CM 1979-01-23 '65
Minutes of January 23, 1979
The City CouncJ1 of the Ctty of Coppell met in ~egular sesston on January 23, 1979, at
7:30 p.m., tn the Coppell Htgh School Cafeteria.
The following members were present:
John R. Bums, Mayor
Andy Bmwn, Mayor Pro Tem (late arrtval)
~ Roy Brock, Councilman
~ ' David PhtllJps, Councilman
Glen White, Councilman
Andy Grant, Councilman
Also present were City AdmJntstrator James El~um, C~ty Attorney Larry Jackson, and City
Secretary Dorothy T~mmons.
The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while CouncJlman Phillips gave
the Invocation.
Following the invocation, Councilman Brock moved that the reading of the m~nutes be waJved
Councilman Grant seconded and the motJon carrJed 4-0 wJth the mayor showing hJs approval.
Councilman White then moved that the minutes be approved as submitted; Councilman Brock
seconded and motJon carried 4-0 wJth the mayor showing hJs approval.
LJ_I The first Jtem of business to come before the Council was the report on the audJt for the
~ 1977-1978 budget year. Due to complications, this budget is not available at this time.
~ Councilman Brock moved that thJs Jtem be tabled unt~l the next regular Council meeting;
Councilman Grant seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showJng his approval.
A presentation by Storer Cable TV for servJces to Coppell was the next item presented.
Mr. Jerry Proctor and Mr. Dan Walls were present and presented the d~scussion to the
Council. Their presentation ~ncluded free ~nstallat~on servJces w~th~n the first 30 days
that the system is available. BasJc cost would be $6.00 per month, wJth a $5.00 economy
package, $7.00 home box office or show t~me, $1.50 for convertor, $1.50 for FM Radio, and
e-- $8.50 for fan fair and sports. Mayor Pro Tem Brown arrived durJng this presentation. Mr.
Proctor stated that there would be only one monthly charge for all the sets Jn a home.
Following the presentation, Jt was the consensus of the Council that a franchJse agreement
would not be awarded at thts Council meetJng, but would be tabled unt~l the next regular
A representation by Cable-VJslon of Coppe11, Inc. was the hex Jtem on the agenda. Mr. BJ11
Bonhart and Mr. Joseph Or~scoll were present for this ~tem. Mr. Bonhart reiterated that the
basJc cost would be $8.50, w~th the home box offJce being $9.00, and an economY package of
$4.50. Following thJs presentatJon, Mayor Pro Tem Brown moved that this ~tem be tabled unU~
the next regular Council meetJng; Councilman White seconded and motion carrJed 5-0 with the
mayor showing his approval.
Approval of preliminary plat on 7th Section, Northlake Woodlands, located at the northwest
corner of Moore and Bethel School Roads, was the next Jtem to be consJdered. SJnce Mr.
Steve Parsons was not present at the meetJng, Councilman White moved that this 1rem be
tabled until the next regular meetJng; Mayor Pro Tem Brown seconded and motion carrJed
5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. :
Approval of final plat on Creek Bend'Estates located on OeForest'was-the next item
considered by the Council. Mr. Harold McCraken was present to discuss this item with the
Council. City Administrator James Elium stated that the plat does meet all the re-
quirements of the City codes. Following discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Brown moved that this
item be approved as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board; Councilman White seconded
and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Approval of contract with the Lightning Construction Company for construction of water line
on Moore Road was the next item for the Council's consideration. After discussion on this
item, Councilman Brock moved that this contract be awarded; Councilman White seconded and
motion carried 3-0-1 with Councilman Grant abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
Mayor Pro Tem Brown was notpresent when this vote was taken.
Approval of ordinance regulating signs within the city limits of Coppell was the next item
considered by the Council. Discussion was held considering whether the annual renewal fee
should be charged to signs having less than 100 square feet, and also whether signs 3 feet
by 3 feet should be exempt. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Grant moved that
sign ordinance, No. 193, be approved subject to the changes mentioned concerning the annual'
renewal fee and the exemption of the size of signs; Mayor Pro Tem Brown seconded and motio~
carried 4-0-1 with Councilman White abstaining and the mayor abstaining from showing
either approval or disapproval.
Appro~LJ~ of ordinance changinq the zoning classification on the request Qf Southwestern Town
Lot Corporation was the next item on the Council agenda. Councilman Grant moved that this
ordinance~No. 129-A-9, be approved; Mayor Pro Tem Brown seconded and motion carried 3-0-2
with Councilman White and Councilman Phillips abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
Approval of Invoice No. 436 to Robert C. Kyi~ ~' ~s~'~ciates in the amount of $309.60 was
the next item considered by the Council. This is for engineering services on the EPA
sewer line. Councilman Brock moved that this item be approved for payment; Councilman
White seconded and motion carried 4-0-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Brown abstaining and the mayor
showing his approval.
Ballot for the Board of Trustees Election for the 'Texas Municipal League Workmen's
Compensation Joint Insurance Fund was then considered by the Council. The three candidates
for re-election are Mayor Koebig of Segutn, Ed Wagoner of Tyler, and Marvin Townsend of
Corpus Christi. All three members are up for re-election and are recommeded by the TML Staff~
Councilman Grant moved that these three members be voted for re-election; Mayor Pro Tem
Brown seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Renewal of the contract with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Texas for health insurance for
city employees was then discussed by the Council. City Administrator James Elium stated
that this contract will be up for renewal on March 1, 1979, with'the rate .(o'be substantiall7
higher; however, the Texas Municipal League is presently working on a proposal for all
member cities. This proposal would include more benefits at a lesser cost. It is the
recommendation of the City Administrator that the present policy be renewed on a month to
month basis, and the TML policy be contracted for when it is available. Following discussion,
Councilman Grant moved that the present Blue Cross/Blue Shield Health Insurance premiums
be renewed on a month to month basis; Mayor Pro Tem Brown seconded and motion carried
5-0 with the mayor abstaining for showing either approval or disapproval.
The City Administrator's Report was the next item on the agenda. City Administrator James
Elium stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission has been reviewing the zoning
ordinance; however, they did not make any recommendation at their last regularly scheduled
meeting. He also informed the Council that the Corps of Engineers has furnished the City
with a detailed flood plain study on all major creeks within the City. Councilman Brock
questioned the status of the Coppell Municipal Utility District paying the City of Coppell
for services provided to the District by City employees. He requested that the City _.~
Administrator follow-up on this item, and that a bill be forwarded to the Municipal Utility
District for the month of January.
Approval of the bills was next on the agenda. Councilman Brock moved that the bills be
approved for payment; Councilman Grant seconded and motion carried 4-0-1 with Mayor Pro
Tem Brown abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
The' meeting was then closed for an Executive Session allowed under Article 6262-17, Section
2 (c) discussion with City Attorney, and Article 6252-17, Section 2 (gl discussion concerning
personnel. During the Executive Session Mayor Burns and Councilman Grant had to leave.
Following the Executive Session, the meeting was declared open to the public. Councilman
White moved that the resignation of Debbie Layton be accepted; Councilman Brock seconded
and motion carried 4-0, Mayor Pro Tem Brown stated that he would like a certificate of
:~F reciatton mailed to Miss Layton for services rendered to the~Ctty. Councilman White then
m~cd that Becky Jeter be hired at $3.75 per hour as a secretary in the administration
~ff/ces and that Lowell Moss be hired at $4.15 per hour in the Water Department; Councilman:
~c~ seconded and motion carried 4-0. Councilman White then moved that the City pay the
i~orance premiums on'officer Dover Bradshaw; Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried
~ Councilman Phillips moved that the travel expense of Inspector Scott Barnett be raised
~ $150'per month; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 3-0-1 with'Councilman
~rock abstaining. Mayor Pro Tem Brown moved that the City Administrator be directed to talk
with Southwestern Town Lot Corporation concerning payment of the easement on the Baptist
Foundation property; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 4-0. --~
The meeting was then adjourned.
John R. Burns, Mayor
~orothy Ti~mo~r~-cl ty S~cretary