charged
pro-rata. Councilman Phillips questioned what would happen to those persons
who owned property on January 1 and have already payed pro-rata charges.
[t was the consensus of the Council that this money would probably need to
be refunded. Mayor Pro Tem Brown stated that he was fairly new to the com-
munity; however, he felt that whatever Is done should be fair and equitable
to everyone. However, he stated that someone would have to pay whether it
Is through water charges or through pro-rata. Following discussion on this
item, Councilman Grant moved that the City Attorney be Instructed to draw
up an ordinance following the guidelines that the property owners as of ~-~
January 1, 1978, not be charged pro-rata and that this item be put on the
next agenda of the Council; Mayor Pro Tem Brown seconded and motion carr4ed
5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The next item considered by the Council was a presentation by Cassandra
Campbell, Director and Donna Gronstal, Senior Adult Co-ordinator for the
Northwest County Service Center. This Center has five main objectives.
They are information and referral, professional counseling, emergency aide,
an office on aging, and community services. Miss Campbell stated that
their offices are located in Farmers Branch, and the purposes are two-fold.
First, to help people who are having a hard time helping themselves, and
secondly, to establish community services. Their main-objective in the
presentation was to inform people of their organization and to let them
know where they can get in touch with the offices if the need arises.
The next item on the Counctl agenda was a public hearing to consider a
zoning change request by Oavtd Pht~tp~foea zoning change to include
a specific use permit to sell sand-and gravel for a period of approximately
one year whtle grading per plan submitted with the application. Council-
man Phillips stated that he would like to disqualify htmself from the
Council and step down as a councilmember during this presentation. Mr.
Phillips then made a short presentation on the request and stated that he
would like to see the project viewed as a reclamation project. The hear-
lng was then declared open to the public, and Mayor Burns asked those
persons who wished to speak on the proposed change. They included Mr. Lee
Hall, Mr. Bill Johnson, Mr. Chris Kellner, Mr. Geren Burton. The main ob-
jection by these people were that they felt that a sand and gravel operation
should not be permitted close to a residential area. The public hearing
was then declared closed. Following discussion on this item, Mayor Pro Tem
Brown moved that a zoning change request be allowed for a zoning change
from "2F-l" (Two Family Dwelling) and "C" (Commercial) to "2F-l" (Two Family
Dwelling) and "C" (Commercial) with a specific use permit to sell sand and
gravel for a period of approximately one (1) year which will expire Dec-
ember 31, 197g. The specific use permit is to include the stipulations that
a performance bond of $12,000 be submitted, that the grades are not to ex-
ceed those that are on the grade map submitted with the application, that
once excavation has started, a period of six months will be allowed for
the actual excavation process, and that after December 31, 1979, there will
be no reconsideration or renewal of this application; Councilman Brock
seconded the motion which carried 3-1 with Councilman Grant against and the
mayor showing his approval.
Councilman Phillips was then re-seated on the Council.
Consideration of approval of the preliminary and final plat of the 5th
Section of North Lake Woodlands was the next item on the agenda. Mr. Steve
Parsons made this presentation and stated that they would increase the
stabilization in the streets to correct the problems that are being ex-
perlenced in the earlier sections. Following discussion on this item,
Mayor Pro Tem Brown moved that this item be tabled until a report can be
obtained from the developer on the stabilization as opposed to additional
blacktop; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 4-0-1 with Council-
man Grant abstaining and the mayor abstaining from showing either approval
or disapproval.
Citizens appearances by Mr. J. C. Thweatt to discuss the sewer rate charges
for his mobile home park was the next item on the agenda. Mr. Thweatt was
not in the audience, and the Council was advised by City Administrator
Elium that Mr. Thweatt had been informed of the meeting and had stated that
he would be present. Following discussion on this item, Councilman White
moved that the request be Jenied and that Mr. Thweatt be required to pay
the minimum of $7.85 per mobile home for his park; Councilman Brock second-
ed and motion carried 4-0-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Brown abstaining and the
mayor abstaining from showing either approval or disapproval. Council in-
structed City Administrator Elium to inform Mr. Thweatt of the decision.
Approval of final plat on Willowood Addition, Phase II was the next item
on the agenda. Mr. Mike Mitchell was present from Fox and Jacobs and made
the presentation. City Administrator Elium stated that the plat is in
compliance in all respects with the City codes. Following discussion,
Councilman White moved that this plat be accepted as submitted; Councilman
Brock seconded and motlon carried 2-1-2 with Councilman Grant against and
Mayor Pro Tem Brown and Councilman Phillips abstaining. The mayor showed
his approval of this decision.
Renewal of a contract.with the Baptist Foundation for a lease on the park
site was the next item considered. The Baptist Foundation has requested
that the City pay rent in an amount equal to the total amount of the taxes
on a 3½ acre site. These taxes would include City, School, and County taxes.
Councilman Brock moved that this agreement be accepted; Councilman White
seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Zoning ordinances on "The Meadows" was the next item to be considered. Mayor
Pro Tem Brown moved that these ordinances numbered 129-A-9 and A-10. be approved;
Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 4-1 with Councilman Grant against
and the mayor showing his approval.
The City Administrator's Report~waS~the~next item on the agenda. City
Administrator Elium stated that the water pipe for Moore Road has been
purchased and has been delivered. He also stated that the ad for the
cable T.V. has been running in the newspapers and he has had several in-
quiries in answer to this ad.
The next item on the agenda was approval of the bills. Mayor Pro Tem Brown
moved that the bills be approved for paynmnt; Councilman Grant seconded and
motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The meeting was then closed for an Executive Session allowed under Article
6252-17, Section 2{gl discussion concerning personnel and Article 6~2-17,
Sectipn 2~c) discussion with the City Attorney. Lr~~e~7-~-
Following the Executive Session, the meeting was declared open to the public.
Mayor Pro Tem Brown moved that Steve Goram and Bobby Roberts be granted
the $15 per month increase which is called for in the personnel policy
for a City license; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 4-0 with
the mayor showing his approval.
The meeting was then adjourned.
John R. Burns, Mayor